The Ultimate Husband Novel Chapter 2493 – 2494

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Chapter 2493

“My subordinates don’t dare to lie.” The disciple said quickly.

Lorenzo took a deep breath, waved his hand to signal the disciple to step back, and then looked around: “What do you think?”

“Brother Wen!”

As soon as the words fell, Peter was excited, and stood up first and said, “Is there any need to say this? Raquel` must have a problem, otherwise, why hasn’t she returned a single message after so long?”

“Speaking of which, I began to suspect the last time she went back to the Weather Palace alone. At that time, her emperor’s brother was in danger and the situation was in critical condition, but she wouldn’t let us help.”

“This time she went to Beiying Continent. She was like this again. She left without saying anything. I suspect that she has betrayed Fengzi and secretly colluded with Edward. We all know that Ji Hongshang betrayed Bai Yun. Fei, that’s why Raquel` is chasing Ji Hongshang.”

When he said this, Peter blushed and was very excited.

Peter has a straightforward personality, and he doesn’t care who the other party is.


Hearing this, everyone in the hall fell silent.

What the Great Sage said is not unreasonable. Could it be that Raquel` really betrayed Darryl and colluded with the demon forces?

For a while, the hall was silent and the atmosphere was dull.

“Great Saint.”

Finally, Lorenzo took the lead in reacting and blamed Peter: “Don’t talk nonsense about these words, Raquel` has a deep love for Feng Zi, how could he betray?”

He understands Raquel`’s personality, dares to love and hate. Although she is a woman, she has a tough personality and will not do anything to be sorry to Darryl.

Peter took a deep breath and asked back: “Brother Wen, don’t help Raquelspeak now, when the Tianqi Emperor's Mausoleum trembled, and after Chiyou's ancient tomb came into existence, the whole Kyushu knew that Chiyou belonged to the Demon Race, while Raquel was in harmony with him. All the members of the Tianqi Royal Family are descendants of the Demon Race.”

“With the blood of the ancestors, it is logical for Raquel` to collude with the demons.”


Hearing this, Lorenzo opened his mouth and didn’t know how to refute for a while, because Peter said it well, the Tianqi royal family belonged to the descendants of the demon race. The whole Kyushu knew about this. Besides, Raquel` was still in the ancient tomb. It has been inherited by Chiyou.

After hesitating, Lorenzo said slowly, “Well, no matter what happens to Raquel`, we must take precautions first.”

After speaking, Lorenzo ordered the disciple of the Hall of Longevity: “Send someone to Rushers immediately, report the situation to Qingyan, and then ask her to bring the elite of Rushers to the Ouyang family.”

Rushers is powerful, and with their help, even if the Ouyang family encounters an emergency, they can turn disaster into good fortune.


Hearing the order, the disciple of the Hall of Longevity responded and walked out quickly.

“Brother Wen!”

At this time, Bessie, who was sitting next to him, bit her lip lightly, and couldn’t help but whisper, “You are also suspicious of Yingying? Do you think she will bring the Tianqi army to help the demons destroy the Ouyang family?”

Lorenzo didn’t have complicated eyes and was about to speak.


However, before a word was uttered, a loud noise suddenly came from outside! The gate of the Ouyang family was instantly razed to the ground!


Immediately afterwards, screams continued outside the hall.

“what’s the situation?”

Lorenzo was shocked, his face was extremely frightened, and then quickly walked out.

Peter followed closely behind.


When they got outside, seeing the scene in front of them, whether it was Lorenzo or Da Sheng Sun, they couldn’t help gasping for air, and their hearts were extremely shocked.

I saw that the front yard of the Ouyang family was a mess, the gate was split into powder, and a huge pit with a diameter of tens of meters was blasted out on the ground. In the huge pit, dozens of disciples of the Ouyang family lay in a pool of blood. Howling! These people are obviously no longer alive!

Outside the gate, more than 100 men in black stood there quietly, each with the terrifying aura of death.

Above the more than 100 men in black, a burly figure was quietly suspended, wearing blood-red armor, and the whole body was filled with a violent and evil aura, which was unparalleled.

It was Dilgog, one of the twelve holy demon kings of the demon race.

