Her Bossy Yet Naive CEO Chapter 619 – 621

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Chapter 619

Because Jasmine Tong really missed her two children and the pain of separation made her really want to go home, so they ended their honeymoon and set off home.

Returning home, he took San San into his arms.

No one was more excited than Meng Rujiao.

“Manny-san, you’re finally back, I’m really getting bored with this big house all by myself.”

“There are so many servants in the house, it’s good to talk to them.”

“There are only a few that can talk, but it’s good to know that your two sons are adorable and it’s nice to watch them every day.”

Saying words Meng Rujiao suddenly covered her mouth.

“What’s wrong physically?”

Meng Rujiao even waved her hand, “The cooking in the kitchen has been too greasy for the past two days, and my appetite is not comfortable.”

“Oh, that’s right, then I’ll instruct them to make it lighter later, these servants won’t be able to hold an inch if I’m not here, I’m really sorry.”Jasmine Tong apologized profusely.

“It doesn’t bother me, I’m weirdly embarrassed to live here for nothing, Manny-san, let me go to the kitchen and get a yogurt to quench my fatigue.”

Jasmine Tong nodded Meng Rujiao and went downstairs.

The first thing you need to know is that you’ll need to be able to find the best way to get the job done.

She’s probably thought about it a lot this month, and she looks like she’s in good spirits.

Jasmine Tong hurriedly instructed the kitchen to make the food lighter.

Albert Ou had been gone for a month, and with the group piling on top of each other, he went into a frenzy of busyness.

Jasmine Tong has also taken a long break and is getting into work, although he has Albert Ou Noe, who only makes one film per year, but with all the various promotional activities, endorsements and announcements and whatnot, he’s usually a little busy.

This weekend Jasmine Tong slept in bed for an extra hour, and when she got up, Albert Ou had already gone to the office.

She packed up and went to the dining room to prepare breakfast, and ran into Meng Rujiao just in time.

“Manny-san, you just got up too.”

“Yeah, what a coincidence that you get up so late every day,” Jasmine Tong joked.

Meng Rujiao scratched her head in embarrassment, “I don’t have anything to do when I get up anyway, so I simply can’t afford to stay in bed.”

“Let’s have breakfast together.”

“Good “Meng Rujiao sat across from Jasmine Tong and the maid brought breakfast to the table.

Today’s breakfast is soy fritters.

“It’s so dear to me now where I read about this abroad.”

Jasmine Tong lamented greatly.

“I’ve never been abroad, do foreigners have fun? don’t foreigners eat soy milk and fritters” said Meng Rujiao as she picked up a fritter and was just about to put it in her mouth when she suddenly became nauseous and hurriedly put it down.

“What is it, Miss Mon,”

Meng Rujiao was just about to speak when she felt sick again and hurriedly ran to the bathroom.

Jasmine Tong also hurriedly put down the food she was holding, went to the bathroom, and knocked on the door.

“Miss Mon, are you all right?”

There was the sound of vomiting from inside, and after a while, Meng Rujiao came out of the bathroom with an apologetic face.

“I’m so sorry, but my stomach has been upset for the past two days.”

Jasmine Tong suddenly felt that something wasn’t right, but Meng Rujiao was only a 20-year-old girl, so she couldn’t ask directly.

The two men returned to the table.

“Miss Meng, have you been unable to eat anything greasy lately, how about I ask the kitchen to cook you some lighter ravioli instead”

“Yes, yes.”

“I’ll cook it for you myself.”

Jasmine Tong cooked a bowl of small wontons for Meng Rujiao herself, and took some oranges from the kitchen and put them on the table.

“It’s not a bad orange, try it.”

Meng Rujiao directly took one peeled and stuffed it into her mouth, cool and sour, not to mention how comfortable it was.

“It’s so good,”

“You can have more if it’s delicious, this orange is a bit sour for my liking.”

“Sour? I think it’s refreshing ah” Meng Rujiao ate that soundly.

“Miss Meng, this always vomiting of yours lasted for a few days if your body is uncomfortable, don’t drag it out, don’t feel young and feel free to squander your body’s capital.”Jasmine Tong said as she ate.

“It’s been a few days, probably a change of season as well, and with an upset appetite and a greasy diet, it shouldn’t be a problem.”

Meng Rujiao looked at Jasmine Tong as she peeled the orange.

“It’s not very serious if you look at it this way, do you have any other symptoms besides morning nausea” Jasmine Tong asked pretending to be careless.

“Well” thought Meng Rujiao as she ate her orange, “always sleepy and wanting to sleep, waking up late in the morning and having to take a nap at noon, always feeling listless and not very energetic.”

“Then Miss Mon, when did you last get your period?”

Meng Rujiao’s eyes dribbled around.

