The Poorest Rich Man Novel Chapter 709 – 710

Read Chapter 709 – 710 of the novel The Poorest Rich Man (Translated Version) free.

Chapter 709

On the island, there are all kinds of strange flowers growing, surrounded by mountains and deep.

When Sheldon saw this island, he knew where it was instantly.

This is the nameless island.

It is the place where the covenant of holy water is held.

Grandpa and the others, I am afraid they are already in it right now.

Sheldon’s use of this stone of destiny is also generally clear.

First of all, it will communicate with your heart. What you think in your heart, or the things you miss and doubt will be reflected here automatically.

The things about Lilla and the things about Grandpa’s Holy Water Covenant are beginning to show now.

On the Wuming Island, an upside-down white-clothed sister idol looked particularly dazzling, which made Sheldon more certain that this is the Wuming Island, the location of the legendary Holy Water Covenant.

It’s just that Sheldon waited for a long time without seeing a single figure.

Wouldn’t it, grandpa and they haven’t arrived at this place smoothly?

Sheldon was surprised.

The moment is pointing to the fallen sister in white stone statue road.

“Sister Ziyan, what does this stone statue have to do with you? Or, why did you appear on the island of the Holy Water Covenant?”

Sheldon asked through this stall.

“This island is a sealed place, it is not far from the Sea King Palace, and I, too, was crushed under the Sea King Palace by this thing!”

Luo Ziyan looked at this place calmly.

“What about the Covenant of Holy Water? It is rumored that this is an activity that has existed for a long time. The invited people are all characters whose inner strength has reached the level of a master, not a secret family like the ancient family. In fact, I have always had a doubt, even It’s the conspiracy of the Sun League. They selected a secret family like the ancient family. There are too many masters!”

Sheldon asked.

“Sheldon, in fact, the secret method family is not orthodox, because they use external forces to modify their cultivation bases, instead of relying on cultivation bases alone like the master of internal power! In comparison, the extent of utilization of the master of internal power higher!”

Luo Ziyan patiently explained:

“The covenant of holy water is actually because of a holy pool on the island, which is one of the entrances to the realm!”

Luo Ziyan said.

“The entrance to the realm? It turns out that this so-called holy water can gain eternal life, but it actually entered another dimension?”

Sheldon nodded clearly.

“Doesn’t that mean that those who entered the holy water covenant may not have died, but have been taken into another dimension?”

Sheldon suddenly realized.

“Well, the realm, every once in a while, new blood from the proper realm will be introduced to supplement the realm to maintain the existence and development of the realm! Liba, he is one of the new blood introduced!”

Luo Ziyan looked at Li overbearing.

“How does the realm exist?”

Sheldon became more curious.

“I told you that the realm is not an extra space. Similarly, it belongs to the earth, and the people in the realm are also humans. If you have to tell the difference between the two, then it is, The realm is the world inside the earth, and here is the world outside the earth!”

“Ten million years ago, there were many devastating catastrophes in the world, one after another, and one era after another ended. The era of cultivation civilization is one of them. After a few more catastrophes, the real treasure and The essence has long since disappeared. That era was the end of ancient civilization. It was also at that time that, in order to survive, that generation found a new way to survive and discovered the underground continent, that is, the realm!”

“For a very long time from now on, they will be isolated from the world. It is rumored that after this time, no humans will appear on the earth. Instead, they will be occupied by a group of alien beasts left over from the cultivation civilization. No enemy can survive the catastrophe.”

“Of course, countless years later, when humans reappeared, they also had some exchanges with the realm. For example, the realm would especially support some cultivators. Although they don’t have a foundation in their bodies, they can use external forces to help them. It also reaches a certain level of cultivation!”

Sister Zi Yan said in great detail.

Sheldon nodded: “The secret family, wouldn’t it be that way?”

Luo Ziyan nodded and smiled: “Well, Jiuluomen is actually a chess piece laid here by King Jiuluo a long time ago. It is just waiting for your appearance!”

Sheldon fell into thinking for a while.


At this time, on the other side, Li Mumu and Su Ruoxi, the girls who had been watching the scene quietly, suddenly let out a scream.

“Little Sheldon, look at it!”

The uncle’s expression also tightened surprisingly, and motioned Sheldon to look at the unnamed island that was revealed.

Because at this moment, traces of people have appeared on the Wuming Island.

Of course, this is not the main reason they scream.

The real reason is that the people who appeared on the nameless island are no longer alive, but corpses, corpses that died tragically!

