The Ultimate Husband Novel Chapter 3867 – 3868

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Chapter 3867

Speaking, Prince Aotian raised his glass: “Come on, let’s continue drinking.”

“Well, drink and drink…”


On the other side, pastures are forbidden.

After Darryl arrived, he could see from a distance around the huge black stone monument, guarding dozens of black armored cavalry.

These cavalrymen, each armed with a machete, were vigilant about their surroundings and had a domineering aura.

Before Yi Taier led the army to clear the Tiandao Society, he deliberately left some people behind to stay in the forbidden area to prevent people with ulterior motives from approaching.


At this time, seeing Darryl approaching, dozens of black armored cavalry suddenly gathered their eyes, and then scolded them one after another.


“Who dares to trespass the forbidden area?”

Seeing Darryl dressed as a Kyushu man, the captain of the cavalry headed by him was even more rude: “Where are the Kyushu people who came out of nowhere, dare to break into the forbidden area of ​​our Rakshasa tribe and seek death?”

Saying that, he waved his hand.


In an instant, dozens of black armored cavalry rushed up and surrounded Darryl.

Faced with this situation, Darryl did not panic at all, and smiled: “Don’t be nervous, everyone, I am Darryl, and I came here to see the cave under this forbidden area.”

Darryl could see that the black armored cavalry in front of him were all selected in the past two days. It was normal not to know him, but he had heard his name.


The famous Jiuzhou hero?

At this moment, the black armored cavalry present all looked at each other, their expressions were not as arrogant as before, but they did not let go.

“whats the matter?”

At this moment, a crisp voice came.

Hearing this voice, dozens of black-armored cavalry turned around in unison, and each spoke respectfully.

“General Yi…”

Darryl also subconsciously turned his head to look, and was immediately stunned.

I saw a slender figure slowly coming, a black and red soft armor, which perfectly set off the s3xy curve, with a ponytail, delicate facial features, and a healthy wheat color.

The red cloak fluttered behind him, indescribably heroic.

It was Itel’s younger sister, Ilona.

Ilona is several years younger than Itel. She is just over 20 this year. Although she is a woman, because her father and brother are senior generals of the Rakshasa clan, she likes life in the military since she was a child, and she is very talented in martial arts. She is sixteen years old. At the time, in the arena held by the Rakshasa clan, he achieved the proud result of the first place.

A few years have passed, and Ilona’s strength has changed even more. Now she is a general in the army and the only female general of the Rakshasa clan.

Yesterday, Yi Taier went to Suppress the Heavenly Dao Society, so he asked his sister to take someone and guard the forbidden area.


At this moment, Darryl couldn’t help looking at Ilona up and down, secretly admiring her.

Unexpectedly, in addition to the charming queen, there is such a heroic female general among the Rakshasa.

This appearance and figure are comparable to those of Xing Yao back then.


Feeling Darryl’s gaze, Ilona was very unhappy, and her delicate face instantly turned cold: “Who are you? Dare to break into the forbidden land of our Rakshasa.”

Ilona had naturally heard of Darryl’s name, but she had never seen a real person. At this time, she thought that the man in front of her was a thief who was thinking about forbidden treasures.

“I’m Darryl. Come and see what’s going on below.” Darryl smiled bitterly and once again showed his identity.

At this moment, Ilona was stunned, looked at Darryl carefully, and her red lips lightly opened: “Are you Darryl?”

Darryl nodded.

Ilona breathed a sigh of relief, her tone indifferent: “Even if you are the Queen’s VIP, you can’t break into the forbidden area at will. This place is always under the supervision of my brother. If you really want to enter and check, unless there is a warrant from my brother.”

The sound is crisp but unmistakable.

Speaking of which, Ilona had heard a lot about Darryl’s deeds, and she was a little curious at first, but Darryl’s eyes just now made her feel no good in her heart.

“The First Minister of the Ming Dynasty”

“Your brother?” Darryl was stunned.


Ilona responded, her face unable to hide her pride: “It’s General Itel.”

