Ascension to the Top Chapter 581 – 585

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Chapter 581

Mojiade Company, Luoshan City.

Anderson was playing soothing music, making himself a cup of coffee, with a smile on his face.

Evan Qin’s small means did not stop Anderson’s footsteps at all. Because standing behind Anderson is the real master of the Qin family, the person named Qin Zhenqing.

Pei Dexi walked in from the door and put the materials in his hands on the table with a smile, “Mr. Anderson, I can see it, you are very happy today!”

“Yes!” Anderson smiled slightly, stretched his waist, “The wind is beautiful, the sun is just right, and my mood should be happy, right?”

“Yes!” Pei Dexi made himself a cup of coffee, “I watched your interview video at noon, it was perfect!”

“I think there is still something lacking…” Anderson smiled and turned around, “My insults against those cockroaches are still taking into account my quality. If I can let go of my own quality, I think I can curse. Be happier!”

“Yes!” Pei Dexi smiled slightly.

“That group of stinking cockroaches, should they insult them like this, and still want to fight us?” Anderson sneered and sat back in his seat, “What is his Evan Qin’s ability to get benefits from us?”

“Yes…” Pei Dexi smiled slightly.

At this time, there was a slight sound of footsteps outside the door.

Several police officers walked in.

“Mr. Anderson? Someone reported the tax issue of Morjad Company in real name. I hope you can cooperate with us…”

“What did you say?” Anderson’s face changed, and there was a buzz in his head.

Modric ate ​​two steaks again at noon, drove into his car, and drove over the factory door slowly.

Modric was taken aback once again when he arrived at the door of the factory.

Hundreds of workers still gathered around the entrance of the factory and stopped their steps.

“What’s the matter?” Modric got out of the car, frowned, and asked a little displeased: “It’s already started, what are you still rubbing at the door? Don’t you want to be paid?”


There was a roar from the crowd, “Didn’t you say that work will start this afternoon? Didn’t you mean that we can go to work today? Come and see what’s going on…”

“Yes, come and see what’s going on?”

“Yes, you told us to start work today. What happened?”

Modric was stunned, feeling something uncomfortable, so he hurriedly walked a few steps and saw that there was another seal on the factory gate.

“What’s the matter? We can’t get in yet…”

“Yes, what’s going on!”

Modric was a little bit awkward, and hurriedly turned around, “Don’t worry, I’ll call and ask now! Don’t worry, since Mr. Anderson said that work will start this afternoon, then we will definitely start work…”

Everyone looked at Modric angrily.

Modric hurriedly took out his cell phone and dialed Pei Desi’s number, but the colorful ringtone rang for a long time, but no one answered.

what’s the situation?

Modric’s face turned pale and said loudly: “Everyone is waiting here. I will go to the company headquarters to ask about it. Believe me, I will give you an explanation! We will definitely go to work today and we will definitely get a job… …”

Everyone gritted their teeth and looked at Modric, and had lost confidence in the president of the union. If this matter still cannot be resolved, when will they be able to start work?

Modric got into the car in a panic, rushing all the way to the headquarters of Morjad.

After half an hour, Modric stopped the car, and looked at the headquarters of Morjad, there were a dozen police cars parked. The sirens of these police cars were still hooting, making a buzzing sound.

Modric didn’t know what had happened, but he could foresee that Morjad seemed to be encountering some particularly big difficulties.

Get out of the car, walked into Morjad, and saw the police officer at the door. Without asking about the time, Modric rushed to the elevator and reached the door of Pedesi’s office.

“What’s the matter? Who put the seal of the factory?” Modric asked.

Pei Dexi covered her forehead with a sullen face, “Someone reported that the financial situation of Mojiade Company was involved in the water, and there are also certain problems with taxation over the years!”

“What did you say?” Modric was taken aback.

“Mr. Anderson is in the office, dealing with tax officials. The result we got is that Morjad will suspend work for a month, so we will rectify it first…” Pei Dexi looked at Modric with some regret.

“How could this be…” Modric buzzed in his head.

After a while, the door of Anderson’s office was pushed open. Several police officers escorted Anderson and walked outside the door.

“You robbers, thieves…” Anderson yelled, as if he was crazy, “You don’t have any evidence, you want to arrest me, you are not in compliance with the regulations! “

Several tax officials ignored Anderson at all, but commanded the police and escorted Anderson downstairs.

