The Poorest Rich Man Novel Chapter 799 – 800

Read Chapter 799 – 800 of the novel The Poorest Rich Man (Translated Version) free.

Chapter 799

“Sir, what does this map say?”

Seeing Sheldon’s expression, the ghost operator couldn’t help asking.

“There are two maps in total, one showing the entrance to the realm. As for the other one, its location seems to be between the realm and the surface of the earth, and the one marked on it seems to be this Where is dollar Xin Cao!”

This is what surprised Sheldon.

According to common sense, searching for dollarxin Grass is as difficult as searching for a grain of sand in the vast ocean.

However, when Swans got these things, he really marked the location of dollarxincao.

This discovery still made Sheldon very excited.

Poor Swans, with a thousand miles of layout and organizing calculations, but he didn’t think about it. All of these have made himself a dowry, right?

It seems that Swans already knows where the dollarxincao is. With him, Swans can break through to the legendary real-life realm, and then use his Nine Turns dollarshen blessing, he can indeed cultivate to a particularly high realm. .

He just missed a step.

Even if they sacrificed the dragon-slayer formation, they were not their opponents.

No wonder he was full of unwillingness when he was dying.

“Sir?, and this thing, it looks like this is the legendary ring!”

Xiao Cangsheng took another simple ring from the side.

Sheldon saw that it was not exactly what Ziyan said, a magic weapon that existed in ancient times, Najie.

“Swans, I think I got too many good things!”

Sheldon looked through the ring carefully.

“Sir, do you know how to use this thing? I just heard about it in some ancient books!”

Laughing Cangsheng asked in doubt.

A smile appeared at the corner of Sheldon’s mouth: “How difficult is this!”

A bit of spiritual consciousness passes through it.

In an instant, the two built a bridge of communication.

There is a large space of nearly two hundred square meters in this receiving ring, and in it, Swans has placed a lot of good things.

Sheldon glanced roughly inside with spiritual sense.

Most of them are some precious medicinal materials, or even extinct medicinal materials.


When the spiritual sense moved again, he saw the ancient sheepskin scroll in his hand, turned into a light and shadow, and was accommodated in the ring.

Smile at the common people and call for good means.

And the corpse of Big Brother Ling Xiao was also absorbed into Na Jie along with Sheldon. If there is a chance in the future, we still have to hand over the body of Ling Xiao to sister Zi Yan.

“Here, I am going to use the power of the dragon blood jade pendant to set up a formation and seal it up, Master Ghost, you send the Xuanyang Palace people to take care of them!”

After the matter, Sheldon ordered.

“I know!”

“Well, during this period of time, I must first help Lilla recover her memory. She was treated with special drugs to clean up all the traces in her brain. If things go on like this, it will leave a lot of trauma to her body. So during this period, Take care of the three of you in matters of the palace!”

Cooper Family.

It is natural to clean up the Cooper Family without a leader.

And Sheldon now has the spiritual source and all the treasures that Swans has taken in.

In particular, some precious medicinal materials left by Swans were of great help in helping Lilla restore his memory.

Naturally, there was no Nanyue Kingdom to rely on in an instant, but at this moment it was anxious that the king of the north could settle in, so the Zhenlong Tower area was used as a restricted area and belonged to Xuanyang Palace.

As long as Sheldon can promise, protect the safety of South Vietnam.

For Sheldon, this is an extremely cost-effective business.

The matter of the spiritual source is naturally no small matter, and it will easily cause competition from other parties.

So in order to avoid interference, Sheldon also concealed the news.

In addition to using the spirit source by himself, Sheldon also made the spirit source into some kind of source-distributing potion to supply the Xuanyang Palace people to repair the chain.

In the blink of an eye, five years have passed in this state…

At this moment, in the territory of South Vietnam, the original location of the Zhenlong Tower has now become a castle-like building.

Outside of this building, not only are there serious illnesses guarded, but there are also strong cultivators who take care of them.

No one dared to approach within a hundred miles.

“Mister can’t come out yet?”

In the core area, outside a mysterious stone cave, there were ten elders standing on both sides.

They whispered.

And one of the old men is pacing back and forth with his hands on his back.

“I’m laughing elder, can you stop turning around, my eyes are lost when I see the old man!”

Elder Lin Jiu couldn’t help but shook his head and smiled bitterly.

The other eight people also blamed the laughing people.

