Spoiled by the President Chapter 760 – 762

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Chapter 760

It was there that she met the man she would never forget.

What kind of a meeting was that?

Now that I think about it, I can only say that it was extraordinarily sparse, with no special scenes or appearances, and no special identity or aura.

She saw, in a backyard full of grapes, a little boy of eleven or twelve, sitting under a grape arbor with a book in his hand, reading low and intently.

He was very pretty, though a boy, delicate and pretty but not at all a girl.

The eyes were large, the eyelashes were long, and the skin was as fair as a fine piece of lambent white jade.

He was wearing an exceptionally stiff and delicate little suit, a pair of small shoes of the same colour on his feet, his hair was meticulously taken care of, and even the appearance of his reading looked different from that of a normal child, appearing to have a hint of a soon-to-be-juvenile air of old age.

Little Georgie was suddenly stunned.

As if sensing a visitor, the boy put down his book and looked up.

Those eyes, cold and calm, like the absence of human fire, like a lake on a high mountain snowy mountain range, penetrated into her heart at once.

Bella Qiao thought that she would probably never forget this meeting for the rest of her life.

The dean’s grandfather enthusiastically pulled her out into the courtyard and introduced her, “Come, let me introduce you, this is my student, his name is Qian, from now on, you can call him brother Qian.”

He said and introduced her to Gu Siqian, “Her name is Qiao Ke, from now on, she will be my granddaughter, you, as an older brother, must take good care of your sister and not bully her, understand?”

The young master in front of me didn’t nod, or shake his head, or promise.

In the meantime, he was no more than eleven or twelve years old, but he looked like a young, precocious old man with that unspoken smile.

Only to hear him open his mouth and say, in a suspicious tone, “Georgie?Isn’t that the stepdaughter of the town Don?How did it become your grandson?”

Grandpa Dean was startled.

It was about a surprise that he knew about the town even though he stayed in this side of the yard all day.

With a helpless sigh, he only had to tell Bella Qiao’s story, and tell it to him again.

The young man listened with no hint of sympathy on his face, only a cold snort.

He said, “Whatever, as long as it doesn’t bother me to read, the rest is none of my business.”

When he finished, he sat back down and turned to his book.

The Dean’s grandfather seemed unfazed by his reaction and smilingly dragged Georgie away.

Bella Qiao, however, felt a little strange.

What kind of person is this kid? Why does he have such a bad attitude?

How could he talk to Grandpa Dean in such a tone when he was so nice and willing to take in the homeless and teach her to read?

What a disgrace!

She puffed up her cheeks and turned back, originally wanting to glare at Gu Siqian viciously, so as to teach him that she was not to be trifled with, and not to try to bully her in the future.

But a look back, but see the teenager with his head down reading, quiet and beautiful, serene as jade, like a gem glowing in the sun.

She froze at once.

Thinking that there is probably no better looking little brother in the world than him.

Well, for the sake of your good looks, let’s forget about it!

But later…hmmm.

Little Georgie thus lived with her dean’s grandfather in the orphanage.

At that time, the procedures for the protection of minors were not well developed.

Therefore, even though she left her primitive family and came to the dean’s grandfather’s side, no one even bothered.

Although, Jo’s mother came to see her a few times later when she learned of the situation and tried to take her back.

But both were rejected by little Georgie.

She was determined, and seemed to have lost all trust in this mother.

Joe’s mother was sad and frustrated.

But at the same time, deep down, there was undoubtedly a hint of celebration.

They all knew the old director of the orphanage and knew him to be a highly respected, learned and accomplished man.

It wouldn’t be a bad thing if Bella Qiao could really follow him.

Qiao’s mother made up her mind, and then stopped coming to advise her.

Don’s father, on the other hand, was never there.

After living for so many years and seeing this situation, how could Grandpa Dean not see what the family was thinking?

Selfish and profit-minded, he only treats this child like a drag queen and never really wants to be responsible for her.

No wonder she had a home to stay in, preferring to stay here and acknowledge him as a lonely old man’s grandfather, rather than go back.

Here, Grandpa Dean sighed at the thought.

My heart was a little more sorry for what happened to little Georgie.

On the contrary, little Georgie was looking on.

From her point of view, in that house, it was not a happy life anyway, or as following grandfather.

