His Vengeful Ex-Wife Chapter 1863 – 1864

Read Chapter 1863 – 1864 of the novel His Vengeful Ex-Wife (Translated Version, Tang Jing Character) free.

Chapter 1863

Sakurako Sakura didn’t expect Christian to accept her after experiencing such a thing. The rejected woman was still dripping with wine on her face. She pointed to the other one and splashed herself. The wine woman yelled, “What are you, I’m talking to Christian, you dare to pour me wine?”

The woman she pointed at gave Sakurako Sakurako a contemptuous look with that expression. It was like looking at how much she had, and then said disdainfully, “You don’t really think it’s a human being, you don’t even think that Ameli Su’s is one-tenth of a thousandth, so you don’t have to dream of approaching Christian, OK? This glass of wine is poured on you because I want you to be sober and sober, don’t have those dreams all day long.”

Sakurako remembered that someone had told her, as long as she could bear to wait, Christian and Ameli Su would finish playing sooner or later, so this For a while, she just had to pretend to be generous in front of Christian, so she would be like Ameli Su.

After all, at a very early time, Ameli Su was insulted by Christian but he did not dare to speak. He gritted his teeth and carried Christian’s humiliation down. As long as Sakurako Sakurako now carries all this, then this layer of memory about Ameli Su It will be slowly covered into Sakurako Sakurahara.

In the future, Christian remembered that it was Sakura Sakurako instead of Ameli Su who was cheeky and carried everything that loved him.

“A person’s memory is too easy to change.” He said to her that day, “The memory itself can be changed. It is a reaction to the things experienced in the past. Just keep instilling other things. It will be covered. After Christian and Ameli Su broke off diplomatic relations, you only need to stay with Christian to cover Ameli Su.”

So Sakurako Sakura is very angry at this moment, and even wants to be cruel. She slapped the woman in front of her eyes, but in order to pretend to be a lady, she wiped the wine on her face in embarrassment, and said to Christian, “Tang, is this your…friend?”

“This is Huazhi, she is my comrade-in-arms.” The one

named was the woman who had just poured wine on Sakura Sakurako without hesitation. She looked at Sakura Sakurako indifferently, “You don’t deserve to know me.”

Sakura Sakurako smiled. Frozen, “Why are you so malicious to me?”

“If you can’t stand it, you are chewing your tongue behind your back, and you have to insert some pointers into the party’s affairs.” Hua Zhi also smiled, she looks a few years older than Christian, she has the charm of a mature woman, she After trimming the wavy and curly hair of PolyU, he said to Sakurako Sakurahara, “Little girl, your little tricks, my sister was already tired of playing with it at first, so don’t use it. Your brother Kurosawa will come over in a while. He will drop you off.”

After Hua Zhi turned around, Christian had nothing else to say, and left in front of her indifferently. The woman grabbed her finger, for a Ameli Su, why even a woman had to speak for Ameli Su? ?

Why is she no longer there and still have someone to speak for her?

Sakura Sakurako hated it, and she hated it too much. Christian turned his head and didn’t even look at it. It turned out that Hua Zhiling and her companion came to see his situation specially, and helped him get rid of Sakura Sakurako’s entanglement by the way.

Does Christian really disdain her?

No… the same as Ameli Su back then, Christian also viewed Ameli Su that way back then. Doesn’t this mean that she has a chance?

Sakurako Sakurahara shivered out of her bag and turned out a medicine jar, then poured out a pill, and swallowed it dry without drinking water.

She grabbed her mobile phone and made a call. A vicissitudes of silence male voice was on the other side, “Is there any progress?”

Sakurako said, panting, “Christian…seems like a new companion has appeared.”

Chapter 1864

Thinking of the girl who splashed herself with alcohol just now, Sakurako Sakurako had a hatred in her eyes. If she hadn’t retaliated against Christian just now, how could she have gone back? Save face for this bitch?

It was Christian’s side, how could there be so many such women at once or twice!

Sakurako Sakurako said by the way, “Especially there is a woman on the side who looks a little older than them. I don’t know how Christian found it, but it always feels like it’s not a fuel-efficient lamp…”

I heard Sakurako Sakura. Said, the man at the other end of the phone flicked a name in his mind, and he ticked it clearly, “Tang Weida is still capable of finding this group of people…”

Speaking of which, there are more people in his place, the man thought. After a while, Sakurako ordered, “Have you taken the medicine for you?”

Sakurako smiled and said, “Take it.” The

man on the other side exclaimed , then hung up the phone and opened his face. Computer, and then entered a name.

“You made me quite speechless.”

Walking into the basement, Hua Zhi slapped her hair and almost slapped Christian’s face. The man frowned, “What’s the matter?

” Can be entangled by that kind of stuff for so long, Christian.” Hua Zhi folded her hands on her chest and shook her head, “No wonder Ameli Su is leaving.”

Christian’s expression changed almost instantly, “How many meanings?” “

I’m telling you.” Hua Zhi handed over a piece of information, and said, “You are a person who doesn’t take the initiative to react to everything around you, but it’s just that, you don’t take the initiative, Su If Yan knows, she feels uncomfortable. In public, she rarely gets a sense of security from you.”

Hua Zhi gave Christian a meaningful look, “It’s the first time you fall in love, let me tell you, girls are thinking very much. Delicate, it’s not to blame you for not doing a good job, but it would be better if you can take care of her mood, and—”

As soon as the conversation changed, she handed over the information, “We have found the evidence and weaknesses, and we can just lie in ambush these days—”

” Go to Jammy?”

Christian grinned, “Is it necessary to get it straight? , I prepare a plan, and I will leave the day after tomorrow.”

“How do you plan to get in his mansion?” Hua Zhi waved the information in his hand. The location above was still exchanged by Ameli Su, she said, “We find someone easy Rong?”


Christian said, “Just punch in.”

That night, Ace Sen found that there seemed to be something wrong in their database. It seemed that the data in some places had been changed by someone, but it was checked. I don’t know how to check it out, and the calculated figures are all accurate…

Rubbing his eyes, Ace stared at the computer suspiciously for a long time, could it be… an illusion?

But the next second, the computer screen went black, which scared him a lot. Ace had never been hacked in his life. Just kidding, who would dare to come to the computer of someone with social status like Hei Jammy— —But this kind of thing happened right now, and it still…

“Hello.” The

hacked computer made a sound, as if someone greeted him through the computer, “Long time no see.”

This sound…

Ace let go After holding the mouse’s hand, his eyes widened in disbelief, “Christian…?”

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