Spoiled by the President Chapter 613 – 615

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Chapter 613

After Tailor Feng left, Evelin went to take a shower.

When she came out of the shower, Emotion had already arranged the meal for her.

After suffering all day and night, she was actually physically and mentally exhausted by this point, and had little energy left to torment herself.

Tailor Feng also took this into consideration, that’s why she was told to rest at home first and go over there to understand the situation herself.

Everything waited until tomorrow, when she was well rested.

Evelin was indeed hungry now, and when she saw the fragrant food, she didn’t hesitate to pick up her chopsticks and eat.

Emotion now felt very good knowing that she had returned safely.

While she was eating, Emotion was chattering away to her, helping her out.

Just at that moment, Emotion’s phone suddenly rang.

Evelin’s phone had been taken by He Si, and it hadn’t been able to be searched out when they caught him, so she didn’t have it on her now.

Emotion took it out and looked at the caller ID, her eyes lighting up.

Then thinking of something, he even looked at Evelin, expectantly, “Sister Luoyao, it’s Snap’s call, he must have known you were back, so he called to care for you.”

Evelin still didn’t know that Snap Xie had passed by there that night as well.

I was stunned at the news, “Didn’t I say that the news from the crew has been blocked?How did he know?”

Little Emotion then quickly told her about that night’s coincidental encounter.

Only after hearing this did it dawn on Evelin.

Seeing the phone still ringing all the time, I smiled and said, “Well, hurry up and answer it, what are you waiting for?”

Only then did Emotion even pick it up.

As soon as the call came through, I heard an urgent voice across the line.

“Emotion, I heard that Evelin has been found?Is it true?”

Little Emotion looked at Evelin, and after getting a look to indicate that, this said, “Well, it’s true, thank you Snap for caring.”

Snap She seemed relieved.

“It’s good to have her back, by the way, is she okay?Any injuries?”

“No, it’s fine, it’s not hurt.”

“Who kidnapped her, did you find out?How did she get back?”

Snap thanked him for asking so many questions, and Emotion wasn’t sure if she could tell him that at this point.

So, turn your help to Evelin.

Evelin saw the situation and smiled, extending her hand towards her.

Bring the phone over.

She held the phone and smiled softly, “I’m fine, Snap Xie, I’ll tell you the details then when I get back to the set!Don’t worry about me.”

Once Snap She heard her voice, it confirmed that she was really okay.

Relieved, but not without some celebration.

“Hoo- do you know, it all scared me to death at the time, that assistant of yours even bumped her leg trying to find you that night, everyone was so anxious, luckily you’re fine now.”

Evelin was slightly stunned when she heard his words.

Turning to Emotion, “Are you hurt?”

Emotion didn’t expect Xie Snap to bring this up and waved his hand.

“No it’s fine, I’m fine.”

Evelin also stopped saying anything and said to the phone, “Alright, this matter is trouble for you to help me keep it a secret for now ha, wait until I return to the crew.”

Snap Xie, of course, also knew that this matter of Evelin’s disappearance was originally a secret, and no one in the crew knew about it yet, except the director.

Everyone just thought she was taking a leave of absence.

So they agreed, and they spoke a few more words before hanging up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Evelin looked at Little Emotion and ordered, “Come here.”

Little Emotion shrank back slightly and smiled dryly, “Sister Evelin, what’s up.”

Evelin didn’t want to talk nonsense with her, repeating once again, “No why, you come over first.”

Emotion saw that there was no escape, so she dawdled over.

Once she was close enough, Evelin pulled her down and sat her down on the couch.

Then, without saying a word, he bent down to lift her trousers.

“Which leg is hurt?”

When Little Emotion saw this, she even tried to hide back, saying as she did so, “Sister Evelin, I’m fine, I’m really fine.”

But Evelin was nowhere near her to explain, frowning and coldly shouting, “Don’t move!”

Little Emotion had to stop moving, and Evelin asked again, “Which leg was injured?Tell me quickly, or I’ll really see for myself.”

Emotion saw that there was no way to avoid it, so she pointed to her right leg in aggravation.

“This article.”

Only then did Evelin lifted up her right leg trousers and rolled them upwards.

Sure enough, rolled up on it, you can see a big black bruise near the knee, with gauze wrapped around the middle, which should be the injury.

Since it was wrapped in gauze, you couldn’t see the wound, but just by looking at the circle of black bruises around it, you also knew that it must have been a serious injury.

Her face sank as she pressed gently around the wound and asked, “Does it still hurt?”

Emotion was busy shaking her head.

“It doesn’t hurt anymore it doesn’t hurt, really, it’s not that bad, it’s just Snap making a big deal out of it, like it’s always serious, but it doesn’t really hurt at all now.”