“I don’t remember, I never do, my cycle is wrong and I always clean it up when I come, I remember, I didn’t come the whole time you were on your honeymoon, no, no, it’s like I haven’t been here since I got here.”

It’s been over a month.

Meng Rujiao this girl is grown up in the man pile, about this aspect, the cold lord natural unable to teach her, afraid that she even menstrual irregularities do not know how it is, moreover, do not know to remember their own period.

“Miss Meng, I’ll take you to the hospital today for a checkup, don’t worry, it’s our own hospital, you’ll be fine.”

Meng Rujiao stared at Jasmine Tong, “Sister Jasmine Tong, it shouldn’t be serious,”

“No, it’s a relief to check, you’re a guest in our house and if you’re not feeling well I need to take you for a check up though.It’s responsible for my brother, too.”

“Oh, that’s right, okay then,”

In the afternoon, Jasmine Tong brought Meng Rujiao to Z.Y Hospital and asked Zhong Yu Ling to do a checkup for her.

As Meng Rujiao looked around outside, Jasmine Tong followed Zhong Yu Ling to the office.

“How’s Dr. Chung?”

“Madam, who is this girl to you?”

Jasmine Tong hastily grinned, “It’s a very good friend of mine, but you can tell me anything, Doctor Zhong.”

“This girl just turned 20, she’s pregnant, and it’s been almost two months.”

As expected, Jasmine Tong guessed it.

Jasmine Tong told Zhong Yu Ling exactly what had happened, and instructed her not to tell anyone.

“Drinking alcohol and taking pills this is simply ridiculous, in this case should be contraception” Zhong Yu Ling was also shocked.

“Yes, Dr. Chung, if that’s the case, can this baby be born?”

Jasmine Tong then realized that Albert Ou’s plan that day was a big mistake!

Chapter 620

Zhong Yu Ling sighed, “It’s really hard to say, they all have a certain teratogenic rate, and when it comes to this kind of situation, we usually let the pregnant woman make her own choice.”

Jasmine Tong’s brain is hurting now, twenty-year-old Meng Rujiao is still a child in her eyes.

“There are some pregnant women who give birth to children with no problems at all, but there are some who have problems, it’s hard to say, and as of now, the child is very healthy in all indicators.But just because you can’t see anything now, it doesn’t mean that there will be no problems later, even if the baby is born without problems at every birth.”

Zhong Yu Ling told Jasmine Tong all about the situation.

“Ma’am, the boy is too young to be just your friend, but you’d better tell his family.”

“Okay, I will, you get busy, I’m going home.”

As soon as Jasmine Tong came out Meng Rujiao rushed to welcome her.

“Manny-san, am I physically okay?”

Jasmine Tong could only smile towards her, “It’s no big deal, let’s go home and talk.”

“That’s good.”Meng Rujiao was relieved, as long as she wasn’t sick anyway.

Back at home, Jasmine Tong went to Meng Rujiao’s room, but she didn’t know where to begin.

She had planned to talk to Meng Rujiao after discussing it with Albert Ou, but she also felt that Meng Rujiao should be the first to know about her pregnancy.

“Manny-san, what’s wrong with you looking preoccupied.”

Jasmine Tong looked up at Meng Rujiao’s tender face.

“Miss Mon,”

“Geez, Miss Manny, don’t keep calling me Miss Meng Meng, they all call me Pepper, you can call me Pepper too.”

“Pepper’s a good name.”

“Hey, isn’t it nice that the boss picked it up for me.”

“Pepper, you’re pregnant.”Jasmine Tong said it anyway.

“What did you say” Meng Rujiao didn’t hear at first.

“I said you’re pregnant.”

“What I’m pregnant” Meng Rujiao couldn’t believe it with wide eyes.

“Here’s your lab report.”Jasmine Tong took the lab report from her bag to Meng Rujiao, “Seven weeks pregnant, the reason you’re nauseous and want to sleep is all because you’re pregnant.”

When Meng Rujiao looked at the lab report, she couldn’t understand it either, so she touched her stomach and looked at Jasmine Tong, “I have a baby in my belly right now.”

“Yes, you have a baby in your belly.”

“It’s the boss’s baby, me and the boss’s baby.”


Meng Rujiao stared down at her stomach, as if she could see a little life inside.

“This is amazing, I’m having a baby in my belly.”

“Pepper, when a man and a woman copulate, there’s a certain chance of getting pregnant, it’s the natural order of things, no one told you that, right?”

“Who’s telling me this? It’s funny, since we’re having a baby this way but will my belly get bigger from now on?”

“It will, it’s a critical stage in the baby’s development, you can’t run and jump anymore, you’ll be able to feel the baby kicking your belly when you’re almost four months pregnant and you’ll be able to meet her in October.”

