CEO Ugly Bride Chapter 205 – 206

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Chapter 205

Alyssa was stunned for a moment before reacting. The bodyguard fend off reporters for her: “We will not accept interviews.”

Smith also got out of the car and walked into the gate of villa with Alyssa.

She couldn’t help but glanced back.

The reporters were stopped by tall bodyguards, but they still wanted to squeeze inside. They carried the camera on their shoulders, and their hair and face were deformed.

So far apart, Alyssa could still feel the flashlight a little dazzling.

There is no shortage of people who watch the excitement in this world. They don’t care about the facts. They only watch what they want. They don’t care about how you will be affected by these things.

I have never empathized with this. Some things have to be done by myself.

While thinking about it, Alyssa walked into the lobby of the Hunt’s villa.

After such a thing, the Hunt family dare not go out much, except for Colin who went to the company, everyone else is at home.

When the servant saw Alyssa coming in, he went directly to tell the rest of the family.

When she entered, Rachel and Douglas corrected themselves and got down from the stairs.

When Rachel saw Alyssa, she called out: “Alyssa.”

“Mom.” Alyssa lowered her eyes, and after yelling without expression, she looked at Douglas, “Grandpa.”

Rachel followed the old man for half a step, and when he arrived in the hall, he cautiously said, “Sit down first, and I will make a cup of tea.”

A hint of sarcasm flashed through Alyssa’s eyes. Rachel didn’t even care about such a big thing, and only knew to please Mr. Adams.

Rachel has lived carefully all her life, either to please Colin, or Isabel’s two siblings, or Douglas.

She was busy to please everyone in this family, but she had never thought about caring about the daughter she gave birth to.

After such a big incident, she didn’t even think about it.

It seems that she is used to ignoring Alyssa.

After Rachel left, Douglas groaned for a moment and said, “I know everything on the Internet. I have already banned your sister. At such an age, she is still so confused in doing things!”

There was a bit of hatred in his tone, but it might just be a face-to-face for her.

“I want to see her.” Alyssa returned to home today to see Isabel.

Douglas did not refuse, and directly asked the servant to take her upstairs to see Isabel.

When she walked to the door of Isabel’s room, she heard Isabel’s roar inside.

“let me out!”

“You b!tches, see how I come out to clean you! Let you all get out of here!”

She scolded a few words in a row, as if she was tired of scolding, then it stopped.

Seeing Alyssa coming, the servant bowed his head respectfully and shouted, “Miss Alyssa.”

Alyssa nodded imperceptibly, “Open the door.”

Douglas said that the ban on foot really looked like that, and he directly locked Isabel’s door and asked the servant to guard the door.

The servant opened the door and Alyssa walked in.

Isabel was sitting on the sofa holding her mobile phone and didn’t know what she saw. She was smiling sweetly at this moment, and she didn’t even notice Alyssa walked in.

Alyssa narrowed her eyes slightly, and said faintly, “Why look so happy?”

Isabel watched too deeply, and she heard Alyssa’s voice coldly, and her whole person trembled with fright. Then she looked at Alyssa with a fierce expression: “Are you a ghost? A voice?”

Alyssa didn’t speak, and walked straight to her.

Isabel put down the phone, her face was full of complacency: “Oh, it’s you, a mouse crossing the street, you still dare to go out now, and you are not afraid of being killed by someone else’s rotten egg?”

After Isabel finished speaking, she curled her lips proudly, and the expression on her face became a little gloomy.

“You’re scared, that’s why I came to you.” Alyssa curled her lips, her smile didn’t reach the bottom of her eyes, and her deserted look didn’t seem to be scared at all.

What Isabel hated most was the appearance that Alyssa couldn’t hit her at all.

What she wanted to see was Alyssa’s collapse and madness.

“You are really shameless. Being scolded can still be like a okay person.” Isabel said these words almost gritted her teeth.

Isabel sat on the sofa, Alyssa stood in front of her, looking at her condescendingly: “Let’s talk about it, what’s the matter with the photo of the marriage certificate.”

