Stealing Your Heart Novel Chapter 637 – 638

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Chapter 637

Long time no see?

Carla asked, “Are you talking to me?”

“Is there anyone else in the car?” Quinton curled his lips, his lips were red and his teeth were white, with an expression of interest on his face at the moment.

Carla thought about it carefully in her mind, and indeed she had never seen this face.

Did he admit the wrong person, or did she remember it wrong?

“Have we met?” Carla asked.

Quinton looked upright and asked tentatively, “You really didn’t recognize me?”

Carla turned her head and looked at this face carefully. It was indeed good-looking, but she really didn’t have an impression. It stands to reason that if she had ever seen such a handsome face, she wouldn’t forget it.

At this time, the car drove to the city center, and the largest mall was full of banners, all about Quinton.

“Fan meeting, right here?” Carla asked.

Quinton nodded, put on a mask and glasses, “You come in with me.”

Carla thought for a while, and she just wanted to ask this person to be her endorsement. If she was familiar with it, she might be able to get close. When she sent him an invitation, he couldn’t refuse.

She readily agreed, “Okay.”

Quinton raised his eyes to look at her, and the lips under the mask made a big curve, “I’ll make a call.”

A staff member will pick him up from here.

He got out of the car rashly, maybe he was going to be blocked by crazy fans again.

Carla knew that his status was special and did not raise any objections.

He took out his cell phone and called and said he had arrived.

“where are you?”

“The door.”


“What kind of car did you come in? The person who was sent to pick you up said that he didn’t pick you up.”

Quinton looked up at Carla. He didn’t pay attention to the license plate number when he got on the car.

“What’s your license plate number?”


Quinton repeated it to the end of the phone, and then hung up.

“We are waiting for the staff over there to pick us up.” Quinton said helplessly.

I am accustomed to such things.

Carla smiled to express understanding.

It didn’t take long for the window glass to be knocked, and the people who came to pick up Quinton came.

There was no way to go through the back door, it was blocked by people, and could only enter from the front.

The security of the mall also has a large number of staff, together with blocking the crazy fans, and finally, there is a way to get in.

“Quinton! Quinton!”

Carla walked next to him, getting close to those fans who were obsessed with Quinton, and couldn’t help but feel cold.

He is handsome, she has to admit that, but there is no need to be so crazy, right?

If it weren’t for the security and staff to stop them, they would really rush up.

When he appeared in this mall, he signed a contract with the person in charge of the mall. The mall had to pay his appearance fee before he chose to hold a fan meeting here.

The mall has also been considered. He is a popular little fresh meat, and the traffic is naturally a lot. He can not only play a publicity role, but also bring additional income to the mall.

There are so many people here today, more or less will be there. Some shopping malls.

In the past, the main entrance hall of the mall was decorated with various decorations. Now they are all removed and replaced on the stage. Of course, the protagonist is Quinton.

He walked into the hall with crazy screams and stood on the stage. He took off his sunglasses and mask, revealing his entire face, and the audience cried out again with crazy screams.

Carla stood there and looked at Quinton on the stage. He did have the capital to make fans scream for him. He was tall and handsome. When he stood on stage, his whole body was glowing. He was the only one. The dazzling protagonist.

Nothing can stop his light.

“I am very grateful to everyone for liking me and coming to my meeting.” Quinton bowed deeply to the fans, “Thank you.”

“In order to thank everyone for your like and support, today, I also have a surprise for everyone.”


Quinton’s words caused quite a stir. Everyone was looking forward to the surprise. Some fans shouted boldly, “What surprise, is it a k!ss for fans?!”

“Let’s not surprise, we want you to k!ss us.”

The scene was out of control for a while.

Carla was clearly in it, but she looked like an outsider.

She wrapped her hands around her chest and looked at the crazy picture.

In the bursts of shouts, Quinton shouted surprises for everyone.

“I will select one among today’s fans and that fan will spend 24 hours with me!”

The bottom is completely boiling.

This temptation is too big, it is more attractive than getting his k!ss, you have to know to spend 24 hours with the male god.

