His Vengeful Ex-Wife Chapter 1049 – 1050

Read Chapter 1049 – 1050 of the novel His Vengeful Ex-Wife (Translated Version, Tang Jing Character) free.

Chapter 1049 I hope you can be happy.

On the day of their wedding, after Christian and Marriah Yan held hands and followed them on the red carpet, conflicts arose when they got to the stage.

Christian shook off Marriah Yan’s hand indifferently. Marriah Yan looked at Christian with a strange look.

This feeling made Christian a little uncomfortable. Why did Marriah Yan say from the heart that he didn’t see you for a while. Yes, you have grown a lot taller.

Christian sneered disdainfully, and then said, otherwise you think that the whole world is just as malnourished as you are. Well, besides the nickname of a drag oil bottle, the thin face now has a short winter melon. But Marriah Yan was not angry.

He just smiled and said, you will definitely grow tall and tall in the future, as handsome as today’s uncle groom.

Christian put his hands on his chest and raised his eyebrows.

Isn’t that necessary? You are stunned.

Christian pointed to Marriah Yan’s trimmed hair. Why I am in elementary school. Marriah Yan stepped forward sweetly and grabbed Christian’s hand. Uncle Marven Su said that he would give me a new look, so he took me to cut my hair.

Christian frowned. Your hair is naturally curly and your face tilted your head. Well, I don’t know why.

And, my eyes are different from yours.

As children grow up, the things that are different from ordinary children are gradually revealed. Marriah Yan described it in his own words, pointing to his eyes, my eyeballs are not as dark as yours. Don Wei paused.

I think black looks good.

The thin face curled his lips and didn’t like my color.

Christian murmured after realizing it, it turned out that Mommy didn’t lie to me, you are really Uncle Marven Su’s um Marriah Yan blinked, what are you talking about? Christian gave Marriah Yan a vicious look, why are you Isn’t the surname Bo just Su? Marriah Yan’s face turned pale, because I haven’t been formally adopted yet.

I don’t want Christian.

I didn’t expect that Marriah Yan would say this, a little dazed.

He said after a while, oh, that When you grow up, your last name is Su, you shouldn’t have a thin name. Or the last name is An, anyway, since you are the daughter of that bad woman Sarah An, you can’t get away.

After Christian said these words, he left Marriah Yan in place.

He ran to the backstage to look for Bryon.

Later, he ran into Bryon and Luo Fan carrying two bottles of wine. Ouch, my apprentice ran so anxiously. Where are we going to find you? Master Christian looked at the wine in Bryon’s hand. Do you want to drink, right? Han Rang gets married and we have to celebrate. Bryon smiled and said, it’s just that our identities are not convenient to show up, so we can just quarrel with them in the background. When Han Rang comes over to give us a toast, you should think about some problems to make things difficult for their newlyweds. Okay, okay, Christian’s eyes were full of excitement, and Marriah Yan came up from behind, so they just now, can they form a family in the future, can they be together forever? Luo Fan has no objection to Marriah Yan and nodded. Detour, eh.

It’s great to form a family. Marriah Yan looked back at Christian.

It was so happy to have a complete family.

Her eyes could not hide the envy and joy.

To a certain extent, Marriah Yan, like Christian, has never enjoyed a complete family since childhood, so he has such a yearning. Bryon noticed Marriah Yan’s gaze, and then reached out and pressed Marriah Yan’s forehead, stupid. Girl, you will have it in the future. Unexpectedly, Marriah Yan asked with a dull face, did you form a family with this handsome uncle to raise me? Bryon and Luo Fan crashed on the spot to recover. Bryon panicked and yelled at Marriah Yan. What I was thinking about is how to deal with Christian in a serious and honest face like Christian, I think you two are also very suitable.

Tong Yan Wuji Luo Fan also nodded solemnly, eh.

Stop making trouble, it’s not like this at all, okay, I’m not in that kind of relationship with Luo Fan, etc.