Alyssa is wearing cool clothes today. The clothes are all big names. The clothes she gave to Alyssa, with a sweater inside, and a cool leather jacket with rivets on the outside. She also looked a little colder.

When she looked at Isabel condescendingly, her aura was very compelling.

Isabel had to tell the truth unconsciously: “It’s the Secretary…”

She said two words, and realized that she was talking to Alyssa.

Why should she tell the truth to Alyssa, is she crazy?

“Anyway, you only need to know that the photo of the marriage certificate is real, and you have always been a junior!” In the last sentence, Isabel deliberately increased her tone.

Alyssa’s complexion did not change, but the hands hanging beside her were already curled into fists.

“I know if you don’t tell me.” Alyssa took a deep breath and calmed down a bit, “Gerald gave it to you.”

Isabel hurriedly defended: “I don’t understand what you’re talking about, Gerald, who is in the entertainment industry, can get that kind of photos? You think too much.”

When people are lying, they dare not look into the eyes of others.

The same is true for Isabel.

Alyssa felt that she was wrong, and nothing is impossible in this world.

At the beginning, she felt that someone like Gerald would definitely not look at Isabel.

But in the end, Gerald and Isabel joined forces to show her and Karl together.

Alyssa glanced at her from the corner of her eye, sat down opposite her, and said loosely: “It seems that Gerald is not very good to you. You don’t even know his true identity.”

She noticed that as long as she mentioned Gerald, Isabel would become very nervous.

It seems that Isabel really loves Gerald.

In the past, Norris, including those messy men, had never seen Isabel so nervous.

“This is my room, you can go out immediately.” Isabel pointed at the door and shouted at Alyssa.

With no anger on Alyssa’s face, she stood up: “Then goodbye.”

She came here today just to confirm whether this matter was done jointly by Isabel and Gerald.

Now that there is an answer, there is no point in staying more.

The photo of the marriage certificate must have been given to Isabel by Gerald, and she was robbed of it by Gerald.

Chapter 206

Alyssa left Isabel’s room and planned to call Karl while walking downstairs.

However, before her phone was pulled out, at the corner of the stairs, she saw Gerald coming from outside the door towards the hall.

She subconsciously cut off the phone she was about to pull out, her eyes fixed on Gerald’s body.

Gerald’s gray suit looks a little thin, and his face is always gentle. The curvature of the corners of his mouth seems to have been carefully measured. The whole person is like a person walking out on a movie poster. So delicate.

If all this had not happened, Alyssa would still be his fan.

Probably because Alyssa’s eyes were too focused, Gerald raised his head and looked over here.

The moment his eyes met, the gentle expression on his face showed signs of cracking.

The smile on his lips became a little stiff, but in just a few seconds, he returned to normal.

Douglas was still in the hall, Gerald retracted his gaze and walked towards Douglas, with a modest attitude: “Mr. Adams.”

Douglas smiled: “Mr. Cain, please sit down.”

When Alyssa went down, Douglas and Gerald were already sitting on the sofa and talking.

Alyssa endured and endured, and it took a lot of effort to resist the urge to raise her foot and rush to question.

Rachel didn’t know where it came from, and pulled Alyssa into a room.

She looked at the door for a while, then closed the door, and pulled Alyssa into the room: “What’s the matter? Why is sister’s name on the marriage certificate?”

Alyssa looked at Rachel in surprise.

Her mother finally knows to care about her?

However, in the next second, Rachel pierced her illusion.

“Earlier, if you had returned the position of the Adams’ daughter-in-law to Isabel. There would not be such a thing as today. Who made you so greedy? Now something has happened. You see, Isabel has been banned now, how pitiful it is. …”

Rachel talked about Chase, and finally said worriedly: “don’t know if this matter will affect the company…”

“Heh.” Alyssa couldn’t help but sneered, her voice abnormally cold: “Rachel, do you have a brain problem? If you have a problem, go to the hospital to a psychiatric department. Don’t show the lower limit here. I have enough of it already. “

The Hunt’s villas are well-designed, almost every room is transparent from the north to the south, with excellent lighting.

