Spoiled by the President Chapter 394 – 396

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Chapter 394

He’s not home?

Jenny looked at the time and saw that it was already 5:30 p.m. At this hour, it was clearly impossible to go back to the office.

Where did that go?

To be honest, after just explaining something so important, Jenny’s heart was already a bit uneasy, and it was a bit disorienting to wake up at this time and find that the man wasn’t there.

But she was, after all, a sensible person, and thought to herself that he might have something to do and had gone out at short notice.

When she thought that, she shook her head and lost a laugh.

Since they had given Aunt Liu and the maids the day off, they had to fix their own dinner.

Jenny turned to the kitchen, ready to fix some food.

Just then, the entrance to the kitchen, which had been closed, opened.

Then I saw the man in the apron standing there with a spatula in his hand and a plate of tomatoes and scrambled eggs.

“Awake?Go wash your hands and get ready for dinner.”

Jenny was slightly startled, “You didn’t leave?”

Biden Lu looked at her with a raised eyebrow, “Go?Walk to where?”

Jenny was startled there, looking at him in his homely shirt and apron, and suddenly his eyes moistened.

She threw herself over and grabbed the man’s narrow waist in a fierce hug.

Burying his face petulantly in his chest, he muffled, “I thought you were angry.”

All those sensitivities and insecurities that you don’t admit when you’re alone, this moment reveals them all.

The man slightly raised the corner of his lips, feeling the little woman’s different dependence and attachment, the bottom of his eyes swing out a trace of laughter, whispering: “You do not want to find out how the old K is dead?Go eat first, I’ll be off for a few days to help you check in with me.”

“Really?”Jenny lifted his face in surprise.


Biden Lu really wanted to hug and k*ss her right now, but it was inconvenient to hold a spatula in one hand and carry the food in the other.

“And will that keep you from working?”Jenny knew that he was actually busy.

“Won’t.It happens to be more free lately.”

“Oh, okay then!”

“Be a good girl and go wash your hands, I’ll make another soup and then we can eat.”


After Jenny washed her hands, she saw that three dishes were already on the table, a tomato scrambled egg, a braised fish, and a box of hot and sour lotus root, all of which she liked to eat.

Biden Lu was still making soup in the kitchen, and Jenny Jing walked in curiously and asked, “Haven’t you never cooked before?Did you do all of this alone?”

Biden Lu nodded and pointed to the recipe that was placed beside him.

“I found it on the shelf this afternoon, so I just learned it on the fly, you taste it?”

Jenny nodded and went out, picking up her chopsticks to taste the tomato scrambled eggs.

Not to mention, the taste is not as good as that of a top chef, but it’s too perfect for a first time cook.

Jenny couldn’t help but praise, “It’s delicious!”

Had another piece of braised fish.

More surprises.

Even ate another piece of the lotus box.


“Biden Lu, you should stop doing business and become a cook instead!I don’t think you’re simply too talented at cooking, this tastes fantastic.”

The man came out with a smile on his face with the soup, “Is it really that good?”

“Really, you don’t believe me, try it!”


Jenny took a piece of the lotus root box and was about to pass it to his mouth, but unexpectedly the man ignored her hand and leaned down to bite down on the piece of lotus root in her mouth.

She was startled, and the moment she lost her mind, the man had already bitten off the lotus root, chewed a few times, and smiled openly, “Well, the taste is good.”

Jenny blushed a little.

She feigned an angry glare at him, but it broke in half a second.

The corners of my lips couldn’t help but quirk an imperceptible smile, and my heart was actually a little sweet.

Biden Lu saw the situation and knew that she had completely opened her heart to him, and her heart couldn’t help but be even softer.

Take her in your arms and savor her beautiful lips.

This time the k*ss was very soft, with unparalleled cherish and affection, over her lips, nose, eyebrows, eyes, forehead, and finally landed on the back of her soft hand.

“Jenny, I love you.”

Jenny Jing’s heart shook hard.