Mum had the life she wanted for herself, and as long as she could stop being a drag on her life, she would be repaying the favor of her birth.

Once she looked open, Grandpa Dean was infected by her and her mood opened up.

Since he was quite powerful in the area, he simply gave her some paperwork and adopted her.

Since then, little Georgie has lived in the orphanage.

After living there, she realized that Gu Siqian’s family was a supporter of this orphanage, but he was not well enough to go to school.

The dean’s grandfather, on the other hand, had been a university scholar in the past and was rich in learning, so Gu Siqian’s family had made a special deal with him.

On Gu Siqian’s side, he pays to support the orphanage, and Grandpa, the director, is responsible for being his teacher, teaching him and tutoring him in his studies.

Grandpa Dean actually liked Gu Siqian very much in his heart, because although this kid didn’t talk much and was a bit cold at times, he was very smart.

Regardless of what is taught, just say it to him once and he will learn it.

In comparison, that little bit of intelligence of little Georgie’s was clearly not enough in front of him.

Because of the need to facilitate study, Gu Siqian usually lives here as well.

But unlike her, he was here, a sitter, surrounded by his own maids, housekeepers, and a whole bunch of nannies.

It’s like a high up, pampered young master of a thousand dollars.

And she’s different.

She’s a homeless, deadbeat little weed that no one wants to stay.

In order to please her grandparents, she would help cook, wash clothes, clean the courtyard, and sometimes even take care of other children in the orphanage who were younger than herself.

Although, Grandpa Dean had told her several times that she didn’t have to.

Since he had promised to keep her, he would never drive her away again, so she didn’t have to please anyone for that.

Chapter 761

But how sensitive a child’s heart is.

Little Georgie knew that she was an extra in this world.

Without her real father, and without her real mother to take care of her, she was like a drifting, drifting weed with no place to go, unable to find her way back.

Now that there was someone willing to take her in and buy her nice new clothes and teach her how to read and write, of course she wanted to hold on to this opportunity and never let go.

In the end, even if tiny Bella Qiao, no matter how smart she was, was just an insecure child.

And the only way to make her feel safe is to make her feel that she is not a useless person.

Not someone who will just receive, not give and take and do no good to the other person.

The old man could see what she was thinking deep in her heart.

It was both heartbreaking and frustrating, and although she disapproved of little Georgie’s approach, she knew it was the only way to put her mind at ease.

So they went with her.

That’s how it was, living in the orphanage until I was eighteen.

Kuskan and her, too, had been with each other for almost ten years.

Those ten years were very memorable for Bella Qiao.

For Kuskan, what’s the difference?

Technically, both are homeless, in a sense like two tangled roots that draw nourishment and grow together.

During that time, the rest of the Tang family never came again, except for Tang Qi Qi, who was born later, and Mother Qiao, who came a few times.

Bella Qiao had no hatred for Tang Qi Qi, she knew that whether this matter was right or wrong, it had nothing to do with Tang Qi Qi.

She was just a child, and she wasn’t even born when she was kicked out herself.

Therefore, every time Tang Qi Qi came running to her with delicious food, she readily accepted it.

She was willing to accept the sister’s kindness and accept her as her own.

After all, half of the same blood was still flowing in both of them.

And Tang Qiqi was still very young and didn’t quite understand the grudges between the adults.

Even more, I don’t know why Bella Qiao, who is obviously her sister and doesn’t live at home, is living in an orphanage.

She had asked many people, but no one would be willing to tell her the truth about a child.

The days passed like water in this way.

At the age of eighteen, Grandpa Dean died after all.

Two years earlier, Gu Si Qian had left the orphanage.

Unlike Bella Qiao, he is just here to learn, a guest, and will leave sooner or later.

But Bella Qiao, however, truly and truly considers this place her home.

So even if Gu Si Qian left, she wouldn’t leave.

But spare a thought, they have known each other for years, and even when they are apart, they have left an indelible place and mark on each other’s hearts.

She would always remember what he had said to her that night before we parted, standing under the sycamore tree in that courtyard.

He said, “Aki, will you come with me?”

She looked at her with the same smile, but shook her head gently, “I’m sorry, but I can’t go with you.”

Yes, she couldn’t go with him.

The orphanage is still there, even though Grandpa Dean has passed away.

He took her in so that she could grow up safely under his protection, and she couldn’t leave the young and old at the orphanage alone.