Some of the remaining eight elders grew up all the way from Xuanyang Palace and followed Sheldon’s practice.

There are also strong men who turned to Sheldon in the later period.

Because in five years, there are too many strong people who have taken refuge in the king of the north.

Has already formed a scale.

And the ten elders of Xuanyang Palace also appeared from this.

He is the first-class Titan under the command of the King of the North, and his right-hand man.

“Don’t quarrel!”

At this time, an old voice sounded, and everyone immediately respected.

“Master Ghost!”

The ten elders bowed slightly.

And seeing a beautiful woman walking beside Master Ghost, these ten people were even more respectful and dare not breathe.

“Miss Su!”

The ten said again.

This beautiful woman, who else could she be if she wasn’t Lilla.

After five years of careful treatment and care by Sheldon, Lilla has recovered his previous memories.

If it hadn’t been for the past five years, the provocations by external forces have been constant, I am afraid the two have already married.

“My husband has been taking care of Ms. Su over the years. To help Ms. Su recover his memory, the two of them went back to Roston and lived for a short time for three years. Now my husband retreats for one year and practiced. On the day of leaving today, I saw that you are so imprecise. , Take care of Mr.’s anger!”

“And don’t forget, the time Miss Su was almost caught back by the people from the realm a year ago!”

The ghost operator warned.

The ten elders repeatedly said yes, panicking.

A year ago, in order to deal with many powerful enemies, Sheldon chose to retreat.

It was also at this time that the realm Qin family, instructed their large family Qin family on the surface, to come to snatch Miss Lilla.

The ten elders fought to death before leaving Miss Su.

It is already very common for some forces in the realm to send people to establish family forces on the surface to interfere with things on the earth.

And similar to Swans’s, there are not a few Chakra powers who secretly collude with the realm forces and are willing to become puppets.

These grievances, plus Lingdollar’s affairs two years ago, were still known to the rest of the forces.

Therefore, disputes have continued in recent years.


At this moment, the blue stone gate at the entrance of the underground palace suddenly trembled slightly.

Immediately afterwards, Shimen opened slowly.

Everyone fell silent.

And Lilla also looked towards Shimen with a blushing face.

I was very excited.

Mr. Sheldon… is going out!

Chapter 800


With a loud noise, the Shimen finally opened.

And Sheldon slowly walked out of it.

In five years, Sheldon’s appearance did not seem to have changed.

To talk about change, that’s also Sheldon’s temperament.

He now has the temperament of a superior.


Everyone bent over ninety degrees and bowed deeply to Sheldon.


Sheldon nodded faintly and looked at Lilla.

“Sheldon, you finally came out!” Lilla said moved.

“Yes, I have to speed up the progress of my practice, otherwise, there will be no way to deal with the repeated harassment of the Zhongluodian and the chakras!”

Cooper Family.

“Sir, your aura is extraordinary now. In this practice, you have broken through the eighth rank? Become the eighth rank chakra king?”

Xiao Cangsheng looked at Sheldon’s change, and said in surprise.

“Yes, thanks to the help of Lingdollar, I actually broke eighth rank half a year ago, but there are only eight years left, but I can’t make any further progress!”

Ninth-Rank is the highest realm in a party. It is not easy for Sheldon to reach the top. Even Sheldon wants to break through the Ninth-Rank.

Moreover, the hard cultivation in the second half of the year also made Sheldon clearly feel the difficulty of reaching the ninth rank of the wheel king realm.

Even more often, Sheldon had a demon.

I seriously doubt myself.

Because before practicing, no matter whether you break through or not, there will be some induction.

But in the process of the 8th-Rank hitting the 9th-Rank, every time the chain was repaired, it seemed like a stone sinking into the sea, with no effect at all.

Make Sheldon impatient.

Haha, I think at the beginning, Sheldon got the dollarxin Meadow Map, and planned to break through the Ninth Rank one day and look for dollarxin Grass. One day, he could reach the realm of the legendary real person.

At that time, Sheldon had the real right to speak in front of the entire Hall of Luos.

But this year’s chain repair has brought Sheldon back to reality.

It’s already so difficult to break through the Ninth Rank, there is no hope at all, let alone the legendary real person!

“Did something happen during my retreat these days?”

Sheldon asked.

At this moment, the ten elders all bowed their heads.