Hearing this, Darryl was stunned, and then said with a smile: “Listen to what you mean, the queen’s rights are not as big as your brother?”

This woman is interesting, young, but quite arrogant.

Chapter 3868

Feeling the ridicule in Darryl’s tone, Ilona’s face instantly flushed.

In the next second, Ilona said angrily: “Don’t tell me these are useless, outsiders can’t go in, you go.”


Seeing that the other party didn’t give face at all, Darryl was not displeased at all, but couldn’t help laughing: “I just went in and took a look, and I didn’t take anything, how come you are like a thief?”

The last word fell, Darryl urged the figure, rushed out of the crowd, and quickly entered the cave.

Darryl’s speed was so fast that Ilona and dozens of black-armored cavalrymen had no time to react.


Soon, Ilona was the first to recover. She stomped her feet in anger at the time and chased after her with a coquettish shout.

The dozens of black-armored cavalry behind him followed closely.

However, at the entrance of the cave, Ilona suddenly thought of something, and immediately turned around and said, “None of you should follow, and stay outside. Prevent Darryl’s companions.”

Although Darryl appeared alone, he was not sure whether he had any accomplices nearby.


Hearing the order, dozens of black-armored cavalry responded in unison and guarded the entrance.

Ilona stopped talking nonsense, bit her lip, and rushed into the hole.

At this moment, in the cave.


Darryl followed the steps and quickly probed down. Seeing the scene in front of him, he couldn’t help taking a deep breath, and he couldn’t hide the shock in his heart.

Unexpectedly, there is no cave below.

Soon, near the deepest stone platform, Darryl stopped and frowned after looking around.

Is this where the nine golden crows live? Except for a stone platform and the magma below, there is nothing special…

“The Age of Rebirth”


Just when Darryl was thinking about it secretly, a coquettish shout came from behind.

Then, I saw Ilona chasing her down angrily.

“What’s the matter with you?”

When she got to the front, Ilona’s delicate face was full of anger, and she shouted at Darryljiao: “I can’t tell you what to say, why are you pushing hard? Can’t understand the words?”


Darryl scratched his head, a little dumbfounded: “I just came down to see, there’s no need to be so preoccupied.”

With that said, Darryl pointed to the stone platform: “Are the nine golden crows on this stone platform at that time?”

Ilona pouted and said angrily, “Why should I tell you? You hurry up, or I will be rude.” When she spoke, Ilona looked impatient.

I’ve never seen such a thick-skinned person before, it’s really annoying.

You’re welcome?

Hearing this, Darryl was stunned and looked at Ilona with great interest: “Why are you being rude?” As soon as he saw this Ilona, ​​he thought of Xing Yao, and Darryl couldn’t help it. Want to tease her.


Seeing Darryl’s half-smile but not smiling, Ilona was a little embarrassed.

Speaking of which, Ilona knew that Darryl was very strong, and would not have rashly attacked in normal times, but she clearly felt that after killing nine Golden Crows yesterday, Darryl was very weak. In this case, of course, there is no scruples.

With this palm, Ilona exploded with 70% or 80% of her power, and the surrounding air was distorted, and the power was amazing.


However, Darryl didn’t panic at all, let out a loud cry pretending to be surprised, and then stepped back two steps to avoid the palm. Although the power consumption is serious and has not recovered yet, avoiding Ilona’s attack is not a problem at all.

After dodging, Darryl said with a smile: “How can you do it? How bad is it for girls to fight and kill?”


A palm fell in the air, and Darryl laughed at it. Ilona’s delicate face instantly flushed red, and she was so angry. Immediately biting his lip, he attacked Darryl again.

In terms of identity, Darryl is a senior, so naturally he will not fight against Ilona, ​​so he uses the surrounding environment to dodge.

While dodging, Darryl did not forget to tease.

“If you are so angry, how will you marry in the future?”

“Alas, the speed of this palm is not enough.”

“This palm… is not strong enough…”

Darryl’s teasing sound kept coming, and Ilona’s tender body trembled.

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