They are the great masters who set out to find.

Nearly a hundred people died in a mass.

The scene was extremely tragic.

Sheldon’s eyelids jumped wildly.


He was extremely shocked, because Grandpa was in this group.

Sheldon looked at it carefully. Among them, he also saw Mo Canglong’s corpse. It seemed that he was punched through his chest with a palm. What’s strange is that his mirror appeared beside him again.

This artifact, Sheldon has been handed over to his grandfather to take care of it, how could it be returned to Mo Canglong’s hands.

And what surprised Sheldon even more was that Mo Canglong’s magic weapon had actually been shattered at this moment.

“It’s all dead!”

The uncle made a light leap and had already flown over. It was obvious that his expression was also extremely unnatural at the moment.

Without waiting for Sheldon to finish searching, the picture changes again at this moment.

And this time, it was in the underground palace.

This is where the burial of the god brother is.

Sheldon has been here and is relatively familiar with it.

Stone of Destiny, is this suggesting something to yourself?

Only seeing here, the moment is already very quiet, and there is a quiet strangeness in the silence.

What does it want to tell itself?

This place has been blocked by myself.

And this scene did not appear for a long time, and then another scene appeared.

“The Cooper Family!”

Without waiting for Sheldon to speak, the uncle jumped and said.

“Huh? Uncle, do you know where our house is?”

“Yeah!” The uncle didn’t say anything, and nodded.

It’s just that his eyes narrowed slightly, as if thoughtful.

Sheldon looked at the Cooper Family. At this moment, the feeling the Cooper Family gave to Sheldon was almost the same as the ancient tomb just now, and it was also quiet, weirdly quiet!

Similarly, Noda’s Cooper Family has no picture at this moment.

Soon, this picture dissipated, and replaced by the extremely deep and vast starry sky. In the deepest part, Sheldon saw that the super huge Sun Alliance spacecraft appeared again.

He just wandered aimlessly in the universe, like a ghost in the universe…

Chapter 710

Soon after this picture appeared, it also disappeared.

The Stone of Destiny had already reduced its light at this moment, and slowly fell back into Sheldon’s hands.

“Sister Zi Yan, what does this stone of destiny want to express in the previous scenes? Is it possible that a tragedy really happened in the covenant of holy water?”

Sheldon asked anxiously.

“Well, I think so. Obviously, those people’s holy water covenant road is not smooth, and it followed closely, showing us Lingxiao’s tomb and your family. It should be foreshadowing, these two This place is not very peaceful, it is likely that something has happened!”

Luo Ziyan said.


Sheldon was surprised.

“It shouldn’t be too late, let’s go and see!”

Sheldon hurriedly said.

“Yeah, the stone of destiny is already in your hand, Sheldon, you must keep it in good health. It plays a vital role in restoring the foundation of the road. It is up to you to have the ability to protect yourself against powerful enemies as soon as possible!”

Luo Ziyan said with concern.

“Sister Zi Yan, I understand, the most urgent thing is to see what happened to Brother Ling Xiao’s tomb and our Cooper Family. I still want to go to the Holy Water Appointment to find my grandfather. I searched hard just now but didn’t find me. Grandpa’s body!”

Sheldon frowned and said.

“it is good!”

Luo Ziyan nodded.

Everyone didn’t stay here much, and Sheldon didn’t have time to check some of the artifacts inside, and planned to seal this miracle with a formation method, and he would care about it later.

Several people came out of the tomb.

At this moment, the sky has gradually darkened.

When he was leaving the cave, Sheldon remembered one thing.

“By the way, Mu Mu Nun Ruoxi, outside the cave, it seems that a few people from the Xu family have put a very strong poison. When you were inside just now, they had already put the poison and were isolated by my formation. , I’m going out now, you can’t resist this kind of poison!”

Sheldon said carefully.

Then gently tap the fingers on the shoulders of several people.

Sealed their acupoints.

Then he took them out.

When they came out, as expected, the Xu family had already blocked the entrance of the cave.

There were nearly a hundred people, all holding guys.

Xu Wendong was even more shocked to see Sheldon and they came out alive.

“You… why are you still alive?”

Xu Wendong couldn’t help taking a step back.

On the side, there was a young man in black with a gloomy face.

Obviously, he was also extremely surprised by the few people walking out.

He couldn’t help but twitch his eyelids.

