His Vengeful Ex-Wife Chapter 1107 – 1108

Read Chapter 1107 – 1108 of the novel His Vengeful Ex-Wife (Translated Version, Tang Jing Character) free.

Chapter 1107 If she leaves, you will regret it!

Christian’s eyes were biting, and he didn’t make any rebuttal to Kendrick Su’s questioning.

He stepped forward and scanned the students who had been watching. Many people were frightened by his terrifying eyes, and one by one they shrank their necks and ran towards the teaching building. When the crowd dispersed, only Kendrick Su and Christian were left to confront each other, but the two did not confront each other for too long.

They both chose to go to the infirmary to see the situation first. When they finally reached the door, Christian’s footsteps pause.

Kendrick Su also stopped and turned around, looking back at the tall and thin young man standing there.

Christian stood in the corridor at the door, like a young emperor, with a chill on his beautiful eyebrows. Facing Kendrick Su’s dissatisfaction, he said, what you just said is very interesting, why should I help you too much? Kendrick Su took a step forward, Marriah Yan likes you so much. You don’t know why you treat her like this.

She likes me.

Christian prolongs the tone.

She likes me no matter what.

I must like her too. Did you commit a crime if you didn’t like her? It turns out that in this world, as long as you like a person, you can use your liking for that person and morally kidnap him.

Kendrick Su was too much to say anything else by Christian’s words, Christian, Even if you have your own human rights, but Marriah Yan likes you so much, you should always feel distressed. Not to mention the impact of this morning on a girl, don’t you know that this is very interesting.

Christian grinned.

He was clearly smiling, but there was no smile in his eyes.

I didn’t force her to like me.

Should I be responsible to her because she likes me? What does it have to do with me? I don’t have any blood relationship with her, and I don’t have anything to do with her.

I feel sorry for her. Why do you think she is out of space? But because of you, she has become like this.

I’ve said it countless times Christian Increased the tone, being smart is not because I forced her to like me.

If she likes me, she likes me.

If she doesn’t like me, I don’t care. During the whole process, what is it to do with me? You now come and accuse me of not being responsible to her.

I don’t like her because of her own passion. Does she have to respond to me? Does she like me or force me? Kendrick Su, my whole body is shaking, Christian, you scumbag is right.

Christian shrugged his shoulders, and gladly accepted the name of this scum.

I am indeed a scum, but unfortunately, I won’t change it.

He is even more deviant than his own father, even if he is a scumbag, so what? There are so many scum in the world, and he just depends on his ability to be a scumbag. Does his life and death have nothing to do with him? Christian stood there with his hands in his pockets, looking at Kendrick Su with no expression on his face, as if looking at a stranger. When he finished speaking, he would leave.

I have something to call Filomena Ren. You will regret this.

Kendrick Su gritted his teeth, as if he wanted to anger Christian through words.

Christian, you treat Marriah Yan like this, and sooner or later you will regret if Marriah Yan left you, then you must have left completely.

The whole world, you never want to find Her news

Chapter 1108 Finally, I don’t like you.

Christian didn’t expect to hear this from Kendrick Su’s mouth.

It was not that he had never guessed about such a future, but whenever he thought of this, he would instinctively avoid this question.

Subconsciously, perhaps Christian didn’t want this to happen. Only now, this layer of blindfolded paper was punctured by Kendrick Su, and Christian was cold all over.

He hadn’t had such a shocking feeling for a long time.

He stood there, his expression changed rapidly, but finally turned into a gloomy again.

The young man stood there with one hand in his pocket, as if the expressions of change had never appeared before, his eyebrows narrowed, and for a moment, he was willing to answer Kendrick Su’s question directly.

I will not regret it.

Christian smiled, but there seemed to be a storm hidden in his eyes.

He said that the feeling of thin face has nothing to do with me.

If she completely disappeared from my world, perhaps it would be a relief for me.

Kendrick Su lowered his head and sneered.

Tang only had a meal.

Then I saw Kendrick Su standing there and said meaningfully, but you said this yourself. Don’t regret it in the future.

Christiantong shrank and saw Kendrick Su step forward. With a light push, he opened the door of the infirmary where Marriah Yan was.

It turned out that the door of the infirmary was not closed at all, so Christian felt that a chill was spreading from the head to his feet.

Then, Marriah Yan must have heard all the words he and Kendrick Su said just now.

He vowed to talk about Marriah Yan’s life and death.

It doesn’t matter, he just rightly got rid of all the responsibilities of himself and Marriah Yan. Marriah Yan must have heard Kendrick Su walk in and saw Filomena Ren squatting on the ground, rubbing the wound on his knee for Marriah Yan. Marriah Yan’s face was weak.

Leaning on the bed, there was a band-aid on her face, which looked like Filomena Ren just put it on her.

Kendrick Su went in and asked, what’s going on with you. Outside, Kendrick Su kept silent about Marriah Yan as his sister.

He stubbornly wanted to appear next to her as a boy.

It’s okay. When Marriah Yan saw Christian, his expression visibly shrank, and even his shoulders trembled.