They say that men are deep and inexpressive creatures, and usually have a hard time talking about love with their mouths, and those that do are not true love.

But why did she feel so incredibly moved at this moment?

Just because he’s the one you’re talking about?

No, it’s not.

It was because, more than any man she had ever met, he was deeper and more powerful, more calm and self-possessed, but when it came to her, he couldn’t help himself, he couldn’t control his emotions, he would do things he couldn’t do under normal circumstances, he would say things that were impossible for him to say.

Three simple words, no gaudy disguise, no unnecessary cover-up, but the most simple and heart-touching three words.

Jenny smiled, but her eyes were moist, and hugged his waist sincerely, “Me too.”

It was a meal that ended up going nowhere.

The two of them were tired and dilly-dallying, and a simple dinner was eaten for two whole hours.

After eating, Jenny Jing refused to let Biden Lu wash the dishes and insisted on doing it herself.

After all, one party couldn’t always give, and although the other was willing, she still felt she should do something to make it seem fair.

The man didn’t stop her again, just looked at her with an incredibly spoiled gaze.

Just then, Jenny’s phone rang.

Naturally she couldn’t pick it up at this time, so she shouted, “Can you hold it for me?”

Biden Lu walked to the living room, picked up her phone and looked at the caller ID, it was Tailor Feng.

A slight frown, a little surprising.

Jenny saw that it was Tailor Feng and let Biden Lu pick it up and put it on speakerphone.

“What can I do for you?”

“It’s little sister-in-law, I’m looking for second brother, is he here?”


Jenny was stunned and looked up at Biden Lu.

“Why are you calling me if you want him?”

“Hey, it’s not like his phone isn’t working.”

Biden Lu sniffed and looked at his phone, not knowing when the power was off, so he put the phone aside and plugged it in to charge.


Tailor Feng then told him everything about what had come to him.

It turns out that the Forbidden Consortium’s auction, which is held every four years, will be held tomorrow night at the International Hall, and Tailor Feng asked if Biden Lu would go this year.

The auction of the Forbidden City Foundation is different from other auctions in that all the relics auctioned are national treasures, all of which ultimately belong to the state, and a portion of the proceeds from the auction will be donated to the International Red Cross.

It’s not so much an auction as it is a disguised bake sale.

This Forbidden Consortium, however, is said to have a rather mysterious background.

Jenny had heard the name by accident before, only knowing that it was one of the three great families of the world, with family power all over the world and a history of several hundred years.

And this family, it was said, had a great deal of connection with China, but what it was, she was not sure.

And this auction held by the Violet Forbidden Mission was attended by national-level figures, so naturally not just any ordinary person could go.

Chapter 395

The phone was always hands-free, so Tailor Feng’s words were heard by Jenny.

In fact, she had always been interested in this Forbidden Consortium, but she hadn’t had the opportunity to contact it before, and now that she had heard about it, she naturally wanted to go.

Most importantly, as far as she knew, the emblem of the Forbidden Consortium was a realistically shaped purple and gold flower, and she wondered if they had anything to do with K’s death.

She blinked her eyes at Biden Lu, who saw her and agreed.

The next day, the auction was held as scheduled in the International Hall.

Because it was an important occasion, Jenny wore a dark tuxedo and styled her hair, looking fairy-like.

And Biden Lu also wore a set of white suit, men with short hair sharp, wearing a suit look stiff and fallen, compared to Tailor Feng’s sense of refinement, Biden Lu gave the feeling of cold and forbidden valley owed, so that people can only watch from afar and dare not blaspheme.

Jenny took his arm and the group arrived at the International Hall on time.

There was a very tight security check at the gate, and only those with invitations were allowed in.

The four big families naturally have this qualification, and Biden Lu is even more of an exception. After passing through the security check, a very wide exhibition hall is entered, where many people have already come, not only from China, but also celebrities from various countries have gathered here.

