Spoiled by the President Chapter 487 – 489

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Chapter 487

Jenny looked at him suspiciously, “Really?”

“Well, really, I swear on my character.”

“Well, I believe you.”

Biden Lu stayed with her for a while, fed her a little liquid food as the doctor suggested, and waited until the afternoon when a fluxer came to give her milk.

Naturally, it was another ordeal.

The good news was that the people the landlord had found were experienced experts, and it was done in a matter of minutes, so it was a little less painful.

After the milkman left, the old lady came over with a few people from Guan Jiming.

On hand was a tonic soup that had been specially returned to stew.

Jenny was already hungry, as she had just had surgery and couldn’t eat much, and couldn’t help but drool at the sight of the soup smelling good.

However, as soon as I drank it into my mouth, my face changed.

With a glance at the old lady, she asked apologetically, “Grandmother, did you forget to put salt in this soup…?”

The old lady was so endured by her question that she smiled, “You can’t eat too much salt during the month, so I purposely ordered them to put in very little, aggravating you for a month, and you can eat whatever you want after the month is out.”

Jenny’s small face suddenly became bitter.

But thinking of the baby, she held her nose and took a few more sips.

During the entire month, Biden Lu kept watch over her, not leaving an inch.

Guan Jiming was originally a little uneasy about her sudden birth, but after coming over and seeing how well the Lu family took care of her, he was relieved.

Jenny didn’t go to the moon centre, but stayed at home and hired a special moon wife to take care of her.

Mrs. Moon is two of them, and there are two others who specialize in child care.

The whole villa came alive at once.

The old lady also came over to see them every three days and loved this great grandson so much.

I can’t wait to move in with you.

However, under Biden Lu’s stern request, this proposal was impossible to accept.

After all, the moon maids at home were already enough to make him feel like they were interrupting his and Jenny’s world together, wouldn’t it be even more inconvenient if the old lady and the others came again?

The old lady saw that he refused without even thinking about it, and was so angry that she scolded him for his little heartlessness.

Soon, it was the full moon.

The Lu family had a very big full moon feast for the baby.

The name old man drew up a few, Biden Lu even more thought for a long time.

In the end, it was decided that the old man would take the idea of land competing with the sky.

The Lu family, although now as the sky, but also not for nothing this power to write a rich, the name is to tell this destined to grow up in the favor and attention of the public child.

Don’t forget that everything is a race and nothing is going to stay on top forever, and only through your own continuous efforts can you stay on top.

On the day of the full moon banquet, almost all the dignitaries of the entire imperial capital came.

Jenny hadn’t fully recovered, so he didn’t go out to meet, but stayed in the room with the old woman.

Most of the things outside are taken care of by Biden Lu and the old man, and the women are also entertained by the old lady.

And today’s pomp and circumstance was what she had expected.

There was only one person that she hadn’t expected to see.

When Zhuge Liufeng walked in, the entire room was stunned.

The old lady was the first to respond.

After all, it was Jenny’s mother’s family, and although Jenny didn’t acknowledge it, the blood relationship was there, not to mention that it was a big day, it wasn’t good to be too cold.

So he smiled and said, “Mr. Zhuge is here.”

“Hello old lady.”

Zhuge Liuyuan greeted the old lady in the middle, before smiling at Jenny, “I knew you were producing, it’s just that this period of time has been wrapped up in business, it’s too late to come over, it’s good that I finally made it to the full moon banquet, a little thought, you don’t take offense.”

I said, having a brocade box handed up.

The box opens to a magnificent long-life golden lock.

The weight alone is quite heavy to look at.

“The kid can’t wear this right now, so keep it for now.”

The old lady smiled.

The flowing wind of the gods nodded.

Jenny Jing remembered the last time he had lent himself a jade plate and felt a bit grateful to him, so he smiled and said, “Grandmother, I would like to have a few words with Mr. Zhuge alone.”

The old lady nodded and ordered herself to be helped out.

Jenny sat in his chair, holding the child in his arms, not looking at him.

“You’re here today for more than just the full moon feast, aren’t you?”


Zhuge Liuyong was not shy about it.

In his opinion, Jenny was a rare smart person, and talking to a smart person and hiding it would only seem petty and ridiculous, instead it was better to say openly.

Jenny lifted his head and looked directly at him.

Stretched out his hand in an inviting gesture.

“Sit first.”

Zhuge Liuyong sat down on the chair beside him with good grace, and Jenny ordered tea again, which was why he said, “You came over today, because of the child?”


Again, the flow of the gods acknowledged.

He paused and said, “Jenny, I know that you have many misunderstandings about the Zhuge Family, and I am not a party to it, so I can’t explain it to you or open your mind.”

