Spoiled by the President Chapter 583 – 585

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Chapter 583

But now, Tailor Feng actually admits that this woman is his girlfriend?

The news, like a bombshell, made several people a little incredulous for a moment.

“What are you staring at?Get these women out of here yet!”Tailor Feng yelled at Museum Director Lin, who sweated like rain and said sternly to Li Xianglan and the others, “Didn’t you hear?This place has been bought by Feng Er Shao, so why don’t you guys get out!”

Li Xianglan and the others looked at each other and left in a momentary state of ashes.

Curator Lin even came forward to compensate, “Feng Er Shao, look at the formalities of this museum…”

“Do it for me right now!”

“Yes!Yes!I’ll send someone to do it right away.”

Librarian Lin pulled out his phone and made a call, wiping the cold sweat from his forehead as he did so, Evelin felt a little overwhelmed, tugging on the man’s sleeve and whispering, “Tailor Feng, let’s not buy it.”

Tailor Feng glanced at her with downcast eyes and tensed his lips, not speaking.

“Tailor Feng…” shouted Evelin again.

The man still didn’t open his mouth.

She had to resort to a killer weapon and put on an extremely gentle voice, “Tailor Feng…”

As expected, the corner of the man’s mouth twitched at a visible speed, his appearance eased slightly, and he spoke in a low voice, “I said, you are my Tailor Feng’s woman, if you always let these little minions bully you like what do you say?Kill the chicken as a warning to the monkey, understand?”

A warning?

Evelin was stunned, was he trying to help her make a stand?

He Tailor Feng’s woman, if this relationship continues, she will inevitably move around in the upper class circles in the future, so he is worried that she will be bullied in the future, so he helps her to establish credibility early?

Evelin lowered her head, pursed her lips and stopped speaking, her heart full of mixed emotions.

The man…it seems like sometimes he’s not so annoying.

The museum staff quickly brought over the paperwork for the procedure, and Curator Lin asked Tailor Feng to sign it, and Tailor Feng turned around and handed it over to Evelin.


Evelin pursed her lips and had to take the pen and sign her name on it.

After she signed the transfer, Curator Lin took it over and signed and stamped it himself.

“Miss Con, this museum will be yours from now on, what do you think you should do with it now?”

Evelin looked up at Tailor Feng.

There was no expression on the man’s face, he was completely at her mercy.

She thought about it and smiled slightly, “I heard that the earliest reason you presided over the establishment of this museum, Curator Lin, was because you wanted to encourage today’s young people to focus on science and technology and support our country’s research and development, in that case, it’s better to keep things as they are.”

“This share transfer letter will be placed with me for now, but this place will have to bother Curator Lin more in the future, all the profits are still donated to the Research Foundation, anyway, how Curator Lin used to do it in the future will be fine.”

The forest painting was clearly surprised, and looked up, grateful to her.

“Yes, thank you Miss Con.”

Evelin smiled slightly and turned to look at Tailor Feng, “Is that okay?”

The look in Tailor Feng’s eyes softened a bit and he raised his hand to ruffle the top of her hair, “I’m glad you’re happy.”

They were escorted out of the museum by Curator Lin himself.

It was already late afternoon, and when they got into the car, Tailor Feng’s phone suddenly rang.

He picked it up and took a look at it, the caller alert passing Kang Loyo’s angle couldn’t see what name was displayed on the screen.

Only his handsome eyebrows could be seen furrowed with some impatience.

And then just hang up the phone.

She was a little surprised.

I didn’t want to ask more, but I couldn’t hold back my curiosity and asked, “Who is it?”

Tailor Feng turned to look at her, suddenly narrowed his eyes, and then smiled badly.

“You want to know?”

Evelin was slightly stunned and quickly reacted to the danger contained in his words.

She turned away even as she pulled her face down and said coldly, “I don’t want to know, you love to talk about it.”

Seeing this attitude of hers, Tailor Feng’s face, which was still smiling, suddenly stiffened, and then his face sank as well.

He sat in the driver’s seat, gripping the steering wheel in silence for a few moments before suddenly saying, “I’ll pick you up this weekend, and you’ll come home with me.”

Evelin was slightly stunned, and after reacting to what he was saying, was taken aback.

“What did you say?Go home with you?”

Tailor Feng sneered, “You think I was kidding when I told you to be my woman?”

The shock in Evelin’s heart was indescribable, she had never thought that this man would make such a request.

