The Poorest Rich Man Novel Chapter 1142

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Chapter 1142

“This picture belongs to our Haidong people.” Takuya only glanced at it, then took a deep breath and said, “But this is also the word passed down from the ancestors. , I have never seen Haixintu.”

“Then, how to find the specific location of Nillong Island, and how to board this island, this island seems to be floating on the sea, and only by special methods can we determine it. “

It was shown on Haixintu by chance before, but it hasn’t changed since then.” Sheldon frowned slightly and looked at Haixintu.

“Nillong Island is indeed the island where our Haidong people lived before, but it’s been too long, and I don’t know the method, but don’t worry, little brother, if you help our family like this, I will definitely do my best to help you.”

Takuya Momo With a beard, he carefully recalled everything he knew about the Haidong people and Nillong Island.

After thinking for a while, he walked to the front of the bookshelf and began to look at the books on it.

“I never knew what the Haidong people were or what the Nillong Island was, and I never heard of it at all.” Fei Xu seemed a little indigested by the side, of course she was also a little disappointed, after all, Sheldon was not here for her. , but with a purpose.

Helping her, helping the family, is just to achieve that goal. Although it is a bit excessive to think so, it is indeed the case.

“If it wasn’t for this kind of thing, I wouldn’t know.” Sheldon shook his head with a wry smile.

“This is the family history of our family. I don’t know if you can find what you need.” After a while, Takuya came back with a dusty book.

“Let me see.” Sheldon’s eyes lit up, he quickly brought the book carefully to him, and started to read page by page.

But as Sheldon flipped, the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

This is indeed a family history, but there is no useful information written on it, not even the words of Nillong Island are mentioned, and the time of the whole book has only been pushed forward for five hundred years, presumably at that time , the Haidong people have already evacuated from Nillong Island.

“Is there anything else?” Sheldon asked Xiang Takuya after reading it hastily.

“No, I only found this one, isn’t it what you’re looking for?” Takuya shook his head. Each book in this book is marked with its own content. It looks like a lot, but most of them are handed down from ancestors. The more important books, it is impossible to record things about the Haidong people and Nillong Island.

“No, it’s just a record of some things that happened in your family.” Sheldon shook his head, feeling a little frustrated.

“Then there’s nothing to do. The things that have been handed down in the family are here. I just know that I am a descendant of the Haidong people, and I heard my grandfather and father say something about Nillong Island, but I really don’t know how to find it. And board it.”

Takuya didn’t feel very good if he couldn’t help Sheldon.

“Could it be Miss Feixu’s pendant?” Guishunzi looked at Feixu. He could see from the very beginning that this was a special pendant of the Haidong people, and it stands to reason that special things are often the most useful. thing.

“This?” Upon hearing this, Fei Xu quickly took off the pendant.

“I just recognize that this thing is a special pendant of the Haidong people, but it’s not the one who found Nillong Island, it’s just a guess.”

Guishangzi shook his head and said.

“It’s okay, don’t worry, there will definitely be a way, it’s just time sooner or later.” Takuya lit a cigarette and said.

“Now I have told you about my situation, Patriarch Takuya, Miss Feixu, please don’t say it, this is about the safety of my parents and sister, if there is any accident, I will definitely not let him go. .” Sheldon clenched his fists and said lightly.

“Understood, we won’t say anything casually.” Takuya and Fei Xu both nodded.

After sitting in the secret room for a while, a few people went out together, and after a chat, Sheldon returned to his guest room, and Gui Shuanzi and Bren also followed.

Closing the door, Sheldon sat on the bed a little decadently.

I originally thought that when I arrived in the Japanese country and found the Haidong people, I would be able to unlock the secrets of Nillong Island.

But now it seems that I think it is too naive. After thousands of years, even if I find the descendants of the Haidong people, everything about the Haidong people has already been submerged in a long time, even if I still remember the identity of the ancestors, but I don’t know other things before.

“It seems that the Erye family can’t help us find Nillong Island and board it. Continuing here is likely to be a waste of time. Should I leave now, or wait?” asked quickly.

“Wait.” Sheldon took a deep breath, and now he doesn’t know what to do.

The clues that I finally figured out were broken again.

“What if I still can’t find it?” Ghost Operator continued to ask.

“Then you have to solve all the problems of the Erye family before you can leave. As the saying goes, helping people to the end, sending Buddha to the west, you can’t help half and leave.” Sheldon lit a cigarette and smoked hard. After two mouthfuls, he said.

“That’s fine, what you say is what you say.” The ghost operator could guess that Sheldon would not leave, and the reason why he asked was just to confirm.

“Why don’t we get rid of the Jinchuan family and the Hanoi family as soon as possible, so that we will have time to investigate the Nillong Island.” Bren also made suggestions on the side, knowing that Sheldon cut off the clues, he felt very uncomfortable.

“Let’s take a look.” Sheldon smiled bitterly.

Now I don’t know how my parents and sister lived on Nillong Island. This kind of enemy is really hard to live in when he is in the dark. Sheldon even wanted to pretend to be caught by the people sent by Chen Wu and bring himself to the city. Nillong Island.

But although you can land on the island, you may not be able to rescue people. Who knows what method the people on Nillong Island will use to imprison them. Hope too.

After sending the two away, Sheldon lay on the bed thinking about it.


next day, Sheldon was awakened by a knock on the door.

“Mr. Sheldon, the chairman of the Far East Consortium returned to the family with us and said he wanted to meet you.” The person outside knocked on the door and shouted in a low voice.

“Zhang Zhandong?” Sheldon rubbed his eyes, rolled over and got out of bed, put on his coat and pushed out the door.

“Yeah, if you have to come back with us, we dare not refuse him, so we can only agree. Mr. Sheldon, you should go out and meet him. If this offends us, we can’t bear the responsibility.” , it was the clan who Takuya ordered to hand over to the Far East Consortium last night. Sheldon seemed to remember that his name was Takushu.

“Take me to see it.” Thinking of Zhang Zhandong’s help so much, Sheldon couldn’t refuse.

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