The Ultimate Husband Novel Chapter 3449 – 3450

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Chapter 3449

When he said this, the disciple was sweating profusely, unable to hide his excitement.


The words fell, and the entire hall was boiling. Whether it was Liu Ruxue or those branch hall masters, they were all very excited.

“It must be the headmaster…”

“I know that the head is strong, and there will be no problems.”

Under the excitement of everyone, Liu Ruxue hurriedly greeted everyone: “Quick, gather your disciples immediately and go to the place where the fireworks are released.”

“Yes, aunt.”

A few minutes later, several thousand elite disciples of Lihuo Clan quickly assembled, and under the leadership of Liu Ruxue, they quickly rushed towards the place where the fireworks appeared.

Along the way, Liu Ruxue was in a hurry and kept urging everyone to speed up.

Speaking of which, if it was a month ago, Liu Ruxue would never have been so nervous. You must know that Ren Pingsheng has become the supreme martial arts holy fire Mingzun. Looking at the whole river and lake, there are almost no rivals, but after seeing the strength of Darryl, he knows There are people outside the sky, and there are mountains outside the mountains.

Therefore, Liu Ruxue was very worried that the senior brother might have encountered Darryl again before releasing the fireworks signal for help.

Finally, an hour later, Liu Ruxue and the others arrived at the forest where the fireworks were set off.


At this moment, seeing the situation in front of her, Liu Ruxue and the people around her were all stunned.

I saw a cliff with a height of several hundred meters, collapsed from the middle of the mountain, and there was a mess within a radius of one thousand meters, and many places were burned by fire and traces of fighting.

Obviously, there was a fierce battle here before.


Seeing this scene, Liu Ruxue bit her lip tightly, very worried about Ren Pingsheng’s safety, and immediately commanded everyone: “Look around to see if there is any trace of the sect master.”

“According to the order!” After hearing the order, everyone dispersed immediately and carefully searched around.

After a while, someone found something and shouted anxiously: “Come on, come on, the head is here.”


Hearing the shout, Liu Ruxue and the others rushed over, and saw Ren Pingsheng lying quietly in the woods, covered in blood, and there was a sword wound in his heart. The sword wound ran through his heart. People are shocked.

Seeing this scene, whether it was Liu Ruxue or the others present, they were all shocked and angry.

Who the hell did it? How can you beat the boss so badly?



A few seconds later, more than a dozen hall masters, as well as several thousand disciples, fell to the ground one after another, the tears could not be stopped, and the grief was incomparable.

The heart is injured, the person has no breathing, and is obviously dead.

However, Liu Ruxue bit her lip tightly, without the slightest bit of sadness, but looked around and said coquettishly, “Why are you crying? Senior brother is not dead yet.”

Others couldn’t see it, but Liu Ruxue clearly saw that Ren Pingsheng’s face was peaceful, and although he was no longer breathing, there was still a force in his body that moved along the meridians.

As a saint, and with Ren Pingsheng’s brother and sister, Liu Ruxue immediately realized that Ren Pingsheng did not completely lose, but at a critical moment, he used the ‘rebirth from the fire’ in the holy fire Mingzun.

not dead?

Hearing this, everyone present was stunned, and looked at Liu Ruxue blankly.

The Sect Master was injured in his heart, and he couldn’t breathe, how could he not die?

“All right!”

Liu Ruxue was too lazy to explain, because she clearly saw that there was a faint flame looming on the surface of Ren Pingsheng’s skin, so she knew that ‘Rebirth from the Fire’ had entered the key, and immediately ordered everyone: “Don’t be suspicious, palms. The doorman is indeed not dead, so hurry up and set up a camp nearby, and at the same time guard the surrounding area, and no one is allowed to approach.”

Seriously, seeing Ren Pingsheng so miserable, Liu Ruxue really wanted to know who did it, but the most important thing right now is to ensure that Ren Pingsheng can be reborn successfully.

Hearing the order, everyone did not dare to neglect, took materials on the spot, quickly built a huge tent, and then carefully moved Ren Pingsheng inside.

Afterwards, everyone set up vigilance around.

