Her Bossy Yet Naive CEO Chapter 781 – 783

Read Chapter 781 – 783 of the novel Her Bossy Yet Naive CEO free online.

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Chapter 781


Because it wasn’t just once or twice, Jasmine Tong knew that San San always liked to take the blame for 1999.

Jasmine Tong turned to Xiao Qi, “Xiao Qi, Mommy asked you who messed up Mommy’s dresser”

Seven hung her head then shook her head, “Not me.”

Jasmine Tong knew that Xiao Qi was timid, so she could only look for a breakthrough from Xiao Qi.

“And did you tell Mommy who was the brother?”

Xiao Qi looked at San San, who was giving Xiao Qi a vigorous wink, an action that naturally couldn’t escape Jasmine Tong’s eyes.

“Seven, you have to tell the truth, Mommy doesn’t like lying children.”Jasmine Tong was immediately stern.

“No.”Seven replied immediately.

San San glared at Seven, “You traitor.”

Jasmine Tong slapped San San’s head with her palm, “I’ll find that culprit first, then I’ll deal with you later.”

When Jasmine Tong opened the door to the bathroom, she found 1999 sitting on the toilet, her face so colorful that she could open a dye shop.

Jasmine Tong covered her face with one hand, is this her daughter?

Why does her daughter look like this when she was such a good girl?

Jasmine Tong very ungently washed the ninety-nine’s face clean, she really didn’t want to clean her up, and was worried that adult cosmetics were bad for children, which was why she cleaned her first.

In the end, Jasmine Tong carried the ninety-nine back to her bedroom, where the dresser remained untidied.

“Stand still,”

Nine stood facing the dresser, still smiling and laughing.

“Still laughing not allowed to laugh “Jasmine Tong did not even dare to look at her dressing table, for a woman, the skin care products and cosmetics on the dressing table is really too important things.

Jasmine Tong moved a chair and sat in front of Nine-Nine, “Nine-Nine, didn’t Mummy tell you that children are not allowed to touch adult things, they have to ask an adult and get permission before they can touch”

Jijiu tilted her head to look at Jasmine Tong, “But I’ve asked ah.”

“Who did you ask?”

Jasmine Tong would like to know which maid had the nerve to let Nine-Nine touch her cosmetics.

“I asked Dad.”

“When did you ask daddy if you dared to lie” Jasmine Tong slammed the ruler down on the table with a very crisp sound.

“I forget when I asked yah, anyway daddy was agreeing, daddy said I am daddy’s sweetheart, daddy’s stuff is my stuff, daddy bought all this stuff for you, that’s daddy’s yah, it’s daddy’s, it’s mine yah I touch my own stuff, why do I have to ask”

Jasmine Tong was shaking with anger at the ninety-nine comments, and Albert Ou actually instilled such thoughts in her

“Who says your dadby bought these for me, these are my own.”

“But you’re using Daddy’s money.” “Using Daddy’s money means Daddy bought it.” “Ninety-nine” is a rallying cry.

“Who says I’m using his money and I make money too, okay? I bought all this stuff myself.”

Jasmine Tong is simply going mad, why is she arguing with a little kid about this?

Jijiu showed a mean look, “You don’t have a company, how will you make money.”

“I make money making movies” Jasmine Tong growled, she never thought she would argue with her own daughter about whether she made money or not.

“Ninety-nine, you don’t think you’re lawless just because your father spoils you, even if all these things were bought with your father’s money, they’re my things and you don’t get to touch them because legally every penny your father makes is half of mine and all you spend is both of our money understand?”

Jijiu pondered carefully, “What is a French donkey a small donkey?”

The first thing you need to do is to get up and walk around the room for a few times, you really can’t communicate with your daughter.

“Anyway you just can’t touch these things here mommy, they’re all bought with money, you’re wasting it you know.”

“Dad’s got a lot of money. He can buy new ones.”

Nine spread her hands out really didn’t understand why her mommy was so grumpy.

“Is your daddy’s money a big windfall and the fact that these are chemical things with ingredients that aren’t even suitable for children you’re too young to be using them understand.”

Jijiu still looked as if he was indifferent, and simply said “Oh”.

“You stand here and reflect on the fact that you’re casually touching adult things and making such a mess isn’t wrong when you think about it, I’ll talk to you about standing up straight.”

Nine immediately puffed up his chest.

Jasmine Tong looked at her like this and walked out, she still had her son waiting to teach her a lesson

As soon as I pushed open San San and Seven’s room, I heard Seven crying.

“What’s going on?”

Xiao Qi ran over to Jasmine Tong as soon as she saw him coming, “Mommy, my brother is bullying me.”

But San San gave Seven a blank stare, “When did I bully you?”