“It’s going to take so long ah wouldn’t it be a whole year of carrying him around and staying honest” Meng Rujiao pouted a little unhappily.

“Of course you do, you’re a pregnant woman now, so pay extra attention to your body and tell me if you feel any discomfort.”

“All right then.”

“And there’s the most crucial thing Jasmine Tong hasn’t said yet.

“What else is right, is the baby in my belly a boy or a girl”

“It doesn’t look like it yet.”

“Sister Manny, just say what you have to say” Meng Rujiao was staring at her stomach.

“Pepper, you slept with my brother once, my brother drank wine tonight, and my husband drugged my brother, do you remember all that?”

Meng Rujiao nodded excitedly, “I remember ah I certainly remember, if it wasn’t for Mr. Ou, I wouldn’t have been able to get into bed with my boss, my boss and I did it a whole three times that night.”

Jasmine Tong laughed awkwardly, this kid was really tongue-tied, even with someone else about such things.

Jasmine Tong grabbed Meng Rujiao’s wrist, “Let me finish my words carefully first, okay?”

“You tell me,”

“In principle two people who want to conceive a baby need to do a lot of preparation, like that conditioning of the body, the man has to stop smoking and drinking and the woman has to condition her body to the best of her ability.”

Meng Rujiao listened attentively, as if this didn’t have much to do with her.

“With all the drinking and the drugs that night, a baby conceived under those circumstances could be unhealthy.”

Jasmine Tong knew this seemed very cruel, but she had to tell Meng Rujiao the truth.

“So it’s okay that my baby is an unhealthy baby, but it’s okay that I’m raising him right and keeping him fat and white.”

“That’s not true, right now the baby in your belly hasn’t developed into a human being, he could be deformed.”

Although Meng Rujiao had never read any books, she still knew what the word “deformed” meant.

“Is that what you mean about the baby in my belly missing arms and legs?”

“Not really, just that it’s a possibility, and the doctor said to give you the authority to decide whether you want the baby or not.”

Jasmine Tong finally made it clear Meng Rujiao was in a bit of a trance she carefully pondered.

“If I don’t want this baby, where will she go?”

“The doctor will operate on you to get it out.”

“But I thought you said he hadn’t developed into a human being yet, and if you take it out now, wouldn’t he”

It’s dead.

Jasmine Tong solemnly nodded her head towards Meng Rujiao.

“That won’t do but what’s the difference between me and a murderer but when my dad sold me at least made sure I was alive and she knew someone else could still feed me but I just killed my baby I’m crueler and worse than my dad.”

Meng Rujiao was at a loss for words.

“No, Pepper, listen to me, if there’s something really wrong with this baby, then you had him, and he’s suffered for the rest of his life, have you thought about that?”

Meng Rujiao hung her head and said nothing.

“Pepper, think about it, there’s no rush to make a decision yet.”

Jasmine Tong patted Meng Rujiao’s hand and stood up, walking out, on her way out she noticed that Meng Rujiao had been staring at her stomach.

What mother would want to kill her own child?

Even though Meng Rujiao was still a child herself.

Jasmine Tong went back to the nursery and looked at her two sons.

Chapter 621

Albert Ou came back Jasmine Tong told Albert Ou about it the first time.

“She’s pregnant.”

Apparently Albert Ou hadn’t expected such a link in his plan either.

“Yeah, all thanks to you this kid is drinking and drugging, it’s not even sure if the kid will be normal.”

Jasmine Tong couldn’t help but go and complain about Albert Ou, after all, this whole thing was because of him.

Albert Ou kept stroking his chin wondering what he was planning.

“Honey, I think the most important thing for you to do right now is to hurry up and get Brother back, this child is both of theirs after all, Pepper is still a child, she can’t make up her mind.”

Albert Ou, however, acted as if he hadn’t heard Jasmine Tong’s words.

“Honey, what are you thinking?”

“Ah, nothing to think about, what did you just say”

“I say you need to get Brother back quickly, and this child is Brother’s too, so let them both make up their minds whether to stay or not.”Jasmine Tong had to repeat it again.

“Okay, I’ll get him right back.”

The evening passed, as Jasmine Tong became nervous at the sudden addition of a pregnant woman to the family.

Jasmine Tong also specifically instructed the kitchen to cook some nutritious meals and take extra care of Meng Rujiao.

The two men ran into each other at breakfast.

“Pepper, just talk to the kitchen directly about what you want to eat and don’t want to eat, your tastes change a lot in early pregnancy, and you don’t need to be embarrassed.”

Meng Rujiao’s dark circles were heavy, and it was obvious that she hadn’t slept well last night.

“Manny-san, I’ve made up my mind, I’m going to keep this child, even if he’s physically defective, that’s his fate, I should let nature take its course, I shouldn’t decide whether she lives or dies.”

