Spoiled by the President Chapter 139 – 141

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Chapter 139

After the confession, it’s not a good idea to stay at the door because it won’t be finished for a while.

Jenny Jing then took Anh to the backstage lounge.

It just so happened that at this point, during the intermission, Rin Tin Tin came down from the stage and was getting a bottle of water there while there were still two minutes to spare to get dressed.

Seeing her carry a little girl in, and the little girl screaming so sweetly for a mommy, her eyes fell open.

“This, Jenny, don’t tell me that this is your child?I only heard you got married, when did the kids get so big?”

Jenny stared at him hard, “If you don’t say anything, no one will treat you as dumb.”

“Eh, no, where the hell did you get a little pink gnome from?”

Jenny put the “little pink gnome” as he called it on the chair and sat down, then sent someone to buy a child’s favorite drink, before explaining: “A child who is quite fortunate, I have met her twice, both times she was lost by her parents, since I met her I couldn’t leave her alone outside, right?I’ve already sent for her parents, so let’s just get her over here for a while.”

It was only then that it dawned on Lin Tian.

Then curiously, “But why does she call you Mommy?”

It was fine not to mention this, but mentioning it gave Jenny a bit of a headache.

Ghost knows why the first time Gnome saw her, he called her that and has been calling her that ever since!

She crouched down helplessly and looked directly at Ann, watching her carefully.

“Ani, can we change our names from now on?”

Ann blinked her big, watery, wet, kawaii eyes and asked, “Why?”

“Because I’m not your mommy ah, you call me that, your real mommy will be sad to hear!You don’t want to upset Mommy either, do you?”

Ann’s small mouth deflated.

“But I don’t have a real mommy!”

Jenny was stunned.

Next to him, Lin Tian was stunned.

It never occurred to anyone that such a cute little pink gnome didn’t have a mother.

Jenny only felt that somewhere in his heart felt as if a hand had gripped it so hard that it hurt.

She was busy hugging the little gnome who was about to cry out, patting her back lightly to comfort her, “Anan is good, Anan won’t cry, it’s my fault, Anan can call me whatever she wants from now on, it’s okay.”

Ann sobbed softly twice, then wiped down the non-existent tears with her small, fleshy hand and looked at Jenny in distress.

“So is it okay if I don’t call you Mommy anymore and call you Auntie?”

Jenny nodded incessantly.

“Yes, of course.”

Lin Tian smiled, “This child is really cute, don’t tell me, actually if you didn’t know about your relationship, just by looking at her looks, she’s quite similar to you, or you could just recognize her as your goddaughter, she likes you so much anyway.”

Jenny turned to glare at him.

“Don’t be ridiculous!”

Although she also liked Ann, she didn’t know people’s families very well after all, and it was better for both parties to be willing to agree to such things, especially Ann’s parents.

Linden smiled and said nothing, bending over to tease Ann.

“Do you know who I am, little baby?”

Ann tilted her head, looked at the forest and blinked.

“I’ve seen you before, you’re Brother Rin Tin Tin.”

Lin Tian burst out laughing.

“Well, yes, I’m Brother Rin Tin Tin, tch.

Gee, the little baby has a sweet mouth.”

He then foolishly hit Jenny with his arm, “Do you hear me?People call you auntie, but they call me brother, tsk, I say Jenny, you’ve been back to China for two years, it’s time to take good care of yourself, you can’t let people misunderstand you like this all the time!”

Jenny backhanded him and twisted him hard on the waist.

“Lin Tian, I think you’re itching for skin, aren’t you?”

Lin Tian screamed and fled, then he said, “Don’t be angry, don’t be angry, I’m just kidding, you’re still beautiful, no one can compare to you in my heart!”

Jenny gritted her teeth, “Don’t you dare fool around either!After all, I don’t have a nephew as big as you!”

The words stunned Lin Tian.

It wasn’t until the makeup artist beside him couldn’t help but puff out a laugh, that he realized what Jenny meant.

An An called Auntie Jenny and called him brother, in other words wasn’t he a step below Jenny in rank?Then there’s nothing wrong with Jenny calling him nephew!

Realizing this, Lin Tian’s face immediately darkened.

“Little Ani, when you see me from now on, call me Uncle, Uncle Lin Tian, got it?”

I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to do that, but I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to do that.So I can’t call you that oh.”

Lin Tian: “……..”


This kid knows a lot, doesn’t he?

In the end, he couldn’t say anything else in the end, so he could only shake his fist without any bottom and grit his teeth, “Who says I’m an idol, I’m obviously a powerhouse!You see that?Strength!”

At that moment, Field Assistant came to rush him.

“Brother Tian, it’s break time, the fans outside are rushing you, so get on the stage!”