Evelin made sure that her face didn’t say panic, which put her mind at ease.

No wonder just now outside, she felt that something was wrong with the way Emotion was walking.

It turned out to be an injured leg.

She let her little love’s pant leg down and said, “You’ll be well nourished with me for the next few days as well, so don’t run around, I’ll just let Leng Mae go buy whatever you need.”

Emotion also knew that although the injury to her leg was not a big deal, running around would indeed affect her recovery.

So he nodded obediently as well.

After finishing her meal, Evelin was preparing to go to rest.

Just then, there was a sudden noise from outside.

She frowned, while Little Emotion was subconsciously nervous, grabbed Evelin’s arm and asked, “Sister Luoyao, who’s here?”

Evelin listened carefully for a moment, then suddenly understood something and quickly walked towards the door.

Outside the door, where several people were still tugging and arguing about something, the door suddenly opened.

Then, they saw Evelin and Little Emotion appear at the door together.

Leng Muang came up immediately with a sunken face, bent over and said, “I’m sorry to disturb your rest, Miss Evelin.”

Not far away, Zhu Yi, who was being held up by two bodyguards, also saw Evelin and immediately tried to run towards her, but was held back.

“Evelin, are you okay?It’s just great that you’re okay, these guys are actually stopping me from seeing you, why should they?”

He was so angry that his face turned red, and Evelin saw it and frowned.

Then to the coldness, “Let him go.”

In the meantime, Leng Mei subconsciously knew who Zhu Yi was, of course he knew, if he didn’t know, his relationship with Evelin Kang was not ordinary, and moving him might make Evelin Kang angry, otherwise he would have thrown the person right out long ago.

Where would he still be allowed to make such a loud noise and disturb Evelin.

Cold silence for a few seconds, but in the end, he waved his hand and let the game loose.

Chapter 614

“Evelin, how are you?All right?”

As soon as Zhu Yi was released, he immediately ran over towards Evelin.

Evelin frowned slightly, and subconsciously took a step back in the face of Zhu Yi’s enthusiasm.

The hand that the game was about to reach out to hold her was suddenly frozen in mid-air.

Evelin looked at him, pursed her lips, and whispered, “I’m fine, thank you for your concern.”

The distant tone made Zhu Yi’s body stiffen as well.

As if realizing something, he eased his hand down for a moment and managed a smile as well.

“I’m glad you’re okay, I was just worried about you, so I came over to check on you.”

Evelin nodded.

And then, no one spoke anymore.

The atmosphere was awkward, and it was obvious that they had once been two best friends who had nothing to say to each other, but now they were just looking at each other.

Even with all the words in my heart, but when looking at the other person’s face, not a single word could come out.

Zhu Yi’s heart swelled with endless bitterness, Evelin didn’t seem to want to talk to him any more, and after a moment of silence, he said softly, “I’m fine, unharmed, and the person has been captured, so you can rest assured.”

The game nodded, and the fingers placed at his side tightened slightly.

But still, he smiled gently at her.

“Okay, I understand, it’s getting late, so I’ll be heading back.”

Evelin nodded.

It was only then that the game turned to leave.

Looking at his departing back, Evelin’s showy eyebrows knitted lightly until the other man’s figure entered the lift, which was only when he sighed imperceptibly.

Little Emotion whispered at the back, “Sister Evelin, Mr. Zhu has already left, let’s go back as well.”

Evelin nodded and said to Lengmu and the others, “It’s been a hard night for you guys.”

Coldness even curtsied respectfully, “No hard work, it’s all we should do.”

Evelin didn’t say another word and turned in with Little Love.

The night was getting late, and this night, Evelin had slept very deeply.

All the fatigue from two days in a row was swept away by this sleep.

It was nine o’clock in the morning when I got up the next day.

Emotion didn’t leave last night, but slept directly in the guest bedroom.

Therefore, when she woke up, she saw breakfast set up on the dining room table, and when Little Love saw her up, she greeted with a smile, “Sister Evelin, you’re awake?”

Evelin smiled and went to look at the breakfast, then went to the living room window and stretched out into the sunlight.

It’s about a real sign of rain, but the weather was actually exceptionally nice today.

The sun was surprisingly out today after ten straight days of overcast weather.

The sun shone on the snow on the side of the road and on the treetops, reflecting so brightly that even the gloom of one’s heart seemed to be swept away.

After a quick stretch for her body, Evelin returned to the table to start breakfast.

That’s when the doorbell rang.

Emotion put down her chopsticks and said, “I’ll get the door”!

Then he hurried to the door.

Unexpectedly, when the door opened, it was Tailor Feng who came.

