The Ultimate Husband Novel Chapter 2633 – 2634

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Chapter 2633

The surrounding demon warriors were stunned one by one, completely dumbfounded.

Demon Venerable, who has always been invincible in their eyes, actually lost? Moreover, still defeated by a beast?

For a time, the entire Sealing Demon Mountain was silent, and a drop of a needle could be heard clearly.

“Your honor!”

“Are you alright, Your Honor…”

Finally, Candle Saint and several demon kings reacted first, shouting and rushing towards them one by one.

Gogne stood up slowly and waved his hand to indicate that he was fine.


In the next second, Gone took a deep breath, stared at Darryl, and said in a calm tone: “You are such a good Darryl, I really didn’t expect your life to be so great that you wouldn’t die if you were thrown into the Infernal Shadow Prison, and finally surrendered. Fierce.”

When he said this, in addition to anger, there was deep complexity in Gone’s eyes.

Just now when this kid used the power of the red lotus, he should have guessed…


The last word fell, and the entire Demon Sealing Mountain was in an uproar. Whether it was the Demon Race or the Divine Realm, all eyes were staring at Darryl, shocked.

Especially the surrounding demon warriors thought they had heard it wrong.

“Is he Darryl?”

“How is this possible? Darryl was thrown into the Infernal Shadow Prison, how could he come out alive?”

“But why would your Highness talk nonsense?”

And the God of the Nine Heavens, and the nerves of those divine soldiers, are even more petrified.

The Nine Heavens God was unable to calm down for a long time.

Fellow Daoist Jiuxiao… Is it Darryl?

To be honest, if it were before, the Nine Heavens God would definitely be furious, because Darryl concealed his identity and even accepted Prince Aolin as his disciple, which was a serious crime of deceiving the king.

But at this time, the Nine Heavens God couldn’t get angry in his heart. Because he knew that Darryl had been trying his best to help God Domain deal with the Demon Race, and the small mistake of concealing his identity was nothing compared to his achievements.


The surrounding discussions kept coming, Darryl looked indifferent and looked at Mozun Gone: “Yes, I am Darryl, Your Excellency Mozun, I still say that, you will not succeed if you go against the way of heaven and go against the sky. , it’s too late to stop now.”

The sound was not loud, but it spread throughout the entire Demon Sealing Mountain and could not be refuted.

“Haha, hahahaha…”

Hearing this, Demon Zun Gone’s face changed, and then he looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: “Stinky boy, do you think that with the help of Fierce Biao, you can completely defeat me?”

“I tell you, my demons will never admit defeat.”

Speaking of this, Demon Venerable took out the blood-colored crystal ball on his body and howled at Jiutian God: “Jiutian child, I will give you one last chance, surrender to me immediately, otherwise I will destroy the primordial spirit of the ancestors .”

When he shouted the last word, Gone’s face was extremely hideous.

In his heart, the primordial spirit of the ancestors of Honghuang is still in his hands, and the demons have not lost.

“do not…”

At this moment, Jiutian God’s face changed, he panicked, and quickly shouted: “Goni, don’t be impulsive…” Although the situation in front of you is very beneficial to the realm of the gods, the master is the spirit of the whole of the realm of gods. Pillar, nothing can happen.

Just halfway through the words, he was interrupted by Darryl.

“His Majesty!”

Darryl looked relaxed and comfortable, and said to the God of Nine Heavens: “You don’t have to worry, the primordial spirit of the ancestor has been taken back by me, and the one in his hand is fake.”

“Now that the Demon Race has lost its last hole card, since Demon Venerable is still obsessed, we don’t need to be polite and can launch an all-out attack.”

As he spoke, Darryl took the blood-colored crystal ball from his body.


Seeing the blood-colored crystal ball, Demon Lord Gone was shocked, shocked and angry, and howled at Darryl: “When did you take it?”

Darryl smiled slightly: “It was when I met you just now that I secretly used a small trick to exchange the crystal balls on your body.”


Hearing this, Demon Zun Gone only felt black in front of him, and he almost fainted.

Mad, this kid is really hateful. First, he hid his identity and played with himself on the floating island. At this time, he secretly stole the primordial spirit of the ancestors of the Great Wilderness.

Ha ha…

The God of Nine Heavens on the opposite side was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed, and nodded his approval at Darryl: “Good method, good method.”