Did he even know what it meant to bring her home?

It was impossible for a family like the Feng family to casually let a woman into their home.

She fell silent, and at this time Tailor Feng did not speak again, the atmosphere in the car was somewhat silent and heavy.

It took a long time before Evelin spoke.

“Tailor Feng, I don’t think it’s something you can just decide and use as a joke, you should know who I am, the two of us…aren’t right for each other.”

It took a lot of courage for her to say that.

Tailor Feng listened, but frowned.

He turned to look at her, his deep gaze a little more complex.

“Fit or not, I’m the boss.”

Evelin also couldn’t help but frown at the news.

“But it’s a matter of my life’s work, and I have the right to decide.”


He smirked and suddenly leaned over.

There was limited space in the cabin, and the already somewhat dreary atmosphere seemed to have narrowed down a lot as he approached.

Evelin looked at the enlarged face in front of her and could only subconsciously step back a bit until her entire body shrank into a corner.

The man’s body pressed in from above, one hand braced on the car door, encircling her entire small body in his arms, watching her condescendingly.

The cold and noble air that had been raised on that body since childhood was like a huge wind that hit one’s face, making it impossible to breathe.

Evelin’s heartbeat quickened, her entire body tensed up and pushed her face slightly away, not daring to meet his eyes.

The words that came out of his mouth were also a bit stumbling, “What do you, what do you want?”

Tailor Feng reached out, catching a strand of her long hair and playing with it in his hand, his tone light and fluffy.

“And I don’t want to do anything, but you see the moon is so beautiful tonight, and it just happens to be so atmospheric, and since we’re lovers, shouldn’t we do something that lovers should do?As the saying goes, it’s not a bad time, right?”

Evelin stiffened.

Looking back at him incredulously.

Chapter 584

God doesn’t miss a fu*king moment!

Is he trying to play car chase with her?

What had been a tense mood was instantly replaced by anger.

Evelin directly pushed him away and said in an angry voice, “Tailor Feng, don’t go too far!”

Tailor Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled, but the smile couldn’t see the joyful component, but rather some coldness that couldn’t be seen clearly.

He also didn’t care that Evelin had just pushed himself away, he just lightly flicked the dust that existed on his body and said slowly, “I just want to remind you that since you’ve already agreed to my request, now, there’s no chance to make any conditions with me, and you have to come back with me when I say I’ll be back with you this weekend.”

Evelin was so angry at his outrageous and unreasonable appearance that she gritted her teeth and said, “You-!”

Tailor Feng suddenly smiled again and leaned close to her, slashing his lips to her ear and said, “You know what?I actually quite like the wild and untameable look of you, men, well, they all have conquering valley owes, the more you do, the more I like it, so don’t expect me to give up on you because of that, that’s something you can’t even dream of.”

After saying that, he didn’t care about her reaction, and with a laugh, he just stepped on the accelerator.

Tailor Feng drove the car so fast that Evelin was caught off guard and startled.

Only subconsciously grabbing the door handle by instinct, he screamed in anger, “Tailor Feng, are you crazy?”

However, the man simply ignored her outburst.

He seems to have always been like that, doing things by his own nature, with little regard for the feelings of others.

This realization caused Evelin’s heart to clench and her eyes to redden.

Thinking of her mother, who was still lying in the hospital, she could only soften her voice and beg.

“Don’t you drive so fast!Drive slow, it’s too dangerous!”

However, the speed of the car did not stop.

There was even a very technical, but one exciting drift around the front corner.

Immediately after that, the bad voice of Tailor Feng was heard.

“Unless you willingly agree to accompany me home, I’ll slow it down.”

Evelin: “…….”

How can you call it willingness when you’re forcing people to do it?

Even if you say yes, it’s only because you have to, okay?

She didn’t bother with this unreasonable man, perhaps he was contagious, and the more he did, the less she wanted to say yes herself.

It’s like, if you agree to it, you’re betraying yourself and letting him have his way.

She was determined not to.

So, Evelin also came to pique her mind, grabbed the handle, died, and didn’t say anything no matter how fast the car was going.

Tailor Feng knew she was afraid of the car driving too fast, so she was waiting for her to soften and beg for mercy.

After waiting, however, the woman did not speak.

He gave her an inquisitive offhand glance.

But the woman was seen gripping the handle, her face white with fear, but still clenched her teeth and closed her eyes, not even looking at herself.