It wasn’t that Kuskan didn’t understand her reasoning.

It was just that he had his unfinished business to attend to as well, and couldn’t be with her all the time, keeping to this little side of the world.

So, eventually, he left.

Just before leaving, he left her a message, “In the future, but if you need anything, come see me at the castle.”

She nodded.

They turned their backs on each other and never looked back.

The things that were hidden in the hearts of the young girls and teenagers were just like that, never to be said again.

Then we met again, and it was two years later.

The town was demolished, the orphanage moved away, and a new director came in.

Georgie didn’t need to guard them for Grandpa Dean anymore, so she left there.

By mistake, she joined the Dragon Corps, joined them, and trained to become a very good assassin in it.

No one could have imagined that underneath such a seemingly gentle exterior was someone who could coldly send a bullet into someone’s chest.

At that time, she didn’t know that Gu Si Qian was the supreme leader of the Dragon Corps.

She went to him, with the unique joy of a young girl.

The two had a particularly romantic and sweet time.

But then, he learned what she was doing.

He was so opposed to it that he forced her to leave the Dragon Corps and would not allow her to do so again.

She was puzzled at the time and didn’t understand why he would object, it was her own life and she felt that she was capable and qualified to make decisions and take responsibility for her own life.

But he just wouldn’t agree, so they started fighting and the rift grew.

It wasn’t until a mission that she discovered that he was the head of the Dragon Corps.

The only reason he’s against it is because he knows how dark the industry is, and that everything is not as simple as it seems on the outside.

He wanted his girl, still as he’d first known her, clean, sunny, without a hint of darkness.

But how many things in this world really work out the way people want them to?

She didn’t want to be anyone’s vassal, she longed to be strong, even if there were endless storms and swords and frosts ahead.

She hoped, even in the face of someone she loved, that when disaster struck, she would not be a drag on him, but the strongest and most trustworthy arm at his side.

However, it was as if all of this didn’t matter at all to Gu Si Qian.

He didn’t like the idea of her going out and doing all that stuff, or joining the dragons.

In order to get her to give up, he even went so far as to force her to quit the group directly as the leader of the dragon group.

At the time, Georgie was simply furious.

I’ve never seen anyone so unreasonable.

In a fit of anger, she did quit the group and joined the Vermilion Bird Society, which was fighting the dragon troupe at the time.

The two are considered to be completely into a cold war, originally this is also nothing, but the way is not the same as the plan, each person has different ideas, also do not have to force anything.

But then, unexpectedly, the Vermilion Bird Society had a big fight with the Dragon Corps.

With the theft of the Dragon Corps’ internal data, everything points to Bella Qiao….

Thinking about those days, Georgie closed her eyes slightly.

There was a nice cinnamon scent in the air, with a hint of sweet wetness, but she just felt cold.

A silent mockery came over her with a dense pain that caused even her fingertips to freeze almost to numbness.

Tang Qi Qi didn’t seem to notice her abnormality yet, and was a little embarrassed to hear her finish those words.

Chapter 762

She thought about it, hesitated, and said, “Sister, if you don’t come back with me, you don’t have anywhere else to go right now!Those friends you used to have…aren’t they all dead?”

Yes, those she had thought were her best friends had either betrayed her or were…dead.

Died at the hands of that man himself.

She’ll never forget the way they looked at her before they died.

It was the kind of look that you trust wholeheartedly, but are ruthlessly betrayed by.

It was then that she realized that not only did the people of the Dragon Corps think that she was a spy and that she had stolen important information within the Dragon Corps, but even the people of the Vermilion Bird Society thought that she had a special relationship with Gu Siqian and ended up not being able to resist the temptation to secretly help him when the two organizations crossed paths.

That’s why they were questioning her like that before they died.

They said, “Bella Qiao, we treat you like a sister, why did you betray us?”


Heh.Why the hell do you know?

Because she was just a straw in the middle from start to finish.

She takes a neutral stance and helps no one, everything is based on her own strength.

Therefore, she couldn’t figure out who had leaked the secrets of both sides in the first place, which eventually led to bringing the situation to this point.

But the only thing that was certain was that when the Jubilee Society was defeated and she finally begged him that way to spare her friends, he hadn’t.

She’d never forget the cold expression on his face at that time.

It was as if all those past ten years had ceased to exist.