“Who is Ms. Pedesi?” At the door, two policemen stood there and asked.

Pei Dexi stood up in a panic, “I…I am!”

“Now someone has accused you of participating in the tax evasion of Morjad Company, I hope you can cooperate with us to go back to investigate!” Two police officers stepped forward, pressed Pei Dexi’s hands and put on handcuffs.

Pei Dexi’s face was in a trance, and he cried out, tears falling from his face, and his facial features were twisted together.

tax evasion?

This kind of thing actually exists in a large part of the company, but the government sometimes shows a tacit attitude.

After Pei Desi was taken away, Modric stood there, without thinking for a while.

Stop work for a month?

This is an unbearable blow to factory workers.

Modric walked out of Morjad’s headquarters in embarrassment, drove the car unconsciously, and walked outside the factory.

Hundreds of factory workers were waiting for Morjad, and after seeing his car arrived, they surrounded him.

“Modric? Can we open the door of the factory and go to work?”

“Yes, what did the headquarters say? Is there any misunderstanding? We will definitely be able to go in and start work this afternoon, right?”

“Yes… You promised us in the name of God that you will be able to start work this afternoon!”

Hearing these words, Modric opened his mouth and said with some pain, “I’m sorry…”


Chapter 582

“Sorry? President, what do you mean?”

“Yeah, what do you mean by sorry? Isn’t it possible to start work again this afternoon?”

Many people around them changed their faces, and there was a bit of resentment in Modric’s eyes.

“Everyone, listen to me… the company has a situation recently, and it may not be able to start work this afternoon…” Modric got up his mind and smiled at the people around him, “but I I can assure you that even if we cannot start work this afternoon, we will get the company on track in the shortest possible time! You must trust the company and the ability of Mr. Anderson!”

“Fart, are you telling me about ability here?”

“Yes, you swear in the name of God this morning…”

“Your God’s name is used to deceive?”

“Beat him, he just doesn’t want us to start work, just teasing us!”

Many people around were howling one after another, and one by one rushed towards Modric like a tiger, clutching Modric’s clothes, trying to pull him over.

“Don’t be like this, everyone listen to me…” Modric yelled, his face pale in fright, “The police are here! Look, the police are here…”

“Where is the police?”

“Yes, where is it?”

Many gazes around, looking around, Modric took advantage of this opportunity to get out of the crowd and ran towards the car.

These workers are going crazy, how dare he stay here? If you stay forcibly, something serious will happen, and it doesn’t matter if you get injured. The possibility of life will be explained here.

Modric ran away, but at this time a large group of workers completely caused a riot.

From the beginning to the present, more than half a month has passed, and now there is no sign of starting work, how can they be willing?

“Everyone, be quiet…” At this time, someone in the crowd stood up, a white man in his forties, shouting loudly: “My name is Kane, I am from the second workshop. Worker, I think Modric is no longer standing with our workers. We should oppose him being elected as the union president…”

When the people around heard this, their eyes seemed to light up.

“Modric only knows to deceive, only to delay time, but ignores our situation. I think we have to re-select the union president and fight for the rights of the workers again…” Kane said loudly He waved his hand, “When we were demonstrating, it was the union members who asked us to strike, but now, even the work has been messed up by them…I think Modric cheated us, we It’s better to confess everything to the government!”

“Yes, let’s just confess, he was the one who made us strike, but now he doesn’t give us work!”

“Yes, frankly! If it hadn’t been for Modric to say, to drive Evan Qin away, how could we go on strike?”

The crowd was angry, and everyone seemed to be discussing this matter. After all, the strike was really to get Evan Qin and Wang Jian to leave. Who knew that Evan Qin and Wang Jian had left, and they didn’t even have a job.

At this time, what do you care about so much? Simply let Morjad’s headache go.

Kane listened to the surrounding voices, and smiled slightly at the corners of his mouth. “In this case, I will go to the city hall now and talk to the mayor and the governor about this matter. Make sure everyone knows that Modric and Mo The cheeks of the senior executives of Jiade Company!”

The people around cheered.

Kane led the crowd and hurried all the way to City Hall.

The chaos in Luoshan City is gradually unfolding.