“But it is an unchangeable fact that you are of Zhuge blood, unless the blood drains from your body and all your flesh is gone, even if only bones remain.”

“I don’t ask you to do anything else, and I understand if you don’t want to come back and take over the Zygmunt family.But you don’t get to decide your child’s future choices.”

Jenny turned his head to look at him.

The gaze of the streamers was frank.

She burst out laughing.

The beautiful eyes narrowed, as if pondering something, then slowly said, “According to seniority, I should call you Second Uncle, shouldn’t I?”

A flash of emotion flashed across Zhuge Liuyuan’s eyes and he nodded.


“Well, then I’ll call you Second Uncle.”

Jenny’s voice was warm and faint, not cool, but definitely not overly enthusiastic either.

“I’ve always wondered one question: everyone loves power and wealth in this world, so why do you not want it when it’s clearly in your hands?Do you have to give it to me to feel comfortable?”

Without waiting for Zhuge Liuyong to speak, Jenny added, “Don’t talk to me about bloodlines, I don’t recognize this, the people who are related to me by blood have never appeared in my previous eighteen years of life, nor have they given me half a warmth, I don’t believe that you are searching with all your might and still won’t be able to find me at all afterwards.”

“As far as I’m concerned, my birth mother wasn’t as old as my adoptive mother, and I grew up eating, drinking, and wearing everything.The education I received, the knowledge I learned, and the things I do for others were all taught to me by her.”

“So now that I am grown up, I have no obligation to do my duty to the so-called House of Gods, my own father’s family, and even less to my children.”

Zhuge Liufeng’s heart was a little complicated for a moment as he looked at her calm and determined appearance.

Chapter 488

He was not unaware of her indifference to the Zhuge family, nor was he unaware that she was an extremely resourceful person.

But before, no matter how much they were rejected, there was still a glimmer of hope in their hearts.

Today, however, it is crushing all of those hopes alive.

He sighed softly.

“I admit, you’re right on all counts, I was tired of the internal struggle before, and indeed I didn’t give it my all to find you.There have even been times when I’ve obviously heard from you, but for some other reason, I can’t find you again when I’m busy and have to come back for you.”

“So in the beginning, I was ashamed of you.But then I was relieved to see that the land family had raised you well.”

“I’ll tell you plainly about taking over the Zijin family!I did entertain the idea of that position, but Jenny, you have to understand that as a man, who wouldn’t want to ascend to that position?”

“Your father is drunk with children and is not at all good at taking care of these things, nor does he want to get entangled in the mundane business of power.”

“But he’s the eldest son of the Zhuge family, destined to inherit, and I have empty ambitions, and have given so much to the Zhuge family all these years, but in the end, when I want to get something, I’m accused of being unworthy of my name.”

Jenny Jing sneered, “So, you want to find me back and help me become a puppet?Then you can actually manipulate it yourself, and the entire Zhuge family is still yours.”

A touch of depression flashed across Zhuge Liuyuan’s face.

“I have nothing to say if you insist on thinking that.”

Jenny Jing said in a quiet voice, “It’s this age, it’s hard to believe that you still maintain such rules.”

The streamers laughed bitterly.

“Honestly, I also think this rule is ridiculous, but as a family that has been inherited for nearly three hundred years, some old habits can’t be changed overnight, and there are countless interests involved in it, so even I have to be scrupulous.”

Jenny frowned.

“As you say, that makes it even less likely that I’ll let Competeze follow you on your adventures.”

Zhuge Liufeng smiled, “I know you won’t say yes, but you’re just coming over for a formality.”

He paused, “I’m not the only one who knows of your existence now, and even if I don’t come looking for you, someone else will.”

“What else can they do to me?”

“Obviously not, but what about secretly?Although the Lu family is now as the sun, Biden Lu is also just rising, but after all, flowers do not have a hundred days red, and besides, although the Lu family used to be very powerful, but after so many years, has long been on the right path, how can an innocent businessman fight with the dark side?Jenny, don’t you think for yourself, and don’t you think for him?”

Jenny’s gaze sharpened sharply and looked at him coldly.

“What do you mean?”

“I won’t do anything to him, even if it’s not for the sake of the Lu family, but for the fact that he’s my niece’s son-in-law, it’s just the others I’m worried about.”

“The rest of the Zhuge family?”


“Heh!How dare they!”

“You don’t Zhuge family, although nowadays we seem to be in decline, a fallen noble family left over from the previous dynasty, but it is just a transfer of power, there are things that are not only unknown to you, but even unimaginable to you, especially the point of connections alone, a family that has developed for three hundred years, the intricacies of which are far from a land family can be compared.”

Jenny fell silent.

