The Warmest Romance Chapter 151 -152

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Chapter 151

“You sit here and hold the bow. I’ll go to the stern.”

Yu Yimo’s tone is calm. He arranges Ruan Shishi to sit at the bow of the boat, then moves to the stern of the boat and paddles the waves with the oars to see what’s going on below.

Either there is a foreign matter in the engine, which makes it impossible to work, or there is a problem with the engine itself.

He knocked the position of the engine on the ship’s hull with the paddle and made sure that he didn’t see any foreign matter. He went back to the bow of the ship, restarted and started. But the electric boat didn’t respond except for the “buzz” sound.

Ruan Shishi was watching, her heart was pulling. She took a deep breath and couldn’t move. She couldn’t help asking, “what if we are really trapped here?”

Yu Yimo moves and turns around. He just looks into the woman’s eyes, bright but worried.

He lifted his lips and said in a soothing voice, “don’t worry, it won’t be.”

As long as he’s here, she won’t let her do anything.

Back and forth tried to start several times, the ship still did not move, Yu Yimo frowned, I can be sure.

It should really be the engine.

He turned his head and looked around. They were just at a corner behind the bushes. Even if there was a boat coming, it would be blocked by the tall bushes. They couldn’t see there, and they couldn’t see them there.

This is the worst part. Even if they want to ask for help, the passing ships are all problems. They will not see them until a ship bypasses the bush.

After carefully observing the nearby terrain, Yu Yimo drops her eyes and sees Ruan Shishi sitting on the boat, holding her hands tightly together, her cheeks red.

Yu Yimo hesitated for half a second and said in a deep voice, “cheer up. If a boat passes by here, we can go back.”

Ruan Shishi nodded and tried to stand up and look around. But as soon as she got up, the boat shook. She swayed from side to side and almost didn’t stand firm.

Suddenly, a warm and powerful palm covered her shoulder, gently pressed her and sat down, “you sit down, hold the boat, leave the rest to me.”

Listening to the man’s advice, Ruan Shishi’s mind settled down and nodded seriously.

Unfortunately, he was trapped on the boat when he went out to swim in the lake, but fortunately, he was with him.

As time goes by, Ruan Shishi takes a look at the time. It’s the end of the competition. At this time, everyone should have returned to the shore.

The temperature was getting colder and colder. Sitting on the boat, Ruan Shishi could feel the chill seeping into her body, first from her hands and feet, and then from her body.

Yu Yimo stood at the stern of the boat and looked for a long time, but he didn’t see the shadow of a boat.

He looked back and saw Ruan Shishi sitting there, shaking.

“Cold?” His face slightly changed, immediately turned around, reached out and touched her hand, cold and cold, like ice!

In recent days, she was first caught in the rain and burned, then fell into the water, and now she has been sitting on the boat on the lake for more than an hour without even eating a mouthful of food. Naturally, her body has no heat. If it goes on like this, she will definitely get cold.

Once she gets sick and her immunity drops, her physical condition can’t be operated on

Yu Yimo frowned and did not hesitate to take off his sports coat and put it on Ruan Shishi.

Chapter 152

Seeing that the man was only wearing a gray T-shirt, Ruan Shishi shook his head, “no, I’m not cold…”

Yu Yimo’s face was cold. Without saying a word, she just put her coat on her body and zipped it up to wrap it tightly.

Ruan Shishi inhaled deeply, stared at him and asked, “you gave me your clothes. What do you do?”

Even if he is in good health, but the boat is on the lake, surrounded by cool, ordinary people’s body simply can not withstand.

Yu Yimo said solemnly, “I don’t need you to wear it. Do you understand?”

Seeing the man’s strong tone, Ruan Shishi had to take back his words.

Time spent in silence, every second seems to be lengthened, lengthy, difficult, let a person worry.

Ruan Shishi took a deep breath, reached out his hand, gently took Yu Yimo’s arm and said in a soft voice, “let’s have a chat…”

Otherwise, I just feel that time passes slowly.

Yu Yimo hears the speech, pauses for half a second, then sits down, “what do you want to talk about?”

Ruan Shishi tilted her head for a moment and said in a soft voice, “I want to know how you became the president of the company to take charge of your own business?”

When she asked, Yu Yimo’s eyes suddenly deepened.

About that time, for him, it was very painful. He tried his best to prove himself in front of his father. He tried to escape from his father’s aura. He tried to make a world by himself.

He honed time and again, from the most basic drinking, business discussion, to planning and contract drafting, until he was thoroughly familiar with all the projects and the business field. He grew up and his father was ill.

Naturally, he became Yu’s successor. He was generally acknowledged and had no objection.

He didn’t speak for a long time, but looked at a direction in a dazed way. She slowly approached him and said in a soft voice, “it’s not convenient to say?”

Yu Yimo’s eyes were a little cold, and he wrote lightly, “I have experienced a lot of pain and learned a lot.”

The tone was so easy that people could not imagine the darkness of that time.

Ruan Shishi’s heart sank. It was the first time that she heard such a serious remark from a man. Although it was only a simple sentence, it seemed to include too much bitterness and tiredness.

Ruan Shishi held her chin in her hand and murmured, “in fact, I also want to be someone like you.”

As soon as her voice fell, a man’s low voice came from her ear, “you don’t need it.”


Yu Yimo’s solemnity dissipated. He leaned lazily against the railing beside him, “too tired. You don’t need to be so tired. It’s very good.”

So naive and pure, it’s very good.

This topic seems to be the key to open their hearts. Unconsciously, they talked a lot.

After a while, Yu Yimo felt her shoulder sink. As soon as she turned her head, she saw that Ruan Shishi put her head on his shoulder. From his point of view, she could see her delicate nose.

She murmured, “do you think they’ll find out we didn’t go back?”

Yu Yimo said softly, “yes.”

Now all their escape routes have been cut off, mobile phones can’t ask for help, and a paddle can’t paddle. They have only one last way left, which is to wait.

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