Chapter 2494

After Gone opened the prophecy of the Holy Spirit Stone and learned that Darryl was not dead, Gone was shocked and angry at the time, so he directly sent the twelve holy demon kings to the Kyushu continent to destroy Darryl at all costs.

As one of the Twelve Holy Demon Kings, after arriving in Kyushu, Dilgog’s first target was the Ouyang family.

After all, the Ouyang family is Darryl’s nest.


This is the devil…

Feeling the terrifying aura that erupted from Holy Demon King Dilgog, Lorenzo and Peter felt chills in their hearts, and their eyes were full of shock!

“You… who are you?”

Shocked, Lorenzo couldn’t help but speak!

The opponent’s strength is terrifying, and the breath of the demon soul permeating his body is even more terrifying than Edward, and he must have an extraordinary origin.

At the same time, Peter’s people eyes were also closely watching the Holy Demon King Dilgog, and they were all shocked.


Hearing the question, the Holy Demon King Dilgog smiled evilly, with a look of contempt for everything: “I am Dilgog, one of the twelve holy demon kings of the demon race, and today I am here to kill Darryl, where is Darryl? He came out to die.”

When he said this, the Holy Demon King Dilgog looked proud. With his status and strength, he didn’t take Lorenzo in the eyes of everyone at all.

Are you looking for Fengzi?

Hearing the answer, Lorenzo frowned, and at the same time, he was furious.

This Holy Demon King has a big tone. He came to the Ouyang family to look for trouble and even named Fengzi’s life. But I have to say that the opponent’s strength is terrifying, and it does have this strength.

At the same time, the children of the Ouyang family also came out when they heard the movement. They looked up at the Holy Demon King Dilgog one by one.

Finally, Lorenzo reacted, looked at the Holy Demon King Dilgog, and said lightly: “It turned out to be looking for Darryl, unfortunately, he is not here.”

When the words fell, Peter took a step forward and said loudly: “We are also looking for him. If you have news about him, you can just tell us.”


Hearing this, the Holy Demon King Dilgog’s face sank. Mad and the Ouyang family are very courageous. At this time, they still dare to mess with me?

Thinking to himself, the Holy Demon King Dilgog sneered and looked around: “Since he is not here, I have no choice but to do something to you, you are all Darryl’s family, if I arrest you all, Darryl will definitely appear. .”

Saying that the Holy Demon King Dilgog turned gloomy: “I advise you not to resist. Whoever dares to resist will be killed. My goal is only Darryl, so don’t force me to kill.”

The last word fell, and the Holy Demon King Dilgog raised his hand and waved.


In an instant, the more than 100 demon warriors behind him came quickly, preparing to tie up the Lorenzo crowd.

Faced with this situation, Lorenzo and everyone were extremely shocked.

The Holy Demon King of this Demon Race is really insidious, and he even wanted to lead out Darryl by imprisoning the Ouyang Family.


Seeing those demon warriors rushing to the front, Peter had a fiery personality. At that time, he shouted and pointed at the Holy Demon King Dilgog and cursed: “What are you? You are also qualified to let us be captured?”

“Aren’t you going to kill Fengzi? I’m his brother, his business is mine, come to me if you have the ability.”


The last word fell, Peter raised his hand and waved, and saw a dazzling light flickering, the opening axe was tightly grasped in his hand, and then his body rose into the air and charged directly towards the Holy Devil King Dilgog.

During this period of time, Peter had a new understanding. Wherever the figure passed, the air was distorted, and the power was amazing!

“Great Sage, don’t be impulsive.”

Seeing this scene, Lorenzo’s face changed, and he couldn’t help but exclaimed, although Peter is powerful and has an ax to open the sky, he is not necessarily a match for Dialog.

After all, the other party is one of the twelve holy devil kings.

While exclaiming, Lorenzo wanted to stop him, but it was too late.

At the same time, the surrounding Bessie and Long Qianying were also worried, and they all sweated for Peter.

“Dare to come to the Ouyang family to find trouble, go to hell!”

In the blink of an eye, Peter rushed to the front, his eyes were blood red, howling, raised his hand, and waved hard!

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