The kind of relationship I said refers to when Lisa came in, I saw Marriah Yan and Christian, both smiling and watching Bryon dancing and dancing. , Stammering while explaining, it was very funny, Lisa was so happy all of a sudden, what are you playing so happy The little girl said that I and ven are a couple. Bryon gloomily watched Lisa walk in.

Marven Su’s family, please help me.

I also think you two are a pair.

Lisa directly blocked what Bryon wanted to say next, isn’t it? Bryon gave up the explanation and struggled. Just be a couple.

Anyway, life is so long to spend with Luo Fan, the iceberg, Bryon Yuguang glanced at Luo Fan.

It seems not bad. Everything went smoothly, Christian and Marriah Yan were still the same, with a cold face, followed by a Pidian Pidian, like a small oil bottle, Christian followed Huang Yan wherever he went.

Christian, this is your little daughter-in-law.

The adults passing by all greeted Christian with a smile, Christian’s face was sulky, and there was no one.

Then a group of adults roared and laughed, boasting that other people’s children look good.

Standing together is like a pair, this is the case with the golden girl and the jade girl. Jia Qi and Han Rang wandered around, drank with a bunch of people, and came back to find Lisa in the background.

Seeing her sitting alone, holding a mobile phone, they seemed to be watching something. Why are you here alone? When Jia Qi walked up in a beautiful bridal gown, Lisa suddenly raised his head, not having time to wipe the tears on his face. Jia Qi was taken aback. What happened to Lisa who bullied you? She was playing the video repeatedly on her phone, and she was escorted into the car from the back of the night. Jia Qi was stunned.

She looked a little familiar with this figure. Elbert remembered in his mind. Only they could recognize it at a glance, and Han Rang was also stunned.

Then Lisa smiled at Jia Qi and the others, pointed to the screen, shook his head and said, Daniel Ye persuaded, but couldn’t help. When Elbert went in, Jia Qi took a breath.

The proud person of Elbert would actually be willing to accept such an ending.

He said that he owed me prison.

Lisa’s voice lowered, so he made a deal with Jammy and just went in this bastard. Jia Qi covered his mouth, he would have to go to jail for several years.

Lisa could only say, I don’t know. Jia Qi went up and hugged Lisa, I was already happy, Lisa, I also hope to see you happy.

Lisa’s chin rested on Jia Qi’s shoulder, um, I will. Everything went smoothly, Christian and Marriah Yan were still the same, with a cold face, followed by a Pi Dian Pi Dian, like a small oil bottle, Christian followed Huang Yan wherever he went.

Christian, this is your little daughter-in-law.

The adults passing by all greeted Christian with a smile, Christian’s face was sulky, and there was no one.

Then a group of adults roared and laughed, boasting that other people’s children look good.

Standing together is like a pair, this is the case with the golden girl and the jade girl. Jia Qi and Han Rang wandered around, drank with a bunch of people, and came back to find Lisa in the background.

Seeing her sitting alone, holding a mobile phone, they seemed to be watching something. Why are you here alone? When Jia Qi walked up in a beautiful bridal gown, Lisa suddenly raised his head, not having time to wipe the tears on his face. Jia Qi was taken aback. What happened to Lisa who bullied you? She was playing the video repeatedly on her phone, and she was escorted into the car from the back of the night. Jia Qi was stunned.

She looked a little familiar with this figure. Elbert remembered in his mind. Only they could recognize it at a glance, and Han Rang was also stunned.

Then Lisa smiled at Jia Qi and the others, pointed to the screen, shook his head and said, Daniel Ye persuaded, but couldn’t help. When Elbert went in, Jia Qi took a breath.

The proud person of Elbert would actually be willing to accept such an ending.

He said that he owed me prison.

Lisa’s voice lowered, so he made a deal with Jammy and just went in this bastard. Jia Qi covered his mouth, he would have to go to jail for several years.

Lisa could only say, I don’t know. Jia Qi went up and hugged Lisa, I was already happy, Lisa, I also hope to see you happy.

