CEO Ugly Bride Chapter 87 – 88

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Chapter 87

When Alyssa’s voice fell, the carriage fell into a strange silence.

She looked at Smith when he was driving in front, then turned to look at “Luther”. Seeing that he didn’t know what he was thinking, she reached out and patted him: “You haven’t said what your cousin likes to eat? Yeah!”

Karl returned to his senses, took a deep look at her, and after a few seconds, he said, “He is not picky about eating, he eats everything.”

He was telling the truth, Alyssa’s cooking skills are very good, he has eaten her cooked food for so long, and every dish feels good.

Alyssa felt as if he had said nothing.

After that, “Luther” remained silent and did not speak again.

I don’t know what I’m thinking.

The first thing Alyssa did when he got home was to find Karl.

She ran to the door of the study and knocked, but no one opened the door for a while.

When she went downstairs, she met “Luther” and asked him curiously, “Didn’t you say that Karl is at home? I just knocked on the study door, and no one answered.”

Karl turned his head slightly to look away, avoiding Alyssa’s gaze: “Maybe he went back to the room to rest. Cousin is not in good health and gets tired easily.”

After telling a lie, you need to use countless lies to round it up.

He lied to Alyssa before because, he thought it was funny and teased her.

Openly and secretly, he has heard her defending the person “Karl”.

Karl was born in a large family of a century-old family. He had heard many things, and he could tell whether Alyssa said those words were true or false.

Just because Alyssa was telling the truth, his mood was so complicated that he couldn’t even figure it out.

“Oh.” Alyssa nodded and went downstairs.

Watching her enter the kitchen, Karl called Peter a little irritably, “Come out for a drink!”

“Actually I…” Peter began to refuse, but Karl hung up the phone before he could say anything.


Best Day Senior Club.

Peter reluctantly shook the wine glass and approached Karl: “Tell me, what is it that bothers you to ask me to drink in broad daylight?”

Karl did not speak, but silently poured himself a sip of wine.

Seeing him like this, Peter realized that the matter might be a bit serious, and no longer hippy smiles, and said sternly: “You always have to say what’s the matter, right?”

Karl finally turned his head and looked at him directly.

However, he looked at Peter for a few seconds, then looked away, and said faintly: “You don’t understand even after I say it.”

“…” Then why are you looking for me to drink?


When Alyssa made the meal, the bodyguard told her that Karl and “Luther” were out together.

She had to eat alone.

As soon as she picked up the chopsticks, her mobile phone rang.

She took it out and found that Rachel was calling.

She stretched out a finger, tapped it on the screen, and finally swiped to the green connect button.

Alyssa turned on the speakerphone, and said in a low tone, “Hello?”

There was a harsh noise on the other end of the phone, and then the woman’s sharp cry for help: “Alyssa, help me…”

Alyssa checked the phone number again and confirmed that it was Rachel.

Rachel on the other end screamed, crying: “Alyssa, I used to be wrong. Anyway, I am your mother. You must save me…”

Before Alyssa could speak, the phone was taken away. This time it was a man who answered the phone.

“Are you the daughter of this woman? Listen carefully, and get ready to give us 50 million, otherwise…” The man’s voice suddenly became sulky: “We’ll tear up the ticket!”

Alyssa was surprised at first, and then said indifferently: “I don’t have money. If you want money, go to Colin!”

Rachel was kidnapped?

Fifty million is not a small number!

If the kidnapper had been eyeing Rachel early in the morning, he should have called Colin right now. How could he call her?

“Huh, you are the Adams’ daughter-in-law, you will have no money? It’s a joke! I will give you two hours to prepare the money, and I will contact you again in two hours. You are not allowed to call the police, or I will…!”

The man hangs up after speaking.

Before he hung up, Alyssa heard Rachel’s screams on the other end of the phone.

Alyssa’s hand holding the phone tightened suddenly, and her complexion changed slightly.

No matter how much Rachel was her biological mother, she couldn’t just watch Rachel accidentally.

Alyssa took out her mobile phone to call Colin, and walked out.

No one answered the phone.

Anxious, Alyssa ran down the mountain and took a taxi to Hunt’s house.