Jenny Jing was appalled as he looked at many of the faces inside that he had only seen on the international news before.

The mind felt even more curious about this Zijin family.

It’s still early and the auction hasn’t officially started yet.

The three of them found a seat and sat down.

Jenny Jing finally couldn’t hold back his curiosity and asked, “What exactly is the background of this Zijin family?I can’t believe I’ve managed to gather so many international figures.”

Tailor Feng laughed, “You don’t know that, do you!Have you ever heard of the Gods?”

Jenny was slightly startled, “Isn’t that the surname of a former royal family?”

“It’s the former royal family,”

Jenny stayed there.

Biden Lu stroked her hair and softly said, “The Zijin Family is the descendant of the Zhuge Family, after the previous dynasty fell, the members of the Zhuge Family were scattered all over the world and formed the Zijin Consortium, which is the current Zijin Family.”

Jenny was confused, “But didn’t the book say that all of the Zhuge family died in the imperial city with the demise of the former dynasty?”

The modern history of China is a history of bloody wars, the late former dynasty, the country is very weak, foreign invasion, directly led to the demise of the former dynasty, according to history books at that time all members of the royal family were martyred.

And after the fall of the former dynasty, it was more than half a century of warlords and warlords, and the whole of Huaxia was divided.

Then, it was the birth of a hero who led his brothers to end the melee before building the prosperous and stable country it is today.

Now that I think about it, even though the country was founded only a few decades ago, it’s been over a hundred years since the previous dynasty because of the half century of chaos in between.

Biden Lu explained, “What the history books say may not be true, but in fact, at the end of the former dynasty, the rulers at the time already felt that the empire was in jeopardy.

They had tried to find a way to change, but the edifice was about to fall and could not be salvaged by individual power, so a team was dispatched at that time to leave with the then young emperor and a large number of national treasures.

That team was a secret plan, so few people knew about it, and soon the ruler at the time announced the violent death of the young emperor.

Later on, when the warlords were in chaos, rumors spread that actually when the

The young emperor of the time didn’t die, but fled abroad, but there were so many such rumors in those days that no one cared, and that’s why this bloodline was preserved.”

Jenny was simply shocked beyond words after hearing that.

And there’s a deep sense of a shattered worldview.

“And where did those people escape to then?”

“I don’t know.”It is speculated that they fled to the West via the Golden Triangle, but this has not been confirmed. In any case, they survived and established the powerful Zijin family, which is now ranked alongside the world’s three largest families in terms of economic global influence.No one will dare to underestimate them.”

Jenny left his mouth in dissatisfaction, “So what if the country is in distress but escaped with a large amount of gold and silver supplies, now that it has risen?To put it bluntly, that money might not have been so easily defeated if it had been invested in a war of resistance.”

Tailor Feng couldn’t help but interject, “You’re wrong about that, at that time in that situation, that money invested was also a drift, rather than a fish dying, it’s better to keep a glimmer of life for yourself, as the saying goes, a good death is better than a bad life, Second Brother, don’t you think so?”

Biden Lu didn’t say anything, and Jenny Jing rolled her eyes at him in a despicable manner.

“Tailor Feng, for someone like you, if the country is really in trouble, you’ll definitely be the first to be a traitor.”

Tailor Feng choked, a little unconvinced.

“How do you say that?How am I a traitor?Do you have any idea how much GDP I’ve created for our country…”

Jenny Jing smiled and said, “Was it created on a woman?The only thing I’ve heard about Feng’s GDP is that it was created by Feng’s big brother, and your second youngest is probably pissing money away into the pinhole!”

Tailor Feng blushed with anger and pointed at Jenny, unable to say a single word of rebuttal offhand.

Eventually, all that could be done was a heavy snort, “I don’t deal with women in general.”

Jenny made a face at him.

Tailor Feng gritted his teeth, “Second brother, control your woman, I’m dying of anger at her.”

