Spoiled by the President Chapter 544 – 546

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Chapter 544

I had just always had to shoot before, so when I came here it was all just a hasty conversation with her and then I went straight home.

It was so hard to get time today, so I made sure to go and have a good talk with her, she had lost a lot of weight all this time because of her illness.

It was very distressing for Evelin.


“What brings you here so early today?”

Usually Evelin, who usually comes over to see her late at night, came over in the evening today, and her mother was very curious.

“We’ve killed off the TV show today, so I came over early today to see you and talk to you in case you’ve been too bored for a while.”

Evelin said with a smile.

Seeing that Evelin was in the mood to talk to herself today, her mother also decided in her heart to have a good chat with her tonight.

“You’ve been coming in at night every day for a while now, and you’ve had to leave work early today, so why don’t you just go home and get some rest and relaxation?I can’t run away from the hospital here every day, and I’m really afraid your body won’t be able to stand it if you come every day.”

It looked like Evelin had been busy and was now having a hard time sitting in front of her.

“It’s okay.”

What’s the point of working so hard for yourself?It’s better than having your own mother suffering from the disease 24 hours a day.

There’s nothing you can do for her right now, and the only thing you can do is take care of her.

“No, Mom says you, you don’t have any free time to yourself right now, you either work or you come to Mom.”

Mum took Kang Loyao’s hand.

“Well, who else am I going to share my time with?You’ve been unwell all this time, and all I could do was come and see you.”

“I’m happy that my daughter is filial and obedient, but mommy advised you that you’re old enough to find a boyfriend.Because mum doesn’t know how much longer she’s going to be able to stay with you, and if she finds a boyfriend, she’s going to bring it to her.”

The mother in front of her has no idea how long she has to live now, so she’s very afraid that no one will take care of Evelin for her after she leaves, so she says that she now wants to hope that Evelin will find a boyfriend properly before she leaves and come back afterwards even if she leaves, she can trust someone to take care of her for her.

“Oh mother, you can’t rush this kind of thing.”

Hearing her mother in front of her and herself bring up such things, Evelin wanted to escape.

And she didn’t know why the person she was thinking of in her mind at this point was actually Tailor Feng.

Obviously, I had already given up on her because of that last incident, so why is it that I can’t help but think of him today when it comes to my boyfriend.

Could it be that you really like him already?

Impossible, impossible.

Although she was thinking about Tailor Feng in her heart right now, Evelin kept hinting that she shouldn’t think about him, that he was just a playboy.

“All right, all right, don’t stare.It’s getting late, so hurry up and go home tonight and get some rest, these two days.”

Mum looked out the window and saw that it was getting darker and darker, so she just urged Evelin to hurry home.

Because now, Evelin’s health wasn’t very good.

“Okay, then I’ll come over tomorrow just in time to see you again on my day off.”

Looking at the woman on the bed, it seemed that she was already a little sleepy as well.

Evelin wasn’t going to bother her any further, and picked up her own bag and prepared to go home.


turn into a bus stop

Evelin was now waiting for the bus home.


My own phone vibrated inside my bag.


It was an unfamiliar number, and Evelin was curious as to who this dot was that would call her.

“You’re going to call me a sum of money right now.”

The man’s voice on the other end of the phone was greasy.

Evelin’s entire body was bad after hearing this voice.The frown was very tight.

“How many times have I told you not to contact me again, and if you keep this up, I really promise I’ll never take your calls again.”

The man on the phone was Evelin’s adoptive father, but not his biological father.

Kang Loyao’s mother is a wonderful person.

But this foster father of hers is a gambler and an alcoholic.

But when Evelin was young, her adoptive father was in a bad mood and would punch and kick both Evelin and her mother, never respecting either of them.

In her foster father’s eyes she just felt that her wife had brought herself a drag queen, and that this daughter was clearly a money loser, so she hadn’t looked at her carefully and squarely throughout.

It was because of such a childhood that it left a deep memory within Evelin’s impression.

Add to that the fact that her foster father had been asking for money from her all these years, and it was the kind of money that she had been asking for again and again and again, the kind that simply didn’t know satisfaction.

She herself now needed to raise money for her mother’s treatment, and she already had some compact money on her, so how could she have any more to spare for him?

Not to mention the fact that he has no feelings for him at all right now.