All those moments of intense love and affection between the two of them were also gone.

She had gone from best friend to most hated murderer in his eyes, seemingly but overnight.

He held her captive, and during that time, he cornered her numerous times, asking her if she had stolen that information out.

She doesn’t admit it and he gets angry, thinking she’s lying to him.

After all, after all he had checked, almost all the evidence pointed to her.

She was the only person he trusted around him before this happened, and she was the only one who knew, besides himself, where those files were placed, that she had access to the key.

That’s why her denial seemed so weak.

Besides, he had killed her friend.

She had every reason to retaliate.

When all the evidence was laid out in front of Georgie, she had nothing more to say.

Although I know in my heart of hearts that this was never my own doing, the evidence is there for all to see.

She stopped explaining and remained completely silent so that it would fall into the eyes of others as a default.

He never came to see her again.

For the whole six months they were imprisoned there, the two men were like two icebergs cut off from the world, one inside, one outside, never to meet again.

She didn’t know what he was thinking, or what, exactly, he was going to do with himself.

Are you going to kill her?Or do you want to punish her in some other way?

She didn’t know, and she didn’t want to think about it.

Just living like a zombie, scraping by.

Until one day, a woman appeared before her.

It was one, a woman who looked somewhat like her, but the other was a little more gorgeous than her light as water, with a willowy waist and smiling eyebrows, a very informed girl at a glance.

She stood in front of her, looking down at her condescendingly, like she’d accidentally barged in, and yelled out.

“Who are you?Why are you locked up here?”

She looked surprised in her pretty little dress and covered her mouth like she was shocked, and took a step back.

The sun shone in from behind her, brimming her dyed blonde hair in waves of blinding light.

Bella Qiao didn’t say anything, just looked at her coldly.

Then Kusken came in.

He seemed a little angry when he learned that the girl had run in, yet he had always been able to be happy and angry, so he only looked gloomy, but didn’t show it much.

He looked at Bella Qiao and quickly averted his eyes, turned his head and frowned, unhappily asking her, “What are you doing here?”

The girl cupped her chest and leaned toward him, looking weak and close to his arms.

“I was bored, so I took a stroll around, but I didn’t expect to come here, I didn’t mean to barge in, Brother Qian, who is she?Why this look?”

Gu Si Qian gave her another cold look.

The depths of that gaze were calm and unruffled, like looking at an unrelated stranger.

He lightened his thin lips and spoke coldly, “A sinner.”


The girl was even more surprised, with bright eyes, staring at her.

Immediately afterwards, as if suddenly remembering something, the pupils revealed shock and lost their voice, “Could it be…”

She didn’t say what she said next, like she was taking care of something.

However, everyone already understood what she was trying to say.

Gu Si Qian frowned imperceptibly, and instead of answering, he said, “There’s nothing to stroll around here, so go out.”

When he finished, he turned around, hugged the woman, and left.

The woman even turned to look at her as she left, a gaze that was full of sympathy, but if you looked deeper, there was a bit of sinister smugness and sarcasm.

Bella Qiao felt her frozen heart just tear a hole in her heart.

She called out to him.

It was the first time in six months that they had spoken.

Kusken stopped, but didn’t look back.

Only to hear her ask, “Gu Si Qian, who is she?”

Kusken stood there, his tall back, blocking the light from outside at the doorway, shutting out her entire body in a dark shadow.

It took half a moment to hear his indifferent reply.

He said, “It’s not about you.”

Nothing to do with you….

Bella Qiao’s heart shook hard, only to find that just these four simple words were like a steel knife that plunged deep into her heart, stirring hard and causing pain in all her organs.

She stayed there, her face going white for a moment, before she lost her voice and laughed out loud after a while.

“So that’s it…” she nodded, her body still sitting cross-legged, her surroundings so obviously dirty, but her eyes were bright and dusty, like shining night pearls in the darkness.

She said, “I get it, get out of here.”

The man’s body stiffened.

But in the end, there was no looking back, and the strides were made.

A few hours later, it was reported that something had happened at the place where the prisoners were being held.

He ran from the room and saw that the one place where she was locked up was on fire.

His face changed and he hurriedly ran in that direction, ignoring everyone behind him.

However, I never expected to see a scene like that.

That night was the most memorable night of Bella Qiao’s life.

She broke through the guards and escaped.

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