Biden Lu’s lips tinted with a smile, his broad palm pressed down on Jenny Jing’s head, gently fondling it, and said in a deep voice, “Well done.”

Tailor Feng: “……..”

Ahhhhhhhh!Can someone tell him why he called these two people today?

Is he out of his mind, looking for abuse?

Jenny Jing saw that he was really pissed off and stopped teasing him, and a few people focused on waiting for the auction to start.

Because there were so many international celebrities in attendance, the infield was arranged in order of status.

Jenny Jing and the others were in the second row, and after everyone had settled into their seats, the auction soon began.

Pieces of rare treasures were on display, including artifacts, antiques, and all sorts of rare jewellery to say nothing of it.

Jenny Jing was overwhelmed by the sight of those things, and the bids for those things were naturally frighteningly high.

The only thing was, those items were all priceless, and I heard that the reason why the auction was held every four years was because most of these treasures were brought out from the Chinese Imperial Palace back then.

Although the Zhuge Clan was a former dynasty, the current Zijin Clan still held an emotional attachment to the land of Warsaw, which could be seen by the fact that the auction location was in Warsaw every year.

Jenny Jing was watching in rapt attention, Tailor Feng suddenly leaned in and said, “Little sister-in-law, there will be some private treasures auctioned off later, if you like any of them, you can ask second brother to buy them for you.”

Chapter 396

Jenny looked at him and muttered, “I can buy my own if I like.”

She’s no better now than she was before, and Starlight plus her own filming has made a lot of money.

Although it couldn’t be compared to a local tycoon like Biden Lu, he could still afford to buy something he wanted.

Biden Lu faintly hooked his lips, “Well, buy whatever you like yourself.”

Jenny was startled, turned to look at him, see his eyebrows stained smile, only then remembered that all his cards and property deeds and stocks seem to be in his hands.

In other words, he was holding all of this man’s possessions in his hands, only now he would have to take money from her if he wanted to buy her anything.

Her cheeks were not a little hot at the moment, and something in her heart was bulging and swelling with happiness.

Tailor Feng, however, didn’t know about these two and stared in surprise at the news.

“Er, you wouldn’t be so stingy, would you!Won’t even give a gift to my little sister-in-law.”

With a twinkle in his eye, he looked towards Jenny and smiled, “Little Sister-in-law, how about this!How about you introduce me to a girlfriend and I’ll buy you whatever you like?”

Jenny gave him a blank look and snorted, “I’m not so unscrupulous as to harm other girls and push people into the fire.”

Tailor Feng was furious, “How did I become a fire pit?Do you have any idea how many women up and down the country want to marry me?”

Jenny Jing laughed, “Wait until you take off the title of young master of the dude before you say that to me, I should truly admire you.”

Tailor Feng was so angry that his stomach hurt.

It was then that a lot caught her attention.

It was a white jade hairpin, snow-white and translucent, and the description said that this jade hairpin was a symbol of auspiciousness and good fortune that accompanied Madam Ruyi’s dowry more than a thousand years ago.

The hairpin, however, is indeed also called the auspicious Ruyi hairpin.

Jenny Jing wasn’t a fan of the ancient style, but for some reason, the first time he saw this hairpin, he saw it.

The starting bid for the hairpin is $300,000.

After all, it was just a piece of jewelry, and aside from the exquisite style, Madame Ruyi was not a famous big shot, so the starting bid wasn’t very high.

Biden Lu had been secretly paying attention to her appearance, and when he saw her staring at the stage without turning her eyes, he asked, “Like it?”

Jenny nodded.

The man presses the quoter.

“Lucky Ruyi Hairpin, #32 – 1 million!”

Jenny was shocked, 300,000 hairpins, and no one had even called for a million.

Pulling on the man’s sleeve meant telling him not to be so violent.

Biden Lu smiled down at her and whispered, “Someone will follow.”

Sure enough, someone in the front first row followed, “Number 16 – 1.1 million!”

“Number 32 – two million!”