Not to mention begging for mercy.

That look would be more like saying she was ready to die a heroic death.

Tailor Feng didn’t understand why she would rather put up with this herself than say a kind word to herself.

Does she really hate herself that much?

The heart couldn’t help but rise with anger, and a handsome face that originally had a smile on it was completely cold as a result.

His eyebrows were cold, and he suddenly slammed his foot down on the accelerator, and the car picked up speed again.

Evelin just felt like she wasn’t in a car at all, but a plane, a rocket.

Especially after accelerating again just now, you just feel your whole heart lift and scare the hell out of you.

She was just a weaker girl in the end, where could she stand this?

It didn’t take long for the tears to just spill out, and then I couldn’t help but open my mouth and ahhhhhhh.

And so, in the middle of the night on the road, there was this bizarre scene.

A black Ferrari, speeding down the road, the driver of the car looking cold and the girl in the passenger seat screaming her voice out.

But the car still didn’t stop.

Evelin really felt that this man was a madman and a pervert!

How could she have been so naive before to think that this man would actually just want to scare her because she was in the car.

At a certain point, it will slow the car down?

After all, it’s really too dangerous to drive on the road like this.

Even if it was for the sake of his own life, he shouldn’t be like this.

What she didn’t know was that she had lost her mind long before Tailor Feng realized that she was truly repulsed by her, that she really didn’t want to marry her.

He didn’t understand why he had already unleashed so much sincerity on her, and why he hadn’t cared that she had been engaged to Zhu Yi before, and was so intent on bringing her home that he didn’t want to treat her like one of those women out there and make her sad.

He was trying to be responsible for her.

Why had she pushed him away again and again?

Does she really have no feelings at all for herself?

Does she really not like herself at all?

This realization defeated Tailor Feng’s always proud pride.

He didn’t even want to admit that Evelin had somehow become so important in his heart.

That is, without her, without getting her, he’d rather drag her to his death with him.

The idea popped into his head and scared him.

The car suddenly squeaked to a halt at the side of the road.

This sudden stop caused Evelin to be stunned, and then reacted, opening the door with panicked hands and crawling out of the car.

Truth be told, she was about to get vomited on from racing all the way over here.

Now I just felt nauseous in my stomach and felt like everything was in my throat.

She ran quickly to the side of the road and threw up on a pile of grass.

In the car, Tailor Feng eyebrows of birds of prey looked at the woman squatting on the side of the road, vomiting up and down, gripping the steering wheel fingers fiercely clenched.

The bones were almost white.

It took a long time before Evelin finished throwing up completely, took a sip of the water she had prepared in her bag, and gargled, before turning around and looking at the man sitting in the car with a pale face of disappointment.

“Tailor Feng, if you don’t want to fu*king die, go die yourself, don’t drag me with you!I’m not interested in this whole living and dying with you thing!”

There was a pause, and then an angry voice, “And, I tell you, I regret it now!The promise I made to you before doesn’t count anymore, from now on, you take your Yang Guan Road and I’ll cross my wooden bridge, we don’t owe each other anything!”

“And don’t you dare expect to blackmail me with my mother’s life again, I won’t take that shit from you!”

Chapter 585

“If you really don’t want to give up, the worst that can happen is that we’ll fish and die, and anyway, I don’t want anything to do with you!”

When she finished, she turned never to look at him again and strode forward.

This time, Evelin was truly terrified.

She wasn’t stupid, she wouldn’t have failed to see that Tailor Feng had just really moved to die with her.

This maniac!

It’s okay that she’s dead, but what about Mom?

How could he be so selfish with her, just because she hadn’t agreed to go home with him.

Evelin was simply heartbroken, wiping her tears as she walked forward.

All the grievances could no longer be endured at this moment and turned into tears that flowed down together.

I don’t know how long I’ve been walking, but in any case, it seems like my legs are a little numb.

Only then did she find a place on the side of the road and sit down.

And not far away, where she hadn’t noticed, was the black Ferrari, which had actually been following silently behind since she’d left.

In the car, Tailor Feng looked at the girl sitting not far away, under the streetlight, holding her knees, crying sadly, a heart also ached hard.

In fact, it was as if he was in a daze just now.

Just think, make sure you get her to say yes.

He actually just wanted to hear her say it himself, and it didn’t matter if she was willing, even if that willingness wasn’t so willing in the middle.

He needed proof too much.

As if by saying yes, she could prove that she was more or less still a part of her heart.