In the tent, Liu Ruxue quietly stood beside Ren Pingsheng, her beautiful face couldn’t hide her worry. Although she knew that Ren Pingsheng had performed ‘Rebirth from Fire’, but this stunt has been practiced in Lihuomen for nearly a thousand years. No one knows whether Ren Pingsheng can succeed.

Chapter 3450

Brother, you must succeed.

Under the worry, Liu Ruxue kept praying in her heart.

At this moment, outside the tent.

Thousands of Lihuo Sect disciples guarded the surroundings like iron barrels. It could be said that the guards were so heavily guarded that even a fly would hardly get in.

Every disciple also played up the spirit of twelve points, without the slightest neglect.


However, at this time, everyone sensed that there were terrifying aura fluctuations in the sky above their heads. The bright moon was in the sky, but suddenly dark clouds rolled.

what’s the situation?

For a time, all the disciples of Lihuo Sect were taken aback, and they looked up at the sky in shock.

In the dark cloudy night sky, a ray of light ripped apart the sky and fell from the sky.

The brilliant light seemed to tear the entire sky in half.

“what’s up?”

At this time, hearing the movement outside, Liu Ruxue walked out of the tent quickly, and when she saw the scene in front of her, that beautiful face, she was shocked: “A natural vision, could it be… that some treasure has come down. dead?”

This point of view is what she saw from ancient books. Since ancient times, there is a natural vision, and there must be treasures in the world.

It’s just that it has never happened in thousands of years, but I didn’t expect it to happen tonight.

Treasures come to earth?

Hearing this, everyone around Lihuo Sect was shocked.

The next second, one of the hall masters couldn’t help but ask: “Saint, is there really such a treasure in this world?” As he spoke, his eyes were extremely excited, because the light that ripped apart the sky and connected the ground is just far from here. not far.

If there is really a treasure, Lihuomen can rush over immediately.


Liu Ruxue breathed a sigh of relief, her delicate face showing a bit of complexity: “I can’t say for sure, anyway, it’s all recorded in ancient books.”


As soon as the voice fell, they saw the light in the sky, and finally landed in the valley a few hundred meters away. Suddenly, a huge roar came, and then, everyone felt the ground under their feet, and there was a burst of tremors.

For a time, everyone was a little unsteady, and their faces were shocked.

The treasure has already landed, this power is simply too terrifying.


Shocked, Liu Ruxue couldn’t help shouting, “You all go over there and take a look. Remember, don’t shoot blindly.” After speaking, she looked back at the tent.

Speaking of which, Liu Ruxue really wanted to go check it out in person, but she held back when she thought that Ren Pingsheng in the tent was at a critical moment of rebirth.

“Yes, aunt.”

Hearing the order, more than a dozen hall masters responded in unison, and quickly rushed over with their disciples.


At this time, in the valley.

I saw that a huge deep pit was bombarded in the open space in the valley. This deep pit was more than one hundred meters in diameter and tens of meters deep. At the bottom of the giant pit, lay a colorful dazzling light. ball.

In the ball of light, there is a vague figure.

He has a strong body, sharp brows, indescribably handsome and handsome, but there is a paranoid evil spirit between his brows.

It was sent from the realm of the gods, the divine soul of Prince Aotian.

At that time, in the courtyard where Taiyi Xianzun lived in seclusion, Prince Aotian failed to break through, resulting in the destruction of his primordial spirit. In the end, Taiyi Xianzun, through the essence of Faye Red Lotus, saved the spirit of Prince Aotian, and then sent him to Ziwei Continent, okay Let him re-cultivation out of the primordial spirit.

But unfortunately, after Prince Aotian teleported over, he landed not far from the Lihuomen camp.


At this time, as the light ball slowly disappeared, Prince Aotian also opened his eyes, seeing the surrounding environment, his eyes were full of disgust: “This is the Ziwei continent in the human world? The spiritual energy of heaven and earth is really not bad.”

While muttering, I heard footsteps not far away, and there were many people listening.

Prince Aotian frowned, his figure flashed, and he disappeared directly into the night.

“right here!”


As soon as Prince Aotian disappeared, everyone from Lihuomen rushed over, and when they saw the huge pit in front of them, they were all dumbfounded.

“What kind of power can create such a terrifying power?”

“Strange, there’s nothing down there?”

“Could it be… someone took the lead and took the treasure?”

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