Evan Qin, who was in the manor, only slightly hooked the corner of his mouth after receiving the news. In fact, Evan Qin is not very clear about whether there are really problems with the tax situation of Mojiade. However, since Qin Kai said that there is a situation, the possibility of a situation is very high.

Anderson’s arrest may not take long to be released, but these workers’ problems have caused Anderson a headache for a long time.

“Evan Qin…My suggestion is to walk in upright!” Hu Song sat in a chair and looked at Evan Qin solemnly, “If you face hard, I don’t know if your strength here can be lifted. Turn over the Hongmen, but even if you really overturn the Hongmen, you will probably have to pay a great price!”

Evan Qin nodded and understood how powerful a deeply rooted organization would be in the U.S. If you just rely on these people on your hands, I’m afraid it is really difficult to fight against.

“Hongmen is China’s largest gang. Although it was separated from China in the early years, it still has contact with China today! Certain rules still apply here!” Hu Song raised his head and looked at Evan Qin, carefully. He explained: “For example, Jianghu morality, even if they are Hongmen, they must abide by it!”

“How do you say?” Evan Qin looked at Hu Song.

Hu Song said, “Three courtesy calls, two knocks on the mountain, and the last one will enter! To put it bluntly, it means to submit courtesy notes three times, explain your intentions twice, and enter the church last time! In this way, Even if Hongmen is powerful, I dare not ignore the morals of the world and do something against you inside Hongmen!”

Evan Qin nodded lightly, and was especially careful about going to Hongmen this time.

“Evan Qin…” Hu Song sighed, and said, “If it weren’t for my relationship, there might be a lot of room for relaxation between you and Hong Clan! Because of my existence, Hong Clan could not accommodate. It’s up to you, so you have to think carefully!”

Evan Qin groaned and nodded gently again, “Since the rivers and lakes have the rules of the rivers and lakes, those three courtesy and two knocking on the mountain are naturally indispensable. I will order someone to do it later! If Hongmen hits me again People, I’m afraid they don’t need moral justice, right?”

“You can rest assured of this. Hongmen also wants to show their face. If they do something like this, they won’t be able to convince the crowd! Even if they want to deliberately find faults, they must consider whether they should be charged, such as the previous Yushan soldiers. Isn’t it just molesting a woman?” Hu Song said.

Evan Qin nodded, stood up, hesitated for a moment, and then asked softly: “Old Hu, if I can enter Hongmen General Rudder this time, do you need me to help you?”

Hu Song was slightly stunned, his eyes were a little unspeakable.

Do something?

“If you can do it, bring out my master’s tablet…” Hu Song took a deep breath and clenched his fist involuntarily.

“Okay!” Evan Qin nodded, turned and walked out of the house.

Since Hu Song said that, then this card position must be very important to him.


Chapter 583

Three visits, two knocks on the mountain, and the last one will enter!

This is the rule published by the rivers and lakes, and Hong Men has always followed it for so many years.

During these three days, Evan Qin followed the rules and asked people to vote three times and spread the news twice. Everything respected this rule.

During this period of time, Luoshan City’s scandal about Mojade Company spread out overwhelmingly.

Morjad’s tax problems finally surfaced under the investigation of tax officials. As a leading company in Los Angeles, and even the backbone of California’s economy, Morjad escaped more than three billion dollars in taxation.

The California government immediately froze all funds of Morjad Company. Then in the afternoon, another scandal of Morjad was publicized.

During the period when Anderson left Morjad, he once instructed the union members to strike, which violated the moral bottom line and made Anderson an instant figure in the country.

The original capital crocodile suddenly became a street rat that everyone shouted and beat.

Many of the problems of the Morjad company surfaced one by one, and hundreds of thousands of workers became problems. No one knows where Mojiade will go in the future, but everyone knows this company, I am afraid it will come to an end.

After Evan Qin got the news, he did not pay too much attention. In fact, in his eyes, Mojade was just a matter of arbitrarily settling. The remaining Angel Medicine, Aidele Group, and Hades’ arms smuggling group were only It’s what Evan Qin needs to swallow.

After this period of time passed, the meeting with Hongmen became Evan Qin’s top priority.

That night, Evan Qin followed Hongmen’s rules and drove Ye Xiaosen to the door of Hongxing Casino.

