His Vengeful Ex-Wife Novel Complete Chapters

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His Vengeful Ex-Wife is available for you to read online for free. Jump to any chapter right away and start reading.

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Chapter 01 – 100 of Novel

Chapter 100 – 200 of Novel

Chapter 200 – 300 of Novel

Chapter 300 – 400 of Novel

Chapter 400 – 500 of Novel

Chapter 500 – 600 of Novel

Chapter 600 – 700 of Novel

Chapter 700 – 800 of Novel

Chapter 800 – 900 of Novel

Chapter 900 – 1000 of Novel

Chapter 1000 – 1100 of Novel

Chapters 1100 – 1200

Chapters 1200 – 1300

Chapters 1300 – 1400

Chapters 1400 – 1500

Chapters 1500 – 1600

Chapters 1600 – 1700

Chapters 1700 – 1800

Chapters 1800 – 1900

Chapters 1900 – 2000

Chapter from 2001 – 3000

2101 – 2200

His Vengeful Ex-Wife Novel Plot

The Novel is an Urban romance story (Chinese Novel). The story is about the life of a very simple and pretty girl Tang Jing.

She is deeply captivated with this person for the past five years. As she marries him, his true face starts to turn out. She finds out he has another lover.

Continue reading the novel to learn more.

37 thoughts on “His Vengeful Ex-Wife Novel Complete Chapters”

  1. The story line is good but due to trying to translate to western eyes It gets lost in translation
    I have read the ugly bride book and was able to read it well but this book is too hard to keep up with.
    Especially with your confusion with gender translation .
    Woman is her, she, female miss
    Man is him, he, Mr. Male
    And drop the surname to last when if you are going to say a full person’s name
    Christian name first surname last .
    The sentences are not flowing they are broken and scattered around.
    For example
    Wrong example
    The fox brown quick over jumped dog lazy .
    Should read
    Correct example is the following
    The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
    You really need an interpreter editor

  2. I have been patiently waiting. I hope the writer is okay and well as it’s the first time in a while that there’s no update here for 1749++
    Gb & still thank you for this beautiful novel for free. Keep it up!

  3. This is a great story, despite her suffering, Lisa is so strong and has the ability to forgive everyone who hurt her, specially Elbert. I still need to read more about how they both got back together. Please, load chapter 1341 and up so I can finish it and see what happens to Christian and Mariah Yan/ Thin Face.

  4. Please load chapter 1200-1300 very soon.. i can’t wait to read.. i am bit impulsive becoz the story is bit crazy nd intensive… nd i am liking its deeply meaning nd intensivity a lot.

  5. There’ so much painful scenes for Liza and Elbert but when they reunited there’s very little details. Please provide more detailed story regarding reconciliation. They’re the main characters in the story, how come they have a very little details on their reconciliation. The story of Han Rang and her lady partner are more detailed and clear than them.

  6. Can you please update more chapters especially towards weekends? People need to read while relaxing 😞 thank you. 🙏🏻

  7. The story seems nice but only the female lead like never experience happiness in life hope when time he meet her son then things change for them…


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