Lisa’s chin rested on Jia Qi’s shoulder, um, I will. Everything went smoothly, Christian and Marriah Yan were still the same, with a cold face, followed by a Pi Dian Pi Dian, like a small oil bottle, Christian followed Huang Yan wherever he went.

Christian, this is your little daughter-in-law.

The adults passing by all greeted Christian with a smile, Christian’s face was sulky, and there was no one.

Then a group of adults roared and laughed, boasting that other people’s children look good.

Standing together is like a pair, this is the case with the golden girl and the jade girl. Jia Qi and Han Rang wandered around, drank with a bunch of people, and came back to find Lisa in the background.

Seeing her sitting alone, holding a mobile phone, they seemed to be watching something. Why are you here alone? When Jia Qi walked up in a beautiful bridal gown, Lisa suddenly raised his head, not having time to wipe the tears on his face. Jia Qi was taken aback. What happened to Lisa who bullied you? She was playing the video repeatedly on her phone, and she was escorted into the car from the back of the night. Jia Qi was stunned.

She looked a little familiar with this figure. Elbert remembered in his mind. Only they could recognize it at a glance, and Han Rang was also stunned.

Then Lisa smiled at Jia Qi and the others, pointed to the screen, shook his head and said, Daniel Ye persuaded, but couldn’t help. When Elbert went in, Jia Qi took a breath.

The proud person of Elbert would actually be willing to accept such an ending.

He said that he owed me prison.

Lisa’s voice lowered, so he made a deal with Jammy and just went in this bastard. Jia Qi covered his mouth, he would have to go to jail for several years.

Lisa could only say, I don’t know. Jia Qi went up and hugged Lisa, I was already happy, Lisa, I also hope to see you happy.

Lisa’s chin rested on Jia Qi’s shoulder, um, I will. Jia Qi and Han Rang wandered around, drank with a bunch of people, and came back to find Lisa in the background.

Seeing her sitting alone, holding a mobile phone, they seemed to be watching something. Why are you here alone? When Jia Qi walked up in a beautiful bridal gown, Lisa suddenly raised his head, not having time to wipe the tears on his face. Jia Qi was taken aback. What happened to Lisa who bullied you? She was playing the video repeatedly on her phone, and she was escorted into the car from the back of the night. Jia Qi was stunned.

She looked a little familiar with this figure. Elbert remembered in his mind. Only they could recognize it at a glance, and Han Rang was also stunned.

Then Lisa smiled at Jia Qi and the others, pointed to the screen, shook his head and said, Daniel Ye persuaded, but couldn’t help. When Elbert went in, Jia Qi took a breath.

The proud person of Elbert would actually be willing to accept such an ending.

He said that he owed me prison.

Lisa’s voice lowered, so he made a deal with Jammy and just went in this bastard. Jia Qi covered his mouth, he would have to go to jail for several years.

Lisa could only say, I don’t know. Jia Qi went up and hugged Lisa, I was already happy, Lisa, I also hope to see you happy.

Lisa’s chin rested on Jia Qi’s shoulder, um, I will. Jia Qi and Han Rang wandered around, drank with a bunch of people, and came back to find Lisa in the background.

Seeing her sitting alone, holding a mobile phone, they seemed to be watching something. Why are you here alone? When Jia Qi walked up in a beautiful bridal gown, Lisa suddenly raised his head, not having time to wipe the tears on his face. Jia Qi was taken aback. What happened to Lisa who bullied you? She was playing the video repeatedly on her phone, and she was escorted into the car from the back of the night. Jia Qi was stunned.

She looked a little familiar with this figure. Elbert remembered in his mind. Only they could recognize it at a glance, and Han Rang was also stunned.

Then Lisa smiled at Jia Qi and the others, pointed to the screen, shook his head and said, Daniel Ye persuaded, but couldn’t help. When Elbert went in, Jia Qi took a breath.

The proud person of Elbert would actually be willing to accept such an ending.

