The Warmest Romance Chapter 1237 -1238

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Chapter 1237

Soon, the old lady also came down and turned a blind eye to ye Wan’er’s flattery. From the beginning to the end, she only said a few words to Ruan Shishi. Besides, she never looked at her.

The food was almost ready, and the four of them sat at the table in an awkward atmosphere.

“Grandma, I specially stewed the spareribs in a pressure cooker. The meat is very soft and rotten. Try it.”

Ye Wan’er said, picked up the chopsticks, politely to the old lady clip a ribs.

Old lady smell speech, light say, “have a heart.”

“Brother Mo, you try this dish. I made it for you myself…”

Ye Wan’er busily adds food to Yu Yimo.

Once, twice More times, Yu Yimo’s brow is more and more tight.

Finally, he put his chopsticks on the table and said in a cold voice, “well, Wan’er, finish your meal quietly. I’ll let Du Yue take you away later.”

As soon as this sentence came out, the atmosphere became more and more awkward. Ye Wan’er lowered her head, and soon her eyes became red. “Brother Mo, what’s wrong with me?”

Without waiting for Yu Yimo to speak, the old lady said, “come on, Yimo, don’t talk about it. Everyone eat quietly.”

She said this with a bit of momentum, so that ye Wan’er and Yu Yimo are not good to continue to answer, four people are speechless eating, the atmosphere fell into silence.

After a while, ye Wan’er suddenly remembered something and quickly got up and said, “by the way, there’s another soup. It should be stewed!”

With that, she stood up and walked quickly in the direction of the kitchen.

After a while, she came out of the kitchen with an enamel soup pot. She walked slowly, carefully and slowly.

Ruan Shishi inadvertently glanced back at her. Somehow, she was a little uneasy. She frowned and put down her chopsticks.

The old lady sitting opposite her asked, “why don’t you eat? Isn’t it appetizing? “

Hearing this, Ruan Shishi laughed at the old lady, shook her head and said, “no, it’s delicious.”

As soon as she finished, before she had time to turn her head, she heard a scream coming from her side. Then, she suddenly felt a burning pain in her back. Her subconscious body trembled and screamed.

With “pa!” There was a loud noise, the sound of falling, the sound of porcelain pieces breaking on the ground.

Yu Yimo raised his eyes and saw that his pupils contracted instantly.

Just now, ye Wan’er was carrying a basin of hot soup, which was splashed on Ruan Shishi’s back. The soup Fort fell to the ground, and ye Wan’er slipped. The scene was in a mess.

The old lady also saw it. After she was frightened, she immediately came back to her senses and called, “come on, the poem is burned!”

Ruan Shishi half bows and closes her eyes in pain. She breathes cold air. Her back is affected by the skin splashed with hot soup, which makes her body tremble.

Aunt rushed to see the scene, immediately helped Ruan to flush the cold water.

The old lady didn’t care so much, so she quickly walked into the bathroom on the first floor.

The accident happened so suddenly that Yu Yimo twisted his eyebrows and watched them enter the bathroom. After the door was closed, he turned his head and looked at ye Wan’er, who was standing beside the table panting heavily. He felt chilly all over.

After he clenched his teeth, the veins between his neck swelled, “ye Wan’er…”

Chapter 1238

Ye Wan’er shakes her head. “Brother Mo, I didn’t mean to. I slipped my foot by accident…”

Listening to her words, Yu Yimo’s face is colder. His anger is brewing like a storm in his eyes. He stares at her and says firmly, “you mean it.”

“I am not! I really am not

Ye Wan’er comes forward in a hurry and reaches for Yu Yimo’s hand.

Without waiting for her to meet him, Yu Yimo waved her hand away and said, “you are going too far!”

In the past, no matter how many vicious things she had done to Ruan Shishi, he didn’t want to pursue any more. But this time, she was ruthless again in front of him and his grandmother!

This has made him unbearable!

Ye Wan’er’s tears came and shook her head wrongly, just like the tragic heroine on TV, crying out of breath, “brother Mo, you really misunderstood me! I don’t like her, but I won’t do it either… “

At this time, the door of the bathroom was suddenly pushed open, and the old lady came out angrily and came straight to this side.

Ye Wan’er said quickly, “grandma, will you believe me? I really didn’t mean to… “

Before she finished, the old lady raised her hand and fanned her face.

“Pa!” A clear, instant will all the excuses, camouflage and sobs are pressed down, so big room quiet even drop a needle can hear clearly.

The old lady’s chest heaved up and down, her hands trembled slightly, glared at her and said, “if she has any problems, you can’t be safe!”

It seems that the old lady’s momentum to suppress, ye Wan’er frozen in place, speechless.

Probably do not want to see her, the old lady angrily ordered someone to call an ambulance, and then turned back to the bathroom.

The servants are busy one after another. Yu Yimo looks up at ye Wan’er who is standing on the same place holding the table. There is a trace of impatience and disgust at the bottom of her eyes.

He called Du Yue and said coldly, “send her away.”

“Brother Mo, even you don’t believe it…”

“Shut up Yu Yimo interrupts her directly. She stares at her coldly and says, “from now on, don’t act in front of me!”

Ye Wan’er shook her head in tears, “I didn’t act! Brother Mo, what can I do to make you believe me? “

Yu Yimo twists his brows and turns his wheelchair to leave. Unexpectedly, at this moment, ye Wan’er suddenly grabs a fruit knife from the fruit basket on the table next to him and points the blade directly at his neck. Hysterically, he asks, “brother Mo, do you want me to show you my heart before you believe me?”

At that moment, Yu Yimo’s sharp eyebrows were covered with a layer of frost.

His patience with ye Wan’er has been completely exhausted, and there is no point left!

He opened his mouth, and his voice was very cold and deep. “If you want to die, I’ll help you!”

With that, he looked up at Du Yue and his eyes were cold.

Du Yue immediately understood, quickly stepped forward, controlled her wrist from behind ye Wan’er, holding her hand directly, holding a fruit knife and rowing toward her cheek.

Before ye Wan’er could react, she felt a sharp pain in her cheek. She screamed out in panic. She was so scared that she lost her face. Her face was desperately shrinking to the side.

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