Only then did Lin Tian snorted heavily and swaggered out with arrogant steps.

About half an hour later, she got a call from the front desk saying that an old man had asked them to help find the child, and they inquired about the grandmother, who should be the one Ann was talking about.

So, Jenny carried Ann to the front desk, and sure enough, he saw the old woman with white hair that he had seen last time standing there, looking anxious.

The old man was very old, probably in his sixties or seventies, but had taken good care of himself, so his body looked pretty tough.

But forgive me, in the face of such an old man, Jenny couldn’t bear to be harsh, after all, only her father could be blamed, so irresponsible to let an old man and child go out alone, it wasn’t all the old woman’s fault.

As soon as she put Ann down on the ground, the child ran enthusiastically towards the old man.



The old man hugged her with joy, then straightened up and looked at Jenny with a smile on his face.

“Girl, it was you again who helped me find Ann, it seems like we’re really meant for each other.”

Jenny barely smiled, “It’s nothing, just raising my hand.”

“Eh, it’s just a hand up for you, but it’s a big help for me!See there’s nothing I can thank you for, how about this, if you’re free later, I’ll buy you dinner, okay?”

Jenny subconsciously refused, “No, I have something to do this afternoon…”

“Auntie Jenny, just eat with us, I want to eat with you…”

The words were cut off by Bob before he could finish them.

She took Jenny’s hand and gently shook and bobbed it, tilting her little head up to look at her with a pair of big black eyes, a pitiful look that no one could refuse.

Chapter 140

Jenny’s heart immediately melted.

Looking at the old lady again, she also looked like she was pleading with her eyes, so who could stand one old man and one young woman?

Eventually, Jenny abandoned the evening’s original dinner plans and drove the elderly and small children to a downtown family restaurant.

This family-friendly restaurant focuses on a cozy style, and it’s Jenny’s first time here.

Inside, in addition to them, there were many parents who brought their children over for dinner.

The dining table was set up on one side, while the other side was decorated as a small playground.

After ordering, Jenny encouraged AnAn to play with the children there since it would take a while to serve the meal.

But Ann shook her head and looked over at the children playing together there, looking disgusted and guarded.

Jenny Jing had also discovered that although this child seemed enthusiastic on the surface, he was actually rather cold in nature.

And I wonder what the parents of such a child would be like.

And the fact that she was actually willing to be so close to herself from the very beginning also caused a strange feeling to rise in Jenny’s heart.

“Oh girl, you see our Ann really likes you, she doesn’t usually like to be near strangers, even her family, except for the closest few, are rarely willing to let outsiders near her, but she liked you from the first time she met you, which means you really are meant for each other.”

The old lady said slowly, her eyes and face all full of smiles.

Jenny also smiled and turned to look at An’an, gently stroking her hair.

“Yes, I feel a connection too, and not only does she like me, but I like her too.”

Ann heard her say that and happily narrowed her eyes at her like a petulant kitten.

Jenny is almost bleeding from her adorableness!

The old lady was all smiles, “Speaking of which, you’ve helped us twice and I still don’t know your name!”

“Jenny, scenery of scenery, peace of mind.”

“Oh, what a lovely name.Miss Jing looks quite young, does she have a boyfriend!”


“I’m married.”


The old lady looked surprised, then laughed, “But no wonder, a girl as good as you must have a lot of men like her!I just don’t know who’s that lucky to marry you.”

Jenny Jing had no intention of revealing too much information about Biden Lu to the outside world, so she only smiled, “He’s fine, I’m the one who climbed up to him.”

“No, no, I see that you have an extraordinary manner of speech and behavior, and a noble bone face, so maybe he’s reaching high for you.”

Jenny lost his smile, but didn’t say anything.

The meal came up quickly, Jenny originally ate to not like to talk, but helplessly the old lady kept looking for her to talk, she could only eat and respond.

“Miss King, for a girl as beautiful as you, your husband must be very nice to you!Are you guys planning on having kids?”

Jenny almost choked on the rice in his mouth, and even drank a mouthful of water, replying, “Not at the moment.”


I don’t know if it was Jenny’s illusion, but it always felt like a touch of sadness rose up between the old man’s brows after he answered the question.

She felt the atmosphere was a bit awkward and was busy changing the subject.

“By the way, are you traveling to Visterdem alone with Ann?Are there any other family members or friends around?”

She’d heard Ann before.

It was mentioned that she and her great grandmother had come to Visterdem for a visit.

The old man shook his head, “No, it’s just us two.”

Jenny subconsciously frowned.

“Forgive me for saying something I shouldn’t, I don’t know Ann’s father, but it is indeed a bit too big of a heart for him to let you travel alone with a little child at your age, what if something happens in the middle of this?”

