Her Bossy Yet Naive CEO Chapter 535 – 537

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Chapter 535

After Rameen Tong scolded away the production manager, Marven Tong came into the office.

“Montmorency, you’re getting a little inconvenienced, you don’t need to come over if you don’t have anything important to do.”

Although Marven Tong also wanted to fall into leisure, but in the end, he still felt sorry for his daughter.

“It’s nothing important, I’m suffocating at home, by the way, Dad, do you know where Jasmine Tong lives?”

“Lived in a villa in Rainbow City, before anyway, not really sure now, why do you ask.”

“It’s nothing, someone was just asking around and she’s even living in the villa.”

Rameen was also aware of Jasmine Tong’s financial situation.

“Is that place in Rainbow City also called a villa? That place has a nice location and nice houses, but it’s said to be haunted, and the prices have fallen to no end, so who lives there.”

“So that’s what it’s all about, it’s nothing, so I’ll go home.”

Crystal Garden

There was a lot of laughter in the living room.

The baby was born with congenital deficiencies, but was able to eat and sleep after birth, and is now catching up.

In the living room, the baby is lying on the floor crawling back and forth, already can crawl his little butt wiggle, very cute.

Since it was too hot today and there wasn’t much going on at the office, Albert Ou didn’t go to the office.

He sat on the couch playing on his phone, looking at his son who was on the floor from time to time.

Butler Wu came over and whispered a few words in Albert Ou’s ear.

Albert Ou immediately narrowed his eyes.

“It’s true,”

“A thousand times true, the call came from Rainbow City asking what to do now.”

Jasmine Tong saw Housekeeper Wu and Albert Ou talking and asked the maid to watch the baby, so she came over.

“What’s going on?”

“A bunch of reporters ran to our former home in Rainbow City to cause trouble.”

Because Albert Ou thought that Rainbow City over there had all the memories of him and Jasmine Tong, and occasionally might even have a world for two, so he kept a maid on guard.

“It’s too much to actually come into the house and cause trouble.”

“It’s not thanks to that sister of yours, otherwise who knows where you live.”

Jasmine Tong also broke out in a cold sweat, “Luckily we moved, otherwise something big would have happened if we were still living there.”

“Tell the people over at Rainbow City to pull back all at every opportunity, and ignore any reporters if they run into them.”

Albert Ou said to Butler Wu.

But it can’t go on forever, this will have to be resolved sooner or later.

The way Rameen Tong meant it, she would never allow time to fade away, and she would keep reminding everyone of its existence, or else she would have lost her efforts.

It’s impossible for Jasmine Tong to hide at home for the rest of her life.

“Honey, what do you think we should do about this?”

Albert Ou slanted a glance at Jasmine Tong, “At this time thinking of having a husband cooler.”

It was hard for her to ask him for help once, but he didn’t even bother.

After almost another week or so of Tong’s being at home like this, there was good news.

For her performance in Sparrow Nirvana, she was nominated for a Golden Wolf Award for Best Actress.

Sparrow Nirvana is a film that hasn’t even been released yet and was sent to the awards screenings as soon as post-production came out.

It’s not unusual for awards to abound before they’re even released.

This news came in, linked to the previous news about Jasmine Tong, and pushed right back into the hotseat.

“Why does Jasmine Tong always like to shoot the TV series or movies that Rameen has made ah she can’t be intentionally trying to take her place”

“Jasmine Tong isn’t too shameless to chew what’s left of people she this scheming bitch is just to prove that she’s a better actress than Rameen Tong, it was filmed to Ellen Ron right”

“No response after all this time, eighty percent these two are just having an affair.”

It was a good thing that she was nominated for Best Actress, but I didn’t expect all the abuse she got in return.

Because along with the unreasonable abuse, Jasmine Tong’s good mood was all washed away.

The awards ceremony is next week, and to achieve her grand slam is just one last trophy, and if she wins, her life will be complete, but she’s not happy at all.

For fear of exposing Jasmine Tong’s address, Xu Xingru didn’t come over, and the dresses to be worn for the ceremony were made by stone and sent over.

“Jasmine, come see the dress you’re going to wear.”

Jasmine Tong couldn’t bring herself to be excited, but Albert Ou was in high spirits.

Tong came over with the baby in her arms, and when she saw the dress, a mouthful of old blood nearly spilled out.

It’s a gorgeous red dress with tails.

“I’ve told them to try to choose the low key one how come I got this one over I’ll be scolded if I wear this on the red carpet.”

She’s in the limelight right now, and she wouldn’t want to go to this event if she didn’t have to attend it.

I’m notorious for wearing a flirtatious dress, and I’ll be labeled as a s|ut!

