Stealing Your Heart Novel Chapter 427 – 428

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Chapter 427

Della disappeared, and her number has never been reached since the call.

Nelson went to Borenden County to look for her once, and wanted to make it clear, but he didn’t look for her, and her ex-boyfriend Holden was gone.

He gave up, Della might have really followed Holden away.

What she said before is false.

But Lolla didn’t believe that Della would leave like this. How could she abandon her child?

“I believe she is a person.” Lolla vowed.

Nelson was very disappointed. He didn’t want to speak, he just wanted to be alone. He didn’t pay attention to Lolla’s words, but went upstairs alone.

Lolla took the child and went back to Durant’s house.

This matter, she must ask clearly whether Elden did it or not.

After all, he has this motive.

He didn’t want the relationship between the two families to be separated, and he didn’t want her to be unhappy, so he arrested Della.

When she returned home, Elden had not yet returned.

“Mom, when will my brother be back?”

Mrs. Durant gathered clothes for Lolla and took the child in her arms, “You have just returned from the hospital a few days ago, and you are still out of confinement. How can you run out? If you want to see your brother, he will just go over and see you if you call?”

Lolla smiled reluctantly and said, “I miss you and dad too. It’s not cold in the car. I wear thick clothes.”

Mrs. Durant laughed. Her daughter said that she was naturally happy when she thought about her. They all said that the married daughter poured out the water, but Lolla still thought about them. Can she be upset?

She looked down at the child in her arms, only a few days after he was born, his face slowly opened up.

Lolla followed, “Have grown a few taels of meat in just a few days.”

“The children in this confinement grow fast. After one month, some grow fast and can grow six or seven catties of meat.” Mrs. Durant has two children with experience.

Mrs. Durant was afraid that her daughter would catch a cold, so she let her rest in the room. She lay in bed worried that Nelson was at home alone. She called the servant at home and asked her to take good care of him.

Della suddenly disappeared. She could see that it was a big blow to Nelson.

That’s why she came back to find Elden. She had to make sure whether Della was arrested by Elden, or if she really flew away with Holden.

If she was arrested, even if she confessed the facts, she would have to rescue people if she did not stay with Ivan for the rest of her life.

If she does leave with Holden, then she will stay and take care of Nelson and the children.

Things started because of her, and she must bear the consequences.

As for Ivan, she can only fail.

Thinking of her gaze on the little baby lying next to her, she stretched out her hand to touch his face, how could she let such a young child without a mother?

Elden didn’t come back for dinner, Lolla was a little anxious, “Is he so busy?”

“He has been running out a lot recently.” Mrs. Durant said.

Lolla tried to inquire, “Why is he running outside?”

“For work matters, he hasn’t married a wife yet. Apart from work, what else can he do?”

Lolla wanted to inquire about Elden from her mother’s mouth. It was so bad, and it’s OK to think about it. If Elden really caught Della, how could he let his parents know?

It must be hidden from them, for fear that they are worried.

In order to see Elden Lolla staying overnight at home, she couldn’t sleep because of Della’s affairs and waited for Elden to come back.

It wasn’t until almost ten o’clock that she finally heard the door ring.

She gently lifted the quilt and got out of the bed, for fear of waking the baby on the bed, her movements were light.

Elden was hanging clothes in the hallway, and seeing Lolla at home, raised his eyebrows and asked, “Why are you still in confinement, why did you come back? having trouble with Nelson?”

A mouthful is testing the relationship between Lolla and Nelson.

“I’m fine with him.” Lolla walked over and looked at him, “Brother, tell me the truth, did you catch a woman named Della?”

Elden’s movement of hanging up his clothes quickly returned to nature, “Who is Della?”

But beating the drum in his heart, does Lolla know that Nelson has a woman outside?

“younger sister……”

“Brother, you know that Nelson and I are married in a family. There is no love between us. The child is only for the relationship between the two families. We only want it. He has a woman. I know that I agree. You don’t need to think I am wronged. I have not been wronged, everything is my own will, if you really catch her, I beg you, you let her go.”

Elden never expected that Lolla knew about the relationship between Nelson and Della, so she wouldn’t be jealous? not angry?

“My sister has such a woman, how can you live a good life with Nelson? How can you cultivate feelings between the two?”

“Brother, I said, you first hand the person to me, and I will take care of the rest…”

“I didn’t catch her. Didn’t she elope with her ex-boyfriend? Why did you ask me to ask someone? Nelson asked you to come?” Elden sneered.

After hearing Lolla’s words, he couldn’t let people go. With her, how could Nelson and Lolla cultivate a relationship?

Since we are married and have children, we must be together.

Whether it is for the benefit of the family or the children.

“Brother, you really didn’t catch her?” Lolla looked at him, trying to find traces of his lying on his face.

Chapter 428

Elden looked at her directly, saying, “Yes, I didn’t catch her.”

Who is Elden, who has been in the army, and hasn’t seen any battles?