“Okay, very good. You can still come out alive after being poisoned by our Tianshan Seven Monsters. It seems that what Mr. Xu said is true. You guys really have some means. In this way, you already have The qualification is dead in my hands!”

The young man in black squinted his eyes slightly.

“Do you really think you can kill us?”

Sister Zi Yan shook her head helplessly.

“Sister Zi Yan, you don’t have to talk nonsense to these people, I’m used to it, I’m used to the self-confidence and expansion of these people!”

Sheldon smiled bitterly: “Seven Monsters in the Tianshan Mountains, I have never heard of your names, but your six elder brothers are obviously ignorant. They have already died in my hands. I think your cultivation is extremely difficult. , Like this kind of injustice, I still do less, lest I lose my life in vain like these people, wash my hands in a golden basin, go back to Tianshan to fix the chain, you are still young!”

Sheldon said bitterly to persuade each other.


“Boy, I think you are crazy. Open your eyes and take a good look. Who will end up badly?”

Xu Shuai smiled grimly.

Everyone, at this moment, has opened gun insurance and coldly aimed at Sheldon.

But the young man in black raised his hand slightly at this moment, his eyes still narrowed into a line, as if his eyes would not open.

“So, you have already admitted that you killed my six brothers?”

The youth in black hides the monarchy.

“Yes, I think this is enough to show that I can kill you in seconds. You don’t need to hit the stone with a pebble. I still have something to do and don’t want to open the killing ring. So, you go!”

Sheldon is now in a state of confusion and has no time to bother with them.

“Let’s go? Haha, I’m afraid you haven’t heard of the prestige of the Seven Monsters, I am Yinjun, different from them!

There was an evil smile at the corner of Yin Jun’s mouth. This evil made people feel like their backs were chilling.

Especially Li Mumu and the other girls, they took a step back in fear.

Sheldon also frowned, because just looking at this person’s cultivation level, he was not too high.

He could indeed kill him in seconds.

But I don’t know why, his strong self-confidence actually made Sheldon also a touch of jealousy. Could it be that he is a hidden master, and his strength is the highest among the seven monsters?

“In this way, I will meet you well. If you don’t solve you, I am afraid that even if we leave, we will continue to worry!”

Sheldon said coldly.

With that, Sheldon slightly pointed his finger.

He didn’t use his energy, but waited for this person to move first and see his way.

But he didn’t expect that he also followed Sheldon’s appearance, with his fingers slightly pointed.


Sheldon was curious.

“I said, I’m different from them!”

He saw that his voice just fell, his whole person suddenly changed suddenly, and he turned into exactly the same person as Sheldon.

It’s just that the corners of his mouth, the joking smile is more intense.

“Interesting! Your disguise is simple!”

Sheldon smiled.

“Interesting! Your disguise is simple!”

Yin Jun followed Sheldon’s tone to speak, but his jokes never changed.

“This is your skill?”

Sheldon asked.

“This is your skill?”

Yin Jun also learned to speak.

“You are so annoying!”

Sheldon frowned.

“You are so annoying!”

Yin Jun revealed a jokingly proud way.

“Then I will give a punch, do you follow me to do a punch? Or, see which one of us is better, can you imitate it!”

Sheldon shook his head. He doesn’t want to talk nonsense with him anymore.

“Then I will give a punch, do you follow me to do a punch? Or, see which one of us is better, can you imitate it!”

The hidden army said again.

At the moment, Sheldon no longer speaks, but directly punches. At this moment, Sheldon used his own strength.

But for just one point, Quan Ying seemed to be flying all over the sky.


There was a loud noise.

The surrounding sand was already cracked by the fist wind at this moment.

Outrageously blasted to the hidden army.

And Yin Jun, with a joking smile, was also ready to fist like Sheldon.

But when he saw the scene in front of him, he was instantly stunned.

“So strong!”

He was horrified.

This momentum cannot be stopped at all.

And as soon as the shadow of the fist arrived, he was locked in the Buddha.

Can’t move at all!


Countless shadows of fists instantly blasted on the hidden army.

He directly revealed his true colors, and his whole body was like a boiler exploded, bloody and bloody.

It flew out directly, like a pot of mud.

In an instant, those who are already dead cannot die again.

Before he was dying, he felt so regretful that he truly understood what kind of existence stood in front of him.

But regret it is too late!

Sheldon shook his head speechlessly, “What’s the difference? I think you seven monsters are all the same!”

And Xu Wendong and his son were already dumbfounded!

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