“He called me a traitor,” Seven rushed to confess to Jasmine Tong.

Xiao Qi drew a tissue and wiped Xiao Qi’s tears, “Well don’t cry, a man is not allowed to shed tears, how big of a deal.”

“It’s just a little thing, crying and crying like a girl”

“You shut up did I tell you to talk?”

Why is it that she didn’t even let one of her own births save her life, but instead she was much more obedient.

“Okay, Seven, go out and play, there’s nothing for you to do here.”

Seven’s ass ran out of the room, and it wasn’t his business in the first place anyway.

Jasmine Tong sat in her chair and looked at San San, who smiled two silly smiles at Jasmine Tong.

“You still have the nerve to laugh, San San didn’t see that, quite the hero.”

“Not bad, at least a man.”

When she heard the word “man”, Jasmine Tong was actually a bit devastated, is it appropriate to always call yourself a man at such a young age?

“I’m asking you, why do you always have to take the blame for Nine-Nine when it’s obviously not you, you always carry the load for her, it’s not once or twice anymore, San-San, it’s not right for you to do that”

Jasmine Tong must correct everyone’s opinion that spoiling Nine-Nine like this will only harm her.

“Why not? Ninety-nine is my sister, it’s my brother’s duty to protect my sister, and it’s also a man’s duty to protect a girl.”

Sansan said with a small pat on his chest.

“That’s true, but you can’t protect her when Ninu does something wrong, you should correct her and tell her what’s right, that’s what a brother should do”

“She’s so young, it’s normal for her to do things wrong.”

Chapter 782

“It’s because she’s so young that she’s done something wrong that needs to be corrected and if she’s not corrected now, she’ll do more wrong, bigger wrong in the future.”

Jasmine Tong’s heated rhetoric is so strong that she’s mad at her own son.

But despite the fact that Jasmine Tong was on the verge of collapse, San San still had her own reasoning.

“Yeah, you said yourself she’s too young, so you can’t hit her or yell at her, I’ll just be in charge from now on, so you don’t have to.”

San San was simply like an adult, always adult in tone, making Jasmine Tong want to both cry and laugh.

“You’re in charge of her you’re in charge of her, can she still want it I’m simply mad at you” Jasmine Tong poked San San’s brain, “Anyway you have to promise me that 99 has done something wrong, you must hide it for her, no taking the blame for her”

“Then you also have to promise me that if you do something wrong in 1999, you’re not allowed to hit or yell at me.”

“Hey you son of a bitch, I discipline my own daughter, when is it your turn to do so”

“Then it’s not your turn for me to discipline my own sister.”

First Jasmine Tong was so angry at Nine-Nine that she was about to vomit blood, and now she was so angry at San-San that she was about to vomit blood.

She looked at her son and saw that he was speechless, but her mind couldn’t think of any reasoning, any language that could be used to speak to him.

Mother and son are at an impasse.

On the other hand, after standing for a short while, Nine-Nine felt her calves getting sore, mainly because it’s too boring to stand like this all the time.

She turned to look at the door, Mummy had no intention of coming back, and no one was watching her anyway, so she could simply play for a while.

But what are we playing?

Jiu Jiu’s eyes locked back on the cosmetics that he had messed up.

Jasmine Tong really couldn’t convince San San, and finally left San San’s room with a stern face, and when she opened the bedroom door, she was completely shocked by the sight inside

And what about the culprit?

Jiu Jiu is holding a lipstick, ready to go to the next target.

“Ninety-nine, what are you doing?”

“Hee hee hee,”

Jasmine Tong was really furious this time, because she couldn’t stand it any longer

As soon as he got back from work, he listened to the maids say that Jasmine Tong was throwing a tantrum, and he knew that it must be 1999 that was in trouble again.

As soon as he reached the upstairs, he heard a yell from Jasmine Tong, and he quickly came to the bedroom, seeing the messed up dresser as soon as he entered.

“What’s going on here?”

As soon as Jiu Jiu saw that Albert Ou was back he quickly dropped the lipstick in his hand, “Daddy, you’re back, I missed you so much.”

Just as 1999 was about to run towards Albert Ou, Jasmine Tong immediately snapped, “Stand there and don’t move.”

Ninjou immediately stood his ground.

Jasmine Tong pulled Albert Ou over to the dressing table, “You came back just in time for you to see what she got”

Albert Ou smoothly hugged Jasmine Tong’s waist, “It’s just some cosmetics, I’ll buy you new ones later, she’s still young and ignorant, she’s curious about these things.”

“What about this one” Jasmine Tong pointed to the wall of the big bed

Albert Ou was stunned when he turned his head.

On that wall of the bed hung the wedding photos of the two of them, which were now all smeared with lipstick, especially Jasmine Tong’s face.

