The Warmest Romance Chapter 55 – 56

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Chapter 55

When Ruan Shishi heard the three words “ye Wan’er”, he was unconsciously tense.

She has heard the name several times.

Sure enough, Yu Yimo’s eyes were cold. Du Yue immediately stepped forward, attached himself to his ear and kept his voice down.

A few seconds later, his voice softened a bit, “all with her, tell her I’ll see her another day.”

Du Yue nodded and stepped out of the office.

For a moment, the room was quiet again.

Ruan Shishi unknowingly clenched his fist, thinking of the scene just now, his heart was blocked up.

Who is ye Wan’er, and why has Yu Yimo’s attitude changed so much? Is it his lover? Then why did he ask her for a license?

All kinds of questions rushed to his heart, and Ruan Shi suddenly felt a little irritable.

At this time, the man’s cold voice without a trace of emotion came, “do you have anything else?”

Ruan Shishi bit his lip. “I don’t intend to go into the matter of Yang Yue and Qin Xianli. I hope you can give them a chance.”

Yu Yimo said coldly, “it’s the first time I’ve seen this kind of drama in reality to plead for someone who hurts me.”

Then he gave a deep look at the woman and said, “what I decided will not change, and it’s not because of you that I treat Yang like this.”

Ruan Shishi’s body was stiff, and he couldn’t answer immediately.

It seems that she is sentimental about everything. She thought that Yu Yimo aimed at Yang just to fight for her injustice. Unexpectedly

Her face was burning and hot. Ruan Shishi was so embarrassed that she had nothing to say. She bit her lip and finally turned around and walked out of the office.

Who is ye Wan’er?

The more Ruan Shishi thought about it, the more irritable she was. She had a sour nose and wanted to cry.

Back in the administration department, as soon as he got to the door of the office, Xiao Han met him, “assistant Ruan, where have you been? Just now I went to deliver the documents to you. When your office phone rang, I answered it. It’s a supplier of holiday gift boxes. He said he wanted to see you. “

As soon as Ruan Shishi heard it, he immediately returned to his senses and walked into the office.

In any case, the biggest problem for her now is to solve the problem at work first, and then think about other things!

Ruan Shishi went to his desk and dialed the phone back.

“Hello? How do you do? “

“Ruan Shishi from the Administration Department of Yushi group, right? We met last time. We thought about the price you offered last time, but it’s still possible for us to cooperate. In this way, why don’t we make an appointment and talk about it in detail? “

As soon as Ruan Shishi heard it, he was immediately overjoyed and agreed without thinking, “OK, let’s go today.”

After making an appointment with general manager he of the other party, Ruan Shishi immediately started to make a product preset plan. This holiday gift box is for the employees of the whole company. She can only make the best plan as far as possible, and then listen to the opinions of the manufacturer.

In the twinkling of an eye, in the afternoon, Ruan Shishi got everything ready and left the company directly to head he’s company.

After waiting in the reception room for a while, general manager he pushed the door in. Ruan Shishi immediately stood up and shook hands with him, “Hello general manager he, this is Ruan Shishi.”

“I know.” General manager he grinned, reached for Ruan Shishi’s hand, and looked at her quickly.

Chapter 56

Ruan Shishi pulled out her hand and handed him the preset plan. “The price we can give you last time has been revealed to you. This time I want to talk with you about the products in the gift box. If your company can accept it, it’s almost certain.”

“No hurry, no hurry.” He always smiles, the body leaned to the sofa, “assistant Ruan, you should be the first time to do this work?”

Ruan Shishi was surprised, “you How do you know? “

General manager he tut said, “if you are sure that there is a demand for this kind of gift box for holidays, it should have been determined long ago, because it takes time for our factories to make products. Moreover, during holidays, you are not the only one who has a list. You can confirm it at this time. I’m afraid you have to wait for it!”

“What?” Ruan Shishi was shocked. She had just received the task and had no experience. She didn’t think about the time and construction period at all!

“Well What should we do now! “

Ruan Shishi suddenly has no idea. If it’s time and the gifts can’t be sent to the employees because she hasn’t finished the work, then she will be scolded by the whole Yu family!

“Don’t worry!” General manager he was more calm. His eyes moved back and forth on Ruan Shishi. “I asked you to come today, and there must be a way to help you solve this problem.”

“What can I do?”

Ruan Shishi had never met such a thing, and he seemed to be in a panic at this time.

“As long as I say a word, I can help you to put in a team. It’s not a big deal!”

He always laughs, continues to say, “however, this also needs Ruan assistant to pay a small price.”

Ruan Shi Wen Yan, subconsciously frowned, some uneasy heart, “what price?”

He Zong suddenly straightened up and said with a smile in a soft voice, “as long as assistant Ruan is willing to give a face and have dinner together in the evening, it’s easy to say.”

Listening to the man in front of him say so, Ruan Shishi’s mouth unconsciously smoked.

Mr. He is over 40 years old with naked eyes. His head is thinning gradually. As soon as she enters the door, he keeps looking at her. She didn’t pay attention to her last time. But this time, he can really feel his obscenity. What he says is to have dinner together. Who knows what he will do to her when she goes!

Ruan Shishi gritted her teeth, stared at President he, raised her wedding ring, and said, “I’m sorry, president he, I’m married!”

With that, she quickly gathered the documents on her desk and walked out.

Mr. He quickly stood up and said, “assistant Ruan, don’t go! I don’t mind. I’m married, too! I like you the last time I saw you… “

Listening to the man’s voice, Ruan Shishi had goose bumps all over her body. She quickly ran away from here with the document in her arms.

Walking on the road, the sky has been a little dark, Ruan Shi suddenly felt extremely lost.

Today, I had a really bad day. I had a bad day at work and had a fight with Yu Yimo

Biting her lip, she took out her mobile phone and called aunt Rong, “Hello, aunt Rong, I don’t need to cook my meal today. I won’t go back. I’ll live at home tonight.”

After giving orders, she stopped a taxi and reported her home address directly. Within half an hour, she arrived at her familiar community.

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