His Vengeful Ex-Wife Chapter 669 – 670

Read Chapter 669 – 670 of the novel His Vengeful Ex-Wife (Translated Version, Tang Jing Character) free.

Chapter 669 The most difficult to shake, it is love.

The most difficult thing to shake in this world has always been love. Elbert was shocked by Jia Qi’s words.

He never thought that he would have such a great significance to Lisa, even beyond his expectation.

I originally thought that Lisa could forgive myself, and the ancestors had blessed him, and I never thought about what I was to Lisa. But in fact, even if the two parties do not want to admit it, they both have to admit that they have become part of each other’s lives, starting from the ignorant rebellious period in the high school era, to the marriage between the latter two hurting each other and the end of the road.

Love and hate, the years spanned by this period is too long, and it can even be measured by the sad word like ten years.

A person can last for several decades, but in the ten years of Lisa, he has always been consumed by Elbert. Elbert stood there, as if plunged into a long silence, his face turned sideways, his eyes were dark as late at night. When Lisa washed the bowl and came out, what she saw was Elbert and Jia Qi smoking on the balcony, each with a serious expression, as if they were having a conversation.

She knocked on the glass door, and Elbert turned around and saw She stood outside next door and compared her mouth, meaning, why are you doing Elbert and immediately pinched the cigarette out.

It happened that Lisa’s hands were still wet, and Elbert smoothly took a few napkins from the side of the coffee table and lowered it.

Said, thank you for dinner, you have to go. Ok.

Lisa didn’t hold back much, and sent it outside. Elbert changed shoes at the entrance. Jia Qi watched from behind them, inexplicably feeling that this scene was very popular in Lisa and sent her husband out to work.

She shook her head and said, goodbye.

Thanks a lot. Elbert whispered, then turned around, Lisa watched him go, Christian Ye also stood at the door with his breath, and noticed that Elbert was leaving, so she followed, putting a paw on Elbert’s knee.

It may still be reluctant to bear the night. Elbert smiled, I will see you again next week. Christian Ye howled a few times, wheezing, Elbert touched its head, behaved, stay with your mommy, stop biting things, hear me today I saw three pairs of slippers that were bitten by you. Once taught, Christianye immediately disappeared from Mr. Yuan’s vigorous appearance.

He drooped his ears and murmured a few times. Elbert smiled and knocked on his forehead. Well, he left.

Christian walked out from the inside, shouted, and waited for Elbert to pause, and saw his son standing at the other end of the hallway at the entrance.

The father and son, one large and one small, stood on the other side of the corridor, like a balance. Both ends.

Christian clenched his fists, and finally whispered. You drive on the road carefully. When these words came out, Jia Qi and Lisa were a little surprised.

Christian was the one who resisted Elbert most obviously before, and it is Christian who expresses his emotions most clearly now.

Little children have always been so straightforward. What they like and hate can always be seen in their eyes and tone.

Lisa felt a little sad.

Looking at her son and Elbert, she had to be cautious to this point. Was it her fault? Was she too cruel? Elbert heard Christian’s instructions, her expression was blank for a moment, and she recovered.

He smiled, okay.

It is enough in this life to be accepted by their mother and son at this level.

Chapter 670 is extreme in nature and wants to compensate him.

When Elbert went back to Freinvilla that night, Messy Lin played a video call to him at night, saying, the news behind Roven Fu has been found.

How to say Roven Fu and Sarah An are connected.

Messy Lin’s voice cooled down, so Sarah An’s abnormal behavior was probably the instigation of Roven Fu. Elbert sneered and raised her lips.

It seemed that she had been indulging in tranquility for too long, causing her to really feel that she could be lawless. Elbert, what do you want to do? Elbert touched her chin and made me think of something funny. My little baby Bai was wronged in Sarah An’s place.

The words were so gloomy that Messy Lin could detect a chill through the phone.

He said that if you provoke no one, you can’t provoke your wife and slave.

It’s terrible for your wife to be serious.

The next day When Elbert went to work, Messy Lin sent him the company’s quarterly report. On the other hand, Lisa also sent a rough sketch of the decoration design for Elbert to see. Elbert clicked and watched Lisa scan the manuscript into the computer and send it to him.

The pictures in his mailbox suddenly felt warm.

There is also Lisajuan’s handwriting on it, just like her people, coming and going like the wind, cold and cold.

In fact, Elbert has seen the handwriting of Lisa in several previous contracts of the company.

The remarks and key points she wrote on it are quite detailed, and they hit the nail on the nail.

Sometimes Elbert is thinking, she is a little girl.

How can she be able to carry so many responsibilities in her heart, how strong should she be able to go step by step to the present, but Elbert never thought about another possibility, at that time Lisa was able to stand up to the Bo family because she had no retreat Up.

The person who has nothing is the most terrible, because she has nothing to lose.

The blow of Elbert’s death left Lisa completely without all the back.

She either died in despair or broke out in despair, so she chose If she broke out, she wouldn’t be lost anyway.

It’s better to fight back on the narrow road.

If she fails, she has a clear conscience.

If she wins, she is worthy of Elbert’s dying jump.

At this moment, Elbert, Zheng Zai carefully looked at the sketches sent by Lisa, but the contract documents sent to him by others did not look carefully.

Messy Lin was working overtime to review the documents for Elbert.

Halfway through, Messy Lin raised his head and asked himself, why should I help Elbert review these things, shouldn’t the company’s chief executive do it? Why is the chief executive sending a nymphomaniac to Miss Tang’s manuscript? Who owns this company? Wouldn’t it go bankrupt if this continues? Messy Lin really wants to slam the pen and stand up, quit every day I wake up earlier than a chicken and go to bed later than a dog.