“Number 16 – 2.1 million!”

“Number 32 – three million!”

“Number 16 – 3.1 million!”

“Number 32 – four million!”

“Number 16 – 4.1 million!”

“Number 32 – five million!”

“Number 16 – 5.1 million!”

Seeing that the man wanted to add more, Jenny was busy holding him down.

She had just noticed that the person in the front row bidding with them was also a woman.

If others like it, so be it!There was no need to spend five million on a hairpin, she knew Biden Lu was rich, but money wasn’t spent this way.

She even whispered, “Never mind, we’ll let her have it!”

Biden Lu looked at her, “Didn’t you like it?Five million is nothing to me.”

Jenny smiled at him, “Just a little bit like it, maybe there’s something more like it later.

We’ll see?”

At her words, the man chuckled, “Just a little like?”

“Well, really, a little.”

Jenny was afraid that he wouldn’t believe it, and even pinched his fingers to prove that this little bit was really just a little bit.

The master of ceremonies has already started bidding, “Number 16 – 5.1 million twice!”

“Number 32 – 8 million!”

As soon as that price came out, everyone turned back to the second row.

Jenny’s heart was shaken, it was too late to snatch the barker from the man’s hand.

The man’s arm reached out from behind her and wrapped around her, and all anyone could see was that it was a young couple, but because they were both touching their heads sideways, the woman’s face was still blocked by her hair, so they didn’t see what the other looked like.

Biden Lu held her hand tightly and lightly smiled, “Jenny, your husband is very rich, so as long as it’s something you like, just shoot it, don’t care about anything else, hmm?”

Jenny’s heart was warm and soft with emotion.

This touch was not because of the amount of money he spent, but because of his heart and willingness to use it to please her.

She couldn’t help but pursed her lips and whispered angrily, “You make me sound like a defeated daughter-in-law!”

“A defeated daughter-in-law is also my daughter-in-law.”

His words made her heart skip a sudden beat, and it was only then that she realized what she had said.

With a sudden blush from cheeks to ears, I fidgeted and tried to explain something, but found I had no idea how to explain it at all.

The man had released her, and by this time, the crowd had turned back, after all, it wasn’t polite to stare at someone for a long time in an occasion like this.

“32 – 8 million once! 32 – 8 million twice!…….”


A voice suddenly interrupted the emcee’s words, only it was the lady in the first row.

She stood up and asked, “Can I have a moment to talk to that gentleman over there?”

The master of ceremonies looked at her, then at Biden Lu in the second row, and finally nodded.

“Okay, five-minute pause.”

The woman turned around and came towards where Biden Lu was.

It wasn’t until she turned around completely that Jenny Jing could see her face.

I saw that it was a beautiful woman with flamboyantly beautiful features.

A dark red dress, understated yet flamboyant, with bright features, a s*xy figure, and a smile tinted at the corner of her lips, walked up to them in style.

“Hello, my name is Nalan Yang, I am the daughter of General Nalan of T. It is a pleasure to meet you.”

Biden Lu looked up at her.

“Something wrong?”

Nalan Central was slightly startled, not expecting the other party to be so cold.

After all, she was very confident in her appearance, although the man in front of her was also very handsome, and a glance at his identity temperament could tell that he was not a small person, but she thought herself polite enough to not be treated so coldly is the only thing.

But she didn’t count, and with a slight smile, she said, “Sir, I really like this jade hairpin, would you be so kind as to let me have it?”

Biden Lu said indifferently, “Sorry, in the auction house, the highest bidder wins, and most importantly… my wife likes it too.”

After saying that, hold Jenny’s hand.

Nalan Yang only seemed to see Jenny now, looking her up and down.

The first sight is stunning.

I have to say that the girl in front of me was really pretty.

A lavender dress, with delicate features and a little bit of s*xiness in its innocence, was a tour de force.

She laughed lightly, “This lady doesn’t look very old, would it be inappropriate to wear this jade hairpin?”

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