Not to mention Lolla’s forcing the question, even if his father Lawrence is forcing the question, he still parrys him without missing any flaws.

Lolla only guessed that he had arrested Della, but there was no evidence. He didn’t admit it at the moment, and she had nothing to do.


“It’s late, go to bed earlier, I’m tired of training for a day, can I take a break?” Elden interrupted her, obviously reluctant to talk more.

Lolla pursed her lips, her voice was a bit dry, “Brother, you know that Ivan was in my heart when I married Nelson, so he is a normal person. I don’t mind. You don’t want to fight for me. If you really caught her, please, let her go, okay?”

“You have someone in your heart. What are you going to live on? Just forget about divorce. Why are you afraid of damaging the interests of the two families and insist on being together? Lolla, when you are married, you should live your life well. Don’t have crooked minds. Yes, I didn’t catch her.”

After finishing talking, Elden turned into the room.

Lolla stood there, a little messy for a while.

Could it be that her suspicion was wrong?

Elden really didn’t arrest anyone?

But she felt that according to Della’s character, she would never reconcile with Holden and elope.

She hasn’t seen the child, how could she just disappear like this?

She didn’t believe it, but Elden’s attitude was so determined that she didn’t know what she should do for a while.

She walked back to the room, the baby on the bed woke up and lay on the bed, not crying or making trouble, turning around with his eyes open, as if looking at the world.

But when the nurse said that he couldn’t see far away, she came over and looked down at him.

His eyes were still moving, as if she didn’t seem to be aware of her existence.

Sure enough, he was invisible.

Lolla picked him up.

The end of the year finally ushered in the first snow since the beginning of winter.

Overnight, heavy snow covered everything in the sky and the earth, white everywhere, and trees and houses looked like they were made of snow.

Early in the morning, Lolla dressed the baby with clothes and bags. She only showed her nose and eyes. She was afraid that it would be cold outside. Mrs. Durant came in and wanted to see her daughter and grandson. She saw that Lolla was already dressed and wrinkled. Brows, “Why did you get up so early? So cold, why don’t you sleep a little longer?”

“I’m going back before breakfast. Don’t worry about Nelson a person at home.” Lolla packed the baby’s milk powder and milk bottles into her bag, carried it on her body, and then picked up the baby.

“Nelson is not a kid anymore. He won’t eat if you are not here?” Mrs. Durant was afraid that her daughter would get cold, and the weather outside was cold.

Lolla looked up at her mother for a few seconds and said, “Mom, I’m leaving.”

She has asked the driver to wait outside. Mrs. Durant wants to persuade her to stay, don’t rush away, think about her now getting married, the love between husband and wife is also a good thing, so she didn’t want to stay anymore, instead she put on a mink coat and went out to send her off.

She turned around and went back to the house when she put the people in the car. Elden got up. I don’t know if the soldiers are more cold-resistant and wearing thin autumn pajamas. He looked at his mother, “It’s early in the morning. Where did you go?”

Seeing her hanging clothes, it was obvious that she came in from outside.

Mrs. Durant smiled, “I took your sister out.”

Elden’s expression paused, “She went back so early?”

“She said I was worried about Nelson. Although the two did not have any feelings when they got married, they look good now. Look at your sister, she will care about people. She didn’t go back all night. This is the early morning, and had to go back in the cold.”

Elden said nothing, but walked to the table and poured a glass of water, but in his heart was thinking about Lolla and Nelson.

Lawrence originally liked Nelson’s ability. He has to admit that he is the most distinctive among the rich second generations. In just a few years, he has been in charge of the company alone, and he is still doing impressively.

He also appreciates that such a man is lucky for his sister to be with his sister.

He will never allow anyone to destroy this marriage.

He put down his teacup, “I’m not eating at home.”

After speaking, he returned to the room. Mrs. Durant was not very happy, “Is there no time for a meal?”

“I have training.” Elden opened the door and entered the house, isolating everything outside.

It was snowing all night, and the road was especially slippery.

Lolla looked out the window, watching the beauty that can only be seen in winter, a piece of crystal white like a kingdom of ice and snow, but she didn’t want to appreciate it, and felt cold in her heart. Like this ice and snow, there is no temperature to heat up.


The sound of tires rubbing against the ground, accompanied by the driver’s shout, “No, the road is slippery, I can’t stop the car…”

Before he finished his words, the car slid off the road. The driver knew that the road was sliding fast, but there was no railing on this section of the road, and the car slid down the edge of the road.

Lolla had never experienced such a thing, and she was frightened in a cold sweat. She didn’t know what to do, so she could only hold the baby in her arms tightly.

Fortunately, the car slid halfway and was held up by a tree. The two ends were suspended in the air, and there was a steep slope below.

“Madam, don’t move.” The driver was also pale, and he was not lightly scared just now.

The car is swaying, and it may slide down at any time due to the imbalance of gravity at both ends.

Lolla didn’t speak for a long time, and she didn’t even dare to breathe, for fear that the car would slide down.

She held her breath.

“Quickly, call Nelson.”

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