“Honey, contact the studio for me and tell them to come over with a different dress, right now this dress is absolutely not going to work.”

“I think it’s pretty good, it’s pretty good why don’t you try it, let me see it first.”

Albert Ou looked excited, “When we get married, I’ll make you a more voluptuous one than this.”

“This is a no-no. If I walk down the aisle in this, someone will throw rotten eggs at me.”

These days, anything can happen.

“But I’ll make you wear it even more so. I’ll see who dares to throw rotten eggs at my Albert Ou’s wife. I’ll be the judge of that.”

Jasmine Tong stared at Albert Ou, this man is not trying to fix himself, right?

“I really can’t, I have to wear something discreet.”

Albert Ou cupped Jasmine Tong’s chin, “My Albert Ou woman doesn’t need to be low-key.”

“It’s two different things.”

“If you dress that low, some of those reporters will write again, saying you’re guilty.”

Jasmine Tong was dumbfounded and felt that Albert Ou had a point.

“Listen to me, this is the one. It’ll look great when you wear it to your award.”

“Did you just know I’d win an award? What if I didn’t? Our wedding might have to be postponed for another year for both of us.”

The Golden Wolf Awards only come around once a year, and this time we have to wait another year if we don’t win, and the wedding is even further off in the distance.

“I have faith in my woman that she will win this time, and if she doesn’t, watch me come back and not spank you.”

“If it wasn’t for you, I’d have won the award, okay? It’s all your fault.”

Jasmine Tong felt angry when she remembered these things, and the good prize flew away.

Just at that moment, I heard a pop.

Chapter 536

Jasmine Tong and Albert Ou were stunned.

I saw the baby’s chubby little hand on the back of Albert Ou’s hand.

“Ahhhh,” he babbled, that expression looking very dissatisfied with Albert Ou.

“Hahahaha” after ten seconds of stunned silence, Jasmine Tong finally laughed out, “My son avenged me to see how you will still bully me in the future”

“You little brat, it’s backwards, don’t you dare hit me.”

The baby didn’t seem to be afraid and stared at Albert Ou with one pair of eyes as he made his way to the ground.

Father and son, you stare at me and I stare at you, as if there must be a winner.

Jasmine Tong thought to herself, these two fathers and sons will have a lot of trouble in the future.

The news that Jasmine Tong has been nominated for the Golden Wolf Award for Best Actress has naturally reached Rameen Tong’s side.

“Even the heavens are helping me. Now Jasmine Tong must come out.”

Rameen Tong had finally caught on.

“Miss Rameen, the last time you gave me the address, the reporters went there and completely pounced, that house is not even occupied, now Jasmine Tong is going to the awards ceremony, I’m afraid there’s no way to hide.”

“You go to the Golden Wolf Award organizer’s side to get Jasmine Tong’s itinerary for me, then send all of Tong’s itinerary to the media reporters, then I’ll see how she can hide.”

Rameen Tong looked like he was on the verge of winning.

When the time comes on the red carpet, if Tong says one wrong thing, she’ll have reporters stare at it hard and infinitely magnify it.

This time, I’m afraid Jasmine Tong can’t escape with her wings.

The week is fast approaching, and the Golden Wolf Awards are close at hand.

The closer the time got to Jasmine Tong, the more nervous she became, she had never been so nervous about attending that awards ceremony.

She could even imagine how the media were attacking her at length, and even more so when she looked at the red dress, her head was spinning.

But Albert Ou has a point, if you wear something too low key, you’ll only make those media feel guilty, in that case, let’s be high profile.

The day had finally arrived.

The Golden Wolf Awards are highly anticipated every year.

This year it seems that the awards ceremony was made even more remarkable because of certain news items.

Media reporters are already in place on both sides of the red carpet.

“I heard that Jasmine Tong will definitely come today.”

“I heard that too, so I’ve been squatting here today, looking for the best spot.”

“Really curious what dress she’ll be wearing over here today.”

The reporters were discussing one thing at a time, and the only focus of the discussion was Jasmine Tong.

All the celebrities on the red carpet were competing for attention, however no one was interested, the biggest interest was still Jasmine Tong.

Jasmine Tong hasn’t shown her face during the month of news.

“Here it comes” suddenly a reporter shouted and all the reporters perked up and readied their equipment.

The organizers have arranged for Jasmine Tong to make the finale.

In a fiery red gown, she walked the red carpet, glowing and resplendent.

“I’ll be damned Jasmine Tong this is too high-profile, she’s even wearing a red”

“That’s right, it’s shameless for a bitch like her to be so high profile.”

The reporters even started whining as they took pictures.

Jasmine Tong was completely unaffected, striding down the red carpet, waving and smiling, just like she usually does.