And the entire wall but everything this little kid could reach was a colorful mess, made with eye shadow as well as nail polish by visual inspection.

“And this,” Tong pointed her finger at another wall again.

The wall wasn’t spared, and the top became a personal graffiti wall of ninety-nine, which can no longer be described as a mess.

And the bathroom door, because the door is white and slightly colored to show it.

There are many display tables in the room with photos of Jasmine Tong and Albert Ou, including wedding photos and some life photos, and as a result, Jasmine Tong’s face is all painted on these display tables.

“Nine-nine you’re too much” Albert Ou finally paled, then he smiled again to coax Jasmine Tong, “Don’t be angry with the kids, I’ll ask someone to clean it up later.”

“Don’t you touch me you’ll just spoil her all the time Albert Ou, you listen to me, if you don’t teach your precious daughter a lesson today, you’ll never come into my room again.”

Albert Ou looked at their bedroom and muttered, “Isn’t this just our room, and isn’t this unlivable?”

Jasmine Tong is simply going to be mad when she hears this, her daughter is against her, her son is against her, and now Albert Ou is against her.

“Albert Ou, you son of a bitch.”

Jasmine Tong walked out of the bedroom without looking back, but she found that there was nowhere she could go but her bedroom, so she found a random guest room and got in, locking the door.

As soon as I walked in the door, I sat down on the floor and bawled my eyes out.

Albert Ou chased after her and stood at the door of the guest room and heard Jasmine Tong’s cries.

He hadn’t seen Jasmine Tong cry in a long time.

“Jasmine, open the door, I know it’s wrong, she’s still young, don’t you dare treat her like that”

“You get out of here I don’t want to see you” Jasmine Tong cried and cried in the room.

She hugged her knees as Albert Ou knocked on the door, and for the first time she felt so defeated.

Nine-Nine destroys not only her makeup, her skin care products and her bedroom, but also her dignity and authority as a mother.

Why is she such a loser?

She was beginning to regret why she had insisted on having a daughter in the first place, two sons would have been nice, wouldn’t they?

“Jasmine Tong, you deserve it. You really brought this on yourself.”

After yelling at Jasmine Tong, she continued to hug herself and cry.

Outside the door, Albert Ou was simply dying of anxiety, listening to Jasmine Tong’s heart-breaking cries.

Just at this time Meng Rujiao came over, Jasmine Tong cried very badly can be heard very clearly outside the door.

“Cry me a river, I knew it.”

“You don’t talk sarcasm” Albert Ou glanced at Meng Rujiao.

“I said what sarcastic words I said the truth on your family so precious daughter really should be disciplined discipline, she speaks can make people angry you are just too spoiled her.”

Everyone else said that about Nine-Nine, including Jasmine Tong, who had told Albert Ou more than once, but Albert Ou always felt that his daughter was not like that.

She is very cute, rather funny, sweet-talking, and at best a bit of a people person.

When he’s at home, Nine-Nine sticks to him and basically doesn’t spend time with Jasmine Tong, so Albert Ou has never seen Jasmine Tong and Nine-Nine alone together.

“The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the newest models of the newest models, the newest ones.

Chapter 783

Albert Ou’s heart was broken even as he listened to Jasmine Tong’s cries, he couldn’t remember the last time his wife had cried like this because it had been so long ago.

He punched his hand and went back into the bedroom in a rage, and Ninety-nine was not going to stay punished in peace and was about to crawl into bed, wondering what the hell he had come up with again

“Get down here.”

Seeing that the bedroom that was so warm and inviting in the past was now like this, Albert Ou also felt that 1999 was a bit too much this time.

As soon as Jiu Jiu climbed onto the bed and turned around to see only Albert Ou returning, he immediately turned around and opened his arms.

“Daddy, hug.”

Looking at his daughter’s adorable appearance, Albert Ou’s hand is a bit itchy again, he can’t stand her pampering the most.

He tried to control himself from reaching out to hug her.

“Get down yourself.”

Although Jijiu was just three years old, she was the most observant person in the family, and when she saw Albert Ou’s face was not right and his tone was so bad, she immediately wiggled her little buttocks and slid off the bed.

“Daddy, what’s wrong with you, let’s go out and play, okay?” ninety-nine as soon as she came down, she launched a petulant attack on Albert Ou hugging and shaking Albert Ou’s thighs.

“Stand still for me” Albert Ou froze and pushed her away from himself.

The first thing you need to know is that you can’t be sure that you’re going to be able to get the right amount of money.

Watching Ninety-nine about to cry, Albert Ou’s heart was also torn.

“Don’t cry.”

Jiu Jiu hardened her mouth and closed her eyes at Albert Ou.

“Do you know what’s wrong today?”