Outside the huge gatehouse, stood dozens of young people wearing black Tang suits, each wearing sunglasses, putting their hands behind them, and leaving a middle road.

In the middle of the road, there is a long red carpet with a huge bronze tripod in the middle of the carpet.

The inside of the cauldron was filled with smoke, and there was obviously a lot of incense stuck in it.

Evan Qin stood down, glanced at Li Yuanqing at the end of the red carpet, and took Ye Xiaosen onto the red carpet.

“Who in the audience?” Li Yuanqing asked loudly.

“Evan Qin!”

“What’s the matter?”

“Bai Shantou!”

“Please…” Li Yuanqing stretched out an arm and made a please gesture.

Evan Qin walked up step by step, stopped in front of the copper cauldron, and then took a deep breath. Under Ye Xiaosen’s service, he lit three long incense plants and slowly inserted them into the copper cauldron.

“Please…” Li Yuanqing stretched out his hand and stared at Evan Qin with cold eyes.

Evan Qin raised his head and walked towards the Hongxing Casino.

At this moment, it attracted countless eyes around, and some unidentified people took pictures here one after another. Everyone seems to think this thing is fun, but Evan Qin knows that this is the rule in Hu Song’s mouth.

Go to the door and face Li Yuanqing.

The eyes of the two met in mid-air, as if they could burst into sparks.

“Master Qin, I didn’t expect you to really have the guts to come here…” Li Yuanqing smiled, as if there was a murderous intent in his smile, “Aren’t you afraid that you will die here after you come?”

“Since someone from Qin has posted a greeting, I am not afraid of not being able to get out from here!” Evan Qin sneered, walked to Li Yuanqing’s side, looked up at the Hongxing Casino sign, exhaled and said loudly: “Come on. Well, since the people of Hongmen want to keep me Evan Qin, then use your skills. If you don’t have the skills, you will be blinded for such a big battle!”

When the voice fell, Evan Qin took Ye Xiaosen and walked into the casino in strides.

Standing at the door, Li Yuanqing’s face was particularly gloomy. After hearing Evan Qin’s words, the dozens of bodyguards guarding outside all blushed and stared at Evan Qin’s back.

Evan Qin was not afraid, entered the casino, and saw that the inside seemed to have been emptied.

There were no guests in this casino, as if it was just to welcome Evan Qin.

In the empty hall, there was no figure, only two rows of service personnel stood on both sides.

The man’s shirt and tie, and the female’s dress of a bunny girl, after watching Evan Qin come in, all of them showed no expression. There is no welcome word, and no drive away.

“Please, Master Qin…” Li Yuanqing’s voice came from behind.

With indifference on Evan Qin’s face, he walked in without the slightest fluctuation.

Li Yuanqing walked quickly to the front and said coldly, “Master Qin, before you speak, it is better to understand my Hongmen rules! If you come in and ask for something, then follow my rules. If you only talk about feelings, Let’s do whatever you want!”

“Follow your rules!” Evan Qin sneered.

“Okay!” Li Yuanqing smiled, “Master Qin is really quick to talk! Since we are a casino here, how about we gamble?”

“What is the bet?” Evan Qin frowned.

“Bet?” Li Yuanqing sneered, walked slowly to a table, and then hooked the person behind him.

At this time, Jennifer walked out of the crowd.

Blond and blue-eyed, with a fiery figure, even standing next to Ye Xiaosen, he felt a little beyond. Especially when she is wearing a bunny costume, her two big white legs are slender and powerful, which gives people a visual impact.

“Kongzi Qin also brought people over, and I also brought people over, so how about we gamble on people? If Gongzi Qin is reluctant to bear his little lover, then we can also bet on clothes? If you lose, your little lover will take off One, if I lose, my woman will take off one…If my woman is naked and your little lover still has clothes on her, you can speak today!” Li Yuanqing leaned back on the chair, A mockery leaked from his face, “Don’t worry, Young Master Qin doesn’t want to bet. Let’s talk about tea ceremony and business between our brothers. Then you get out of here and I will go upstairs. From now on, we will go our own way. ……”


Ye Xiaosen did not wait for Evan Qin to speak, but took a step forward and glanced at Jennifer beside him.

“Okay, majestic!” Li Yuanqing sneered and gestured to please, “Come on? Young Master Qin, does your woman agree, but you are timid at this time?”

