The Ultimate Husband Novel Chapter 3976 – 3977

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Chapter 3976

Shen Nong took a deep breath, pondered, and smiled bitterly: “There is, but there is, it’s just a once-in-a-million-year medicine lead.”


At this moment, Ginger’s eyes lit up and he quickly asked, “What kind of medicine?”

Shen Nong looked out of the window, his eyes flashing with complexity: “This kind of medicinal herb is the most amazing medicine in the world, it is called Jiuzhuan Sun-Returning Grass, but this kind of herbal medicine grows in a very special environment. Will appear.”

“For so many years, I have searched countless times and only found one, but it was an old friend five hundred years ago, and it has been used.”

Speaking of which, Shennong looked at Ginger quietly: “Daughter girl, if you can find the 9th revival grass, the old man has full confidence to wake up your sweetheart, but whether you can find it or not depends on your good fortune and luck. already.”

Nine Turns Returning Sun Grass….

Hearing this, Ginger’s eyes glowed with new hope, he muttered a few words to himself, and then nodded: “Senior, don’t worry, no matter how much you pay, I will definitely find the Rank Nine Grass.”

After saying this, Ginger hurried out the door.


Seeing this scene, Shennong breathed a sigh of relief and couldn’t help but admire: “It’s rare to have such an emphasis on love and righteousness.”

When the voice fell, Nalan Xinran, who had been watching quietly beside him, couldn’t help but nodded and said, “Yes, Wushuang has experienced a lot during this time, and has become a lot more mature.”

When he said this, Nalan was a little distressed. The niece is still young and has to endure so many things.

Thinking about it, Nalan happily ordered to the disciple outside the door: “You should have heard what Senior Shennong said just now. From now on, do all you can to find the Nine-Rank Sun-Returning Grass.”

“Yes, Miss.”

Hearing the order, several disciples responded, and then summoned the others to go out to look for the Nine-turn Sun-Returning Grass.

At this time, Shennong used his medical skills to extend Tie Bowen’s life.

It takes a lot of energy to give people a life. After the end, Shennong’s forehead is full of sweat.


Nalan happily handed over the handkerchief: “It’s hard work.”

Shen Nong smiled slightly: “It’s not worth mentioning the effort.”

As he said that, Shennong suddenly thought of something, and said to Nalan happily: “Ling Zun, have you played against anyone recently?” Just now that he noticed that Nalanhong was wrong, Shennong has never forgotten it. With the heart of the doctor’s parents, he couldn’t help but ask. a moment.

Fight with people?

Hearing the question, Nalan’s delicate face was full of doubts, and he shook his head and said, “My father has been in the manor all this time.

After speaking, Nalan couldn’t help but ask back, “Why do you ask that, senior?”

That’s weird…

Hearing the answer, Shennong frowned and was at a loss for a moment.

In the next second, Shennong didn’t hide anything and said slowly: “Just now when I was talking with Ling Zun, the old man found that there was a black aura hidden between his eyebrows, obviously he was disturbed by external forces, however, there was no injury inside or outside his body. Therefore, this is the question.”


At this moment, Nalan was stunned for a moment, and his mind was a little dazed.

To be honest, if someone else said that, Nalan would just take it as nonsense, but Shennong was different. He was a famous doctor in Kyushu and was honored as the ancestor of medicine by the world. His words were definitely not groundless.

More importantly, Nalan also felt that something was wrong with his father recently.

Thinking to himself, Nalan willingly asked for advice: “Senior, what should I do?”

Shen Nong thought for a while: “It’s best to let the old man take a good look at Ling Zun. At that time, it needed his cooperation.”


Nalan nodded happily: “Then I will trouble the seniors, please wait in the hall first.” After saying that, he took Shennong to the hall.

When he reached the hall, Nalan gladly ordered his servants to be treated with good tea, and then went to the backyard to see his father.

At this time, in the backyard study, Nalan Hong was sitting there, flipping through an ancient book.

“Father!” Nalan walked in happily and called out softly.

Nalan Hong was closing the ancient book with a calm expression: “What’s wrong?”