Meng Rujiao said with a kind smile on her face as she kept touching her stomach.

These words made Jasmine Tong somewhat moved.

“When my dad sold me when I was a kid, I remember it vividly, and he told me girl, this is your life.Then I met the boss and let him take me on, and I felt like this was destiny.”

Meng Rujiao stared down at her stomach, “If he’s destined to die, then I can’t have him, and if he lets me have him, then it’s his fate, and I have to accept it.”

Jasmine Tong couldn’t even find a rebuttal, Meng Rujiao was still a child, but she was reasonable, and she was a person who accepted death.

Now we can only hope that Albert Ou Noma will find the Cold Lords and ask the two of them to come together to discuss it.

A child can’t be born without a father.

“Pepper, this baby is both yours and my brother’s, I think you should talk to him about it, I’ve asked my husband to go get him back for you.”

Meng Rujiao, however, smiled cloudily, “There’s nothing wrong with the child being both of us, but if he doesn’t want the child, then I’ll raise the child alone, it doesn’t matter.”

In other words, the Leng Lords return or not, this child Meng Rujiao are to stay.

Jasmine Tong didn’t want to discourage Meng Rujiao, it’s not easy to raise a child, Meng Rujiao doesn’t even have a proper job now, how can she raise a child?

A series of three days passed, the cold owl side still no news.

Instead, Albert Ou sent a large amount of tonic to Meng Rujiao.

Jasmine Tong did feel comforted, knowing in the end that Meng Rujiao’s belly was her little nephew, so Albert Ou was extraordinarily attentive.

But this always need to let the cold owl know it, the cold owl side has been no news.

“Honey, is there still no word from my brother?”

As soon as Albert Ou returned Jasmine Tong couldn’t help but rush him.

“I’ll tell you when I have news, why are you more anxious than others.”

“I’m not in a hurry, this belly says it’s getting big, and this can’t be delayed, so you can send some extra men to find him.”

“Okay, okay, I get it, worry less about the others and go back to bed and wait for me.”Albert Ou winked at Jasmine Tong.

Jasmine Tong returned to the bed, and after a while Albert Ou returned.

“My little darling has been waiting a long time” Albert Ou turned off the light and got under the covers and started doing something shameless.

The next morning Albert Ou got into the car.

“Ou, shall we go straight to the office?” the driver asked.

“Let’s go to Z.Y Hospital first.”


The driver immediately started the engine and drove Albert Ou to Z.Y Hospital.

Albert Ou went straight to Zhong Yu Ling’s office.

“You did the examination of Meng Rujiao, didn’t you?”

Albert Ou guessed that Jasmine Tong trusted Zhong Yu Ling a lot, so Meng Rujiao’s examination should be left to Zhong Yu Ling.

Zhong Yu Ling nodded, “Yes, Mr. Ou, what’s the problem?”

“Nothing wrong, just wanted to ask you if the baby in her belly is a boy or a girl.”

Zhong Yu Ling was stunned, it didn’t seem to have anything to do with Albert Ou, right?

“Why do you ask, Mr. Ou?”

“You just have to answer my question.”

“That girl is less than two months pregnant and there’s no way to tell the sex of the fetus yet.”Zhong Yu Ling had to answer truthfully.

“So when will we know the sex of the fetus?”

“Two more months.”

“Here’s the thing” it seems he’s still a little anxious, “you need to take care of her this baby can’t miss a beat.”

It was as if Albert Ou had given an order, Zhong Yu Ling remembered that even when Jasmine Tong was pregnant, Albert Ou didn’t seem to have ordered him like this, could it be that this child

“What he should eat now and what is good for the fetus in his belly, you arrange all of that.”

“It’s our job to ensure the safety of the pregnant woman and the fetus, except O, didn’t the missus tell you that the baby is likely to have health problems?”

“Doesn’t he have any health problems right now? There’s more to say and don’t tell my wife that I’ve been here.”

Although Zhong Yu Ling felt strange, Albert Ou was the owner of this hospital, so she couldn’t say anything.

“Yes, Ou.”

“I know you’re close to her, but I’m telling you, you need to remember who’s your boss, and if I want to heal you there are a hundred ways to do it.”Albert Ou threatened.

“Don’t worry, Ou, I won’t tell anyone.”Zhong Yu Ling could only compromise.

Albert Ou left the hospital, Jasmine Tong had always wanted a daughter, hadn’t she if Meng Rujiao was pregnant with a daughter this pregnancy, so that he could just bring this daughter around.

And Meng Rujiao’s child has the blood of the Leng Lords, which is also the flesh and blood of the Ou family.

In fact, he didn’t even look for the Leng Lords, and if the Leng Lords come back and he’s with Meng Rujiao, he won’t be able to snatch this child.

This child he was bound to snatch.

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