The Protector Novel Levi Garrison Chapter 1180

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Chapter 1180

This scene shocked the audience!

In front of the first family, bring the coffin and tombstone.

How arrogant is this?

Completely provocative!

Xavion’s eyes twitched and his face was angry.

Because he recognizes these two things.

Does Levi want to return it to him?

court death!

Lawrence was even angrier.

He thought that Levi came to beg him.

It now appears that he was smashing the scene.

How could the majesty of the first family of Velador allow a wild species to provoke them?

Thousands of eyes in the field all focused on Levi alone.

Sarah was actually excited when she saw him.

Not to mention the explanation, Levi’s ability to come to Garrison’s house proved his courage.

“Today is really lively, even more, lively than last year’s gambling appointment!”

Lawrence laughed.

“Levi, what are you doing in the Garrison Clan?”

Levi did not answer directly.

He first looked at Ollie: “Mother, I brought you to the Garrison family today to ask for an explanation from the Garrison family and an explanation from Lawrence Garriosn! Why? Why did he abandon you back then!”

Ollie’s body trembled, her face was full of excitement, and tears flickered.

This day has finally arrived!

Levi looked at Sarah again: “Sarah, in front of Garrison’s gate today, I will give you a perfect explanation!”

“I, Levi, will never be like Lawrence who abandoned his wife and daughter!”


Sarah whispered quietly, and the two lines of tears slipped silently.

Finally, Levi’s gaze was fixed on Lawrence and Xavion: “Today, I, Levi, step down the entire Garrison family to let you know how vulnerable the so-called Velador First Family is in front of me!”

When Levi said this, everyone laughed.

In particular, everyone in the Garrison family leaned forward and backward with a smile.

No way?

Wouldn’t anyone in this world really think that they would overwhelm the first family with their own power?


The wealth of the family for thousands of years, and the results of the efforts of countless people in more than ten or even dozens of generations, why would you lose to your efforts for more than ten years?

is it possible?

The possibility is not entirely impossible.


“Hahaha, funny! It’s so funny!”

Lawrence likes to see this kind of “ant crawler” struggling scene.

Especially the struggle in front of the real dragon.

“Well, well, Ollie, I want to see how your son can reach the sky today?”

Lawrence’s eyes were cold: “Edward?”

“Yes, Patriarch!”

Edward, ​​known as the gatekeeper of the younger generation of Garrison Clan, stepped forward.

It is also the standard challenged last year!

“Beat him!”

Lawrence gave the order.


As soon as the voice fell, Edward started, and when he stepped on his feet, two deep footprints appeared on the floor.

Edward rose up into the sky and slammed a fist towards Levi.

With a punch, the wave of air churns, and everyone feels the scorching breath across their cheeks, especially the blade tearing.

This is Edward, ​​a martial arts genius.

He has already cultivated to this point.

“too weak!”

Levi whispered softly.


He kicked Edward out of midair with one kick.


Edward flew out several tens of meters and slammed into the stone lion at the door of Garrison’s house. After falling to the ground, he stopped moving.


The audience was shocked!

No one in the Garrison family expected that Levi was a martial arts expert!

Even Ollie did not expect this.

“This this…”

The Garrison family members changed color collectively.

“too weak!”

“Call the strongest of Garrison family to come out and fight!”

Levi looked straight at Lawrence.

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