Such a reaction was completely certain. Marriah Yan had just heard it.

She heard Christian’s relentless and cold-blooded remarks about her.

Christian witnessed Marriah Yan’s reaction, but he felt as though he was dumb and couldn’t say anything else to explain it. But then I thought about why I had to explain why it was obvious that Marriah Yan had nothing to do with him. Why should he care about Christian taking a deep breath, followed Kendrick Su, and then saw Filomena Ren disinfecting his wounds for Marriah Yan.

He bandaged himself a layer, and when he saw Filomena Ren’s eyes being serious and distressed, Christian’s heart pierced.

He couldn’t understand Filomena Ren who showed such an expression to his thin face. But Christian didn’t show it, just frowned. Marriah Yan caught Christian frowning, thinking that he had another opinion on him, so he could only quickly say, I’m fine, you can go back first.

Kendrick Su didn’t have time to say something to comfort her thin face, Christian said in a mocking voice on the side, this bit of skin injury is nothing, I just came to see Filomena Ren, not to see you, Filomena Ren, you can go. .

Filomena Ren stood up from the ground, his eyes still falling on Marriah Yan’s body, and then he turned his head to Christian and said, No, Marriah Yan is like this, I am not relieved.

Christian frowned more severely.

If you don’t worry, she won’t die.

Say this in front of the thin face.

After speaking, Christian suddenly received the gaze from Marriah Yan.

He didn’t know why his heart trembled.

At that moment, there were some eyes that couldn’t look directly at Marriah Yan.

Christian, your words are too bad to hear. When Filomena Ren heard Christian say this, he glanced worriedly in Marriah Yan’s direction, and then he stepped forward to examine Marriah Yan’s wounds again. You can’t say that, you know Christian pursed his lips.

However, his thin face lashes trembled, as if he was about to cry.

Christian couldn’t help but verbally verbally verbally followed, and who would show his expression to show offense.

Thin Yan’s fingers clenched the sheets tightly.

Christian couldn’t understand her appearance. Every time, he made it as if he was wronged.

He even showed it in front of everyone that he didn’t even know whether his anger was because of thinness.

The face is pitiful, or because Marriah Yan’s pitiful expression made others see. Facing Christian’s irony, Marriah Yan always adopted a silent attitude.

She accepted everything silently.

Christian even felt that Marriah Yan was nothing like her biological mother in this regard.

Sarah An’s kind of cruel woman, how could she give birth to such a shameless face.

If she inherits Sarah An’s character and scheming, she can be bullied to the point where Christian thinks about it and finds it incomprehensible.

Her current character is an upgraded version of Elbert. Couldn’t Marriah Yan have anything to do with Sarah An? I think Marriah Yan is acting.

Then the boy turned around and walked out, and I was upset to see your contrived picture. Marriah Yan was struck by lightning, and the whole person froze there. When Christian left, he turned his head and looked at her condescendingly, as if watching a stray dog.

Stop acting, Marriah Yan, you appeared in In my vision, I feel sick.

I feel disgusted by being liked by you, so quickly disappear from my world. Quickly disappear from my world.

If it is said that being beaten and scolded in public just now is a fatal blow to Marriah Yan, then Christian’s words are now the last straw that crushes the camel.

She raised her head and finally appeared in those eyes that were just hazy.

At this moment, the hatred is very clear.


She hates him.

Christian was shocked by the look of Marriah Yan, but he didn’t show it.

There was a stormy sea in his heart.

As soon as he walked out, the outside was already full of people. Many people are asking, Brother Christian, are you here to see Marriah Yan, do you feel bad about her whether Marriah Yan deliberately hooks on you? Just listen.

Christian felt a knife-like gaze coming from behind, but he took a deep breath and said the hurtful words. My personal life has nothing to do with you. Of course, Marriah Yan has nothing to do with me. No one should dangle the word “Marriah Yan” in my ears, I am annoyed.

I am annoying. Marriah Yan bowed his head, at that moment, the whole inner world finally collapsed completely.

She felt that her eyes were blurred, but after the blurred, she actually laughed, even if she was still crying.

She called Christian, Christian turned around, and the crowd outside the door also looked in.

Seeing the girl crying and saying, It’s great, Christian, I can finally dislike you.

Then the boy turned around and walked out, and I was upset to see your contrived picture. Marriah Yan was struck by lightning, and the whole person froze there. When Christian left, he turned his head and looked at her condescendingly, as if watching a stray dog.

Stop acting, Marriah Yan, you appeared in In my vision, I feel sick.

I feel disgusted by being liked by you, so quickly disappear from my world. Quickly disappear from my world.

If it is said that being beaten and scolded in public just now is a fatal blow to Marriah Yan, then Christian’s words are now the last straw that crushes the camel.

She raised her head and finally appeared in those eyes that were just hazy.

At this moment, the hatred is very clear.


She hates him.

Christian was shocked by the look of Marriah Yan, but he didn’t show it.

There was a stormy sea in his heart.