Evan Evanrrowed his eyes, walked slowly to the opposite side of Li Yuanqing, and sat down slowly.

Li Yuanqing sneered and asked, “I don’t know what Young Master Qin wants to play?”

“Dice, play big and small!” Evan Qin raised his eyelids, his eyes unchanged.

“Okay! Get on the dice!” Li Yuanqing’s mouth raised a scornful smile and waved his hand at the person behind him.


Chapter 584

For Evan Qin, something like dice is the most familiar gambling tool. In Evan Qin’s view, this is by far the most suitable for him.

Two hot girls came up in bikinis and put their trays on the table.

Evan Qin opened the dice cup, took a look, fumbled for the dice with one hand, trying the above weight.

“Master Qin is a guest, why don’t you come first?” Li Yuanqing gestured.

Evan Qin grabbed the dice, threw them into the dice cup one by one, and then gently shook them.

The sound of crashing echoed in the casino lobby.

Upstairs in the hall, Qin Yue drank a cigarette, looked at the person sitting in front of him, and said with a touch of sarcasm on her face: “One billion dollars, this is my bottom line. The price can’t be higher! If it can If you do, I will let my people take action. Whether you can kill Evan Qin at that time depends on how much effort you exert!”

“Okay!” A middle-aged man in his forties opposite, chuckled and nodded, “Ms. Qin is really generous, and she makes one billion dollars! The development of the Qin family over the years seems to be pretty good! I want to pay back that year. When I was young, I was fortunate to meet the Qin family with my master. I really admire him beyond words!”

“Chen Bin, as long as the result is the result, I don’t want to be polite with you!” Qin Yue stood up slowly, “Evan Qin is down now, rushing up to him and giving him a bullet, one billion dollars will be able to get it!”

“The rivers and lakes also have the rules of the rivers and lakes. If we want to get rid of Evan Qin, we need to be famous, otherwise my Hongmen will have a reputation for breaking the rules!” Chen Bin raised his head, his eyes unchanged.

“Rules?” Qin Yue laughed sarcastically, turned around and walked out, a little disdainful, “When a bit*h still thinks about setting up a memorial archway, it may be you people! That’s fine, but I still want to tell you Now, there is only half an hour. If the time is up and Evan Qin is not dead, even if you kill him in the future, the price will be halved!”

Chen Bin’s eyes fell, watching Qin Yue walk out of the room, his expression gloomy.

At this time, in the casino lobby on the first floor.

Evan Qin snapped the dice cup on the table with one hand.

“One, two, three, small!”

Opening the dice cup, Evan Qin nodded slightly.

Li Yuanqing smiled sarcastically, “Master Qin, it seems that I misunderstood you before. You are not timid, you are really incapable! Even with such a small point, I can shake it out even with my feet, right? Haha…”

There was a burst of laughter around, and even the eyes of Jennifer looking at Evan Qin became disdainful. Originally thought that Evan Qin dared to come here, he should have some abilities, but he did not expect to have such a point.

This point can really win with your feet!

“Baby, you come!” Li Yuanqing pouted.

Jennifer smiled slightly, picked up the dice cup on the table, threw the dice into the dice cup one by one, and his wrist began to shake.

This woman’s figure is indeed very hot, and when she shakes the dice cup, the flesh on her body is trembling.


The dice cup was held on the table by Jennifer.

“Four four five, big!”

Li Yuanqing laughed and pointed to Evan Qin, “Evan Qin, Evan Qin, you are really not as good as a girl… Jennifer may have higher points than yours! How about? Accept your bet and let your little lover take off a piece of clothing, right?”

Evan Qin raised his eyelids and looked at Ye Xiaosen.

Ye Xiaosen did not hesitate, took off his jacket and threw it to the ground. When I came today, Ye Xiaosen knew that she was just a helper, so she wore a set of work clothes.

After the clothes were taken off, there were still shirts inside.

“Please ask first this time!” Evan Qin reached out and gestured to Li Yuanqing.

“Baby, go on…” Li Yuanqing laughed and patted Jennifer’s ass casually.

With a snap, the flesh on Jennifer’s body was shaking.

“Oh, God…” Jennifer deliberately showed a look of ecstasy.


The dice rolled up and down in the dice cup, and there was a clattering sound.

