His Vengeful Ex-Wife Chapter 1631 – 1632

Read Chapter 1631 – 1632 of the novel His Vengeful Ex-Wife (Translated Version, Tang Jing Character) free.

Chapter 1631 said that he was wronged, it came true.

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It is the first time that Fu Shuman has been named by someone like this.

After all these years, no one has ever spoken to her in such a tone. When she was angry, she even felt a little unbelievable.

She thought what Alisha was.

The little person who didn’t know Taishan directly said disdainfully, “There are more people who know Miss Ben, but I don’t know everyone. Who are you” “You” Alisha saw Fu Shuman like this.

The eldest made a party and smiled, “You are also worthy of knowing my name. You are not worthy to give us Ameli Su shoes.

If you want to drink with her, you just tell me what you did in the wine and don’t change the subject.”

Quite difficult. Fu Shuman gritted her teeth and refused to admit it.

She admits that there are ghosts. Who would admit that she did this kind of thing simply said, “Is this Ameli Su? It’s really weird.

I obviously don’t know her. Why should I? At the risk of tarnishing his reputation, I deliberately made a glass of tampered wine for someone I didn’t know.

Ameli Su and I didn’t know each other before. May I ask what my motive was.”

Alisha almost didn’t catch his breath.

Hearing Fu Shuman said again, “Besides, who knows, the wine has been drunk, and now the reaction is true or false, only the person concerned knows that I watched her sitting there and kept silent, and she was also a special actress who was able to act on purpose. Come on, dirty water is about to spill on my head~” The implication is that Ameli Su is a white lotus at the moment, deliberately pretending to be soft, but to make everyone hostile Fu Shuman.

A few words turned things around and suddenly became Ameli Su’s fault, making everyone wonder whether Ameli Su was really uncomfortable. 178u Ameli Su squinted her eyes and smiled fiercely, “It makes sense, but since you said that you have no motive to attack me, why do you want to lead everyone to hate me? I have the motive to pretend to be weak and frame you.

Is it anymore?” Fu Shuman’s originally proud expression suddenly froze.

It may be that Ameli Su used her to excuse njhsdk’s own logic and slapped her face back.

The brain couldn’t react for a while, so she could only stammer, “Who knows?” This It means she didn’t admit that she was killed anyway.

The wine was drunk in her stomach, and there is no evidence to find out who to start. Moreover, even if it proves that the wine in the glass was mixed, Fu Shuman Man can also have countless reasons to shirk responsibility.

She can say that there are too many people and she took it wrong, or that it was adjusted by others, but the bar is noisy, and she doesn’t know what’s going on.

In this way, no evidence was obtained at all. Only Ameli Su who drank it knew that there was a problem with the glass of wine Fu Shuman gave her.

Alisha trembled with anger, “You are really insidious and cunning, who wants to marry you home, but you have lost eight lifetimes.”

As soon as he said this, Gu He on the side sprang up, “This lady is too offensive. People” Sherry Xu smiled and took Alisha over without a smile, “Your father is enough to call her father, what is it arrogant here, for girls to drink mixed wine, or it is not that the woman is malicious to the woman. Fu Shuman’s expression changed suddenly, his eyes widened and he looked at Ameli Su fiercely, “I said, I don’t know her” “Yes”, to everyone’s surprise, Ameli Su, who was still cold, suddenly dropped.

Tears, my tone trembled, as if I had suffered a great grievance, and my expression changed very quickly, but it was not embarrassing at all.

It was very real, “I know, I must be wrong, I must be somehow I drank it myself.

That glass of wine, don’t blame this young lady, she just got married, but she was snatched from our side when she proposed.

It was our fault.

I apologize to the young lady.”

I was a fool when I came out.

I explained the reasons both inside and outside the words, saying that Gu He and the others were robbed of obs. “Yes, they must have been wronged.”

“If you have no grievances and no enemies, who will wrong others? There must be something wrong with that glass of wine.”

Fu Shuman almost squirted blood out of anger.

She couldn’t wait to go up and tear Ameli Su’s pitiful face now, “What are you pretending to be, you are a white lotus?” Acting? Then I’ll show you how to do it.