As soon as he walked out, the outside was already full of people. Many people are asking, Brother Christian, are you here to see Marriah Yan, do you feel bad about her whether Marriah Yan deliberately hooks on you? Just listen.

Christian felt a knife-like gaze coming from behind, but he took a deep breath and said the hurtful words. My personal life has nothing to do with you. Of course, Marriah Yan has nothing to do with me. No one should dangle the word “Marriah Yan” in my ears, I am annoyed.

I am annoying. Marriah Yan bowed his head, at that moment, the whole inner world finally collapsed completely.

She felt that her eyes were blurred, but after the blurred, she actually laughed, even if she was still crying.

She called Christian, Christian turned around, and the crowd outside the door also looked in.

Seeing the girl crying and saying, It’s great, Christian, I can finally dislike you.

Then the boy turned around and walked out, and I was upset to see your contrived picture. Marriah Yan was struck by lightning, and the whole person froze there. When Christian left, he turned his head and looked at her condescendingly, as if watching a stray dog.

Stop acting, Marriah Yan, you appeared in In my vision, I feel sick.

I feel disgusted by being liked by you, so quickly disappear from my world. Quickly disappear from my world.

If it is said that being beaten and scolded in public just now is a fatal blow to Marriah Yan, then Christian’s words are now the last straw that crushes the camel.

She raised her head and finally appeared in those eyes that were just hazy.

At this moment, the hatred is very clear.


She hates him.

Christian was shocked by the look of Marriah Yan, but he didn’t show it.

There was a stormy sea in his heart.

As soon as he walked out, the outside was already full of people. Many people are asking, Brother Christian, are you here to see Marriah Yan, do you feel bad about her whether Marriah Yan deliberately hooks on you? Just listen.

Christian felt a knife-like gaze coming from behind, but he took a deep breath and said the hurtful words. My personal life has nothing to do with you. Of course, Marriah Yan has nothing to do with me. No one should dangle the word “Marriah Yan” in my ears, I am annoyed.

I am annoying. Marriah Yan bowed his head, at that moment, the whole inner world finally collapsed completely.

She felt that her eyes were blurred, but after the blurred, she actually laughed, even if she was still crying.

She called Christian, Christian turned around, and the crowd outside the door also looked in.

Seeing the girl crying and saying, It’s great, Christian, I can finally dislike you.

If it is said that being beaten and scolded in public just now is a fatal blow to Marriah Yan, then Christian’s words are now the last straw that crushes the camel.

She raised her head and finally appeared in those eyes that were just hazy.

At this moment, the hatred is very clear.


She hates him.

Christian was shocked by the look of Marriah Yan, but he didn’t show it.

There was a stormy sea in his heart.

As soon as he walked out, the outside was already full of people. Many people are asking, Brother Christian, are you here to see Marriah Yan, do you feel bad about her whether Marriah Yan deliberately hooks on you? Just listen.

Christian felt a knife-like gaze coming from behind, but he took a deep breath and said the hurtful words. My personal life has nothing to do with you. Of course, Marriah Yan has nothing to do with me. No one should dangle the word “Marriah Yan” in my ears, I am annoyed.

I am annoying. Marriah Yan bowed his head, at that moment, the whole inner world finally collapsed completely.

She felt that her eyes were blurred, but after the blurred, she actually laughed, even if she was still crying.

She called Christian, Christian turned around, and the crowd outside the door also looked in.

Seeing the girl crying and saying, It’s great, Christian, I can finally dislike you.

If it is said that being beaten and scolded in public just now is a fatal blow to Marriah Yan, then Christian’s words are now the last straw that crushes the camel.

She raised her head and finally appeared in those eyes that were just hazy.

At this moment, the hatred is very clear.


She hates him.

Christian was shocked by the look of Marriah Yan, but he didn’t show it.

There was a stormy sea in his heart.

As soon as he walked out, the outside was already full of people. Many people are asking, Brother Christian, are you here to see Marriah Yan, do you feel bad about her whether Marriah Yan deliberately hooks on you? Just listen.

Christian felt a knife-like gaze coming from behind, but he took a deep breath and said the hurtful words. My personal life has nothing to do with you. Of course, Marriah Yan has nothing to do with me. No one should dangle the word “Marriah Yan” in my ears, I am annoyed.

I am annoying. Marriah Yan bowed his head, at that moment, the whole inner world finally collapsed completely.

She felt that her eyes were blurred, but after the blurred, she actually laughed, even if she was still crying.

She called Christian, Christian turned around, and the crowd outside the door also looked in.

Seeing the girl crying and saying, It’s great, Christian, I can finally dislike you.

She felt that her eyes were blurred, but after the blurred, she actually laughed, even if she was still crying.

She called Christian, Christian turned around, and the crowd outside the door also looked in.

Seeing the girl crying and saying, It’s great, Christian, I can finally dislike you.

She felt that her eyes were blurred, but after the blurred, she actually laughed, even if she was still crying.

She called Christian, Christian turned around, and the crowd outside the door also looked in.

Seeing the girl crying and saying, It’s great, Christian, I can finally dislike you.

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