With a snap, Jennifer snapped the dice cup on the table again.

“Three, five, six, big!”

Jennifer was very satisfied, deliberately constrained her shoulders, and twisted her ass slightly.

“Yes, baby…” Li Yuanqing smiled and looked at Evan Qin, “If you lose again, your little lover will take off his shirt!”

Evan Qin raised one hand and slammed the table. The dice cup immediately bounced, while Evan Qin’s other hand grabbed the dice cup and poured it into the three dice.

The sound of crashing sounded immediately.

With this hand, Li Yuanqing narrowed his eyes. Being in Hongmen, Li Yuanqing’s skill is not bad. Of course he can feel Evan Qin’s movements and grasp the timing and opportunity to the extreme.

With a bang, the dice cup was held on the table by Evan Qin.

“Three one, Leopard?”

Li Yuanqing’s pupils shrank and his eyes narrowed. When he stared at Evan Qin, he was already a little colder.

“Did I win?”

Evan Qin also narrowed his eyes and stared at Li Yuanqing.

“It’s just a fluke!” Li Yuanqing snorted coldly and waved his hand. Jennifer on the side seemed to be angry, and then took off the bunny girl on his body.

This woman is indeed bold enough, wearing only a small corset and a pair of thongs that are almost invisible. When he took off his clothes, he put his hands on his head and shook it gently.

“Ladies first!” Evan Qin reached out and gestured to Jennifer.

Jennifer grabbed the dice cup, and then shook it frantically. Because of the excessive force, her chest was up and down, which was truly beautiful.


The dice cup was deducted, and Jennifer had a smile on her face, her eyes swept around.

“Five, five, six, big!”

“Yeah…” Jennifer made a V-hand, the excitement on her face became more unconcealed.

“Baby, you are really great!” Li Yuanqing laughed loudly, hugged Jennifer, and put her hands on Jennifer’s body, and Jennifer turned around, responded excitedly, and deeply kissed Li Yuanqing’s On the lips.

Evan Qin raised his head, his eyes flashed, then grabbed the dice cup, and threw the three dice into the dice cup one by one.


The dice cup was shaken, and Li Yuanqing finished the kiss and looked at Evan Qin jokingly. He believed that Evan Qin was just a fluke or luck, and this time he would never have another leopard.


The dice cup was deducted and Evan Qin lifted his hand.

“Three one, Leopard!”


Chapter 585

Are leopards twice in a row?

The people present were all taken aback, unexpectedly it was a leopard again!

Li Yuanqing’s face changed, and he glanced at Evan Qin meaningfully. If the first leopard was a fluke, would the second leopard be a fluke? This is definitely not a fluke, but the person in front of him has absolute strength.

When Jennifer saw this scene, her mouth opened slightly, her eyes full of surprise.

“Baby, it seems you have to be a little more bold!” Li Yuanqing chuckled lightly, patted Jennifer’s butt, and pushed Jennifer up.

Jennifer got up and untied her little bra like no one. The blood-spraying curve fell down instantly. Instead of being shy, Jennifer blew a whistle openly, then shook her little bra in her hand, twisted her body, and threw it beside Evan Qin.

“Give it to you, beat my man twice!” Jennifer smiled slightly.

“Evan Qin…” Li Yuanqing’s face sank, his eyes fixed on Evan Qin, “Unexpectedly, you are still a character who pretends to be a pig and eat a tiger? The first time you have such a small number of points, you won twice in a row. Jennifer, it seems I really underestimated you!”

“I look at you very highly!” Evan Qin leaned against the chair.

“It’s not over yet!” Li Yuanqing sneered, “If you can make Jennifer take off even the panties, then I will even win! But you have to be careful, this time it’s me. “

Evan Qin was indifferent, staring at Li Yuanqing with a pair of eyes.

Li Yuanqing slapped one hand on the table, the dice cup bounced, and then one hand pierced through three dice, and the sound of crashing sounded.


In the blink of an eye, the dice cup had fallen on the table, and everyone’s eyes were all attracted to it.

“Six, six, six! Leopard!”

Evan Qin glanced, and there was not much fluctuation on his face.

“How is it?” Li Yuanqing sneered and looked at Ye Xiaosen almost greedily. “I want to know what color corset she is wearing under her shirt. Would you give me a chance?”