She didn’t seem to hate herself that much.

He really hadn’t meant to hurt her!

How could a woman he loved so much that he would rather die than let her get hurt in any way, and how could he actually drag her with him to the crash?

Tailor Feng closed his eyes, in pain.

It was a long time before, with trembling fingers, he pulled a packet of cigarettes out of his pocket, took one from the pack and lit it.

It was already eleven o’clock at night.

The road was very isolated and there were no people around, not even passing cars.

The girl just sat there quietly, her head buried in her lap, not knowing if she was still crying.

And the man sat in the car, smoking cigarette after cigarette until the pack was almost finished, and then he pushed open the door and got out of the car.

Evelin was actually tired of crying.

What I just said wasn’t angry, but it wasn’t what my heart most truly wanted to say either.

When you’re tired, you don’t have much energy to walk anymore, and with the night being a bit chilly, you don’t want to move the whole thing any more.

So she just sat there with her legs like that, quietly, burying her head in her lap so she could at least get a little warm.

It was then that something warm suddenly fell from my body.

She was slightly startled, and when she looked up, she saw Tailor Feng’s handsome face.

His face was cold, and the dim light from the street lamp spilled over his head, cutting his features into deeper and deeper dimensions.

Those peach blossom eyes that had been brimming with laughter were now devoid of any smile, only endless coldness and darkness.

He was only wearing a white shirt, and his jacket came off to cover her body, and Evelin didn’t have to sniff carefully before a faint, not unpleasant scent of tobacco leaped in at the tip of her nose.

Her heart choked, and her eyes, which had been tired of crying, suddenly grew a little sore again.

I was about to ask him in a bad mood what he was doing here again, but without a word, the man just bent over and picked her up across the room.

His arms were so strong, and it was a completely different feeling than the hangdog unreliability he usually displayed.

Like a really mature man with a roof over her head who can stand up for her and shield her from the elements.

The entire time, Tailor Feng didn’t say another word.

Carry her into the car, buckle her seatbelt carefully for her, then get into the driver’s seat and start the car.

The car drove down the silent road late at night, and the whole time, neither man said anything else.

There was a silence in the car, but underneath it, it was as if a thousand words had already been said, but none of them were audible.

Half an hour later, the car arrived at the bottom of the apartment building where Evelin was staying.

I don’t know why, but Evelin’s heart was still not happy even though she had arrived home.

It’s like, obviously she knows that it’s all safe now.

He would never do anything to her again, never hurt her again, but there was just a place in his heart that was so empty, like he’d forgotten something he hadn’t said, like he’d lost something, and it was so hard.

But she didn’t say anything in the end, just opened the door in silence and got out of the car.

As he stood on the floor, he remembered that his clothes were still on him, so he took off his jacket again and handed it back to him.

Tailor Feng watched her movements in silence the entire time, his original pair of deep eyes quietly staring at her like stagnant water.

It wasn’t until I watched her take off her clothes and place them on the passenger seat that those dead eyes loosened slightly.

Evelin didn’t look at him anymore and turned around to head for the flat.

Her pace wasn’t fast, or even what could be described as slow.

She herself didn’t know why she was so slow, as if her feet were tied to something and she couldn’t walk.

Each step lifted was incredibly heavy.

A hidden voice in the back of her mind was telling her it was over.

It’s over!

After today, no matter how many regrets and unresolved feelings remain, no matter how many struggles and tangles remain, it will all be over.

From now on, they would really have nothing to do with each other, and she wouldn’t have to be deliberately embarrassed or have someone in her life who would drive her crazy every time she was angry.

But, again, there will be no one else who will repeatedly come to her rescue in her most desperate moments.

Her life will once again be in stagnant water, never to make a single ripple again.

But isn’t that what she wants?

Hadn’t she lost her heart nah, a long time ago?

She would always remember that sun-filled afternoon when she happily went to the Feng family villa to play with her Yat brother.

But Brother Yat had gone out and had not yet returned, and the maid of the house, because she liked her so much, kept her and gave her some toys and told her to wait in the drawing-room for Brother Yat.

She was so happy, she just played and played and waited.

I waited for a long time, but not only did I not wait for Brother Yat, I also waited for Brother Yat’s mother.

— Lone Warbler.

The one who was the proud woman with eyes above her head.

The first time I was in the room, I thought I’d see you again, but I didn’t think you’d see me again.

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