Little Emotion was shocked, but Evelin was not surprised, standing up and smiling at him, “Have you eaten yet?”

Tailor Feng shook his head, “Not yet.”

Little Emotion saw the situation and said in a knowing manner, “I’ll go get the chopsticks.”

So, a new set of chopsticks was added over.

The good thing is that the little love made a lot of breakfast, not only Tailor Feng came enough to eat, even the cold and obscure few people who were guarding outside the door all night also have a share.

Evelin noticed that Tailor Feng’s appearance looked a bit tired, and there was also a faint ring of dark green under his eye sockets, showing that he probably didn’t sleep all night last night.

As she scooped up a bowl of porridge for him, she asked, “How was it?Did you figure out what happened last night?”

Tailor Feng lowered his head and drank his porridge, saying in a soft voice, “Basically, they’ve all confessed, and at this point, there’s no need for him to hide anything, so he took us over to the old workshop last night and moved the bodies out in the basement.”

Evelin couldn’t help but feel a little nauseous at the news, even though she had already known the outcome.

She pressed back against the nausea in her heart and asked, “Are all those people really dead?”

Tailor Feng nodded.

As if he was afraid that she was worried, he looked up at her with a steady gaze, “Those are the people who usually like to do evil things in society, they’re a nest of rebellion at best, so you don’t have to feel too bad.”

Evelin barely smiled.

Although the reasoning was the same, but after all, it was someone you had seen before who said they would die, or in such a cruel way.

How to think, how to feel a little uncomfortable.

She was just a normal person, after all, though from the end, under the protection of Camma, she still hadn’t seen much of the true darkness of the world.

That’s why it’s so hard to feel at this point.

After eating, since Evelin still needed to go to the police station to go through the process, so Tailor Feng accompanied her for a walk.

In fact, everything was already in the water, the process was just a walk through, so it was only half an hour.

Tailor Feng didn’t let He Si see Evelin again, because there was no need.

She had seen the darkness and filth of this world once, and didn’t need to see it again.

From the police station, Tailor Feng said directly, “They will continue to track down the gang’s associates, so don’t worry about the back, but your identity is special, it’s best to bring two bodyguards with you when you usually go in and out, and I’ll make arrangements for you then, all trustworthy and experienced people, it’s good for you to bring them.”

In the past, Evelin might have refused the request.

But now, without saying anything, she nodded and accepted it.

She knew that to this day, she wasn’t really in a position to refuse.

She used to think she was strong, so strong that she didn’t need anyone’s protection and could protect herself and her mother on her own.

But after this incident, she realized that her so-called strength was worthless in front of a truly powerful person.

Not to mention those who were truly powerful, even in front of a hoodlum like He Si, there was no way to maneuver around.

So, whether it was for her own sake or her mother’s, what reason did she have to refuse?

Seeing her accept her arrangement, Tailor Feng felt better than ever before and reached out to shake her hand.

Evelin stiffened slightly and turned to look at him.

But instead of looking at himself, he looked out the window.

But the slight upturn of the lips seen from the side of that face betrayed his pleasure.

Evelin’s heart was suddenly soft, and the warm sunlight spilling in through the window also seemed to sprinkle on her heart.

She thought to herself.

Maybe it’s just as well.

It’s really quite nice to have him here, to have Mom, and to not have to think about anything else.

Chapter 615

There was a quiet silence in the car.

No one spoke again.

Until the car stopped in front of the door of Villa Bie Lanxi, Evelin subconsciously wanted to call Tailor Feng to get off, only to find the man leaning against the car window with his head bent, not knowing when he had fallen asleep.

She was slightly stunned, a little surprised, and a little distressed at the faint layer of bruises under his eyes.

The driver still didn’t know that Tailor Feng was sleeping and subconsciously wanted to call out to him, but was stopped by Evelin’s quick-eyed eyes.

She raised a finger to her lips and gave a soft “hush”.

The driver was busy covering his mouth at the sight of it.

Only then did Evelin gently tuck a pillow under his head and asked the driver to get a clean shirt from behind to cover him.

When that was done, she got out of the car and said to the driver, “Let him sleep for a while and don’t disturb him.”

The driver looked at Evelin, and then looked at Tailor Feng, who was asleep in the car, and the valley owed words.

“But, Er Shao has to go to the office this afternoon…”

“There’s no job that’s more important than a person’s body.”

Evelin interrupted him without even thinking about it, she lifted her wrist to check the time and said, “Just sleep for two hours, I’ll personally come over to call if he’s not awake in two hours.”

The driver saw that it was hard to say anything else.

For the rest of the day, Evelin didn’t go inside either, so she dragged a chair to sit in the courtyard and sunbathe.

Naturally, the driver didn’t leave, and no one spoke.