I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to do that, but I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to do that.

Because Nine-Nine never admits fault with her, only talks back to her.

“Don’t ever do that again, do you hear me?”

Nine nodded tautly.

“Go to your own room and stand there for an hour and reflect.”

Jijiu sobbed as he walked out of the bedroom, Albert Ou looked at his daughter’s back as she left, and his heart was breaking like this, he went back to the guest room to look for Jasmine Tong.

As a result, he found the door to the guest room open and couldn’t find Jasmine Tong inside anymore.

A maid came over to tell Albert Ou that Jasmine Tong had gone out in a car.

Albert Ou patted his head, guessing that Jasmine Tong would have to go back to the Huo family if she was wronged, after all, the Huo family is her mother’s home, but he really resented the fact that Jasmine Tong went back to the Huo family whenever something happened.

Albert Ou took out his cell phone and called Jasmine Tong, who didn’t answer.

This made Albert Ou even more annoyed that he had reprimanded his daughter for the first time, he was already in a bad mood and felt that Jasmine Tong had gone a little too far back to her mother’s house.

He immediately sent a WeChat to Jasmine Tong: “went back to his mother’s house to sue again isn’t there something you can’t talk about properly?”

He finished his message feeling that he didn’t sound too good, and withdrew and re-sent, “I’ve trained 99 to go to the punishment station, where are you, I’ll pick you up, don’t get mad at me okay.”

But Albert Ou’s first message was read by Jasmine Tong.

When Albert Ou called, Jasmine Tong was staring at the screen hesitating to answer, so when Albert Ou’s first message was sent, Jasmine Tong saw that it was too late for Albert Ou to withdraw.

Seeing Albert Ou’s first message, Jasmine Tong’s heart grew sadder and sadder.

She didn’t intend to go back to the Huo family, she always felt it wasn’t good to go back all the time, and she didn’t want to worry her uncle and aunt, she just wanted to come out for a walk.

I didn’t realize that in Albert Ou’s eyes, she was going back to her mother’s house to sue.

It wasn’t even clear that she could think about it, and she found herself with little to go to other than her home and some places at work.

I thought long and hard about asking Munchausen.

When she saw Jasmine Tong, whose eyes were swollen like walnuts, in the cafe, Meng Jiajia was also shocked.

Jasmine Tong told Meng Jiajia what had happened.

“My mother, this little devil king of your family is about to become a sperm” Meng Jiajia is also very surprised, “I said you don’t not like to listen, although they say to be poor to raise sons and rich to raise daughters, but this rich to raise daughters is very delicate, is not so spoiled, just so spoiled, in the future still have to be”

She also often reads books on parenting.

“Of course I know, but what can I do now? Today I’m simply mad as hell.”Tong rubbed her temples, thinking of the way her home looked and what her child had said to her, and she got a headache.

“This teaches the child that if it’s a boy, the mother has a very important job to respect and worship her dad, and if it’s a girl, the dad has a very important job to respect and worship her mom.”

Munchausen had children earlier and has a lot of experience with bringing up children.

Jasmine Tong carefully mulled over Meng Jiajia’s words and felt that they made sense, “But what’s the use of me knowing these truths you haven’t seen, the look and tone of my Nine-Nine talking to me, she even looks like my rival, deliberately putting on a show for me as if Daddy loves her very much.”

“Albert Ou is indeed too used to it.”

“not only spoiled, sometimes I just finished education, there began to coax on, what I said all in vain key is my son also spoiled, the whole a spoiled sister fanatic, everything is carried for her, sometimes I think, I am so redundant in this family ah, or I leave well.”

Munchausen suddenly slapped the table, “Just do it.”


“Didn’t you just say you were leaving the house?”

Jasmine Tong face color, “Sister Jia Jia, I’m talking out of breath, my three children, how do I go you can’t see that I’ve been working very, very little lately, an elementary school, a going to kindergarten, clothing, food, housing, transportation, where can I leave me”

“Just because you can’t leave, you have to leave, so they know how important you are in the house.Albert Ou works during the day he doesn’t know how busy and tired you are managing three kids, so it’s okay for Ninu to contradict you.”

Jasmine Tong listened carefully to Meng Jiajia’s words.

“And your son, because he’s older, he thinks he doesn’t need you anymore, so he’s cold towards you, especially your little girl, because Daddy spoils her and she’s close to him, so she doesn’t think Mommy is necessary either.”

But really, Jasmine Tong really can’t make up her mind about this, she has been thinking about her three children and Albert Ou, even if she leaves, she won’t be able to leave happily.

“Don’t hesitate, it’s just that I don’t have anything to do for a few days, so the two of us will go to Thailand for a few days and you, the mother of three, will give yourself a vacation.”

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