Stealing Your Heart Complete Chapters Link: Free Novel Read

Are you looking for Stealing Your Heart Complete Chapters Link? Here you are in the right place. To read the complete novel for free keep visiting this page as we will add the latest chapters.

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Stealing Your Heart Complete Chapters Link

For us humans, life is not a bed of roses. Every soul that comes to this world must endure its due share of sorrows, challenges, and difficulties along with the happiness and fulfillment of desires.

Moreover, some people have to endure more than what is due for them or they can bear. The female lead of this story has such a fate. From a very early age, she finds herself fending for herself and her family of mother and younger brother.

Initially, it was not supposed to be like this. She was meant to live a comfortable life, happy with her family. But life took some wrong turns when her father decided to ditch them for his newfound love.

He sends them to another country where they had to live on their own fighting to live daily. The pregnant mother delivered an ailing child. The newborn boy suffering from autism further worsened the family’s conditions.

Stealing Your Heart Novel Read Online

Despite all the challenges that fate threw at them the mother and daughter duo endured it and never complained to anyone. But all of a sudden something would happen that will put the girl in the most precarious situation.

At the age of eighteen, her mother and brother have an accident. In order to save their life, she must secure a large sum of money to pay to the hospital. In desperation, she runs into some people who show her a path to earn a lot of money in a short time.

At night she sacrifices her most valuable belonging and rushes with the money to the hospital only to find out that her brother has already breathed his last.

As they say, if life gives us puzzles to solve, there are ways to hidden in it. Soon things will change for her where she will be in a position to avenge for all the sufferings.

Would she be able to manage and move ahead with her plans? Will she succeed? Find out by reading all the chapters of this amazing novel Stealing Your Heart. You can read online it for free here.

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