The Ultimate Husband Novel Chapter 2847 – 2848

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Chapter 2847

Fairy Yunxiu’s attitude didn’t make Princess Xi Ya’s anger relieved. At that time, she walked over quickly, raised her jade hand, and slapped her hard.


With this slap, Princess Xiya almost used all her strength, and when she heard a coquettish cry, Fairy Yunxiu staggered back, and a five-finger print appeared on her delicate face.

“Princess…” Fairy Yunxiu covered her face, very aggrieved, but she dared not say anything: “I…Did I do something wrong?”

“What do you say?”

Princess Xi Ya put her hands on her hips and said angrily, “Your Excellency Xianweng, is my brother’s master, but you are so rude to him, shouldn’t you beat him?”

“Also, I came to Xianweng to learn something this morning, but I was disturbed by you. A slap in the face is considered light.”


Hearing this, Fairy Yunxiu was stunned. The princess has always been playful, but now she came so early to find Xianweng Qingxu to learn her skills, the sun really came out from the west.

At this moment, Princess Xi Ya still didn’t calm down, she pointed at Fairy Yunxiu and shouted: “You are so bold, you dare to use the name of the queen mother and threaten the fairy, say it yourself, the queen mother knows about this, how should I punish you? ?”

It has to be said that although Princess Xi Ya is usually a little mischievous, her angry look at this time is still somewhat majestic.


At this moment, Fairy Yunxiu was so panicked that she knelt down and said, “I was wrong, I beg the princess to spare me.”

She never thought that this immortal Qingxu, who was not welcome everywhere, would be so protected by Princess Xi Ya at this time.

Seeing her admitting her mistake, Princess Xiya snorted lightly and did not respond directly, but turned back and winked at Darryl quietly, and said playfully, “I don’t want to care about this, how to punish you depends on what Xianweng means. Bar.”

Saying that, Princess Xiya waved at Darryl: “Goodbye, Master.”

The last word fell, and Princess Xi Ya left gracefully.

In an instant, only Fairy Yunxiu and Darryl were left at the scene, and the atmosphere became a little subtle.


At this moment, Fairy Yunxiu bit her lip lightly, lowered her head not to look at Darryl, and said in a low voice, “I was too much just now, Lord Xianweng has a lot, don’t care about me.”

To be honest, Fairy Yunxiu was reluctant to admit her mistake to Darryl. After all, she is a celebrity by Empress Hua Zhao’s side. Anyone who sees her should be courteous, so when should she bow her head to others?

But there is no way, this old man now has the support of Princess Xi Ya, if he angers Princess Xi Ya, don’t think about it in the future.


Darryl scratched his head and looked at her with a smile: “You admit your mistake so quickly? You just said you want to show me a good look.”

“I was wrong, I was really wrong.” Fairy Yunxiu bit her lip so hard that she almost bleeds. She never thought that her usual high self would be so dignified in front of this old man. .


Darryl nodded and said meaningfully: “I will ask Fairy for help in the future… Fairy will not refuse?” Although Fairy Yunxiu is hateful, she will be useful in the future.

Before the words were finished, Fairy Yunxiu hurriedly said: “Xianweng rest assured, as long as I can do it, I will do my best.”

Seeing her like this, Darryl nodded with satisfaction, then waved her hand to let her leave.


On the other hand, Kyushu.

The Earth Circle Continent, Donghai City!

It was already late at night, and on a coastal road in the suburbs, a red sports car was speeding fast. The driver was a young man, dressed in expensive clothes, but looking depressed.

The young man’s name is Liu Hao, the eldest young master of the Liu family. The Liu family belongs to a second-rate family in Donghai City. In recent years, the business has been poorly managed, and many industries have closed down.

Liu Hao has great ambitions, but the family business has been losing money year after year, which has caused him a headache. In order to slow down his mood, he became involved in gambling.

Tonight, Liu Hao lost a few million more, and in a state of irritability, he drove to the beach to blow his hair.


At this time, the car just went through a detour and suddenly broke out. The fire instantly enveloped the car. Liu Hao didn’t have time to react and died on the spot.