After Alyssa returned to her original condition, she never returned to Hunt’s house, so when she stood at the door of Hunt’s house, she was directly stopped by the servant who guarded the door.

The servant asked her: “Who are you looking for lady?”

Alyssa gave her a cold look: “I am Alyssa.”

“Miss Alyssa?” The servant looked incredulous, but upon closer inspection, it was indeed possible to see that the woman in front of him looked a little like the wife.

The servant dared not stop her again.

Alyssa asked her as she went inside, “Where are my dad and Isabel?”

“Mr. Hunt and Miss Isabel are eating.” After the servant finished speaking, he asked one more sentence: “Miss third, have you eaten?”

When Alyssa heard these words, there was no need to care about him, and the anger in her heart was burning.

Even if someone loses a dog, they will look for it. What’s more, Rachel has been kidnapped now!

Alyssa was familiar with Adams’ family and went straight to the restaurant.

“Dad, this shrimp is good today, you can try it.”

“It tastes better than usual…”

When she entered, Isabel and Colin were eating their meals happily.

Isabel was the first to see Alyssa and looked at her with a surprise: “Usually mother invites you to come home for dinner and never you accept it. Today, if your mother is not at home, you came back by yourself?”

Alyssa strode over, and reached out to pick up the bowl in front of Isabel and smash it on the ground: “Mother is kidnapped, you still have the mood to eat!”

Isabel’s eyes widened, and the astonishment on her face was even worse: “What, mom is kidnapped?”

“The kidnapper didn’t call you?” Alyssa squinted at Isabel.

“Mom said before that she asked a friend to do beauty care together, so we don’t have to wait for her to eat, how could we be kidnapped.” Isabel also made a distrustful expression.

“Someone called me and said he kidnapped my mother and asked me to prepare 50 million in two hours, otherwise he would tear up the ticket!” Alyssa’s tone was tense.

After listening to her, Isabel’s first reaction was not to worry about Rachel. Instead, she frowned and said, “50 million? So much! The company is short of funds recently, so where can I get so much money all at once!”

Alyssa said coldly: “If you can’t get it out, just think of a way! My mother has been a cow and horse at this house for so many years, isn’t she worth raising 50 million?”

Chapter 88

Alyssa’s words were a bit ugly.

But that’s what she thought in her heart. Although Rachel seemed to be living the life of a rich wife in the Hunt family, she was relatively easy to support compared to other rich wives.

Most of the time, Rachel was eating and wearing for Colin and the three of them.

Although 50 million is not a small amount, Colin can definitely get it.

However, Colin was not necessarily willing to take it.

Isabel was obviously angry, but she squeezed her anger abruptly and said, “If we have money, of course, we are willing to take 50 million? But now the problem is that we have no money!”

“Raise money if you don’t have money.” Alyssa was too lazy to fight with Isabel anymore, turned to look at Colin, and called him: “Dad!”

Colin frowned tightly: “If this matter is true, I will collect 50 million ransoms anyway, but there are only two hours. Where can I raise this money!”

Alyssa was a little surprised, but she didn’t expect Colin to be willing to raise money.

“As much as you raise,” Alyssa finished speaking, looking down her mobile phone address book.

She just remembered that apart from Tina, she had few friends.

Colin had already taken out his mobile phone and started calling.

Alyssa walked aside and called Tina.

Tina quickly answered the phone: “What’s the matter? Have you eaten?”

Alyssa pursed her lips: “Tina, I want to borrow money from you.”

“Yes, how much?” Tina has always been generous to her, as long as she speaks, Tina will definitely lend her.

After all, the matter is very important, Alyssa can only bite the bullet and say: “How many do you…?”

“There is… three or four million, right? I don’t know very well, I have to see…” Tina said, she went to check her deposit on the mobile phone.

Halfway through, she suddenly realized something was wrong and asked her aloud, “Why do you want so much money? What happened?”

“My mother is kidnapped and needs a ransom of 50 million.”

“Then you call the police!”

“You have to redeem the people first.” Alyssa was still worried that something would happen to Rachel for fear that the kidnappers would take her life.

Actually, Tina wanted to say that she just let her heartless mother die.

But she knows Alyssa too well. If Alyssa doesn’t know about this matter, it’s fine if Alyssa knows now, she will definitely take care of it.