The reporter was about to rush up to conduct an interview, but then, not knowing what was going on, staff suddenly appeared on both sides and kept stopping him from coming forward.

After the red carpet, it’s time for the open interview area. Jasmine Tong can escape the red carpet, can she still escape the interview area?

As is customary, Tong will sign autographs and take photos at the end of the red carpet, where there will be a short interview.

“Jasmine Tong, are you trying to declare war on your own sister by dressing so high-profile today?”

“Jasmine Tong, you’re not planning to serve one husband with your own sister’s two daughters, are you?”

“Jasmine Tong can you talk about your child which is said to be some rich businessman’s, are you planning to raise the child yourself”

“Jasmine Tong, what does it feel like to be underneath your own brother-in-law, don’t you even think about the fact that your sister was underneath him once?”

Everyone laughed when this reporter’s question was asked.

Don’t mention how embarrassed Jasmine Tong was.

“Jasmine Tong, we’ve asked so many questions, what does it mean to look down on us reporters when you don’t answer a single one of them, right?”

“It’s just that it’s too much of a big deal, what kind of person do you think you are, not just a whore who seduces someone with a married man?”

The reporters had a problem with Jasmine Tong not answering questions.

“Taking advantage of your own sister’s pregnancy to seduce your own brother-in-law, you can do this kind of thing Jasmine Tong, can you have some shame?”

It’s one thing to watch your own TV on the internet for these invective words, but it’s another thing to be called out on it to your face.

Jasmine Tong’s chest felt like it had been violently attacked.

When she came here, Xu Xingru had warned her not to say a word no matter what the reporters said.

She really couldn’t help but talk back.

A staff member came immediately at this time and escorted her into the venue.

She’s really losing it. She’s going crazy.

But are you ready to go inside?

There’s no more reporters, but there are still a lot of stars in the venue.

“This Jasmine Tong is really something, seducing her own sister’s brother-in-law while she’s pregnant, and this is the kind of person who gets nominated.”

“That’s right, this organizer doesn’t know what’s going on, but someone so lowly is making her a finalist too.”

The stars were all dressed up and talking along.

It’s been a long time since she’s attended such an event, and Tong noticed a lot of new faces on the scene.

She’s been away from the entertainment industry for far too long, and that’s the way it is in the entertainment industry, you can have someone take your place if you don’t come out for a month or two, not to mention she’s been away for almost a year.

Jasmine Tong didn’t pile on either, as no one paid any attention to her at all either, even her old acquaintances were avoiding her.

An actress in a white dress walked towards her.

The first thing that happened was that a man was willing to pay attention to her.

It’s been a long time since I’ve spoken of Qin suddenly.

She left Star King International, created her own studio, signed some new talent, and produced a flower or two.

Today she is radiant and seems even more beautiful than before.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you, suddenly, sister.”

“Yeah, it’s been a long time, they say the road is long and the days are long, and the fox tail is finally showing.”

The way Qin turned around and ordered her around made Jasmine Tong very uncomfortable.

Chapter 537

“What do you mean by that?”

Jasmine Tong had thought that Qin Tianlian had come over to express friendship with her, not realizing that she was the same as the others.

She had almost forgotten that Qin Jianlian was her rival.

“Jasmine Tong, I knew you were a two-faced woman at first, and now it does seem so.”

Qin turned his eyes upward all the time, seemingly completely ignoring Jasmine Tong.

Back then, she won the Golden Wolf Award for Best Actress over Jasmine Tong, and her career started to go smoothly.

In terms of current popularity, Jasmine Tong is indeed not comparable to her.

“I didn’t think you knew some of the ins and outs, and I don’t think you’d think the same as everyone else.”

Jasmine Tong feels that others don’t know, but Qin Tianliang is aware that she is with Albert Ou, who has Albert Ou would still go and hook up with Ron Bie.

“It’s because I know something of the inside story that I’m more certain of the true nature of your bad woman.You’re so ungrateful.”

While Qin is busy with her own career, she doesn’t pay attention to the news about Albert Ou and Jasmine Tong, and with John Quan out of the country, she knows nothing about their situation.

After this incident came out, his first reaction was that Albert Ou had found out Jasmine Tong’s true face and dumped her, which was why she had gone to hook up with Ellen Ron.

“The Lord has finally opened his eyes.”

“I’m not going to bother theorizing with you about that.”Jasmine Tong really didn’t want to argue with Qin Liyuan.

“I’m telling you, Asawa he’s going to be mine sooner or later.”After saying this, Qin turned around and left Jasmine Tong.

Jasmine Tong, that’s an uncomfortable, his own matter has not yet been settled here and then came a rival.

“Look guys, look, even Qin Lianyan ignored Jasmine Tong yeah”

“I heard that when Jasmine Tong was just starting out, but Qin Qianlian was always promoting her.”