“Everyone, please be quiet?” His low voice seemed to be magical, soothing the restless hearts underneath.

“Whoever hits the flashlight is the lucky one.” The host said the rules of the game, “Everyone is quiet, you are too noisy, you will scare the flash away.”

Everyone wants to get this lucky prize, so they calm down, pray in their hearts which one will win the prize, and then spend 24 hours with the male god.

Maybe these 24 hours can make the male god fall in love with them, and then become the real Mrs. Quinton.

The flash lights up.

Quinton whispered to the host.

The host asked in a low voice, “Who?”

Soon, Quinton’s gaze fell on Carla, “She.”

The host understood and nodded, “I’ll let someone arrange it.”

The next was a tense moment, the flashing light constantly shuttled through the crowd.

The host arranged for Quinton’s explanation in the background and returned to the stage.

“Let’s count down, stop the flash, whoever it stops on, is the lucky one today!”


The atmosphere is getting more and more tense.

“2, 1.”

The last sound fell, and the light shone on Carla who was standing in the corner.

Carla opened her eyes wide, and looked left and right. It was a little unexpected. Why did it fall on her?

The host shouted, “I invite this lucky guy to come on stage.”

Carla wanted to say that she admired Quinton, but she was really not a fan of him. It was a waste of this benefit to her.

But don’t accept it, as if she looked down on Quinton.

She was in a dilemma.

“That fan, isn’t it coming up yet?” Carla hesitated, and the host shouted again.

Quinton looked at Carla, feeling a little bit uncomfortable in his heart. He was used to being surrounded by fans, and he also had a sense of pride unconsciously. Carla’s expression was obviously reluctant.

She couldn’t refuse this kind of occasion. Refusing was tantamount to refuting Quinton’s face. She also wanted to hire someone to endorse her clothes, so she could do it even if she bit the bullet.

She stepped onto the stage.

There was another commotion below.

Most of them were disappointed, complaining about why they were not selected.

Carla walked onto the stage under various jealous eyes.

The host handed the microphone to her, “When did you like Quinton and was captured by his character?”

Quinton stood straight next to her.

She seemed to look forward to her answer.

Chapter 638

Carla has checked Quinton’s famous works, and she can tell the name of the TV he has played, but in reality, she has never watched it.

How does this make her answer normal?

“You are nervous, don’t you know what to say?” The host activity atmosphere.

Carla smiled, “I am really nervous, I’m surprised to be able to stand with my idol.”

Quinton stood aside, raised his head proudly, satisfied with this answer.

“Then you like his role?” the host asked again.

Carla answered fluently, “I like each of his roles.”

There was a round of applause below.

“Extend your right hand.” The host said to Carla.

She looked at the host, is there any gift for her? She doesn’t need to, “I’m already very happy to have such close contact with my idol Quinton. As for the gifts, I won’t accept them and give them to other fans.”

The host is very adaptable, “This gift can only be given to you alone, hold out your hand.”

Carla opened his mouth, and found that it was not good enough to refuse, so she could only stretch out one hand.

She hadn’t seen clearly what the host was holding, only heard a click, her hand was handcuffed.

Carla was stunned.

At this time, the host’s voice sounded again, “In order to prove that this benefit is not fraudulent, I will handcuff Quinton and this fan together. Come here 24 hours later and give her the key. What do you think?”

“it is good!”

The following answers are almost unanimous.

Quinton was also asked by supporters to stretch out his hand, and he was also a little confused.

Now, even if he wants to regret it, it won’t work.

He could only reach out and let the host to hand him over.

“Timing begins!”

In other words, counting from this moment, coming here after 24 hours, and opening the handcuffs will end the game.

Carla only treats this as for people to see. It should be opened afterwards, so she didn’t panic. Walked down according to the procedure, and there were constant shouts of fans from behind. Some even called Carla to help them. k!ss Quinton.

Quinton also thought that he would be able to unlock it later, so as soon as he left the public’s sight, he spoke, “Can you open it for us now, right?”