The old man was busy smiling and explaining.

“No, we will be very careful, and there are always many good people in this world, if you really encounter difficulties, you can still ask for help, and this time, didn’t you just meet the kind-hearted Miss Jing?”

Jenny looked at the old man’s optimistic appearance and tugged at the corners of his lips, not saying anything.

She had already seen too much of the darkness of this world, but she just didn’t want to talk about it in front of Ann’s face.

The old man seemed to have guessed what she was thinking and sighed helplessly.

“I actually wanted her dad to take her out, but her dad was busy at work and the kid wanted to come out for a spin, so I had to be the wife to take her.”

Jenny Jing smiled and said understandingly, “It’s been hard for you.But next time, try to be careful, Ann is still young, and if she gets separated again and meets a mugger, it’ll be a problem.”

The old man nodded repeatedly, “I know that, thank you Miss Jing for reminding me.”

Jenny didn’t say anything else, and the three of them quickly ate.

After the meal, the old lady took the initiative to pay the bill out of her own pocket.

But after pulling out the money for half a day, it didn’t come out, and not only that, the face changed.

“Oh no, I think I dropped my wallet!”

Jenny also changed his face slightly.

“When did it fall, did you feel it?”

The old lady shook her head.

The three of them walked back to the seat they had just been looking for and didn’t find it, the old lady was a little short, “Look, this is really embarrassing, I was going to buy you a meal to thank you, but I ended up messing up my wallet…”

Jenny said, “It’s okay, it’s just a meal, I’ll treat you guys to it.”

She said, quickly letting the waiter swipe her card to pay the bill.

Then before asking with concern, “Do you need me to accompany you to the police station?There should be important papers in your wallet!If that’s the case, I’m just afraid that I’ll have to go and lose it first, so that it doesn’t fall into someone’s hands and cause unnecessary damage.”

The old lady even waved her hand.

“No, no, it’s just some change, I left my papers at the hotel!And there’s nothing important about it, so no need to report it.”

Jenny Jing was unable to force the situation, so he could only nod his head.

“It’s getting late, so I’ll take you back to the hotel.”

“Well, that’s a problem for Miss King.”

Jenny drove the car, escorting an old man and a young woman back to the hotel where they were staying.

Jenny Jing was surprised to discover that they were staying in one of the most luxurious five-star hotels in Visterdem.

She had heard from the old man that Ann’s father was very busy at work, even so busy that he didn’t have time to take the kids out on trips, and then she thought about the fact that Ann didn’t have a mother.

He subconsciously thought that the other person was a person who was tired of running around to make a living, but now that he has seen the hotel where they are staying, he can’t help but think that this idea might be a little bit wrong.

But she didn’t think much of it, after all, an old man and a child, out safety always comes first, so staying in a fancy hotel is nothing.

Jenny sent them in, but as soon as they reached the door, they were stopped by a hotel staff member.

Chapter 141

“Excuse me, but are you guests in room 6602?”

The three of them were stunned, and the old lady said evenly, “I, we have something urgent to go up now, you have something to say later, Aang!”

After saying that, he pulled Jenny and An’an inside and ran.

Yet again, they were stopped by staff.

This time, it wasn’t just the lobby staff, but also two security guards, one on the left and one on the right, who stopped them.

All three of them were serious, and the lobby staff stared at the old lady and said in a deep voice, “Sorry, your room has been in arrears for two days, before you said you would renew it today, that’s why we let you and your granddaughter continue to stay, but today you haven’t been contacted since morning, if you don’t pay the fee today, I’m afraid we won’t be able to let you and your granddaughter continue to stay!Down it goes.”

Jenny was startled.

Turning to the old lady.

The old lady had a look of embarrassment on her face.

“Well…I was going to pay today, but I dropped my wallet while I was just eating, so can you guys give me a couple more days?I’ll be sure to give you your money back when I find my wallet.”

The staff sighed in frustration.

“Old lady, you already used that excuse two days ago.”

Old lady: “…”

Jenny had never expected to run into such an awkward scene.

I saw Ann step forward, grab the staff member’s sleeve and shake it gently.

The cute little head tilted slightly, ebony eyes blinking at her.

“This pretty sister, are my great-grandmother and I causing you trouble?I’m really sorry, but we did lose our wallets, and if you don’t believe me ask my Aunt Ninny, she can testify to that.”

She said, one finger pointing towards Jenny who was standing behind her.

Jenny: “……..”

Well, can someone tell her why the arrow is suddenly pointing at her?

What should she answer?

Seeing that Jenny was hesitant, the old lady even quietly gave her a wink.

Jenny was simply laughing and crying.