The space was quiet, basking in the warm winter sun, and she suddenly had a long-lost, relaxed feeling.

Admittedly, the entertainment industry is a fast-paced place to live, and sometimes she’s even so busy that she can’t tell day from night and seems to lose her own life after a long time.

Now, but it’s possible to sit here in peace and quiet, next to the person you love sleeping in the car.

Suddenly the mood calmed down.

I don’t know how long it was.

A buzzing sound suddenly broke this silence.

In the car, in the meantime, Tailor Feng opened his eyes and was dazed for a moment before responding.

He looked first out the window at Evelin and the driver, then at the jacket that covered him and fell off as he got up, his eyes sunken.

Only finally, did I pull my phone out of my pocket and press answer.

The call came from the company.

Because there was a very important video conference in the afternoon that required him to come over in person, but everyone waited for him for more than half an hour without seeing him, thinking something was wrong, which is why they called to ask.

Tailor Feng got out of the car as he mingled with them.

He took his jacket in the crook of his arm and his voice was low as he commanded over the phone, “I’ll be right over, you prepare the meeting content, okay, see you in a few minutes.”

After hanging up the phone, he just happened to walk over to Evelin.

He looked at her condescendingly and asked, “Why didn’t you wake me up?”

Evelin leaned back in her chair, her posture lazy and leisurely, squinting her eyes at him in the daylight, and said “mmm”.

Tailor Feng moved, his gaze falling on her sunlit, almost transparent face, and suddenly he smiled.

He bent over, one hand braced on the arm of her chair, the other gently cupping her chin.

The two men were face to face, looking at each other at the distance of breath to breath.

She could even see her reflection clearly in his pupils, and then she heard his deep voice, “Distressed, eh?”


Thought, I was long past the age of heartbeat, but at that moment, a heart still couldn’t help but thump rapidly because of him.

She pursed her lips, not avoiding her feelings for the first time.

A slight nod.

The smile on the man’s lips widened with visible speed, spreading from the corners of his mouth all the way to his eyes, and then, leaning over gently, he k*ssed her on the lips.

“Yoyo, I love you.”

Evelin’s heart throbbed fiercely.

Next to them, the driver had turned his back on them, knowingly and quietly playing deaf.

Her face flushed rapidly, like a snowy piece of cotton tinged with a pretty red, and she looked pitiful.

Tailor Feng’s heart stirred and he just wanted to possess her completely right here and now.

But he was sensible in the end, and just k*ssed her lightly before releasing her and straightening up.

“I’m going to the office, so stay home until I get back, okay?”

Evelin nodded.

Only then did Tailor Feng smile again, ruffle her hair and turn to the car.

The driver followed back to the car, and Evelin stood up and kept watching the car drive out of the courtyard before withdrawing her gaze.

It didn’t take long for the two men to come over, led by coldness.

One was called Qiu Yun and the other Qiu Ze, both bodyguards under his command.

They are twin brothers with good personalities, good kung fu, and most importantly, extraordinarily loyal and reliable.

When Coldness introduced these two people to Evelin, Evelin didn’t say anything, just nodded her head to indicate that she knew and then let them go down.

After Coldness left with the man, she was the only one left in the villa.

She thought, sitting on the couch and pulling out her phone to call Cam’s mother.

Kang Mu still doesn’t know about Evelin’s kidnapping, so she suddenly receives a call from her and only takes it as a normal greeting.

Smilingly, she took it, and after they exchanged a few pleasantries, Evelin suddenly said, “Mom, I might have to pick you up in a few days for a trip.”

Khamma was stunned and a little confused.

“What’s wrong?”

“He Four was caught and should be sentenced, but before that, I want you to get a divorce.”

What He Si has committed this time is not only kidnapping and extortion, but also murder.

It’s a capital crime.

She doesn’t want her mother to end up with a murderer’s wife on her back, so she hopes to get them divorced before Ho Si is sentenced.

Cammie sniffed and was quiet for a moment before she spoke.

“What did he get caught for?”

He Si has done a lot of illegal things over the years, but has never been caught.

This time, however, it was caught somehow.

It would be impossible if there was no doubt in Kanma’s mind.

Evelin also knew that there was no way to hide this from her.

Even if she didn’t tell her now, He Si would tell her when they divorced.

So, she was on the phone, telling Konmu everything that had happened in the last few days.

Mother Kang listened quietly, and when she learned that in the few days she didn’t know, Evelin had actually gone through so much on her own, she was filled with hatred and heartache.

“Yoyo, I’m sorry, it’s all Mom’s fault.If Mom hadn’t messed with such a scourge in the first place, you wouldn’t have had to go through all this.”

Her tone was one of self-loathing and remorse.

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