His Vengeful Ex-Wife Chapter 1751 – 1752

Read Chapter 1751 – 1752 of the novel His Vengeful Ex-Wife (Translated Version, Tang Jing Character) free.

Chapter 1751

Sakurako Sakahara couldn’t imagine why Tang Christian would appear at the door of her room at this moment. She felt that everything she did was seamless. Moreover, all the behaviors of contacting Xu Yao’s mother were directly face-to-face. It was impossible for her to leave any evidence. On the contrary, she still left Xu Yao’s mother’s handle, and she could take a bite back when she looked back.

So why, Tang Christian will be in front of her now?

Sakurako Sakurahara’s brain was running fast, thinking about what to say at this moment, “Tang Christian, I have always liked you to respect you, and I am innocent if you come to the door and get angry today…”


Tang Christian seemed to hear a joke, “Are you innocent or Ameli Su innocent?”

Sakura Sakurako’s eyes turned red all of a sudden, “You came to me for Ameli Su? Tang Christian – you opened my door like this for Ameli Su, and you didn’t save me any face!”

Thalia Xu stood on the side and did not intend to intervene. He knew that his sister had always had a ghost and wanted to become the most powerful heir to the Sakurahara family. Everything she did was indeed working hard for this, but… if she wanted to To infringe on the personal safety of others for their own benefit, he would never allow it.

“Don’t think that I can’t find out what you did. I gave Xu Yao’s mother money through the account of a distant relative, and then Xu Yao’s mother transferred the money to those little gangsters who specialize in evil ways within five minutes. Sakurako Sakura, you want this level of skill too!”

Tang Christian anger started from his heart. If Sakura Kurosawa was not present, he was afraid that he was already hitting Sakurako Sakura in front of him.

Pretending to be pitiful, innocent, pretending to be ignorant, all women in the world are in this way, don’t you know what you did, what is the real victim?

What is the real victim?

He is burdened with the harm of his mother but does not justify a word for himself. He would rather be misunderstood and abused than say something that deserves to be carried down. He has not done anything, but is willing to go for his blood relatives. Atonement personally dyed his pure white black…

It was Ameli Su who was insulted by so many people by pouring medicine in such a bad way by Sakurako Sakura.

Tang Christian stepped forward, Sakurako Sakurako took a step back, his eyes were so cold, “Are you, you really want Ameli Su to die, don’t you, huh?”

Sakurako Sakurako was frightened by Tang Christian’s murderous intent, but she couldn’t admit all of this, otherwise it would be tantamount to ruining herself. She is a member of the Sakahara clan, so she can’t let herself lose face like this, “You misunderstand Yes, I just don’t think Ameli Su is worthy of you. Although she belongs to the Su family, her mother is peaceful and indisputable. I love you Tang Christian. I think such a sinner’s daughter is not worthy of you. For your own good…”

“I need you for my good?”

Tang Christian couldn’t bear it anymore. He went up and grabbed Sakurako Sakurako’s neck, causing Sakurako Sakurako to scream. She struggled desperately. Tang Christian picked it up from the ground. The suffocation invaded her brain and nerves. A crazy alarm came from the center, she said, “Tang Christian, you have to recognize…who really loves you, who is—”

“Really? You who have never experienced anything, are you worthy to tell me all this?”

Tang Christian looked fierce, remembering to run away, swallowing all his reason, and everything he had suffered in the past swept over again, his jealous was almost bleeding, “You don’t match my past, you don’t deserve to feel sorry for me! “

Chapter 1752

Sakurako’s most unseen thing is that her contribution was totally denied. In her eyes, she did everything bad for Tang Christian. Now that Tang Christian said that she was unworthy, she seemed to be shattered in her soul. The whole person trembled, “Tang Christian…Why are you doing this to me, wouldn’t it be okay for me to get rid of Ameli Su, the sinner’s daughter for you! You don’t need to do it, I will help you, but I am for you——”

“are you crazy!”

Tang Christian only felt that the woman in front of him was unreasonable, “Sakurako Sakurahara, you have no bottom line at all. What’s more, even if there is something between Ameli Su and I, it is not your turn to intervene as an outsider. Who do you think you are?”

“Tang Christian!”

Sakurako Sakurahara actually cried, crying pitifully, “You don’t know my good intentions now, you will know later…”

Tang Christian couldn’t help but broke a rare swear word, “You are really hopeless for this crazy critic.”

Sakurahara Kurosawa, who was listening to the side, was immediately happy. Tang Christian hadn’t seen Tang Christian speak in this tone for many years. However, after he finished speaking, Sakurako Sakurako suddenly reached out and hugged Tang Christian’s waist. The movement was extremely fast. She was originally clamped by Tang Christian, and she hugged Tang Christian suddenly, as if she had sacrificed her life to death, “Tang Christian, I really love you, really, only I love you the most in this world… “

Tang Christian almost laughed. He felt that if an ordinary man had been brainwashed by words like Sakurako Sakahara, she would definitely be touched by her. He had to say that Sakurako Sakura would still study people’s hearts. Tang Christian told that he was innocent, and kept repeating that he loved him the most. No one loved him more except her. Everything she did was for his good. If Tang Christian was angry with her, it would be Sorry for her contribution.

What a self-talking and disgusting PUA.

Tang Christian squinted his eyes and smiled fiercely, and then pulled Sakurako Sakura off his body, he said, “Really? Then since I want to be responsible for my past, come.”

He grabbed Sakura Sakurako by the wrist, very hard and unrelenting, Sakura Sakurako was pleasantly surprised at first, but after seeing Tang Christian grinning, the woman’s heart suddenly cold.

Because she heard Tang Bradenyi say, “I’ll take you to see my mother.”

Go meet the Lisa Tang who came from the darkness, face her in person, and see if she, an outsider, can speak all that soundly when facing Lisa Tang!

“I hate people who give inexplicably and play a good name for me. I also like to see this kind of people jumping up and down and thinking of themselves as a role. I thought that if you say a few words like love me the most, you can borrow This is all evil, and in the end it is me who will bear everything-after all, others will say, she is for you. It is ridiculous, no one can kidnap me morally, no one.”

Tang Christian winked at Thalia Xu, meaning that he would take Sakurako Sakura with him now. Sakura Kurosawa snorted, “Are you planning to let her go face to face with Lisa Tang?”

“Yeah, since she doesn’t listen to what I said, then, Sakurako-san, who has never experienced anything but opens her mouth like a victim, can she continue to act in front of the real party?”

Tang Christian turned around and smiled at Sakurako Sakura, “Don’t be stunned when you see my mother, Sakura Sakurako. I want to hear you tell Ameli Su Kedu in front of my mother. It’s for me.”

In front of Lisa Tang? !

That… the eldest Miss Lisa Tang who was only astonished in Freinvilla back then…?

Sakurako Sakakihara’s face suddenly became extremely pale!

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