It had to be said that the words spoken by Zhuge Liuyong were not pleasant to the ear, but when you thought about it, they were indeed the truth.

Besides, an open spear is easy to dodge, but a hidden arrow is hard to defend against.

She said coldly, “Are they that afraid that I’ll go out and take their place one day?”

The flow of the wind sighed.

“The interior of the Zhuge family is much more old and corrupt than you might think, and many of the traditions and customs left over from long ago are still in place, not something that can be changed in a short time.”

He suddenly laughed bitterly, “It’s like, to this day, choosing a family head is still like choosing an emperor, you have to follow the traditions of the ancestors of whatever elder and younger.”

Jenny Jing sneered, “So then, it’s not my turn to be a female streamer, then?Didn’t your ancestors always look down on women?”

Zhuge Liufeng helplessly shook his head, “It’s still not like learning the Western set, while wanting to keep the old and retain the rules, while learning the equality of men and women in the West, people’s women can run for the total reckoning, we’re just being a head of the family, what’s the problem.”

Jenny was simply crying and laughing at the news.

What strange family is this?

The Zhuge Family has been able to sustain itself until now….

I have to say that the ancestors left a good foundation, and later generations of descendants can be allowed to feast on as much brains as they want.

“Okay, I know what you’re saying, let me think about this.”

She didn’t directly say no, and Zhuge Liuyuan was a little surprised.

At this point, though, he understood that it was best to see what was going on and not push too hard.

Zhuge Liuyong sat for a while longer, Jenny told him about some of the matters of the Zijin family, had a wedding banquet at noon, and he had to visit a deceased person in the afternoon before he left.

In the afternoon, the wedding banquet was completely over, and as soon as he returned home, Jenny had the maid call Biden Lu in.

For such a big celebration as marriage and childbirth, as the first person Biden Lu naturally cannot avoid drinking.

When she got home, she was afraid that the smell of alcohol would get to her, so she took a special shower before entering the bedroom.

“What’s wrong?Unhappy?”

Seeing her sullen face on the couch, he walked over to her and sat down next to her to pick her up.

Jenny since the production, the body is a lot more rounded, the body is also fleshy, originally a skinny little face, now even more round and full, full of collagen, how to look how cute.

It was exactly the right time to look and feel good to Biden Lu, so he especially liked to hold her and play with her little flesh.

But Jenny was so troubled that she always felt she was too fat.

In fact, she was only ninety pounds at one meter six-three, and now that she had given birth to a child, she was only a hundred pounds out, so she wasn’t fat at all.

The soft flesh of her fingers was playing with him and she pushed against his shoulder a little, “Don’t hold it, it’s heavy, put me down.”

But the man laughed low twice.

“It’s not heavy, it’s soft and quite comfortable.”

Afterwards, he k*ssed her cheek.

Jenny immediately blushed.

Patting his hand, “Stop it, the baby’s still here!”

Biden Lu raised his eyebrows with an obvious bad smile on his face, “What did I make a fuss about?Where do you think you’ve been?I’m just hugging you, you’re not going to…”

Jenny’s face reddened even more as she turned to stare at him.

Biden Lu knew how to keep his mouth shut, but the smile on his face couldn’t be hidden.

Jenny was made helpless by him and could only say unhappily, “Just bully me!You just know how to bully me.”

Chapter 489

Biden Lu didn’t deny it either, just continued to smile pleasantly and nodded his head in a fury.

“Well, I’m only bullying you.”

He said, playing with her fingers, the sun shining in through the window, warm and relaxing.

Jenny was made uncomfortable by him, smiling coquettishly and pushing him away, “Don’t do it, it tickles.”

“Honey…are you feeling better?”

Jenny frowned, “What’s better yet?”

He suddenly took her hand.


Jennyton made a scene and was about to stand up immediately, but he was tugged by Biden Lu.

The man buried his face in her neck, sniffing lightly in her scented hair, and the time was quiet and warm.

“Don’t go, just stay quiet with me for a while.”

He whispered, softly, warm and quiet around him.

Jenny’s spine stiffened, and in the end, he still didn’t move anymore, hugging his shoulders in some distress.

He’d been very protective of her since she’d gotten pregnant, and they’d barely been in the same room more than a few times.

Think about how it used to be mandatory every night as long as you slept together, and in most cases more than once.

Now that he’s been abstinent for almost a year, it’s really hard for him.

After an indeterminate amount of time, the temperature on the man’s body finally faded.

Only then did he raise his head, his long fingers gently cupping her chin, making her turn to look at him.

“What were you thinking?An unhappy face.”

Jenny scratched his hair and muffled, “Nothing.”

“Still lying to me?”