Evan Qin also slapped one hand on the table, and then the dice cup bounced, and three dice were poured into the dice cup one after another.


As the voice sounded, Evan Qin’s hand began to increase, and he kept feeling the strength from his fingers.


“Six, six, six! Leopard!”

Li Yuanqing’s pupils shrank, and his eyes narrowed. He shook out the leopard. It was the result of years of practice. He didn’t believe that the rich young man in front of him would also practice these things all year round.

If there is no long-term practice, but can shake out the leopard, this shows that Evan Qin’s strength is very strong!

“Tie!” Li Yuanqing smiled, then patted the table again, the dice cup bounced, and the investment poured into the dice cup.



“Six, six, six! Leopard!”

Evan Qin watched this scene, his eyes flashed, and he took out the dice cup with one hand, but when he was about to shoot the dice, he felt the table tremble suddenly. An internal energy surged from Li Yuanqing’s direction to Evan Qin’s direction.

Evan Qin’s expression remained unchanged, and the strength of his hands suddenly increased. One hand was placed on the table, and his inner strength came out.


With this sound, only a moment of shaking of the table was felt, and both of them placed their hands on the table, and Li Yuanqing seemed to be electrocuted, and his body suddenly fell backward.

Jennifer screamed in shock, and the flesh on his body trembled, staring at the dice cup with big eyes.

Evan Qin shook one hand and put the dice cup on the table with a bang amidst the crashing sound.

“Six, six, six! Leopard!”

Li Yuanqing’s legs were bent back, and finally stopped, his face looked abnormally gloomy at Evan Qin. In the confrontation just now, Li Yuanqing’s right hand was a little sore, and his legs began to tremble. He didn’t expect that he would lose to Evan Qin!

At this moment, Li Yuanqing knew that the rich young master in front of him was definitely not inferior to him, and even faintly exceeded his level.

The atmosphere on the scene became weird.

Evan Qin raised his eyelids and looked at Li Yuanqing without any fear.

“I have to admit that you did give me a lot of surprises!” Li Yuanqing laughed, but the smile was cruel, “Evan Qin, your method is really enviable!”

Evan Qin still did not speak.


Li Yuanqing slapped the dice cup and shook it slightly. However, the soreness in his wrist just caused by the sneak attack on Evan Qin, is now affecting his performance.

The dice rolled in the dice cup, but they couldn’t get the points Li Yuanqing wanted.

Li Yuanqing’s forehead has gradually cold sweat. You must know that rolling dice, even if the strength is slightly deviated, will cause big problems, let alone Li Yuanqing’s current wrist soreness, and some can’t exert any effort. .

The sound of crashing continued.

The people around also discovered this and knew that Li Yuanqing seemed to have something wrong.


The dice cup was buckled on the table, and Li Yuanqing’s forehead was sweaty.

“Five six six… big!”

After Li Yuanqing saw this scene, a heart was immediately raised, and Evan Qin didn’t hesitate, and he filled the three dice with the dice cup. As soon as the sound of crashing sounded, he was buckled by Evan Qin. On the table.

“Six, six, six! Leopard!”

Li Yuanqing looked at this point, stood up abruptly, and stared at Evan Qin fiercely.

“What?” Evan Qin sneered, one leg up, “Do you still need to stand up to be able to see the points clearly?”

“Good!” Li Yuanqing gritted his teeth and looked at Evan Qin, and said coldly: “Take it off!”

Jennifer constrained his shoulders, rolled his eyes, and walked to Evan Qin’s side swayingly, hooked the underwear with both hands, and dragged it down a little bit.

“The same for you, defeated Li Yuanqing’s mysterious man!”

Evan Qin didn’t even look at it, but instead set his gaze on Li Yuanqing, “I can talk about things now? What conditions can release Yang Long, you speak up!”

“Yang Long?” Li Yuanqing heard this and suddenly laughed, “Evan Qin, do you take yourself too seriously? Do you want Yang Long? Want me a traitor from Hongmen? Are you? I don’t know where it is?”

Evan Qin’s cold eyes flashed, and his fists were clenched.

“Do you want Yang Long?” Li Yuanqing stopped smiling and stared at Evan Qin fiercely, “Okay, kneel down and knock me three bangs. I will consider giving Yang Long to you. What do you think?”

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