So Ameli Su was scolded and cried more vigorously.

She leaned on Christian’s shoulder, as if she couldn’t think about it.

Lin Daiyu was pitiful and helpless, “Don’t talk about me, sister. Yes, I’m sorry, it must be my fault.”

The crowd around “The contrast is so obvious, do you still need to say, look at what she is crying like” Domain name: otot

Chapter 1632 Set her up first, then settle the accounts.

Fu Shuman saw that the people around him suddenly seemed to stand on Ameli Su’s side. For a moment, he was a little flustered. Everyone used to stand with her, but now they are all on the opposite side of her.

The daughter-in-law, who has never been accused of this before, suddenly turned red. Even in a noisy bar, her voice was slender and sharp, as if she was eager to prove something, trying to save the people’s heart, “I don’t have She said nonsense, she did it deliberately, just to show you–” “But my sister also said, you have no motives for me, how can I have motives for you? Then why should I act?” Ameli Su Chu Chu was pitiful, leaning on Christian, as if crying out of breath, and seeing Christian’s iceberg face almost laughed. Perceiving the details of Christian’s laugh, Ameli Su subconsciously stretched out his hand and twisted Christian’s arm severely.

The tingling made Christian almost grinning.

In order not to show it, he suddenly changed from almost laughing to violently.

The expression was even more terrifying.

He looked down at Ameli Su, who was leaning on him, suddenly a little silly. People are stupid.

He was crazy, stupid, and man split.

Ameli Su touched him, Ameli Su took the initiative to touch him, Ameli Su also screwed him! Ameli Su did not feel the ecstasy in Christian’s heart, but looked at Fu Shuman with a pale face, and then pressed her lips hard, as if to endure the uncomfortable, “Sister, I am really uncomfortable, let me… go back first.

Is it?” “Oh! What are you still asking her for! This woman is uneasy and kind!” “Yes!” “Hurry up and ask your boyfriend to take you back and see what happened!” “The girl is really poor, long To look good is to suffer. For some reason, I was troubled by a glass of wine at the side deck.

If there is something wrong with my body, I must call the police to be fair!” Hearing these comments, Fu Shuman’s face was extremely ugly, Gu He knew She couldn’t make ends meet, so she stood up and stood in front of her, looked directly into Christian’s eyes, thought about the lines, and said, “We have no grievances with you–” “I don’t know you.”

Christian interrupted him directly.

He didn’t even lift his eyelids, and his voice was indifferent, “Don’t talk to me.”

Alisha stuck her waist on the side, “Hey! This moment is the most pleasing moment for me to see you!” Sherry Xu pulled.

Alisha, “Let’s go out with Yan Yan first.

I think that glass of wine is very good, and I can tell if it smells different.

At this moment, her stomach may be uncomfortable.”

Alisha glanced at Ameli Su nervously. Even if he pretended, the gesture of gently covering his stomach would not deceive, but Alisha was so distressed that he would take Ameli Su to the hospital.

Look, as a result, she just walked up and took Ameli Su’s shoulders, and someone nearby directly hugged Ameli Su.

Ameli Su didn’t return to her senses, she crashed into a familiar embrace, which she had been thinking about for a long time, but now she embraced her easily without any hesitation.

She rubbed her face against Christian’s pajamas.

The soft texture of the fabric made Ameli Su dumbfounded, and the mixed drunkenness slowly rising from the depths of her body made her top-heavy.

Ameli Su took a deep breath and her face started to get hot. Fu Shuman pointed Ameli Su to speak, and Christian had already spoken, “I’ll take her away first.”

Alisha was anxious, “Where are you taking her?” Christian frowned and glanced at Ameli Su’s face. Obviously, after the mixed glass of powerful wine, after such a disturbance, a strong drunkenness has been reflected from her body at this moment, and Ameli Su’s pupils are no longer focused, and they are distracted, unable to grasp one. Cut off Christian’s clothes, forcibly sober back into the body.

There was a little anxiety in Christian’s tone, “First put Yan Yan in place.

Then we will settle the account.”

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