The Warmest Romance Chapter 341 -342

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Chapter 341

Hearing what sister Lan said, Ruan Shishi was a little flustered.

Did she do something wrong?

Unexpectedly, sister Lan said something that surprised her, “you’ve done well these days, and your ability is stronger and stronger than before.”

Ruan Shishi felt relieved and relieved.

Just now, sister Lan was so serious. What did she think she had done wrong?

LAN looked at her and continued, “I just went back to the company. After receiving the bonus of the Department, I also received the notice from the leader above. Now the Department has a place to study outside. I’m going to let you go.”

Hearing this, Ruan Shishi was a little surprised, “go out to study?”

There is only one quota in a department. How could such a good thing fall on her?

Looking at Ruan Shishi’s incredible look, sister LAN laughed and asked softly, “what’s the matter? Don’t you want to go? “

Ruan Shishi came back and said, “I I was just a little surprised. “

During her two years in Yu’s group, she also knew that sometimes the company would give some excellent employees the opportunity to study abroad, but such a good thing has never happened to her.

“Anything is possible if you work hard.” Lan Jie naturally said.

“This time, I went to a company in Thailand to study. They have cooperated with our company for several years. They have developed rapidly in recent years. I heard that their management mode is worth learning. So this time, the company arranged an opportunity to select an employee from each department to study for three to four days.”

Listening to her saying this, Ruan Shishi was both surprised and happy, and asked excitedly, “sister LAN, do you really want me to go this time?”

Before the Department had such a good opportunity, when only one person was allowed to go, the quota was generally Meng Zihan’s, but unexpectedly, sister LAN chose her this time.

Seeing sister LAN nodding, Ruan Shishi was in full bloom. “Thank you, sister LAN!”

Ruan Shishi came out of the office with a smile on her face. This news is the best news for her in recent years.

She passed through the office area and was about to walk to her office when a familiar figure, Meng Zihan, came to her face.

Ruan Shishi smiles and looks at Meng Zihan. He doesn’t say much and goes straight.

Meng Zihan watched her pass by, and a trace of coldness passed over her face.

She can still remember the scene in Wesker last night. Originally, she deliberately stirred up the relationship between Ruan Shishi and Song Qi, waiting to see her cleaned up. Unexpectedly, she finally saw Yu Zong appear, which is quite a big melon that shocked her.

It turns out that Ruan Shishi and Yu Yimo know each other, and they seem to be quite familiar with each other. When she thinks about Ruan Shishi’s inexplicable promotion and Cheng Lu, she immediately understands.

It turns out that Yu Yimo is the backing behind Ruan’s poems.

This relationship is enough to make Meng Zihan feel a little afraid, but after fear, he is more disgusted with Ruan’s poems.

She is the most disgusting woman who relies on a man!

Just now, she saw Ruan Shishi come out of the office in charge with a smile. She knew clearly that she was the only one to study in Thailand this time!

Meng Zihan was more and more angry when she came back to the office. She bit her lip and thought quickly about strategies.

Chapter 342

A few minutes later, she took a look at the mobile phone on the desk, inhaled deeply, bit her lip, took it up and sent a message to Cheng Lu, “Lulu, how are you recovering recently? I want to see you this weekend. “

It’s too weak for her to be alone, but Cheng Lu is different. Her uncle is an executive of the company. With this background, it’s much easier for her to complete Ruan’s poems?

All day long, Ruan Shishi was in a good mood. The bonus and the number of places to study abroad made her full of motivation no matter what she did. As soon as she got off work, she didn’t hesitate. Naturally, she went to the hospital to see Professor Ruan and Ms. Liu and share the good news with them.

She specially bought some boxes of cakes that Professor Ruan liked. When she came out of the elevator, her steps were still brisk. She walked through the corridor for a long time. From a distance, she saw that at the entrance of the ward, Ms. Liu was supporting the wall with one hand and pressing the temple with the other.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Ruan Shishi immediately stepped forward and said, “Mom, what’s the matter with you?”

When Ms. Liu heard the voice, she looked up and saw that it was her. Her face immediately changed. She said, “it’s OK, it’s OK.”

Although she said that, Ruan Shishi still noticed that she was different. Her face was tired, far less than the last time she saw her. She didn’t see her for a few days, and even lost weight.

“Mom, tell me the truth, what’s wrong with you?”

These days, Professor Ruan has been living in the hospital. Naturally, Ms. Liu has to stay by his side and take care of him. She can’t leave.

Ms. Liu waved her hand and said casually, “it’s really nothing. It should be that she didn’t sleep well last night.”

Seeing her mother’s tired appearance, Ruan Shishi felt a little distressed. She took Ms. Liu into the ward and helped her to sit down on the chair.

Professor Ruan is sitting on the bed reading the newspaper. Seeing this scene, he can’t help asking, “what’s the matter?”

“Mom is not feeling well. Maybe she is tired recently.”

Professor Ruan sniffed the speech and sighed, “I asked your mother to go home at night, and she refused to say anything. Every time she stayed by my bed, how could she have a good rest?”

After listening to what he said, Ruan Shishi realized that she had been working so hard these days. No wonder she had a headache, tired and uncomfortable.

Ruan Shishi thought about it and proposed, “Mom and Dad, this way, I’ll find a nurse, which can help my mother reduce some of the burden, and I’m relieved.”

Ms. Liu did not agree, repeatedly shook her head, “looking for what care workers, I can take care of a person over.”

Ruan Shishi frowned and insisted on his own idea, “Mom, don’t refuse. Dad will have an operation then. It’s still a long time. Do you want to be tired?”

“And I’ve got a lot of quarterly bonus today, so I can hire a nurse.”

Looking at Ruan’s resolute attitude towards poetry, Professor Ruan and Ms. Liu are not ready to refuse any more, so they have to agree.

Ruan Shishi accompanied them to chat a few words, and then went out of the ward to ask the nurse about the nurse.

After the nurse pointed out to her the Department to handle the nursing procedures, Ruan Shishi followed her instructions and found a place.

“Miss Ruan, this is the information of the nurses who have time on our side. Please have a look first.”

“All right.”

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