The Poorest Rich Man Novel Chapter 829 – 830

Read Chapter 829 – 830 of the novel The Poorest Rich Man (Translated Version) free.

Chapter 829:

Ultimate Quality

“The highest quality!”

Seeing this, Pittman exclaimed immediately.

The golden light suddenly appeared, the purple gas came from the east, the white mist was lingering, and the scene was extremely spectacular.

That’s right, what Sheldon described this time is the ultimate quality.

“This. How is this possible!”

Simmon, who was standing on the side, couldn’t believe everything in front of him, and shouted with wide-eyed eyes.

Even though he didn’t believe it and there was nothing he could do, the facts were already before his eyes.

At this time, Bishop was also extremely surprised. He didn’t expect Sheldon to be able to produce the secret talisman of the highest quality. You must know that it is impossible for him to make it by himself.

“You. How did you do it?”

Bishop asked Sheldon immediately.

“Going back to Grand Master, through constant practice and exploration, I have successfully painted the golden dragon pattern of extremely precious quality before coming here!”

Sheldon immediately responded to Bishop.

Hearing Sheldon’s words, Bishop nodded in satisfaction.

“Pittman, your apprentice is really talented. From now on, he will be the Tier 1 Rune Master in my Rune Hall!”

Then Bishop first praised Pittman, and then gave Sheldon the title.

Tier 1 Rune Master, that is to say, Sheldon is now considered as a teacher-level status. This kind of honor is very precious. If you can get the title of Tier 1 Rune Master in the Talisman Hall, it is also high in the entire realm. A status symbol exists.

“Grandmaster, you.”

After Simmon listened, of course he was the first to refuse, and immediately walked out towards Bishop and wanted to say something.

Bishop naturally understood Simmon’s thoughts. Before he could say anything, he stopped and said, “Simmon, I know what you want to say. This is the case. Okay, you can leave. I There is still something to do!”

Simmon had no choice but to give up with an anger in his heart, leaving with his apprentice Zimmer.

Pittman and Sheldon, the two masters and apprentices, were also overjoyed. They felt that Simmon was really stealing the chicken and not eroding the rice. He really lifted a rock and hit him in the foot.

After leaving the Mantis Hall, Pittman smiled and praised Sheldon: “Sheldon, from now on you are also the instructor of the Mantis Hall, and you will have to go on your own in the future!”

“Master, even if I become a teacher, you are still my master!”

Sheldon looked at Pittman, preaching with firm eyes.

As the saying goes, be a teacher for one day and a father for life.

If Pittman wasn’t willing to accept him as his disciple, how could he have such a result?

Pittman heard Sheldon’s words, and his heart was warm and moved. He really did not accept the wrong apprentice.

Soon, Pittman led Sheldon to the Mantis Hall to report and received the badge of the Tier 1 Rune Master. Sheldon truly became a teacher of the Mantis Palace.

After the end, Sheldon came to Zhou’s house.

Since Zhou Nuo came last time, Sheldon has never seen Zhou Nuo come again, and doesn’t know what this little Nizi is doing in the past few days.

Now Sheldon is already a regular customer of Zhou’s family, so there will be no blockages at all.

When I came to the mansion hall, I saw Zhou Myle sitting inside and talking with the housekeeper.

“Patriarch Zhou!”

Sheldon walked in and greeted Zhou Myle respectfully.

“Sheldon is here, come on, please sit down, how are you studying at Master Pittman?”

When Zhou Myle saw Sheldon, he immediately smiled with joy and asked Sheldon with concern.

“Yo, the badge of Tier 1 Runemaster, are you already a mentor now?”

Before Sheldon could answer, Zhou Myle noticed the Tier 1 Runemaster badge on Sheldon’s chest, and immediately exclaimed again.

Of course Zhou Myle knew this badge, after all, Master Pittman also possessed the badge of Tier 2 Talisman.

“Yes, Patriarch Zhou, but I still have to thank you very much. It is you who gave me such a good opportunity to become Master Pittman’s apprentice, and only then can I have the results today!”

Sheldon is not the kind of person who knows his gratitude but does not repay him, so he naturally expressed gratitude to Zhou Myle.

“Ha ha!”

“This is such a big deal, all of this is the result of your own hard work!”

Zhou Myle also smiled and waved to Sheldon and said.

But seeing Sheldon get this result really made Zhou Myle happy, at least it made him feel that he did not help the wrong person.