“You’ve got to call me money or these people are going to kill me, can you just stand to see your dad just die?I’ve been raising you for over twenty years at any rate, and this is how you treat me.”

The man on the other end of the phone spoke out louder and louder, eventually almost yelling.

Evelin hated this kind of personality of his.

He always felt he deserved whatever he was given.

“Wasn’t it clear what I said before?I’ve made it clear to you that from now on I’m definitely not going to be involved in your business, and you’re not going to turn in your mess and let me handle it for you, do you understand?”

Actually a long time ago when Evelin started out as a star, her adoptive father always came to her again and again asking for money.

She had no real feelings for this father growing up, though.

But she was soft after all.

She was always convinced that no matter how bad the man was, he was always his adoptive father, and if she was giving him enough money now, maybe he wouldn’t be the same.

But Kang Loyao then picked up the man again and again and again, leaving Kang Loyao desperate.

Men take the money every time and then go gambling and whoring and having fun.

When the money was gone, they would continue to come back and call Evelin for more money.

For a long time, Evelin’s wallet had been sucked dry by this vampire after every paycheck.

So she still hated the man in front of her, and she didn’t want to help him at all.

Especially in the last two years, after she’s turned over a new leaf again, because her income has increased so much and her adoptive father’s appetite has grown, it’s like a bottomless pit that can’t be filled.

Chapter 545

Thinking about it, she said coldly, “Give up, I’ll never give you money again!”

The other side of the room was immediately anxious.

“Evelin, tell me your conscience, who picked you and your wife up when you were about to die?Do you want me dead right now?

I’m telling you, if you’re just going to see death now, you won’t blame me for shaking out all those things you did before, but I’m going to die anyway, and it won’t come back to me when these things are shaken out.”

After hearing Evelin say that, the man on the phone started to get annoyed.

He hadn’t expected Evelin to reject himself so bluntly today and to be so unwilling to control himself.

Since she’s like this now then don’t blame yourself for being rude.

“What do you want?”

What the man said was a shadow on Evelin’s heart for the rest of his life, and he really didn’t want all the audience members, all the fans, to know that he had a childhood like that.

“You either you leave me alone right now and I’ll go and publish all about you.Or, you can just come and see me inside the bar with a sum of cash.”

The man knew the trick he was using, and it worked every time he tried it a hundred times.

She’s a public figure now, and she’s afraid of all this gossip and black material that’s out there.

This is the kind of thing that can get her on the hot seat fast.

Evelin’s heart was actually scrupulous about this matter.

Because she needs the money badly right now.

If she needs the money she’s going to have to make the kind of movie that’s going to have good resources.

So she must not be able to bring this matter of hers to light during this period of time, it is really a very bad thing.

“Okay, I got it, you wait for me over there now.”

Even though Evelin’s heart no longer wanted to go, she still had to go.

To make money for a living.

Then it was a straightforward taxi ride to what the man had just told her on the phone.

In fact, this man, though he said he was her father, was not her real father at all, just an adoptive father.

But she was even her own adoptive father, more or less, and Evelin couldn’t let go of him in her heart.

Although what he did was outrageous, sometimes she wouldn’t be able to do that much cruelty in her heart.

Just like today she still came inside this bar with money to save her.

“Yo, finally!Where’s the money!”

She thought her adoptive father was about to be driven to death by a debt collector, but when she arrived at the bar, she saw her adoptive father just lounging in a chair.

With a toothpick in his mouth, he looked very proud of himself.

“I thought you said you were dying.Why aren’t you dead yet?”

When Evelin saw the scene in front of her, she finally realized that she had been tricked by him once again.

“Gee, doesn’t the method matter?You’ve been sending me money anyway, haven’t you?It doesn’t matter if it’s dead or not.”

After that, the foster father stood up and snatched the money from Evelin’s hand.

Then they took that money out and counted it right in front of Evelin.

“Why is that all you’ve got lately?Can you get more next time, that’s not enough money to gag me.”

I said as I shoved my own money into my arms.

“Do you think you’re intentionally cheating on my feelings so repeatedly?

Si?You’re just treating me like an atm right now. come to me when you don’t have the money.What obligation do you have to make me feed you like this while you’re doing it again and again.”

Evelin now felt like she was simply going to die of anger, and her entire body was shaking a bit.