Because of the good light, the expression on Alyssa’s face is very clear, so clear.

Rachel clearly saw boredom and tiredness on Alyssa’s face, as well as the calmness after a certain disappointment.

She didn’t believe that Alyssa would say something like this: “Alyssa? What’s wrong with you?”

The Alyssa in her memory has always been obedient. She would agree to do whatever she said.

However, the words Alyssa said just now made her a little flustered.

“How can you talk to your mother like this?” Rachel frowned, instinctively that she had heard it wrong.

She stretched out her hand to pull on Alyssa’s arm: “I know you are in a bad mood because of recent events, but it was originally because of yourself…”

“How do I talk to you?” Alyssa took two steps back calmly, avoiding Rachel’s arm: “Isabel still scolded you as a dog of Hunt family. Are you rushing to please her? , I’m just telling the truth, you can’t listen anymore?”

Rachel’s expression changed slightly: “Isabel is young and has no qualitative characteristics. It is normal to lose her temper occasionally.”

Alyssa said coldly, “I am younger than her.”

Rachel was speechless for a while, and Alyssa had always listened to her. When she suddenly talked to her like this, she was unhappy at first, and she lost a good face at this time, and said sternly, “What are you comparing to her? I tried so hard to please her. For us mother and daughter to have a place in Adams’ family, it is important.”

Alyssa corrected her expressionlessly: “It’s not us, it’s you.”

What Rachel was still talking about, Alyssa interrupted her directly: “Don’t tell me any more nonsense about our mother and daughter, I don’t want to listen to it anymore, and don’t make any more excuses to help Isabel get rid of it, you have to remember At first, you knelt down and begged me to marry into that house.”

Alyssa was already smashing the can, and she was ready to go.

Karl repeatedly gave Gerald a chance, and he didn’t hesitate to use her to test it, but in the end she became a “Little Mistress”.

And she and Karl are not the same?

She repeatedly gave Rachel opportunities, but in the end it was Rachel who hurt her more and more deeply.

The human mind is originally crooked and long. In certain things, it is crooked at the beginning. Even if you try to correct it, it will be in vain.

This is the case between her and Rachel.

It was probably the same between Karl and Gerald.

The difference was that she had expectations of Rachel and gave her a chance. In addition to spared no effort to hurt her, Rachel didn’t hurt anyone else.

However, Gerald directly targeted her.

In this game between Gerald and Karl, she became the victim.

Alyssa took a deep breath: “From the day she agreed to marry into Adams house, the mother-daughter love between us was exhausted. Later, you and Isabel and the others planned the kidnapping case, and I willingly met. I came out of the black card to save you because I still want to give you one last chance.”

“You probably don’t know what Isabel wants the two kidnappers to do to me after you left. They wanted to treat me…” Alyssa turned her head, a strange light flashed in cat-like eyes, and finished the next four words: “r@pe first and then kill.”

Rachel’s pupils shrank suddenly and shivered sharply.

Alyssa smiled with satisfaction and walked out slowly.

Rachel watched Alyssa get closer and closer to the door and farther away from herself, a panic suddenly felt in her heart.

She subconsciously chased forward two steps, and shouted: “Alyssa!”

Alyssa went out without hearing it.


The door was closed and the room was quiet.

Rachel stood in the middle of the room with a gray face.

Is she really wrong?

But where did she go wrong?

Aren’t all stepmothers like her, who should treat the sons and daughters of her husband’s ex-wife better?

Alyssa is her own biological daughter, no matter how she treats Alyssa, she can’t change the fact that they are mothers and daughters.

Yes, exactly.

Alyssa would say these things today, but because she was confused by what happened in the past two days.

In any case, she is Alyssa’s biological mother.

Alyssa could not deny her.

Thinking of this, the expression on Rachel’s face recovered again.

Alyssa had listened to her so much for so many years, but now she is just a little bit more tempered. She will be fine in two days, and it will still be the same as before.

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