The host shook his head, “That’s it, 24 hours later.”

Carla, “…”

“You didn’t tell me that there was this item before.” He was angry, not because he was angered by chaining him and Carla, but because he didn’t tell him in advance.

“It’s written in the contract, haven’t you read it carefully?”

Quinton, “…”

He really didn’t take a closer look.

I usually read the contract carefully when I receive advertisements or something. This time I didn’t read the contract carefully because of the lack of formal publicity.

He gritted his teeth, simply that this woman is not an outsider, he can accept it, so be it.

Carla didn’t want to be handcuffed all the time. With a man for 24 hours. How could she go home and take him home too?

Ryan knew, he must be angry.

He is so possessive.

“No, you must open it for me.” Carla couldn’t accept such a thing. How did she go to the bathroom in these 24 hours? How do you go out to meet people?

People who don’t know thought she made some mistakes.

She would never accept this being handcuffed.

“Sorry, there is nothing I can do. Let’s see you in 24 hours.” After finishing speaking, the host left, leaving Carla and Quinton, and Quinton’s manager Mr. Fatty who came from behind.

Because he is fat, so Quinton called him.

Regarding this matter, he also expressed helplessness, “We were careless and let them dig a hole in the contract.”

Carla felt that she was innocent, so why was she caught?

“Things are already like this. Fortunately, the time is not very long. Drink a cup of tea and the time to watch a movie is almost the same.” Mr. Fatty noticed that Carla was unwilling to persuade him. Here you are, you are really lucky.”

Carla didn’t smile, yes, she was lucky.

She was tortured before she figured out the situation, and it will take 24 hours.

Quinton was not happy about Carla’s rejection, and said lightly, “Let’s go, this is not a place to talk.”

In order not to be rushed and the paparazzi to find them, Mr. Fatty arranged a car for them and left the underground garage.

Sitting in the car, Quinton looked at Carla, “You really don’t recognize me?”

Carla shook her head, murmured the crime in her heart, they really didn’t know each other.

“Mr. Fatty, give me my equipment.” Quinton stretched out his hand towards Mr. Fatty.

Mr. Fatty parked the car on the side of the road and took a suitcase from the trunk to him.

Quinton opened the box with his uncuffed hand, took out the comb inside to loosen his hair, and put on a pair of black round glasses.

“Can you recognize it?” He looked at Carla and asked.

Carla was dumbfounded, how could it look like Alan’s teacher?

“You, you, are you my son’s teacher?” Carla couldn’t connect such two different people.

“Well, otherwise, how would I recognize you?” Quinton fiddled with his combed hair.

Carla was completely silly.

This is not a world at all, not a person of a personality, how could they be the same person?

“You look at a different personality, but in fact, it’s just a little different in appearance.” Quinton spoke to her in a teacher’s tone.

Carla believed it this time.

It’s this voice. Every time she meets with this teacher, he uses this tone. He doesn’t rush or slow down, and his rhythmic sentences make people sound very knowledgeable.

“Didn’t Alan tell you?” Quinton asked.

Before he came back, he talked to Alan on the phone and told him his secret.

He told the little boy not to tell anyone, in fact, he wanted to test Alan’s laxity.

“No,” Carla remembered half of her son’s words that day. It turned out that this was the secret he was talking about.

Quinton was very satisfied with this little boy, but he really didn’t say anything.

Carla now somewhat understands why Alan is so mature, and sometimes does things that don’t pay attention to it.

With such a teacher who is not tuned, how can there be students who are tuned?

“What is your preference? To be a teacher or to be a star?” Carla wanted to know, which one of these two contrasting professions he prefers.

Quinton pondered for a moment, “Being a star is to p!ss my dad, and being a teacher is a hobby.”

Carla, “…”

She was speechless, this explanation.

To be a star in order to p!ss your dad?

This reason…

But I have to admit that he has two brushes, and it’s not easy to get red.

What’s so handsome in the entertainment industry is that the face is definitely not enough.

Quinton leaned back in his chair, looking a little lazy, “I can go to this day because I have a rich brother.”

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