There’s already some anger at the exact same time.

“Eh, do you think this daughter of mine is pretty good-looking, or a big star?If you guys say we’re going to take some nude pictures of her at this point, are you going to just ask her to get us money later when I’m broke.”

The foster father said to those men around him after staring at Evelin in front of him for a while.

These men really didn’t expect the adoptive father in front of them to have such an idea about his own daughter.


Evelin threw back her head in anger and stared at me, her twitchy face as cold as an ice rock.

My adoptive father’s face was smiling in a mysterious, weird way.

He was completely unafraid of how angry Evelin was.

I watched the men behind my adoptive father step in front of him.

“What…what are you doing?”

Evelin was now so frightened that she tightened her body and kept retreating backwards, her face pale and her lips trembling incessantly.

Now she was scared and angry and irritated.

But she looked at the few men walking towards her in front of her and it seemed as if she already knew what kind of end she had in store for her next.

But she really didn’t think she just couldn’t bear to watch her foster father get killed by those debt collectors today.

But when she came over, she found that her foster father and these men had joined forces, and that they were going to swindle together to get money from her.

What she didn’t even think about was the fact that her own adoptive father had suggested such a deranged thing.

How dare you want to take naked pictures of yourself….

At the thought of this Evelin Kang’s heart was filled with fear.

She’d never been treated like this before, and she didn’t know what she should do for a moment.

Those men quickly forced Evelin right into a corner.

Evelin slowly went from standing up against the corner to now being a whole crouched tightly inside the corner.

Wrapping her hands around her breasts hard, not wanting these men to actually rip her clothes off.

“Help, I’m begging you not to do this to me.”

There was nothing Evelin could do right now, she could only rely on her instincts to beg and plead for help and mercy from these men in front of her.

She was still so young and she really didn’t want her whole life to be ruined like that.

But at this moment, because Evelin’s voice shouted very loudly.

Tailor Feng heard this voice just as he came inside the bar.

And this voice Tailor Feng he was very familiar with, so that’s why he said he sought out the voice and came to this part of Evelin.

Upon his arrival he found a group of men who seemed to be bullying a young girl.

He usually hated this kind of thing, and that woman’s voice was too much like Evelin’s.

It can’t be a coincidence, can it?

Thinking about it, Tailor Feng went straight up and dragged those men out one by one.


“I’m begging you to help me, to help me!”

Looking at the men who were in front of her, they suddenly left Evelin and looked up to see Tailor Feng suddenly appear in front of her.

Chapter 546

She was suddenly filled with hope, pulling at Tailor Feng’s hand with her right hand, always letting Tailor Feng save her.

Now Evelin was like grasping a straw, not wanting to lose this hope of living on at all.

Tailor Feng frowned, his cold gaze sweeping over the group of people across the room and pulling her over.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, I’m in.”

He took off his jacket and draped it over Evelin’s body, always comforting her.

Because Evelin had already had some of her clothes ripped off by those men before.

But since she had been protecting her chest before, even though she was a mess, she was still protecting herself in the end.

A group of people on the other side were shocked by this sudden change, as they didn’t know Tailor Feng and only thought they had entered by mistake.

A group of people fiercely said, “Kid, it’s none of your business, I advise you to get the hell away from me right now.”

As I said it, I held out my hand and pointed it over.

However, the hand had only just reached the air when a miserable scream was heard.


Two bodyguards leaped out from nowhere behind Tailor Feng, twisting his hand backwards in one fell swoop and clasping it on the table next to him.

The rest were shocked by this change and took a step back, looking at him in shock.

“You, who are you?”

Tailor Feng stared at him coldly, not bothering to answer.

He cradled Evelin in his arms and said in a cold voice, “I’ll give you two choices, either kneel down yourself and apologize to her, or… which hand to cripple for me today!”

As soon as the words left his mouth, the bodyguard who twisted the man’s wrist pressed hard, and all that could be heard was a pig-killing scream once again.

A bunch of people are getting scared out of their wits, they look like a bunch of social thugs, but they’re just a bunch of hoodlums with nothing better to do.

Usually living on some extortionist hooks, bullying has become a biological instinct.

It was fine to encounter one who could bully like Evelin, but if you met one who was a little tougher, it would be easy to back off.

After all, although they didn’t know Tailor Feng, they could tell from the few bodyguards behind him that this man wasn’t easy to mess with.