“By the way, Patriarch Zhou, why didn’t you see Zhou Nuo?”

Afterwards, Sheldon asked Zhou Myle in confusion.

Usually Zhou Nuoke would be by Zhou Myle’s side, but today she was absent, which made Sheldon feel very strange.

“You said Nuo’er, she went out these few days, saying that she went to Lingshan with an expedition to look for Millennium Pearl Ginseng.

Upon hearing Sheldon’s question, Zhou Myle immediately told Sheldon.

“Millennium pearl ginseng? What is that?”

Sheldon was suspicious.

“It is an important ancient medicinal material that only grows once in a thousand years. It is more precious than ginseng!” Zhou Myle explained.

This made Sheldon a little curious, but why didn’t Zhou Nuo tell him a word, and why was Zhou Nuo interested in an ancient medicinal material? What secrets exist in this.

“Patriarch. Patriarch.”

At this moment, a family member hurriedly walked in from the door and shouted anxiously to Zhou Myle.

“What happened? So panicked?”

Zhou Myle frowned slightly and asked.

“Miss. Miss and the others. They had an accident in Lingshan. Just now I went out and heard that there was a big avalanche in Lingshan. Many pieces of snow rolled down from Lingshan. The situation is very critical!”

Jiading quickly told Zhou Myle what he had learned.

Zhou Myle was shocked after hearing this.

“You. You can’t talk nonsense!”

Zhou Myle asked in disbelief, knowing that his daughter had only just left for two days, this bad news was indeed a bit unacceptable for Zhou Myle.

As soon as the voice fell, a group of people in armor walked into the door of the Zhou family’s residence.

These people rushed into Zhou’s house quickly, and the leader was a man in a black military uniform.

“Hello, Patriarch Zhou, I am the captain of the boundary guard, and my name is Jordan. This time I am here because of an accident that happened to your eldest daughter and the expedition team in Lingshan!”

Jordan walked in front of Zhou Myle and watched Zhou Myle preaching seriously.

Zhou Myle now knows, it seems that the news is not fake, but something really happened.

Zhou Myle almost couldn’t stand still, but fortunately, the housekeeper and Ding supported him behind him, so he didn’t feel dizzy.

Sheldon on one side also had an unusually dignified expression, and immediately turned and left Zhou’s house. He knew that he was going to Lingshan and rescued Zhou Nuo himself.

After leaving Zhou’s house, Sheldonaded towards the center of the city. Of course, he had to purchase some equipment and supplies before setting off, otherwise it would be no different from going to death alone.

Chapter 830

After more than an hour of preparation, Sheldon was fully armed.

Returning to Zhou’s house again, I saw Zhou Myle was preparing to leave with Jordan and the others to the nearest camp to Lingshan.

Seeing Sheldon’s return, Zhou Myle suddenly showed an unexpected look.

He had thought that Sheldon didn’t want to take care of this matter, but now he saw Sheldon who was fully armed, and he knew that Sheldon was going to make preparations.

“Patriarch Zhou, I hope I can also rescue Zhou Nuo!”

Sheldon stared at Zhou Myle, preaching righteously.

Although he and Zhou Nuo are not the kind of boyfriend and girlfriend relationship, he regards Zhou Nuo as good friends.

Now that Zhou Nuo is facing such a dangerous situation, Sheldon certainly can’t just sit idly by, and must rescue Zhou Nuo himself.


“Patriarch Zhou, Zhou Nuo is my good friend, I won’t leave her alone!”

Zhou Myle wanted to say something, but Sheldon immediately interrupted him.

Hearing what Sheldon said, Zhou Myle felt warm in his heart, and felt that his daughter really did not misunderstand the person.

Since Sheldon can have this heart, he will naturally choose to agree.

“Captain Wang, can he also participate in this rescue mission!”

Later, Zhou Myle looked at Jordan beside him and made a request.

Jordan glanced at Sheldon, hesitated for a few seconds, then nodded and said, “Yes!”

“Thank you Captain Wang!”

Sheldon also immediately thanked Jordan. He originally thought that Jordan would refuse to agree, but now it does not seem to be the case.

Soon, a few people came to the temporary camp about a few kilometers away from Lingshan.

As the weather and environment of Lingshan became very bad, the rescue team could not get close. Therefore, for safety reasons, temporary camps could only be set up a few kilometers away.

