The Protector Novel Levi Garrison Chapter 1035

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Chapter 1035

According to the current situation, her wish is getting closer and closer.

Levi hides a lot of secrets.

He will announce it on the day of the wedding.

Her waiting, her persistence is right!

The news that Levi was alive and the news of his wedding finally reached the Garrison Clan in Jinvale.

The Garrison Clan in Capital shook up and down…

Even the whole family in entire Velador was shocked.

After all, this is the illegitimate son of Lawrence, the next Patriarch of the Garrison Clan in Capital.

Soon it was the ceremony date when Lawrence became Patriarch.

At this point, the explosion of this incident is simply too influential.

Almost all Garrison’s family have exploded!

There was a lot of noise throughout Velador.

Some time ago, after the Garrison Family’s successive assassination defeats, Levi was already famous.

At this juncture, he couldn’t move him even more.

Edgar’s angry voice came from the Garrison Clan in Capital: “You knew the existence of this wild species a long time ago, why didn’t you tell me?”

He is blaming Yuri Garrison and these people.

He knew Levi was coming the next morning, but he kept hiding it.

And he didn’t handle it well, which caused the situation today.

“Die you all!”

Edgar roared again and again.

This time, it will put the entire Garrison family in shame!

“Patriarch, the situation may be a little better! This wild species is not doing anything! He is the boss of the Erick Group, and even the top hundred giants in Norterjen listen to him!”

Yuri Garrison immediately explained.


Edgar’s expression eased slightly after hearing this.

“But this feat is simply vulnerable in front of the Garrison family! What about the boss of a group? What about Norterjen? My Garrison family sent a small servant, and Norterjen can’t hold her head up! Wild species are still wild species!”

Edgar said angrily.

“Yes, that’s right! The reason why he has a little grade is that he has the noble blood of the Garrison family! Otherwise, he would have starved to death on the street!”

The Garrison family was very dissatisfied with this matter.

In a very luxurious villa somewhere in the capital.

In a study room, the walls are covered with the top and most expensive calligraphy and paintings, each of which is definitely tens of millions or even billions of dollars in price.

There are also various blue and white porcelains in the room, which are even more shocking collections.

One of them is as high as 2.7 billion!

But in this study room, you can place it at will…

This is more like a private collection of calligraphy and painting antiques.

However, this is just a study room.

A tall and handsome middle-aged man is practicing calligraphy.

The momentum of sweeping a thousand troops with a pen every stroke!


He is writing a “leaf”.

This leaf character represents his current state of mind and the current situation.

Because he is about to become the next Patriarch of the Garrison Clan in Capital.

The position of Patriarch is about to arrive, and his mood is already impatient.

He is Lawrence.

Levi’s biological father!

After he finished writing, he smiled at the corner of his mouth.

Soon, he will ascend the position of the helm of the first family of Velador.

When taking over as the head of the Patriarch, it is the time when all ethnic groups come to worship.

At that time, he will become the most powerful and noble person of the Velador Clan!

“Someone once asked me, do you want a country or a beauty?”

“At that time, my answer was land, and now my answer is the same land!”

“What is a beauty if you have a country? Not everything?”

Lawrence laughed.

“The big thing is bad! The big thing is bad!”

At this time, there were voices outside.

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