Coupled with Tailor Feng’s body, which had been raised with gold and jade since childhood, one could tell at a glance that he was a man of neither wealth nor nobility.

They just want to get some money, Evelin is a public figure and has little background, and comes from a poor background, so even if they are bullied, they don’t dare to make a noise.

But Tailor Feng is different.

So a bunch of people want to shrink back.

Father Kang was anxious at the sight.

It was hard to get a chance today, and we mustn’t let it go, or it won’t be so easy to trick Evelin out next time.

He said evenly, “Don’t listen to him, there are only three of them, there are so many of us, we don’t know who will suffer if we really get into a fight, there’s no way to bluff us with a few random words.”

Said, and with a face struggling to screw up, said to Evelin: “Damn, I’m at least your father, is this how you unite outsiders to deal with me?You get over here!”

Evelin looked at him coldly, anger hidden in her eyes.

Tailor Feng was stunned at the other party’s words.

Subconsciously looking down at the woman in his arms, he asked, “What did he say?He’s your dad?”

Although Deputy Kang left the compound earlier back then, he remembered that Deputy Kang didn’t look like this ah.

Moreover, although Lieutenant Kang is from a military background, he is extremely qualified and a righteous person, and would never do such a dirty deed.

So what’s going on here?

Evelin’s face is pale and cold, solving

Release: “He’s my adopted father.”

Her voice was low, but Tailor Feng could hear it clearly.

He didn’t shake hard.

Almost incredibly, he looked at Evelin.

These days, they don’t spend a lot of time together, but because he thinks he knows her family well enough, and because of his so-called “respect” for her principle, he has never investigated her in secret.

It wasn’t even much of a question as to what she’d been through and how she’d grown up in all those years apart.

He had always thought that she was just normal, ordinary, like all ordinary people who grew up to get where they are today.

It had never occurred to him that she actually had any kind of…adoptive father?

If that man is really her foster father, what about Lieutenant Kang?

Where’s Lieutenant Kang?

All questions, at this point, have to be swallowed hard, because it’s not the right time to ask.

Tailor Feng shielded Evelin in his arms, looked at the opposite side like a shrewish rascal-like man, and said coldly, “I don’t care who you are, from now on, if you dare to cause her any trouble at all, I will be rude to you!”

As his words trailed off, the two bodyguards standing behind him took a step forward.

After all, they were professionally trained, and just standing there looking at each other expressionlessly was imposing enough to deter others.

A group of punks on the other side of the street have disobedience, but they know that it’s not good for them to make a scene, so they don’t dare to speak.

Only then did Tailor Feng protect Evelin and turn around to leave.



The atmosphere was very silent.

Several bodyguards were in a car in the back, and inside the car that Tailor Feng and Evelin were riding in, they were the only ones apart from the driver.

Evelin’s clothes were torn, and she was wearing Tailor Feng’s jacket, plus it was his usual car for travel, so the smell of him was all around her, like a fine net, wrapping her tightly.

Evelin’s mood was low and complicated.

It took a long time for her to make a sound.

“Isn’t there anything you want to ask me?”

When Tailor Feng heard this, he finally withdrew his gaze from the window and turned to look at her.

There was no unnecessary expression on that exquisitely handsome face at this time, but Evelin read the taste of self-recrimination and heartache.

The tip of her heart trembled fiercely.

“When did this happen?”

He asked, his voice a little hoarse.

Evelin looked at him, not quite understanding “Huh?”A cry.

Tailor Feng only had to ask another question, “When did Uncle Kang pass away?”

Evelin was startled.

She recalled carefully, not remembering when she had told him about her father’s death, and Tailor Feng’s character wasn’t free to look into her past.

So a little puzzled, I retorted, “How did you know my dad died?”

Not sure if it was self-deprecation or sarcasm at someone else’s expense, he coldly quirked his lips.

“If Uncle Con was still alive, there’s no way you’d be bullied by such sc*m.”

Evelin: “…….”

Sometimes it’s just so, so shallow that you don’t usually notice much less think about it.

But it’s in those few unexpected moments that the other person will be acutely aware, bringing it up and touching that most vulnerable nerve of yours.

Evelin forced a smile, “When I was very young, probably when I was ten.”

Tailor Feng frowned.

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