Arriving at the temporary camp, a group of people are gathered around a table, discussing how to deal with rescue.

“Come, introduce, this is a polar exploration expert, Nguyen!”

“This is a medical expert, Hardy!”

“This is a geologist, Larson!”

When Jordan walked into the camp, he introduced several people inside.

“This is Sheldon, one of the people who went to the rescue with us this time!”

Sheldon also met a few people inside.

“I don’t know what skills are in Sheldon Brotherhood? After all, this trip to Lingshan is not so easy!”

Nguyen immediately looked at Sheldon and asked.

“I can do nothing!”

Sheldon answered indifferently.

Hearing this, Nguyen suddenly frowned and showed displeased expressions.

“Brother Sheldon, if you don’t know anything, then I don’t think you should participate in this rescue mission. We don’t have the manpower and energy to take care of you!”

Nguyen immediately reminded Sheldon, his tone was full of disdain for Sheldon.

Most of the people involved in the rescue this time have professional skills, so of course they don’t want someone who doesn’t know anything to join.

Hearing what Nguyen said, Sheldon couldn’t help but frown. He didn’t expect these people to look down on himself so much.

“Relax, I don’t need your care and help, you should take care of yourself!”

Not to be outdone, Sheldon immediately retorted Nguyen.

After speaking, Sheldon turned around and walked out. A man came to the side of the open space and sat down, packing and checking his equipment and luggage.

The three Nguyen didn’t want to pay attention to Sheldon, anyway, it would be best to have Sheldon’s words, they could not worry about Sheldon’s life and death.

Lingshan is nearly several kilometers above sea level. The higher the altitude, the lower the temperature and pressure, and the environment on the mountain is very harsh, with extreme wind and snow, and many dangers.

Therefore, this time going to Lingshan for rescue can be said to be a very risky journey.

“Everyone, as the wind at Lingshan reaches level 6 tonight and there will be a snowstorm, we will set the departure time at 7 o’clock tomorrow morning. I hope everyone will have a good rest this evening and recharge their energy!”

Soon, Jordan walked over to Sheldon and Nguyen and told them.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

As the night deepened, Sheldon leaned on his backpack alone, closing his eyes and taking a short break.

At this moment, only a sound of movement came into Sheldon’s ears.

Sheldon immediately opened his eyes and looked at the tent where the Nguyen three people were located. Only two figures sneaked out of the tent, looking very careful.

Looking through the dark night, Sheldon could see the faces of the two clearly.

Those two are not others, they are Hardy and Larson.

Seeing this scene, Sheldon couldn’t help but sneered inwardly. Unexpectedly, these two people were still taunting themselves in the afternoon, and now they are going to sneak away, which is really ridiculous.

After thinking for a while, Sheldon got up and approached the two of them quietly.

“Where are you two going?”

In the next second, Sheldon appeared behind Hardy and Larson and questioned them.

The appearance of Sheldon almost didn’t scare the two of them to death, and he sat on the ground with diplegia.

“You. You don’t sleep most of the night, it’s scary to be here!”

Hardy trembling, staring at Sheldon angrily.


“If you fall asleep, how can you see the two of you running away?”

Sheldon sneered, and then sneered in a disdainful arc.

“You. Don’t spit people, we are just going out to see the weather!”

Upon hearing Sheldon’s words, Larson and Hardy looked at each other, then pointed at Sheldon and retorted.

Don’t admit it, it’s true that dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water.


At this time, the surrounding lights lit up.

Jordan led the people and Nguyen out of the tent one after another, and they were all awakened by the movements of the three of Sheldon.

“what happened?”

Jordan walked up to the three of them, looked at Sheldon and asked them.

“Captain Wang, it seems that you have not set up guards. The two of them were trying to escape halfway, and they happened to be hit by me!”

Sheldon would not conceal it, and directly told Jordan in a playful manner.

When Jordan heard this, his face suddenly darkened.


A figure rushed up quickly and grabbed Hardy and Larson by the collars.

This person is Nguyen, and Nguyen stared at them two angrily.

“You two cowards, dare to run away, and see if I don’t teach you well!”

Nguyen roared, saying that he was about to do something with Hardy.

Fortunately, Jordan and others were blocking them. Otherwise, Hardy and the two would have to be torn apart by Nguyen. No one would have imagined this happening.

“You two tell the truth, what is going on?”

Jordan stopped Nguyen and asked Hardy and Larson coldly.

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