The Ultimate Husband Novel Chapter 2859 – 2860

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Chapter 2859


Seeing this scene, Darryl frowned secretly.

This Prince Aotian is really unruly. He hurriedly started before announcing the start. Looking at the situation, the offensive and defensive battle just now made him very embarrassed, so he became angry.

At the same time, the surrounding priests couldn’t help but whisper.

“It hasn’t been announced yet, how did Prince Aotian start?”

“It’s not that I just lost a game, I feel uncomfortable…”

“Shh, keep your voice down, don’t be heard by the lady.”

Under the discussion of the priests, Prince Aotian had already rushed in front of Ao Lin, and his face was extremely grim: “Ao Lin, you will definitely lose this game, so don’t resist.”

At this time, Aotian looked arrogant, and his heart was also extremely confident. His strength was stronger than Ao Lin. Recently, after the teaching of the God King Haotian, his strength has improved a lot, and it is more than enough to deal with Ao Lin.


Ao Lin took a deep breath and didn’t answer, but mobilized his divine power, raised his hand, Aotian Prince, and collided with his palms! Over the past 100 days, under the guidance of Darryl, Aolin has worked hard to cultivate, and his strength has also improved a lot.


The palms of the two sides collided together, only to hear a loud bang, and a tyrannical internal force fluctuation swept the audience. Immediately afterwards, I saw that Prince Aotian and Prince Aolin groaned, and then were shaken back a few steps at the same time!

Obviously, no one took advantage of this palm, and they were evenly matched.

After stabilizing his figure, Prince Aolin looked indifferent.

In the heart of Prince Aotian, he was secretly surprised. You must know that Aolin was not his opponent since he was a child. There have been several discussions, and Aolin has all ended in defeat, but today, he can even be on an equal footing with himself?

“Good boy.”

In shock, Prince Aotian looked at Ao Lin closely: “It seems that you have worked very hard during this time.”

“It’s natural.” Prince Aolin responded lightly.

“Ha ha!”

Hearing the answer, Prince Aotian sneered: “So what? To compete for the throne of Heavenly Emperor today, I am determined to win.” The voice fell, and the figure erupted and rushed over again!

“Then let’s wait and see!” Prince Aotian responded, but he was not afraid!

“Clang clang clang!”

In the next second, the figures of the two sides kept colliding in mid-air, and for a while no one could do anything about the other.

In the blink of an eye, ten minutes passed, and neither of the two sides could gain the upper hand, and they were suddenly anxious.


At this moment, Ao Lin raised a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said lightly: “If I guess right, you secretly bought Mingyue Xingjun.”

“What do you mean?” Prince Aotian’s expression changed and he said coldly.

Ao Lin smiled slightly, and while fighting Ao Tian, ​​he mocked leisurely: “In the competition just now, everyone could see that I am far better than you, whether it is writing or handwriting, but Mingyue Xingjun actually judged us. If it’s a draw, you say, if he confiscates your benefits, how dare he be so blatantly partial?”

When he said this, Ao Lin looked serious, but his eyes flashed with slyness.

During this period of time, Ao Lin learned a lot from Darryl, especially psychological tactics. He knew that this head-to-head match was not necessarily Ao Tian’s opponent, so he deliberately used words to stimulate him. Impatient, if you lose your mind, you will make a fatal mistake.

“shut up!”

Sure enough, hearing these words, Aotian was furious, and immediately slapped Ao Lin’s heart with a palm.

However, Ao Lin was prepared for a long time, and he turned to dodge, and at the same time, he went around to the back of Ao Tian, ​​and punched him on the shoulder at that time.


With this punch, Ao Lin almost used all his strength, only to hear a dull sound, Ao Tian fell directly, his face pale, showing a bit of weakness.


Seeing this scene, the priests who were watching the battle immediately caused a commotion.

Ao Tian’s strength has always been stronger than Ao Lin, this is a well-known thing, and at this time, Ao Lin actually beat Ao Tian back, which is really surprising.

Darryl also showed a smile, looking at Ao Tian’s eyes, full of admiration.

Not bad, this Ao Lin has followed him these days, and finally he has not learned in vain. The psychological tactics just now were used just right.

Chapter 2860


At this moment, Empress Hua Zhao, who was sitting on the throne, frowned, and her delicate face couldn’t hide her anxiety: “In just a hundred days, has Ao Lin’s strength become so strong?”