Nalan took a deep breath with pleasure and said softly, “Senior Shennong, who is waiting in the hall, said he wanted to show you.”

Chapter 3977

have a look?

Hearing this, Nalan Hongzheng frowned: “What are you looking at?”

Nalan hesitated for a while, and said slowly, “Senior Shennong looked at his father’s face just now and said that there was a black aura between your brows, maybe…”

When he said this, Nalan’s delighted and beautiful face showed a bit of complexity.

Just before she could finish speaking, Nalan Hongzheng stopped her drinking.

“Nonsense!” Nalan Hong stood up abruptly, and said angrily, “I’m fine, what’s wrong? You treat Senior Shennong well, and let him do his best to save that Rakshasa clan, you don’t need to show me.”

The last word fell, and Nalan Hong was waving his hand, signaling Nalan to leave happily.


Seeing his father’s reaction, Nalan Xinran was even more puzzled.

It was just for Senior Shennong to take a look, not doing anything else, why did my father make such a big fire?

Could it be….Does Father really have an unspeakable secret?

Thinking to herself, Nalan was glad to persuade her, but Nalan Hongzheng didn’t give her a chance at all. After bowing, “Why don’t you leave? Hurry up and don’t disturb my reading.”

“All right!”

Faced with this situation, Nalan gladly stopped insisting and left the study with a reply.

Back in the front hall, I saw Shen Nong sitting there, sipping tea slowly.

“Senior!” Nalan walked over happily, her delicate face very helpless.

Shen Nong put down the teacup and showed a smile: “Where’s Ling Zun?”


Nalan sighed happily and smiled bitterly: “Father insists that he is fine and doesn’t want to let senior see it.” After speaking, he briefly explained the situation just now.

Knowing the situation, Shen Nong frowned secretly.

Nalan Hong is resisting like this, which means that there is a problem.

Thinking to himself, Shennong gave Nalan a cheerful command: “From now on, pay close attention to the movements of your commander, and if there is anything suspicious, tell me immediately.”

“Understood, senior.”

Nalan nodded quickly.


On the other side, the Rakshasa.

After a day of training, Darryl’s condition has improved a lot. Although he can’t completely return to his peak state, if he encounters Prince Aotian, he can still fight.

At this time, Darryl was sitting in the back garden of the palace, basking in the sun leisurely.


At this moment, a crisp voice came, Darryl looked up and saw Ilona walking over quickly.

When she got to the front, Ilona bit her lip lightly and said, “You gave me the animal language last night. I don’t quite understand some things. If you have time, teach me again?”

When speaking, Ilona’s eyes were full of anticipation.


Darryl took a deep breath, sat up and said with a smile: “Seven points of this kind of thing depends on talent and three points on hard work. I explained it so clearly last night, you can’t help me if you don’t understand me.”

Having said that, Darryl thought for a while and continued: “Speaking of which, the animal masters were developed in Kyushu, and the use of formulas and tricks are also in line with the habits of Kyushu people, and you are a Rakshasa tribe, because of cultural differences, It’s normal to be hard to understand for a while.”


Hearing this, Ilona was a little anxious, and hurriedly asked, “Is there any other way?”

Darryl looked at her and said with a smile: “If you really want to be like me and immerse yourself in animal language, you must first learn the culture of Kyushu. If this is Donghai City, maybe I can find some ancient books of Kyushu for you to read. , unfortunately, this is the Rakshasa clan.”

Is it so troublesome…

At this moment, Ilona frowned, very depressed.

Kyushu’s ancient books… there!

In the next second, Ilona suddenly thought of something, took Darryl’s arm and said, “Actually, it is not difficult to find ancient books in Kyushu. There is an antique street in the business district of the clan, we can go shopping. The weather is good today, you Come with me to find it.”

Ilona is right. After several years of development, not only a prosperous business district, but also an antique street has emerged in the Rakshasa clan.

What? Is there an antique street here too?

Hearing this, Darryl was stunned for a moment, and then became interested, and immediately nodded: “Okay, then go have a look.”


Seeing his promise, Ilona was very excited and pulled Darryl away from the palace without any explanation.

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