The terrain here is remote, and no one knew that a tragic disaster had occurred here, and the fire burned for more than two hours before gradually extinguishing.

Chapter 2848


At this moment, not far from the wreckage of the vehicle, two phantoms suddenly appeared slowly.

One of them was wearing a black robe and a high black hat, and his face was pale and pale.

It is the messengers of tomorrow night, Jisheng and Gogne.


At this moment, Gone looked at the burnt black body of Liu Hao in the wreckage of the vehicle and frowned, “Is this the body you helped me find?”

The words were full of displeasure.

Ji Sheng’s face was embarrassed, but he still answered cautiously: “Your Highness, it is not bad that we just left the ghost world and met a person who died in vain. After the first death of the Lord, the remnant soul was nine days away. After wandering for nearly 10,000 years and absorbing the essence of heaven and earth, it is possible to reshape the body!”

“And this time, it will only take a few months for Zun Shang to die. It is almost impossible to reshape the body. The only way is to use the corpse of the dead to resurrect.”

Said, Ji Sheng pointed to Liu Hao in the car: “When I came just now, I have already checked the life and death struggle. This person is called Liu Hao. When you fully recover your strength, it will not be too late to reshape your body.”


Hearing this, Gone took a deep breath and waved his hand: “Forget it, just follow what you said, I’ve been waiting for ten thousand years, and it’s not too short of time.”

When the voice fell, it turned into a stream of light and got into Liu Hao’s body.

“Cough cough!”

As soon as the remnant got in, he saw Liu Hao, who was already dead. He suddenly shuddered and sat up. He opened his mouth and coughed a few mouthfuls of blood. Although he was still embarrassed, his expression was not as decadent as before. A unique aura.

Yes, at this time he is no longer Liu Hao, but the Demon Lord Gone.

Seeing this situation, Qi Sheng was very excited, and quickly came up to congratulate: “Congratulations, Your Highness, for a smooth resurrection.”

As he spoke, Sheng Sheng couldn’t hide his urgency: “Your Highness, God’s Domain has long established a Divine Superintendent in Kyushu, so you have to be very careful, but as long as you keep a low profile, God’s Domain will not be able to find you, and I will leave the ghost quietly. Jie, you can’t stay here for too long, so you have to go back first, if you need anything, just contact me directly!”


Gonier nodded, and waved Shisheng away.

As soon as his forefoot left, Gone took a deep breath, began to examine his current body, and said to himself: “The human body is indeed too fragile, but it can be taken care of for a while.”

Saying that, the corners of Gonie’s mouth twitched: “This status is not bad. The eldest young master of the family will not starve to death.”

Talking to himself, Gogne walked along the coastal road toward the city center.

At this moment, at the intersection a few hundred meters away from Gogne, an off-road vehicle was parked on the side of the road, with several big men sitting in the car.

This person’s name is Chen Gang, and he planned Liu Hao’s car accident just now.


At this time, Chen Gang looked at the time and said slowly: “This point hasn’t appeared yet. It should be that the plan has been successful. Let’s go, let’s go and have a look.”

When the voice fell, the driver started the car and drove towards the seaside.


Not far away, he saw a figure walking slowly by the side of the road, it was Liu Hao.

Seeing that Liu Hao was still alive, whether it was Chen Gang or his accomplices, they were all shocked. This kid has a big life, so he didn’t die.

“get off!”

In the next second, Chen Gang gave an order, and several companions jumped out of the car with machetes, and walked towards ‘Liu Hao’ aggressively.

At this time, they didn’t know that the real Liu Hao was dead, and this one was the resurrection of the Demon Lord Gone.


When he was about to approach, Chen Gang looked at Gone coldly: “Your life is really hard, I put a bomb on your car, but it didn’t kill you, but it doesn’t matter, I promise you a little more trouble. Can’t see the sun tomorrow, brothers, hack him to death for me.”

The few companions behind him rushed forward with their machetes in their hands!

“A bunch of ants!”

Looking at the few people rushing up, Gone narrowed his eyes slightly, flashing a trace of killing intent.

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