“Well, I will send you the money.”

“Thank you.”

After Alyssa warmed up, Isabel and Colin had been paying attention to the movement on her side.

When she heard Alyssa say “Redeem her back first”, Isabel’s face showed a triumphant smile.

She walked to the side of Colin and whispered, “I knew Alyssa would definitely not ignore her.”

Colin nodded, and the two smiled tacitly.


Seeing that two hours are almost there, a few talents have raised less than 6 million, which is far from 50 million.

Alyssa walked back and forth in a hurry.

Suddenly, Isabel called her: “Alyssa, I remember you have a black card from Adams’ family in your hand!”

Alyssa looked back at her fiercely.

Isabel continued: “Now it’s a matter of life and death. Whether Mom can be saved or not is up to you. We have done our best.”

Alyssa was too anxious just now, she had forgotten that she still had a black card on her body!

“I’ll go back and get it right away!” Alyssa couldn’t take care of that much anymore. The top priority was to redeem Rachel back.

Colin spoke out at this time: “We will take you back together to get it, and then go to the trading place.”

The two-hour deadline was approaching. In order to buy time, Alyssa accepted Colin’s proposal.

The group soon returned to Karl’s villa.

Karl and “Luther” hadn’t come back yet, Alyssa came out after taking the black card.

As she walked, she took out her mobile phone and called the police.

Before she received a phone call from the kidnappers, she was so nervous that she had forgotten the matter of reporting to the police.

Seeing her on the phone, Isabel asked nervously, “Who are you calling? Or did the kidnappers call you?”

“Report to the police and prepare for the case.” These fifty million can’t be taken away by the kidnappers.

Rachel wants to be rescued, and the money cannot be made cheap by the kidnappers.

When Isabel heard that she was going to call the police, she was stunned for a while, and then she said, “Don’t call the police first. Redeem mother first. She must have seen the kidnapper, and it will be as easy to catch for the police when the time comes.”

“No, I have to call the police first.”

Seeing Alyssa’s resolute attitude, Isabel was heartbroken, and she grabbed her mobile phone and hung up, and she accused: “What are you doing in such a hurry to call the police? Do you want to kill your own mother? The kidnappers know, they tear up the ticket? I admit that she is better to me than to you? But you don’t have to hurt her like this! Anyway, she is the mother who gave birth to you and raised you!”

Isabel spoke proudly, and she almost believed it herself.

“Shut up!” Although what Isabel said was true, she could still hear Alyssa’s ears piercing.

She didn’t care what she said, but that was her biological mother after all.

The kidnapper’s phone call came again.

The kidnapper said an address, and then said: “You are only allowed to come here by yourself. Once we find a policeman or other people coming with you, we will take her life!”

The mobile phone turned on the hands-free, and Colin and Isabel also heard the kidnappers.

There was a strange feeling in Alyssa’s heart.

She felt that the kidnappers seemed to be directed at her from beginning to end, without even mentioning Colin.

Is it just because she is the Adams’ daughter-in-law that they thought she was rich, so they kidnapped Rachel?

Although this argument can be justified, but the behavior of the joint kidnappers always feels a bit far-fetched.

Isabel was the first to ask her: “Why do you only need to go alone?”

“It’s not safe.” Colin said: “You drive Isabel’s car and go ahead, and we will follow you.”

Colin and Isabel showed enthusiasm and integrity that they had never had before in saving Rachel.

Although Alyssa felt surprised, she didn’t doubt too much. After all, Rachel had lived with them for more than 20 years.

After Colin finished speaking, he asked Alyssa: “Can you drive?”

Alyssa curled her lips and smiled mockingly: “Yes.”

During the four years of university, she supported herself, and also took some small jobs to write scripts. Sometimes she earns more, sometimes she earns less. Excluding tuition and living expenses, she saves the money for learning a driver’s license.


The address given to her by the kidnapper was an abandoned garage in the suburbs, and the name was desolate.

After locating it, she edited a text message and sent the address of the abandoned garage to Tina and asked Tina to call the police for her.

She is going to rush over now, it is very likely that the kidnappers will be watching on the road, so she can only ask Tina to help her call the police.

After the text message was successfully sent, Alyssa deleted it.

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