His Vengeful Ex-Wife Chapter 1897 – 1898

Read Chapter 1897 – 1898 of the novel His Vengeful Ex-Wife (Translated Version, Tang Jing Character) free.

Chapter 1897

As if experiencing a torrent of violent memories, Ameli Su could no longer support her body. She could only rely on the remaining strength to resist the wall behind him, and Christian felt distressed on the ground. Before, seeing her painfully pressing on her temples, she gently lifted her from the ground.

She was so thin, so thin that Christian was a little surprised, or it might have been a long time since she had held her like this. When she lifted Ameli Su from the ground, she didn’t even have the strength to resist.

The door to the room was closed again. This time, Ameli Su lay on Christian’s bed. She shrank into a ball, and the memories that passed through her mind were the memories from her youth.

No, it shouldn’t. The memories of four or five years old should have been forgotten. Why does she remember and why she hates it.

Every slap in the face by Sarah An, she was dragged to please others, and she was forced to do things she didn’t want to do with her fierce eyes. As Sarah An’s daughter, what remained of her as a child turned out to be those that made her despair. Memories.

There is no trace of happiness, no.


Ameli Su shrank in a corner of the big bed, feeling that her brain was particularly swelling to the point of pain. There were always different voices in her body screaming and screaming, as if in her body. Several people lived, and she was about to divide her brain into pieces. Ameli Su shook her head, and said extremely painful words, “Christian…”

Christian froze, and just went outside. boil water, came to hear is the faint cries for help Ameli Su, that moment, as if the men were picked up dying person, the heart began to raced, he was anxious to go straight, “Yan Yan!”

these two Words, how long hasn’t I shouted out?

From Marriah Yan to Ameli Su, she wandered around in his world, and the response to her was always rejection, but she was like a moth leaping into the fire, trying to get closer to her only warmth.

Christian hugged her. Ameli Su couldn’t refuse Christian who was holding herself now because of the confusion in her brain. She could only close her eyes and said uncomfortably, “I’m going to breathe.”

Why is there so much in the brain? sound.

Why are there so many faces in the memory.

Who is it, who is hiding in her memory, crazily trying to rush out and come back.

Who was it, who made her unable to forget completely, and she still has to continue to haunt her.

“Do not do …… a ……”

Ameli Su did not know what they are talking about, tightly clutching her chest clothes Christian, “Do not come, I do not want …… …… I really do not want the”

release Pass her, why this world of purgatory never let her go.

However, the love in this world has never let anyone go.

Christian hugged her tightly, “If you can’t remember, don’t force yourself to remember…”

I’d rather you forget me carefree than you are tortured like this…

Christian’s eyes are red, he There is no way to imagine that it is so painful to forget a loved one.

“Stop, stop–” Ameli Su’s voice began to cry, she said indiscriminately, maybe she couldn’t even control what she should say, those words instinctively came out of her mouth.” Christian, let me go, I really…” I’m

about to die.

Christian was not reconciled, but had to be reconciled. He hugged Ameli Su and felt pain all over his body. “It was you who made me feel sad before, but now that Feng Shui turns around and you hate it, it is me.”

Chapter 1898

If the future can be foreseen, would he not indulge his malice like this at the beginning.

Now Ameli Su’s appearance is all thanks to him. Once upon a time, she was also an ordinary girl who saw his eyes shine, but it was a pity that fate had tricked them and turned them into looks like they didn’t even know each other. .

Christian patted Ameli Su lightly on the back, and he began to try to boil hot water for Ameli Su. This was something Christian never condescended to do before, but now he actually wants to try it habitually. Take care of Ameli Su.

It has changed.

He thought that he was ruthless enough and enough to withdraw from the society, but because of Ameli Su’s existence, he began to feel warm.

Losing her was too painful. The pain was so painful that Christian could not bear it for the second time. He patted Ameli Su on the back in an attempt to calm her down. Ameli Su, who was unable to resist in his arms, was stiff, and his limbs were not affected by himself. Her control was trembling, and she was clutching both temples, her eyebrows wrinkled tightly together.

Christian looked distressed, but didn’t know what to say. When all the love and hatred were burned out, the one who was left behind was the poorest.

And he is the one left behind.

Even if I hug Ameli Su so tightly now, my heart can no longer be close to her.

Ameli Su felt that she was slowly losing consciousness. From the chaos to the blankness of her brain, she seemed to have experienced a journey from heaven to hell. Too much information came in so that she could not resist, and finally turned into a bomb in her. The brain exploded, and the vague memory was filled with Christian’s face.

Christian’s voice.

Christian’s body.

Christian’s eyes hate her.

Even when she looked at Lemuel Chu, she was watching Christian through Lemuel Chu.

Why is this so.

Isn’t Lemuel Chu her boyfriend? Why is Christian’s face running through the long and hot memories.

Ameli Su choked and couldn’t get an answer. She was shocked by the information in her brain blankly. The hands holding Christian’s chest became harder and harder, as if a drowning man was holding the last straw, “Why? It’s you.”


Christian opened his mouth, wanted to speak, but didn’t know what to say, so he could only silently let Ameli Su lean on him. After a while, Ameli Su went silent suddenly, as if all the wars had died down, Christian When she looked down again, she had already closed her eyes.

Are you asleep?

Christian was startled first, and reached out to touch Ameli Su’s breath. It was much smoother than when he was emotional just now. Could it be that he was stimulated and his body activated its self-protection mechanism… Before thinking of Ameli Su, he was sleeping when he switched personality. Before and after waking up, Christian was a little relieved, slowly put her on the bed, and then tucked the quilt.

He didn’t know that he could be so gentle to others, he was always cared for by others, without him to take care of others.

And now, at this moment, looking at Ameli Su like this, Christian actually took the initiative to cover her quilt, and also helped to adjust the temperature. Now in winter, the temperature difference between day and night is big, and he is afraid that she will wake up cold in the middle of the night.

After taking a breath, Christian was about to stand up, and Ameli Su turned over. He suddenly bent over and took a closer look at the bed.

Christian found that it was only Ameli Su who had turned over, and Christian was at ease again, and when he reached the other side of the bed, he opened the quilt and lay in gently.

He hugged Ameli Su from behind, and the sound of heartbeats passed through each other. The complex contradictions in the past seemed to have disappeared at this moment, and only she and him were left in the world.

Ameli Su, do you know that for so many years, this is the most stable day for me to hold you.

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