“If Aotian loses this battle, he will lose his position as the Emperor of Heaven.”

When the words fell, the god King Haotian next to him smiled slightly and comforted in a low voice: “My lady, don’t worry, I have passed on a stunt to His Royal Highness the past few days, and he will not lose it.”

When he said this, Haotian God King’s face was full of confidence.


At this moment, Ao Lin was quietly suspended in mid-air, looking down at Ao Tian with a condescending tone, and said in a light tone: “The outcome has been decided, it seems that we don’t need to fight.”

“Joke, this prince hasn’t given up yet.”

Hearing this, Prince Aotian’s slightly pale face suddenly became extremely gloomy, his eyes flashed with a cold light, and then his body flashed, he pulled out a long sword, and flew up!


At this moment, the divine power in Prince Aotian exploded, and the air around the entire Dilgog Palace was about to shatter!


Feeling the aura that filled Ao Tian’s body, Ao Lin frowned and had a bad premonition.

What stunt did he perform? It feels very familiar….

At the same time, the surrounding priests watching the battle were also shocked, and at the same time they dispersed to the distance.

“Tianluo destroys the world!”

At this moment, Prince Aotian rushed into the air, raised his hand suddenly, a terrifying force erupted from the long sword, forming a sword shadow all over the sky, and suddenly slammed towards Prince Aolin!

These sword shadows, there are thousands of paths, are completely condensed by the divine power of Prince Aotian!

At the moment when thousands of sword shadows appeared, the temperature around the entire arena seemed to drop by more than ten degrees. Whether it was Prince Aolin or the priests not far away, they all felt a chill to the bones.

While many priests were shocked, they couldn’t help but sweat for Prince Aolin! !

“Tianluo destroys the world?”

“Isn’t this the stunt of the God King Haotian? I didn’t expect His Royal Highness to learn it!”

“Yeah, it’s really unbelievable that the God King Haotian can pass such a powerful stunt to His Royal Highness. Looking at it, Prince Aolin will definitely lose in this battle.”

Under the shock, many priests couldn’t help but talk.

Yes, what Prince Aotian performed at this time was the famous stunt of the God King Haotian, Tianluo destroys the world. For thousands of years, the God Realm has experienced large and small battles. Every time the God King Haotian relies on this stunt to fall into battle Kill the enemy, Megatron all around.

Ha ha…

Seeing this scene, the God King Haotian, who was standing there, showed a smile.

For the sake of Empress Hua Zhao, he did not hesitate to teach Aotian his stunt. With the stunt of ‘Tianluo Destroying the World’, Aotian was already invincible in this third battle.

Sitting there, Empress Hua Zhao, who was still a little worried, was relieved at this time.

Afterward, Empress Hua Zhao tilted her head and glanced at the God-King Haotian: “Thank you.”

God King Haotian didn’t answer, but looked at him and smiled.

What the hell!

Darryl, who was not far away, changed his face, and couldn’t help but exclaimed at Ao Lin: “Be careful!” At the same time, Darryl couldn’t help but glance at the God-King Haotian.

Nima, this God-King Haotian is really willing to write a book and even passed his unique skills to Aotian.


Hearing Darryl’s cry, Prince Aolin lost his composure, and his forehead was covered in sweat.

This Aotian has learned the stunt of the Haotian God King, and he is afraid that he can’t stop it.

chi chi chi…

At this time, the sword shadows from the sky erupted. At that time, Ao Lin didn’t have time to think about it, he burst out all his divine power, and pulled out his long sword to block in front of him.

bang bang bang…

Countless sword shadows slammed into him fiercely. Hearing Ao Lin let out a muffled groan, the whole person was shocked and flew out. Finally, when he reached the ring, he fell heavily.

When he was fighting with Aotian just now, he had already consumed a lot of divine power. At this time, facing Aotian and using ‘Tian Luo Destroy the World’, he naturally couldn’t resist it.

“Your Highness!”

Seeing this scene, Darryl couldn’t bear it any longer, exclaimed, rushed directly to the ring, and helped Prince Aolin up.

“How are you?” Darryl asked anxiously. He clearly felt that Prince Aolin’s Primordial Spirit was severely injured, and it would take at least a month to recover.

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