Stealing Your Heart Novel Chapter 365 – 366

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Chapter 365

“Yes,” Carla said without thinking.

It will be good for her shop if she can persuade the master to go back to city b with her.

And she also wanted to resolve the matter here as soon as possible, and then take her two children back.

“Okay, then I will arrange it.” Hubert smiled.

Ryan’s face was completely black.

After eating a meal, he didn’t even drink his saliva. If it weren’t for the two children, Hubert didn’t want to find out that his relationship with Carla was not like a normal husband and wife. He had already taken Carla away.

After the meal, Hubert looked at Ryan, “Thank you for the hospitality, Mr. Blair.”

Ryan glanced at him coldly, “You’re welcome.”

Hubert had long discovered that since Carla promised him to meet the master who would make fragrant yarn, he was unhappy, and now he was willing to ‘add fuel to the fire’. He turned his head and looked at Carla. Say, “I will pick you up at the hotel tomorrow morning.”

As he spoke, his gaze cast a glance at her feet, “You will wear flat shoes tomorrow. The master lives in a remote area, so the road is not easy to walk.”

“I see.” Carla didn’t say thank you for the reminder, because he said something deliberately, she turned her head to look at Ryan, and sure enough, his face was uglier than before.

Obviously, Hubert said this on purpose.

“Mommy, hug.” Iris stretched out her arms and asked Carla to hug.

Ryan stopped her and grabbed her, “Daddy holds you.”

She injured her foot, and she didn’t know if the injury was serious.

Iris pouted her small mouth, “I want Mommy to hug.”

It’s been a long time since he saw Carla, and wanted to get close to her.

“Good.” Ryan k!ssed his daughter’s forehead, “Wait when I go back, I’ll buy you delicious snacks.”

“Really?” Iris tilted her head.


“Okay, let Dad hold, but I want to sleep with Mommy.”

Alan grabbed Carla’s hand, glanced at Ryan, and said, “Mummy, I want to sl33p with you at night.”

Ryan, “…”

Carla happily agreed, “Okay.”

After being separated from the two children for so long, she also missed them.

Back upstairs, she bathed the two children and changed their clothes. They wore pajamas and rolled on the bed, playing.

Carla washed her body and wore the bathrobe in the hotel. There were no clothes for her.


Seeing Carla coming out, the two children rushed over together, she caught them, and the three of them hugged each other. Iris raised her little head, “Mommy, you will hide and seek again in the future. You must take me, I don’t want to Separate from Mommy.”

Carla hugged her daughter tightly in her arms and said that she would never leave them again.

Outside the house, at the end of the corridor, Ryan was standing in front of a floor-to-ceiling window. Opposite the glass was the riverside.

The lights were shining, and the faint pearlescent light reflected on his face, and then reflected back.

The outline of his face was dark and unclear, and the entire back was straight and wide. His waist is very narrow, free of fat, and commensurate with the tight lines of his h1ps, even and straight.

He copied his pocket with one hand, unbuttoned his shirt with the other hand, and said faintly, “Is there no trace?”

Peter shook his head, “No, I think he should be hiding. If he wants to save his life, he will definitely leave this place. If he is resentful, he might still wait for an opportunity.”

Jamie has no whereabouts, like a time bomb, I don’t know when it will appear.

This person cannot stay.

“There are not many people brought, you send two people out to find his whereabouts, and the rest will stay.” The two children and Carla can’t lack people around.

“Okay, I’ll make arrangements now.” Peter turned around to make arrangements.

Ryan stood alone at the window as if thinking about something. After a while, he took out his cell phone to call Ramiro and asked him to check Hubert and Tate’s enterprise under his management. Ramiro said okay.

He hung up the phone and turned back to the room.

The door was pushed open, and as far as the eyes were concerned, a dim light made the room quiet.

The two children were tired of fighting, and both fell asleep in Carla’s arms.

Carla was afraid that they could not sleep well, so she turned off the light, leaving only a dimly lit bedside lamp.

Ryan closed the door and walked in, standing by the bed.

