The Warmest Romance Chapter 147 -148

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Chapter 147

When she said that, Yu Yimo frowned and choked her heart.

He saw her wandering beside the ice bucket, so he guessed. In the dining room bathroom, he saw water on Ruan Shishi’s face, and just saw her coming out of the bathroom. Cheng Lu did both of these things, so he naturally related to the swimming pool falling into the water last night.

He clenched his fist and asked in a deep voice, “did you do something about the pool?”

Cheng Lu shivered and said, “the swimming pool is really not! I just want to teach Ruan Shishi a little lesson. How can I dare to do such hurtful things? “

Looking at her body shaking and explaining for herself, it didn’t look like she was lying.

Yu Yimo took a breath and said in a deep voice, “Cheng Lu, the reason why I’ve been accommodating you for so long is because of your uncle’s face. If there’s another time, I don’t need to say, you know how to do it.”

Cheng Lu said quickly, “yes! I’ll never do it again

After she left, Du Yue came in and Yu Yimo asked, “she was there all last night?”

Du Yue nodded, “yes, I asked several people, they all said that Cheng Lu has been there all the time, going to the bathroom with others.”

Yu Yimo threw the magazine aside, “OK, I know.”

It seems to be more complicated than he thought.

At the same time, on the same floor of the lakeside manor senior suite, there is a person sitting in front of the large French window.

All of a sudden, the man in the wheelchair said, “I went all night, didn’t come out?”

Shao Zhuo nodded, “yes, he came back this morning, but he seems to have some doubts.”

Yu Gubei shakes his goblet and says, “is the waiter you arranged a firm mouth? Will he say it? “

Shao Zhuo’s tone is affirmative, “his mouth is very firm, and he doesn’t dare to say it out. It’s him who pushes people, and it’s him who saves people. If he says it out, Yu Yimo won’t let him go.”

Yu Gu Bei hooked his lips and said in a soft voice, “in your opinion, do you think he has feelings for Ruan Shi?”

Shao Zhuo was silent for a moment, and replied without expression, “young master, I’m not sure about emotion.”

Yu Gubei smiles and says in a soft voice, “I’m not sure if I have feelings, so I’ll try again.”

With that, he turned to look out of the window, and his eyes finally stayed on the lakeside.

He murmured, “I heard it’s the administration’s turn to visit the lake today?”


Hearing the answer, Yu Gubei’s smile keeps rising


“bang bang!”

“Shishi, are you still awake?”

Ruan Shishi was still dreaming when he was awakened by a knock on the door.

She got up from the bed and looked at the time. She couldn’t help raising her hand and patting her head.

How did she sleep to this point!

Half of the bed on his side was empty. After sweeping for a week, Ruan Shishi finally stayed on the paper on the bedside table.

“Have a good rest, go boating in the morning and swim in the lake. If you don’t want to go, just stay in the hotel.”

Ruan Shishi hooked her lips and heard Xiao Han clapping the door. Then she responded and quickly went to the door to open the door.

As soon as she opened the door, she saw worried Xiao Han outside. She said, “I’m sorry, I’m too tired.”

Chapter 148

Xiao Han didn’t blame him. He asked, “I heard you fell into the water yesterday. Are you ok?”

Ruan Shishi smiles, “it’s OK.”

“It’s OK. Let’s go to the lake this morning. Do you want to go?”

Ruan Shi didn’t think much about it, so he said, “good.”

When she arrived at the lakeside manor yesterday, she marveled at the scenery here. Today, she could go out to have a look. Naturally, she didn’t want to miss this opportunity.

After changing clothes, she went to the gathering place by the lake with Xiao Han.

The tour was arranged to the itinerary department, and the secretarial group was also with the administration department. Not long after Ruan Shishi arrived, he saw Yu Yimo and Du Yue coming this way.

People say hello to Yu Yimo one after another. Yu Yimo nods his head slightly, looks around and finally falls on Ruan Shi.

Clearly let her have a good rest in the hotel, did not expect, she still came.

When the lakeside staff saw that all the people had arrived, they asked, “how do you want to play? Is it a lake tour or a competition? “

When he heard that there was a competition, he immediately asked about the rules with great interest.

The staff explained, “the race is to set sail in groups of two or four. We planted red flags in some reeds in the lake and set sail to return within the specified time. The group with the most red flags won.”

After listening to the rules of the game, we all agreed to play the game mode and began to group happily.

After a pause, he glanced over Ruan’s poem, cleared his throat and said, “why don’t we go back to yesterday’s group.”

Everyone was a little surprised.

Yu Yimo was not in a hurry to explain, “yesterday I lost and was splashed with two buckets of water. Of course, I was not reconciled. Today, for the sake of a shame before the snow, we will divide into groups according to yesterday, two people in a group, and have another match.”

When he said this, some people agreed, while some female colleagues were gloomy and refused to agree.

If you still divide them according to yesterday’s group, isn’t Yu Yimo going to join Ruan’s group again? Naturally, they don’t like it.

You can say that several noisy male colleagues headed by Dadong didn’t realize this at all. They clapped their hands and said that they would have another match with Yu Yimo.

No matter how reluctant they are, they should not say anything in Yu Yimo’s face. They glanced at Ruan Shishi discontentedly and then dispersed.

Xiao Han stood beside Ruan Shishi and touched her excitedly, blinking at her crazily.

Ruan Shishi naturally understood what she meant. She laughed a little embarrassed. As soon as she raised her eyes, she saw Yu Yimo standing on the bank looking at her.

Yu Yimo has ulterior motives. She knows in her heart that he has done so much for her in the final analysis.

She stepped forward, but unconsciously nervous.

The man’s voice sounded in his ear, “let’s go?”

Ruan Shishi nodded, followed his steps, and went to the shore.

When all the teams got on board, the staff looked at the time and reminded, “the competition time is one hour. After one hour, gather here and win the team with more red flags.”

After making the rules clear, with a whistle of the staff, all the electric boats started to start, and they drove to the vast lake in a decentralized way.

Yu Yimo sits in the bow of the boat, while Ruan Shishi sits behind him, and can smell the faint fragrance on him.

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