He said that he owed me prison.

Lisa’s voice lowered, so he made a deal with Jammy and just went in this bastard. Jia Qi covered his mouth, he would have to go to jail for several years.

Lisa could only say, I don’t know. Jia Qi went up and hugged Lisa, I was already happy, Lisa, I also hope to see you happy.

Lisa’s chin rested on Jia Qi’s shoulder, um, I will.

He said that he owes me to jail.

Lisa’s voice lowered, so he made a deal with Jammy and just went in this bastard. Jia Qi covered his mouth, he would have to go to jail for several years.

Lisa could only say, I don’t know. Jia Qi went up and hugged Lisa, I was already happy, Lisa, I also hope to see you happy.

Lisa’s chin rested on Jia Qi’s shoulder, um, I will.

He said that he owes me to jail.

Lisa’s voice lowered, so he made a deal with Jammy and just went in this bastard. Jia Qi covered his mouth, he would have to go to jail for several years.

Lisa could only say, I don’t know. Jia Qi went up and hugged Lisa, I was already happy, Lisa, I also hope to see you happy.

Lisa’s chin rested on Jia Qi’s shoulder, um, I will.

Chapter 1050 Years torment and aging.

Everyone thought that things had passed calmly, but they never thought that what they saw was calm and calm, but someone had to bear the wind and rain for them.

Lisa took the phone back, then she cleaned up her expression and said to Jia Qi, OK, don’t worry about me. You must be beautiful to get married today.

Lisa. Jia Qi’s eyes are full of distress, I am worried that you can not hold it, it doesn’t matter.

Lisa put away the cell phone, no matter how turbulent the emotions were, it was finally put away, turned into a heart-stirring numbness, so many winds and waves have been supported before, is it still a little bit short of this, Elbert, my Lisa, the injury from you Is it almost this, the speaker’s eyes are red. Jia Qi’s wedding passed without risk, even if there were some unexpected episodes, it was still buried by time in the end. No one knows what Daniel Ye was thinking when he left alone, how painful and how heartbreaking. No one knew that Jia Qi, who saw Daniel Ye’s back, was sitting on a bench alone after everyone was gone, and after playing back the back of his departure in his head over and over again, he cried silently. Cry again. Daniel Ye, cry for you one last time. Everyone grows up in time, Lisa is, so is Christian. Jia Qi and Han Rang went on vacation abroad in the first month of their marriage, and Daniel Ye still maintained his original appearance after returning, as if nothing had happened. Only the person involved knows what a heartbreaking state is when a heart has broken.

Lisa is still waiting, waiting endlessly for a long time.

She didn’t know what she was waiting for, waiting for someone, or waiting for the return of a city.

A city that once set off stormy waves in the past may be almost submerged.

Christian grew up slowly under the support of Lisa and Braden. From the original jade-carved child to an indifferent little adult, when he put on a small suit and appeared with Lisa, his eyes always It will make adults feel incredible. Why does a child have such mature and indifferent eyes? In the past few years, there is no shortage of suitors in Lisa.

Someone always asks about Lisa, you have been here for so long, why don’t you think about others.

Lisa always smiled indifferently and didn’t explain anything else.

There were always rumors of ups and downs from the outside world, but she let the wind and rhetoric pass through her ears, and the wind and rain were as peaceful as a mountain.

Christian relied on his own ability to study directly and entered the university.

He still did not choose to go to class.

The university environment was too difficult for him to harmonize.

There were people who were very different from him in age.

He could not be with them. Communicate normally.

Lisa also worried that Christian’s autistic learning method would have a huge impact in the future, affecting his later interpersonal relationships, and causing him to communicate and predict with others in the same dimension. But when Lisa said, Christian always shook his head and said, “It’s okay, Mommy, don’t worry.

I won’t have any problems.

Having said that, Lisa could not do anything about it.

She always felt a bit tormented when she watched Christian grow up slowly and watched his eyebrows look more like a person.

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