She probably sort of understood what was going on now, and without looking at the old lady, she said directly to the staff, “How much do they owe for the room?”

“The total owed for the three days is $17,664.”

Jenny nodded, the Royal View belonged to a very high-grade kind of resort hotel, and it was natural for consumption to be higher.

She didn’t say anything, she just took the card out.

“Swipe it off my card!”

The old lady was embarrassed, “How… how can I say this?”

Jenny tugged at the corner of his lips, not piercing the old woman’s lie, only touching An’s hair.

“It’s nothing, just think of it as my gift to the kid!We’re so connected, I’ve never given her a gift before!”

An An saw the situation and opened her big, bright eyes and smiled happily, “Thank you, Aunt Jenny.”

The staff saw that they had to take Jenny’s card and swipe it.

After paying his debts, Jenny asked the old lady, “What are your plans now, or is there anywhere you can go?”

The old lady was so guilty that her entire body shrank back without the chatty openness she had just had at dinner, “No, no.”

Jennyton paused, his heart was actually a little unhappy with the old lady acting this way.

After all, anyone can see that all the wallet dropping and traveling is just a lie.

It’s not like she doesn’t understand that some people have a hard life even if they’re scrounging for food and shelter with their kids, and picking a hotel like this, it’s just that this….

Jenny sighed and couldn’t say much more, bending down and picking up Anh.

“Since this

Kind of, then go to my house for the night first, it’s getting late now, we’ll discuss anything tomorrow.”

The old lady’s eyes lit up at the news.

Even Ann had an excited look on her face.

He hugged Jenny’s neck and celebrated happily, “Yay!I can sleep with mommy again!”

Jenny: “……..”

It’s only been a few hours since we changed that name!What’s going on back there?

She was helpless, but didn’t bother to correct the old woman, and when she saw that the old woman was fine with it, she took the child with her and walked out.

The car drove smoothly down the wide avenue.

Jenny called Aunt Liu in advance and told her that she was bringing a guest back.

Biden Lu had a meeting tonight and would probably stay late at the office, having already told her about it in advance, so she didn’t bother the man and just sent him a WeChat, believing that he should see it after the meeting.

The car stopped at Land Garden, and Jenny got out, opened the door for them, and took the child down.

Aunt Liu had already been notified to prepare at home, and when she heard the sound of a car engine outside, she knew it was Jenny coming back, and even welcomed her out.

“Ma’am, you’re back!The guests have arrived, too…”

The word “bar” was still in his mouth, and when he saw an old man and a young man standing in front of the car door, he stared in shock.

The old lady looked at her without showing her face.

A pair of shrewd eyes but with a dark, warning glance.

Aunt Liu was busy subconsciously covering her mouth, and Ann had already excitedly run to the house.

“Yay, finally again, Ann’s going to sleep with Mommy tonight.”

Aunt Liu’s eyes, which were already staring round, widened once again.



Little Miss and Madam, you’re just admitting marriage?

Oh, my God!What the hell is going on here?

Under Aunt Liu’s shocked gaze, Jenny walked in with an old man and a young woman in tow.

“Auntie Liu, this is An’an, this is An’an’s great-grandmother Mrs. Cen, help me arrange two guest rooms for them, they’re staying here tonight.”

Aunt Liu hmmm spat, wanting to say something, but under the old lady’s stern gaze, she eventually swallowed the words in her throat and turned around to clean up her room.

The old lady turned her head and looked at Jenny with a smiling face, “Miss Jing, how much trouble this is for you, I’m so sorry.”

Jenny Jing laughed lightly, “It’s okay, the child is so young, we can’t let her suffer along.”

Ann took her hand, and Jenny thought she was going to say something, subconsciously bending down to listen.

The child suddenly stood on his tiptoes and gave her a “bar” k*ss on the cheek.

Jenny was startled.

Then I heard the gnome’s clear voice, “Thank you, Mommy.”

Jenny couldn’t help but laugh.

After tidying up the room, Jenny let the two of them go to rest, An’an pestered her to sleep with her, but tonight Biden Lu still has to come back, how would Jenny dare to agree?

Finally, after a half day of grinding, the gnome agreed to go over later to tell her a story and lull her to sleep before she went to bed.

Aunt Liu was speechless as she watched the two get so close.

The last time An An came over, Aunt Liu was on holiday, so she didn’t know about it.

At this time, watching Jenny get wrapped up in the little package, I felt only happy and a little sad.

By the looks of it, Little Miss should be approving of Mrs. as her mommy, which is reasonably good.

But the old lady insisted on hiding from Not Mrs. Knowing their true identities, how could this end in the end?

It’s so pathetic, too, Madam!

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