His deep eyes narrowed, and Jenny finally spoke the truth under his gaze like that.

“Zhuge Liuyong came over this morning and told me something about the Zhuge family.”

Biden Lu paused.

Pursed his lips, “What did he say?”

Jenny Jing then told Biden Lu all of the things Zhuge Liuyong had told her, one by one.

“I’m actually quite hesitant, for one thing, I don’t want to get involved in those matters of the Zhuge Family, and frankly speaking, it’s too complicated over there, it goes against my true nature, I just want to live a simple life.”

“And I’ve always felt that there’s no emotion there, and if I had to actually do anything for them, I’d probably not be happy if I did it all myself with a lot of resentment.”

Biden Lu laughed lightly.

“Haven’t you ever thought about how much power and riches taking over the Ziggurat family represents?”

Jenny was stunned.

She looked at him in stunned silence, her clear watery eyes blinking.

“I didn’t think about it, and profit and power and riches were never what I wanted, all I wanted was you!”

She suddenly smiled, smiling like a sparkling elf in the afternoon sun, and reached out to wrap her arms around his neck.

“With you, with the kids, I can do what I like to do, act what I like to act, everything is enough, I don’t really want much else, having too much means too much responsibility and too much to give, I don’t want that, I just want the simplest and warmest happiness in my life.”

Biden Lu’s heart was slightly shaken.

He suddenly clasped the back of her head and k*ssed her deeply on the lips.

The k*ss, with its endlessly complex feelings, its raging, majestic love, and its inescapable joy, swept her all away like a beast that had broken through its cage and confinement.

Jenny squealed vaguely.

“Biden Lu!You um…”

Long, deep k*sses that melt into the warm afternoon sun.


I don’t know how long it took him to finally let go of her, but they had rolled from the couch to the carpet.

Fortunately, now that it was cooler and the carpet was thick, Jenny didn’t fall painfully.

Standing up, rubbing his own ass, he grumbled, “What’s up?It scared me.”

Biden Lu smiled and hugged her in his arms.

“Nothing, just love you a lot.”

Jenny’s heart pounded.

This man didn’t usually like to talk about love, but every time he did, even if it was just a very simple sentence, it could easily make her heart beat faster.

Her eyes darted around uncomfortably and she stammered, “Love me only now!”

“No, always love.”

He chuckled softly and lowered his head to k*ss her lips again, only this time it was shallow, little by little, gentle and loving.

Jenny especially couldn’t stand this about him.

It would have been fine if it had been a really intense k*ss, but she was confused about nothing anyway.

Instead, the slow, lukewarm-like k*sses were particularly unbearable to her.

Like a feather brushing against the tip of your heart, it tickles, but it doesn’t give you the pleasure.

It was getting to be a little too much for her.

There was a soft hum in his throat, “Biden Lu…”

“Well, I’m in.”

“Can you just…”

She bit her lip in embarrassment and the man chuckled, releasing her, “Well, I won’t torture you, lest you get so desperate for something to do that you’ll do something with no regard for your body.”

Jenny: “……..”

Giving him a coquettish stare, “Don’t take advantage of the situation.”

The man just laughs at her petulant anger and never talks back.

Jenny saw him smiling in an easy and gentle manner, and was a little annoyed when he remembered what Zhuge Liuyong had said before.

“Seriously, what do you think I should do about this na?I heard him say that if I don’t get out of the mountain, this may not be able to break the big and small trouble after that.”

She scratched her hair in annoyance, “I’m not afraid of them, but flies are noisy, it annoys people.”

Biden Lu smiled and stroked her hair, his tone gentle, “Didn’t you think of another way?”

Jenny frowned at him, “What method?”

The man shook his head sadly.

Reaching out a finger, he tapped it on her forehead.

The tone was full of pettiness, “You, the authorities.”

He said, sighing softly, “There’s a saying about the bottom of the pot, you know?”

Jenny was stunned, then his pupils dilated, and an instant dawned on him.

“What do you mean…”

Biden Lu nodded.

“If you really don’t want it, then let go of it completely, so that the Zijin family will no longer have anything to do with you, but Jenny, you need to think about it carefully, because once this is done, there’s no turning back.”

Jenny was startled and thought for a moment.

Halfway through, she said firmly, “I’ve decided to do it.”

A few days later, all the members within the Zhuge family received an email.

The email is a very short video.

Jenny was wearing a long, lotus-pink dress over a knitted shirt of the same colour, sitting under a trellis in the courtyard.

In the video, she laughs at the banquet, and says simply that she has no interest in the identity of the Zhuge family’s master, and has no interest in the Redbud Alliance, so the various people who want to do any moths can take a break, and as to who sits in that seat in the end, it’s up to them to decide.

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