Chapter 2634

At this time, the Nine Heavens God was extremely excited in his heart. Master’s primordial spirit was no longer in Gone’s hands, and he finally had no worries.

At the same time, Jiutian God’s gaze on Darryl was also full of admiration.

As expected of a talent that Master sees, this Darryl can always impress people at critical moments. Speaking of which, Jiutian God has always had opinions on Darryl, but after so many things, he always understands that it is not unreasonable that the ancestors of the floods valued Darryl.


Excited, the Nine Heavens God did not hesitate at all, waving the Xun Yifeng Thunder Sword and shouting: “Sweep down the mountain of demons and completely destroy these demons.”

“Squeeze the Demon Sealing Mountain!”

As soon as the voice fell, hundreds of thousands of divine soldiers and generals responded in unison, and immediately pulled out their weapons, without the slightest nonsense, and rushed directly into the formation of the demon warriors.


For a time, many demon warriors had no time to react, and were directly overwhelmed by the gods and soldiers who rushed up. Only the screams continued to be heard. In less than two seconds, hundreds of demon warriors fell in a pool of blood. among.


Seeing this scene, Demon Lord Gone’s eyes were instantly blood red, and his expression gradually became crazy.

I thought that holding the primordial spirit of the ancestors of the prehistoric land, the demons would be invincible, but I never imagined that they were all destroyed by Darryl, and their meticulous efforts were wasted, and everything was in vain. .

Under the anger, Gone thought of the prophecy of the innate spirit stone. Darryl is the biggest obstacle for the Demon Race to dominate the God Realm.

Could it be….is this God’s will?

God’s will is inviolable?

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became. His eyes were extremely red, and he locked on Darryl: “Boy, I want you to die.”

Even if it is the will of God that cannot be violated, for the sake of his own dignity and glory, for the sake of the Demon Race, he must kill Darryl today.


The last word fell, and Gone’s figure erupted, clenching the Proud Blood and Soul Shattering Spear, coming straight towards Darryl.

Feeling the terrifying power that permeated Gone’s body, Darryl did not panic at all, and said lightly: “Your Excellency Mozun, everything is over, don’t be obsessed!”

As he spoke, Darryl mobilized his figure, and together with Xie Biao, fought against Gone in mid-air.

At this time, Gone, under the resentment and anger in his heart, burst out with all his strength, and saw that he and Darryl, as well as the fierce and huge body, constantly shuttled back and forth in high control.

boom boom boom…

The aura that erupted made the world go dark, the surrounding dark clouds surging, thunder bursts, and the scene was indescribably shocking.


Seeing this scene, the many gods and soldiers who fought fiercely below all watched with enthusiasm. In their eyes, the fierce battle between Gone and Jiutian God just now was shocking enough, but they did not expect that Darryl cooperated with Fierce Biao to fight Gone The scene is even more shocking.

It can be said that this is a rare battle for thousands of years.

“For the sake of the clan, never give in!”

At this time, many demon warriors finally reacted, howling and fighting with the surrounding gods and soldiers. However, the disparity between the numbers of the two sides was too great, and many demons fought back bravely, and finally fell one after another.

clang clang!

For a time, the sound of weapons colliding, screaming and killing, constantly echoed over the Demon Sealing Mountain.

During the melee, Zhu Sheng andDilgog several demon kings also pulled out their weapons to join the battle.

Seeing that the situation was getting more and more unfavorable for the Demon Race, the Demon KingDilgog was anxious and shouted to Gone very calmly: “Your Highness, it really doesn’t work, let’s retreat, keep the green hills, not afraid of running out of firewood. .”

Dilgog saw that if the demons continued to fight in the current situation, they would only end up with the destruction of the entire army. If they broke through with all their strength, there might be a chance.


However, as soon as the words fell, the Candle Saint Demon King shouted: “God’s Domain wants to annihilate all of us today, and it is impossible to give us a chance to withdraw. “

Hearing these words, Gone, who was fighting fiercely in the sky, nodded and said solemnly: “Yes, this battle is about the glory of our demons, and we will not retreat.”

A word, like rolling thunder, resounded over the entire Fengmo Mountain.


Hearing this, all the demon warriors present were full of blood, and they all came out with an aura of swearing to death, fighting like crazy.

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