The Protector Novel Levi Garrison Chapter 1483

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Chapter 1483

The highest point of the base is in the north.

The Northern Demon stood here, looking into the distance.

It seems that the mountains and rivers of Velador are all in his eyes.

“Lord Northern Demon, according to the news from the Avengers—the apprentices of the four Velador Dragons and the East Demon, leading a thousand death squads, are coming here!”

“It is said that the Demon Four have developed a combined attack technique specifically for you for decades, and the four apprentices have already mastered it! They want to use this combined attack technique to k!ll you!”


After listening, the North Demon smiled.

“East Monster, the four of you are afraid that I am still in the realm of that year? I am now more than three times stronger than before! The combined attack technique is useful to me?”

“They have been studying and thinking about me in the past few decades. Am I not thinking about them? Let’s put it this way, I have thoroughly studied all the tricks and combat skills of the four of them! I also know the equivalent of their apprentice!”

“I basically guessed what their combined attack technique is, ridiculous! Just want to defeat me with this?”


This is what no one expected.

The North Demon was also studying the Four Eastern Demon.

He even guessed their combined attack technique.

The combat effectiveness of the Four Dragons in front of the North Demon was probably not much higher than that of Woodrow and his ilk.

The so-called knowing oneself, knowing the enemy, never end in a hundred battles.

Colin and Velador Four Dragons just thought they knew the Northern Demon.

In fact, they don’t understand at all.

The fact that the Four Dragons of Velador rushed to the north with the death squad quickly spread throughout the country.

Because the Four practiced the combined attack technique against the Northern Demon, it seems to everyone that they can defeat the Northern Demon 100%.

So it is a national celebration.

The Northern Demon has not yet been defeated, and the Four Dragons have been portrayed as heroes of the country.

The voices for them are getting louder.

Even more than one Dragon King!

Many places have planned to build statues for the Four Dragons to commemorate them.

The haze of Velador these days has been swept away.

There are joyous scenes everywhere.

In the ancestral home of the Logan family in Case York.

Everyone began to persuade Sarah: “Did Sarah see it? Levi might be able to come back alive.”

“The Four Dragons of the Great Velador are specifically aimed at the Northern Demon! They can definitely defeat the Northern Demon! Then the death squad will not have to die, and Levi will also come back.”

Hearing this, Sarah clenched her fists tightly and prayed: “All hope is placed on the Four Dragons of Velador. You must defeat the Northern Demon!”

“You are Velador’s heroes! You must win! I, Sarah, am willing to build statues for you!”

Sarah prayed for a long time.

It was for Levi to come back safely.

Little did they know that Levi was still the strongest in this team.

If anyone who can defeat the Northern Demon, it must be Levi.

It’s no use relying on other people!

After Colin released the news of the Four Dragons, Velador’s morale was unprecedentedly hot.

Even overseas are scared.

They thought that after the North Demon was released from prison, Velador would have nothing to do.

But didn’t expect Velador Dragon’s apprentice to appear.

Everyone thought that the North Demon would lose.

As everyone knows, the situation is completely opposite.

Soon, the Four Dragons brought thousand death squad to the north.

The base is less than two hundred kilometers away.

“From now on, all of you must follow my orders!”

The people from Four Dragons spoke to thousand of people.

“Thousand of you will consume the North Demon first, and wait for you to finish it. Then we will go up again, so we can be more confident.”

The Four Dragons ordered.

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