“It’s not that I’ve heard ah, it’s true that Qin Yangyan was very much promoting Jasmine Tong, but unfortunately Jasmine Tong was ungrateful and stepped on Qin Yangyan and even squeezed him out of Star Huang International This woman ah, is simply too bad.”

“Oh my god so he’s not only seducing a married man ah isn’t that the entertainment industry’s stinker?”

“A stinker like that should be thrown out.”

No one paid attention to themselves anyway, so Jasmine Tong sat alone in that corner.

This year’s Golden Wolf Awards were pretty dismal for Star King International.

There were no more finalists, other than her, who were even invited to perform.

Mo Yi-Ang switched the runway and started attacking the TV drama circle, and no works were nominated this year.

Jasmine Tong is all alone and looks pitiful indeed.

But just because she is the only seedling of Star King International, she should show her posture even more!

No matter if she won the award this year or not, she represents Star International, and Star International has special feelings for her, she absolutely cannot let the Star National Drama go downhill.

The awards ceremony started soon after and all the guests were seated.

Qin Liyuan was also nominated for the Best Actress award, and she and Jasmine Tong were particularly close to each other.

Before that, Chin Wai Yuen won the best actress award over Tong Siu Man. This year, she won the best actress award.

“It’s a bit of a déjà vu image.”Chin said with his head turned up high.

“Just say what you want to say, there’s no need to beat around the bush.”

Because that’s how the position was arranged, Jasmine Tong couldn’t get away.

“Remember back then, we did the same thing and were also double finalists for the Golden Wolf Award, only that time it was me who had the last laugh.”

Qin turned around and raised his eyebrows.

“Then suddenly, sister, I don’t know if you’ve heard of the phrase “the wheel of feng shui” last time it was you, but this time it won’t be you.”

Jasmine Tong also showed the same courage.

Since she had declared war on her, there was no need for her to dodge it.

“You just came back, took such a short time to make a movie, and the movie hasn’t even been released yet, and you want to compete with me with something like this?” joking.”

The film that Qin Yianran was shortlisted for was a box office hit of 2 billion, a box office champion, and also had excellent word of mouth, receiving praise from both inside and outside the industry.

And Tong’s movie, which people don’t even know what it’s like, hasn’t been released yet after all.

“It’s pointless for us to play all the tricks here, who wins and who loses, it’s the organisers who make the final decision.”

“Jasmine Tong, it seems you’re bound to win, how about we make a bet?”

“What’s the bet?”

“If the best actress award is mine this time, you will get out of the entertainment industry immediately and never appear again and you will never be allowed near Azawa again.”

Jasmine Tong sucked in a breath of cold air, the stakes were too high.

Honestly award or not, she wasn’t too sure.

Besides, there are times when such things require a certain amount of luck.

“What’s wrong don’t dare bet with me do you fear you’ll lose it’s okay, I didn’t say you had to bet.”

“And what if I win?”

“If you win, then speak for yourself.”

“If I win, please stay away from my husband.”

Jasmine Tong’s gaze was burning as she looked at Qin Liyuan.

When Qin turned around, he couldn’t help but scoff, “At this time of the year, you’re still calling him your husband, how shameless are you?”

“You bet or you don’t bet.”

“Well, since you’re partial to bumping into a gun, I’ll take the gamble.”

“It’s a deal.”

Jasmine Tong is pretty much out of the question.

“Jasmine Tong, Jasmine Tong, how horny you are, isn’t there any way for Azawa to satisfy you and go out and find another man?”

Jasmine Tong snorted, “Say whatever you want.”

“It can’t be that Asawa found out what you really are and has already abandoned you that’s why you’re betting against me.”

When Qin turned around, he was always eager to test Jasmine Tong.

This thought was also seen through by Jasmine Tong, and the more she asked, the less she said.

“Then suddenly sister, you seem to want to know about my progress with him hey, if you want to know, then just ask me, why beat around the bush like that?”

Qin turned a bit embarrassed, “I’m not interested in your business.”

“Yeah? Well if you’re not interested then don’t ask a single question, lest I misunderstand something.”

Qin Yangyan slanted his eyes to stare at Jasmine Tong, count you cruel.

Before you know it, the ceremony has reached the much-anticipated moment: the winner of the Golden Wolf Award for Best Actress.

Jasmine Tong straightened her back, Qin Qianliang’s smile blossomed, and the camera has been pulled over towards this side.

“We are about to reveal the winner of the Golden Wolf Award for Best Actress this year’s ceremony is very similar to previous years, for example, Qin Yianran and Jasmine Tong both nominated, last time Qin Yianran took away the trophy of the Queen of the film so this year we will wait and see.”

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