The ghost operator said: “Sir, a year ago, the Qin family in that realm sent someone to ask Miss Su to go back, and said, if Mr…. then…”

The ghost operator hesitated at the end.

“What more?”

Sheldon frowned.

The Qin family in the realm is exactly the Qin family that took in Lilla.

The Qin family is very powerful in the realm. These years, it has supported many forces on the earth.

If it weren’t for Swans’s secret collusion with them, I’m afraid I don’t know when I can find Lilla.

Naturally, these years, it is inevitable to have some contacts with them.

And behind the Qin family is the Sun Alliance.

It is also the place that made Sheldon jealous.

That’s why I quickly practiced.

After all, in front of them, he was still a little too weak.

“They said, if you don’t realize it anymore, it won’t be the Qin family on the surface who will deal with you, but the real master sent by the Qin family to kill Mr.

The ghost operator said truthfully.

“I know!”

Sheldon frowned.

Seeing Sheldon’s expression, the ghost operator wanted to say something, but he still swallowed the remaining words forcibly.

And Lilla lowered his head very self-blame.

Their subtle expressions still caught Sheldon’s attention.

“Are the people from Zhongluodian coming to make trouble again?”

Cooper Family.

“They often come to make trouble, and I am used to waiting!”

“What about my parents and sister?”

Sheldon frowned and asked.


The ghost operator’s face stiffened, and his face instantly turned pale.

The ten elders even bowed their heads, not even daring to breathe.

As for Lilla, two lines of tears flowed down at the moment.

Covered his mouth and started crying.

“What’s wrong? What happened?”

Sheldon snorted.

The ten elders knelt directly.

Lilla cried louder.

The ghost operator swallowed his mouth and continued:

“A year ago, we had a big battle with the Qin family on the surface. At that time, even people from the Qin family in the realm came in! We are not opponents at all. They want to take Miss Lilla and kill you, Mr., for us! Hand over the young lady in three days, otherwise you will kill the city!”

“Then what?” Sheldon’s eyes turned red.

“The Qin family in this realm ignored the agreement they had signed with Zhongluodian earlier and killed many people in the Cooper Family! Young Master Shannon had his eyes gouged out and his tongue cut off just because he argued with them!”

“Elder Lin Jiu, an arm was cut off by Shengsheng!”

Sheldon felt violent.


I thought of my god brother, who had suffered too much with himself, and now he enjoys it, but because of himself, he has become like this.

And Lin Jiu…

Sheldon looked at Lin Jiu.

Only then discovered that one of Lin Jiu’s arms was long gone.

Sheldon scratched Lin Jiu’s empty sleeves with tears in his eyes.

Looking at Lin Jiu blankly.

“Ahem, sir, don’t forget, I’m a left-handed man, my right hand was chopped off by them, but I feel more comfortable like this!”

Lin Jiu moistened his eye socket.

Sheldon choked up.

He turned his head and looked at the ghost operator coldly: “What happened later?”

“At that time, we had hidden Miss Su a long time ago. Miss Su didn’t know it. I know that they will not only capture Miss Su, but also plunder our spiritual source for the Qin family, help the Qin family, and become the northern border. King, kill you, Mr. Xuanyang! Therefore, the people of Xuanyang Palace, they died without telling them your location!”

“In order to warn Mr., they first attacked Young Master Shannon, followed by your family members. They interrupted the old lady’s legs, tied them with chains, and took Miss Alicia away. I want Miss Alicia to give them the Qin family as a cow and a horse for a hundred years!”

Said the ghost operator.

“what did you say!!!”

Sheldon roared.

Infuriated, his eyes filled with endless killing intent.

“Sir, this is all my attention. I will keep it from you for the time being, because as long as you show up, they will kill you. At that time, everything is over, everyone will be bloodbathed by the Qin family, and then they will ascend to the north Wang. Over the years, we have also made a lot of contributions to the Temple of All Luos. Although there are some contradictions, they finally couldn’t stand it. They came forward to mediate and gave us a year. After a year, you can personally treat Miss Su. Take it back and lead the death! Only then did the Cooper Family survive!”

The ghost operator knelt on the ground, crying bitterly.

Although Sheldon was furious, he also knew that this was probably the best result, otherwise he would be slaughtered by the Qin family.

When the time comes, people who will die for themselves don’t even know how many.

It’s just my sister…and my family!

Thinking of this, Sheldon clenched his fists…

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