Carla was leaning against the bed, half of her body, the heads of the two children pressed against one of her arms, Iris was inside, and her little hand touched her chest.

This is Iris’s habit.

Chapter 366

He bent over and lifted the corner of the quilt. Carla’s feet were exposed. She was unfamiliar with sleep and suddenly felt cold. She instinctively shrank her feet, then slowly opened her eyes and saw Ryan.

At the bedside, she tried to sit up, but her arms were pressed by the two children. She did not dare to move too much for fear of waking them up, so she asked him in a low voice, “What are you doing?”

“Your foot hurts there, let me see.” As he said, he reached for her foot.

Carla shrank again, biting her lip, “I’m fine.”

Ryan looked up at her for a long time, “I want to listen to the truth.”

Carla no longer speaks, this person, she can’t hold him back.

Ryan sat on the edge of the bed, put her foot on her lap, and asked, “Which one?”


His touch was a little itchy, and even the position of his heart was scratched by something.

She clasped her hand tightly on the edge of the bed.

Ryan lowered his head and looked carefully, only to find that there was a wound on the sole of her foot and her ankle was still a little red. “How did it happen?”

“When I ran away, it accidentally got pierced.” She said the truth.

“Does it still hurt?”

She shook her head.

Ryan put her feet down, went to the bathroom to soak a hot towel with hot water, and then took it and wrapped it around her ankle.

The warm heat pierced through the skin and rushed into the blood. The whole person seemed to warm up, and her hands on the edge of the bed became tighter.

Ryan sits on the bed from the beginning, holding her feet and gently massaging her ankles.

He seemed to ask unintentionally, “Do you know him? Mr. Tate?”

Carla shook her head, “unfamiliar.”

“If you are unfamiliar, agree to go out with him?”

Ryan did not admit that he was upset.

Carla grabbed the dress she took off, “Look.”

Ryan really didn’t study this, if you let him see, he can’t see why it’s coming.

“This material is fragrant cloud yarn, which is not available on the market now, but he knows a master who can make this fabric. I want to invite this master back.” When it comes to clothes fabrics and design, her facial lights are always shining.

“This material is soft and thin, does not wrinkle, and is particularly draped, which is very suitable for all summer clothes.”

When it comes to her field, she can always talk about it.

Ryan looked at her quietly, she was so charming.

“So I must invite him. If not, I can’t learn.”

“Since it is a craft on the verge of being lost, it must be complicated and difficult to learn.” If it was simple, someone should have learned it long ago.

Carla said in a panic, “Yes, so many handcrafts have been lost.” But she is very small and can’t stop these. She cheered up, “I am not afraid of hard work, this is my career.”

It is also her dream and passion.

“That’s right.” Thinking of Hubert’s origins, her expression was a bit solemn, “He saved me because of Della.”

The hand that Ryan massaged her paused, he was indeed a little surprised.

Is Hubert related to Della?

Carla stretched out her hand, facing the faint light, and carefully looked at the transparent jade bracelet on her wrist. What is the secret of this bracelet?

“I think this has a secret,” Carla said her guess.

What Hubert said to her, she did not completely believe.

If it was adopted by Holden, he saved her because of Holden’s last words and thought she was Della’s daughter, then what is the relationship between Della and this Holden?

Ryan didn’t want to discuss about Della.

He took off the cold towel and put it in the bathroom, and soon there was a rushing sound.

About forty minutes later, Ryan came out wearing a bathrobe, his neckline was slightly open, his honey-colored skin was dripping with water, and his short black hair was wet and messy. He wiped his hair and walked over, Carla squinted her eyes dizzy and sleepy.

He threw the towel on the table and lay down on his side. There are not many places here, but there are places inside.

But he wants to sleep with Carla in the room.

She pushed him, “Go inside.”

Ryan stopped her waist, buckled in his arms, k!ssed her earl0be, his voice was low and hoarse, “I want to sl33p with you.”

Carla went in a little bit, avoided his k!ss, and gave him some space, “Go to bed early.”

Ryan went in a little bit, his body was close to her, and he had slept during the day. He was not at all sleepy at the moment, he just wanted to hu.g her and k!ss her.

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