I have to come out to help Elbert coax Lisa on weekends.

I am even more busy helping Elbert deal with various things around Lisa.

There is no private rest time at all.

His special assistant is really at the top.

The salary is not thin enough.

At night, like a radar in his head, he detected Messy Lin’s inner Xiao Jiujiu, and turned his face to take a cold glance. You have poor opinions, and I’m under pressure recently.

Too big. Um, you read this contract for yourself, I don’t read it.

Really? Yes.

Are you sure? The bonus at the end of the month is five times.

Let me look at the contract. Elbert, all of this is my responsibility.

I love the company and you.

I coexisted and died with the Bo family. On the other side, Christian is now facing a person he particularly doesn’t want to see.

Marven Su rarely came to pick him up from school, but he brought a thin face beside him. Marriah Yan’s life by Marven Su’s side may have been pretty good.

There was flesh on her face and her eyes were clear.

It was completely different from the timid expression that she had shrunk in the corner when she saw it before.

The body was also opened, and the long, thin arms and legs were just exposed in the air because of the short-sleeved skirt. From a distance, they looked as delicate as a little princess or a doll. Especially, her blue-gray eyes.

Christian met Marriah Yan’s eyes, a little uncomfortable, and sneered, why are you also at Weiwei, Marriah Yan said he would come to play with you.

Marven Su was a little embarrassed. Marriah Yan had always wanted to have a good relationship with Christian.

After all, this was the first little brother she knew in her life, but Christian’s attitude was always cold, no matter how long. Originally, Marven Su thought that for a longer time, Christian should be able to ignore it, but he didn’t expect that Christian’s dislike of Marriah Yan had become an instinctive habit, so no matter how long the interval was, he always disliked Marriah Yan. Marriah Yan tried to talk to Christian, brother, are you still angry? I’m not the same as before. Uncle praised me for growing taller.

It has grown taller and more beautiful. But in Christian’s eyes, no matter how good his thin face was, he wouldn’t take another look.

So he looked away coldly, oh, what’s up with me Marven Su had some headaches and could only try to relieve it, but Marriah Yan wanted to make good friends with you, so I brought her here today. Can you talk about why you don’t want to play with her? Christian squinted his eyes and fought back quickly.

Her life experience made me sick. People, even disgusting and thin face, heard Christian’s words every time. Finally I can’t help it.

I haven’t stolen anything, nor have I harmed others. Why do you always accuse me of making no mistakes? You always put other people’s faults on my head. Do you think I like being Are you scolding? Christian didn’t expect Marriah Yan to talk back, and he didn’t know how to fight back for a while.

His face was immediately distorted with anger, and his beautiful eyebrows wrinkled together, just like when Elbert was angry.

Looks like, you know what you don’t know, you only know to pretend to be innocent, you are not innocent at all, you have committed many crimes, your mother is the original sin, and you are the spread of sin.

At a young age, he actually understands the term original sin.

The concept of.

Marven Su furrowed her eyebrows, but only, your reaction was a little bit overwhelming.

There is no malice in the thin face, she is different from her mother.

Christian may know this, but he still couldn’t relax his vigilance against the thin face in front of him.

In the end, the little boy chose to be silent.

After he walked away, Marven Su looked at Christian’s back and sighed, comforting the thin face with his head down. You Don’t think too much, Christian’s personality is a bit extreme, but his nature is not bad. Marriah Yan never thought that it would be so difficult for Christian to remove those prejudices from him. What my mommy did wrong, can I do anything Marriah Yan raised his head to look at Marven Su, I want to make up for my mommy.

Christian didn’t expect Marriah Yan to talk back, and even said that he didn’t know how to fight back for a while, and his face was immediately distorted in anger, his beautiful eyebrows wrinkled together, just like when Elbert was angry, you You don’t know anything, but you just pretend to be innocent. You are not innocent at all. You have committed many crimes. Your mother is the original sin, and you are the spread of sin.

At a young age, he actually understands the concept of original sin.

Marven Su furrowed her eyebrows, but only, your reaction was a little bit overwhelming.

There is no malice in the thin face, she is different from her mother.

Christian may know this, but he still couldn’t relax his vigilance against the thin face in front of him.

In the end, the little boy chose to be silent.

After he walked away, Marven Su looked at Christian’s back and sighed, comforting the thin face with his head down. You Don’t think too much, Christian’s personality is a bit extreme, but his nature is not bad. Marriah Yan never thought that it would be so difficult for Christian to remove those prejudices from him. What my mommy did wrong, can I do anything Marriah Yan raised his head to look at Marven Su, I want to make up for my mommy.

Christian didn’t expect Marriah Yan to talk back, and even said that he didn’t know how to fight back for a while, and his face was immediately distorted in anger, his beautiful eyebrows wrinkled together, just like when Elbert was angry, you You don’t know anything, but you just pretend to be innocent. You are not innocent at all. You have committed many crimes. Your mother is the original sin, and you are the spread of sin.

At a young age, he actually understands the concept of original sin.

Marven Su furrowed her eyebrows, but only, your reaction was a little bit overwhelming.

There is no malice in the thin face, she is different from her mother.

Christian may know this, but he still couldn’t relax his vigilance against the thin face in front of him.

In the end, the little boy chose to be silent.

After he walked away, Marven Su looked at Christian’s back and sighed, comforting the thin face with his head down. You Don’t think too much, Christian’s personality is a bit extreme, but his nature is not bad. Marriah Yan never thought that it would be so difficult for Christian to remove those prejudices from him. What my mommy did wrong, can I do anything Marriah Yan raised his head to look at Marven Su, I want to make up for my mommy.

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